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Dear Dont Marry A Thai,

If I were you, I'd stop posting on forums and go looking for a job, earn money and feed my kids.


Sphere :o

Now that is a worthwhile suggestion. The question is ' Will he do it ' In my H.O. he won't. He's a pathogenic whinger ( and / or a serial troll )

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the bitter separation and now the revenge

the last thing you want to do is involve lawyers to get back at her

save all your money. love and energy and turn your efforts to the kids

DONT can your ex in front of the kids because when they grow up and start their own relationship they dont need emotional baggage - they will decide for themselves

let her go - get on with your life because as the fat lady said to me in the swimming pool in Da Nang

"what goes around comes around"



On the revenge side, denying a Thai a divorce is hardly anything special. She can still buy a car, I don't think that has anything to do with who you're married to. As for property, the various Dept. of Land offices I've been to, it seems their primary concern is if you're able to pay your transfer tax and business exception tax. I do recall a few questions regarding marriage, you answer, and they check a box. Done.

Name changes are a piece of cake, so much data that is still offline, plus there are always those who are more than willing to 'help out' if you just ask nicely.

Getting another marriage registered isn't a real issue either. Plenty of people simply don't bother with it nowadays.



Am I missing something here? You say you've been taken for a fool? 16 years of marriage, 3 children and she's left and that's it.

So that's it. Be thankful she's not an american wo-man as she would be getting your house as well as a real good percentage of everything you earn until the "children" are done with undergraduate studies ( which you would also pay for) and guess what, you don't pay for whatever reason you'll just have to deal with a jail cell.

So how is it you've been taken for a fool?

Mr Vietnam :o

Dear Dont Marry A Thai,

If I were you, I'd stop posting on forums and go looking for a job, earn money and feed my kids.


Sphere :o

Now that is a worthwhile suggestion. The question is ' Will he do it ' In my H.O. he won't. He's a pathogenic whinger ( and / or a serial troll )

Sounds about right.

Mr Vietnam :D


[/i]Sad to see someone is so bitter after 16 years. All the energy in the bitterness would be better focussed on the children.

Worse things have happened to some of us!


Okay, I've now changed my username from 'Don't Marry A Thai' to 'Single Dad' and would just like to say that I'm not a troll and everything I stated is true.

Someone said, why don't you get a job and feed your kids?

I've got a job!

I get up at 5:30am and prepare breakfast, make sure the kids are all washed and ready for school.

We leave our flat at 7:45am to get the older two kids to school.

The younger one goes to a different school.

After getting home about 9:20am I make the beds, vacuum carpets and wash dishes.

I have a bite of lunch around 12:00 and then head for the shops for groceries.

Then I meet the older two kids at the younger one's primary school around 3.30pm.

We all get home together around 4pm.

They start their homework which I help them with and finish at 5pm.

The kids watch TV and play their games consoles and I start cooking dinner.

We get dinner by around 6:30pm and then I have to tidy up the table and do more dishes.

At 8pm it's time for showers and all the kids are in bed by 9pm.

I have 1 hour on my own and usually watch some news on TV.

I try to get into bed before 10:30pm and then the next day repeats itself.

Saturdays and Sundays are hectic as we're all together for 2 days.

I get very little help from friends as they have their own kids.

There are not enough hours in a day!

Who's angry???


You need to end it your marriage if my wife did that to me it's over she never cared for you or the kids so do what u must and end it and take care of your children espacially if your not going to marry again

So that's it. Be thankful she's not an american wo-man as she would be getting your house as well as a real good percentage of everything you earn until the "children" are done with undergraduate studies ( which you would also pay for) and guess what, you don't pay for whatever reason you'll just have to deal with a jail cell.

So how is it you've been taken for a fool?

Mr Vietnam :o

mrvietnam, read his next post. He IS paying AND he is being responsible for his kids! Most men who are forced to pay child support are forced to because they won't take responsibility for helping raise their own children. Get a grip buddy, there is nothing wrong with requiring CHILD SUPPORT from an ex-husband. Many is the farang man who has complained on this forum about Thai men who don't support their own children.

SingleDad, it sounds to me as if you live the same life all single moms do, it's hard, but they do it because they love these kids and want them to have a good life. Being a mom and a dad is hard work but ultimately rewarding.

OK, first question, why aren't these kids doing their own chores? I was helping with the cooking and washing up by the time I was 8. I was doing my own laundry by 10.

Get these kids to help you around the house! They'll need to learn it for themselves when they move out anyway. You aren't doing them any favors by doing everything for them.

As for the wife, why do you want her involved in your life anymore? She was clearly unhappy with her life, unhappy with you and not too interested in her kids. Seems to me they will need to deal with her abandonment just as much as you need to deal with your anger. I suggest, give her the divorce, you don't need this woman in your life, and get counselling for you and your kids.


The children can be a great weight but don't lose sight of the fact that they are innocents in this.

As for questions about how can he feel cheated; he only knows what has happened in the last 16 years to keep the marriage together this long. Just a long shot guess but maybe there has been some money sent home for all of this time? It would be a horrible awakening to discover that we had been giving our heart and soul to someone that used us solely for the purpose of income with apparently no true feelings. :D

A westerner will have difficulty accepting what we would call a marriage of convenience and another culture may see as an acceptable sacrifice for their family's class enhancement.

Try to get over the hard feelings :o (difficult at least), remember the good things :D , and don’t let the children be any more hurt by this than they already are by the fact that they may never see their mother again.

:D Coffee!! :D


Single_dad,If you really do all this stuff for your kids,Then I must say that you are really a GREAT DAD.I appreciate it.Being a Mom and Dad,doing both responsibilities,is really great.

Am I missing something here? You say you've been taken for a fool? 16 years of marriage, 3 children and she's left and that's it.

So that's it. Be thankful she's not an american wo-man as she would be getting your house as well as a real good percentage of everything you earn until the "children" are done with undergraduate studies ( which you would also pay for) and guess what, you don't pay for whatever reason you'll just have to deal with a jail cell.

So how is it you've been taken for a fool?

Mr Vietnam :o

So that's it. Be thankful she's not an american wo-man as she would be getting your house as well as a real good percentage of everything you earn until the "children" are done with undergraduate studies ( which you would also pay for) and guess what, you don't pay for whatever reason you'll just have to deal with a jail cell.

Yeah, it might be better if I'm put against a wall and the firing squad is brought out!

...got to go shopping now!

Go get a job and $$ coming in, she'll come back

So you reckon it's all about $$$ then?

I used to talk to my wife quite openly about women looking for money from men and she said some women will smile until the day 'hubby' dies just to get his estate!

I got some interesting posts here which made me feel better like putting all my energy into looking after the kids. I'll do that anyway.

I've made my mind up that once the kids can look after themselves I'm going to travel again (not Thailand) maybe to Japan, Hawaii & U.S.A.

I'm 47 now so I'll be late 50's before I can do this but it will give me time to save for that.

It's never too late! Is it?


47 is old enough to start again and pick up the pieces before you retire. When you do meet someone new and they ask 'are you single' you won't want the ex-wife like a millstone around your neck. If she wants a divorce, let her have one. Later, it might cause you a lot more trouble and money to sort it out.

Dear Dont Marry A Thai,

If I were you, I'd stop posting on forums and go looking for a job, earn money and feed my kids.


Sphere :o

I went bankrupt once. Before I finally let go, I was quite sick with worry. An old man who lived behind my house was over one day talking to me and I was going on aobut how I was broke and needed money and was spending all my time worrying.

He asked me, "How much money can you make doing that?"

So my advice is go make money. Go find out what it takes to make money and focus on that.

My wife divorced be using death by cancer to get away from me!

But I have two really cool daughters and I am not dead yet, so I have hope, frequently dashed on the rocks of women who cannot see how swave and deboner me be. But I dream on and look to the next woman, cupcake, or creation of my own delusion.

I am comforted by my children who love me, though often express disappointment, and my two dogs who love me unconditionally.

I recommend you just hate her a little bit more and when you have accomplished that feat see if you can hate her even more and then see if you can perfect your hatred, get it a bit more pure, focused and cranked up just a bit more.

Then let us know how it is working for you.

I recommend you just hate her a little bit more and when you have accomplished that feat see if you can hate her even more and then see if you can perfect your hatred, get it a bit more pure, focused and cranked up just a bit more.

Then let us know how it is working for you.

Thanks for that! This is the post I'm looking for.

I'm already looking into some work from home ideas when the kids are at school. IT, eBay, web design etc.

I will do okay again and 'she' will never know anymore of my finances ever again.

Don't ever want her back just need a bit of guidance for the way forward.

You could be right about the divorce though, it could be a future problem. That one needs a bit of thought!


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