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Contraception Options?


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My fiance and i are going to be trying for a family soon and so i would like to come off the pill for 6 months before....however after much miming and embarrassing misunderstandings in various pharmacies it seems there really is no other options available other than the pill or condoms. Does anyone have a non hormone based suggestion - have searched all over Samui for the 'today' sponge but seems non existent here as seems to be the diaphram.... Any help would be EXTREMELY appreciated.

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She is in Samui hospital but she also has a clinic open early ams and late afternoons on weekdays, all day saturday, in Nathon town. She is on the main road, past the Thai Farmers Bank, opposite side of the road. Near those plastic/furniture/kitchen open air shops (just before).

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Implants are available many places but hardly suitable for this situation, she wants a non-hormonal method suitable for short-term use, implants are neither.

Sperimicides not available in Thai pharmacies as far as I know, but might be obtainable (as might a diphragm) from some of the hospitals which cater to international clientele.

If I were you, and assuming that getting pregnant sooner than planned would not be a major catostrophe, I'd opt for a periodic abstinence ("rhythm") which can be combined with condoms, i.e. instead of abstaining during the fertile period you use condoms then.

Alternatively, just use condoms throughout.

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Implants are available many places but hardly suitable for this situation, she wants a non-hormonal method suitable for short-term use, implants are neither.

Sperimicides not available in Thai pharmacies as far as I know, but might be obtainable (as might a diphragm) from some of the hospitals which cater to international clientele.

If I were you, and assuming that getting pregnant sooner than planned would not be a major catostrophe, I'd opt for a periodic abstinence ("rhythm") which can be combined with condoms, i.e. instead of abstaining during the fertile period you use condoms then.

Alternatively, just use condoms throughout.

good idea but have been diagnised as VERY fertile and want to control till ready without hormones......sponge seems perfect but but seems extremely difficult to get......hate condaoms though my man is willing......find it really affeacts my respose....

Edited by imjustagirl
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As I said, spermicides in all forms -- sponge, foam, diaphragm jelly -- not commercially available here, but might be available from one of the hospitals which cater to foreigners.

You might also think of having someone mail you some of the sponge...

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As I said, spermicides in all forms -- sponge, foam, diaphragm jelly -- not commercially available here, but might be available from one of the hospitals which cater to foreigners.

You might also think of having someone mail you some of the sponge...

thanks everyone, will go to obgyn reccomended and also make appointment with Bangkok hospitol which is probably most likely to hold farang options......if no joy then think will attempt the rythmn method (and keep fingers crossed that a joyful event doesn't happen before the wedding in July, want to fit in my dress!!! :o )

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If you do go with the "rhythm" method, I would HIGHLY recommend the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility." I got my copy at Kinokuniya in BKK some years ago. I believe there is also a website with more details if you Google the name of the book.

When done properly, the rhythm method (as it is popularly known) is just as effective as all other forms of birth control. This is the only birth control we've used and my husband and I have never had any accidental pregnancies, and both of our children were conceived during the first month of trying. The book does a great job of laying out how to keep track and you'll be more in touch than ever before with your cycle and lots of other aspects of fertility that you may have never considered before!

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Done properly it is a whole lot more reliable than when not done properly, but it is not as reliable as many other forms of contraception and it should not be used by people who would not be able to cope should an unwanted pregnancy occur.

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Contraception options seem very limited here, would have thought spermicides and cap/diaphragm would have been more available as is a cost effective solution :o

Don't quite trust rythmn method.....have opted for mini pill as seems to have a lot less side effects and a quick return to fertility when discontinued....took 15 pharmacy visits to find !!!!

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Important amendment to my previous post... I do NOT recommend the "rhythm method", but rather, the "Fertility Awareness Method"-- two very different natural approaches to birth control. (Didn't realize how distracted I was when posting that last one.)

Following are excerpts from "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" (2002, revised edition) by Toni Weschler--

"The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is a scientifically validated, natural form of contraception or pregnancy achievement. It is NOT the Rhythm Method, an antiquated and ineffective method of birth control based upon a strictly mathematical computation of the average of a woman's past cycle lenghts, with no observations to determine impending ovulation for each individual cycle.

FAM involves the daily observation of the three primary fertility signs that indicate the fertile phase surrounding ovulation: basal body temperature, cervical fluid, and cervical changes. As a method of birth control, couples choose to either abstain or use another method of contraception (i.e. condom) during the woman's fertile phase. The 1998 edition of "Contraceptive Technology" places the method failure rate of FAM at 2%, which is lower than any barrier."

Incidentally, since are going with the mini pill, I would still recommend looking into FAM since it will allow you to keep track of your cycles. And when you do come off the pill, you will know exactly when and if you are ovulating. This is nice since most women coming off of the pill will not follow the typical 28-day cycle, and so charting with the FAM method can help to achieve your pregnancy much sooner and also more accurately calculate your due date.

The official website which has more info on FAM and to download the charts to keep track is www.tcoyf.com.

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Important amendment to my previous post... I do NOT recommend the "rhythm method", but rather, the "Fertility Awareness Method"-- two very different natural approaches to birth control. (Didn't realize how distracted I was when posting that last one.)

Following are excerpts from "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" (2002, revised edition) by Toni Weschler--

"The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is a scientifically validated, natural form of contraception or pregnancy achievement. It is NOT the Rhythm Method, an antiquated and ineffective method of birth control based upon a strictly mathematical computation of the average of a woman's past cycle lenghts, with no observations to determine impending ovulation for each individual cycle.

FAM involves the daily observation of the three primary fertility signs that indicate the fertile phase surrounding ovulation: basal body temperature, cervical fluid, and cervical changes. As a method of birth control, couples choose to either abstain or use another method of contraception (i.e. condom) during the woman's fertile phase. The 1998 edition of "Contraceptive Technology" places the method failure rate of FAM at 2%, which is lower than any barrier."

Incidentally, since are going with the mini pill, I would still recommend looking into FAM since it will allow you to keep track of your cycles. And when you do come off the pill, you will know exactly when and if you are ovulating. This is nice since most women coming off of the pill will not follow the typical 28-day cycle, and so charting with the FAM method can help to achieve your pregnancy much sooner and also more accurately calculate your due date.

The official website which has more info on FAM and to download the charts to keep track is www.tcoyf.com.

Fabulous point! didn't think of that! Will defo check out the site - thanks for the top tip!

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justasgirl, far be it for a man to comment on this thread, especially one who is still single at 49 :o

1. Re your comments on condoms, have you tried the ribbed or studded ones?

2. It doesn't really suprise me that the things you seek are not readily available in Thailand. You are in a developing nation, making babies is the done thing! not preventing them. (Did you hear the Thai birth rate has dropped drastically?)

3. I am very pleased to hear you are going about the whole thing in an aware manner. Over the years, i have known of a few couples in the uk where the last (maybe 3rd) child has been, shall we say, to put it politely, only 80-90%, caused exactly by what you are trying to work around.

I wish you good luck & a trouble free pregnancy. Don't rush things.

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