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Someone (no!, there must be many) out there must have suffered the plague of barking dogs.

How have you dealt with the problem ?

Have you complained to the police, if so did they do anything (were they even interested)

Did you speak to the owner or the dog (s) was he/she/they interested ?

Any advice would be nice.

Someone (no!, there must be many) out there must have suffered the plague of barking dogs.

How have you dealt with the problem ?

Have you complained to the police, if so did they do anything (were they even interested)

Did you speak to the owner or the dog (s) was he/she/they interested ?

Any advice would be nice.

Wait till cold season's over & things will reurn to normal. Same same every year.

Someone (no!, there must be many) out there must have suffered the plague of barking dogs.

How have you dealt with the problem ?

Have you complained to the police, if so did they do anything (were they even interested)

Did you speak to the owner or the dog (s) was he/she/they interested ?

Any advice would be nice.

I just live with it, but then again for some reason I seem to be less sensitive to such sounds than many other people I know.

My neighbour on one side has a rottweiler who often serenades along whenever he picks up melodious sounds, like the Wall's ice cream truck as well as the songs from speaker cars, and my guitar playing. His wailing drives my wife crazy but I don't care. Our neighbours on the other side have chickens running around in their back yard and the rooster likes to sound off as well. I've just managed to block it out I think.

I really doubt the police would bother, as for the owner of the dog, I guess if you tell them in a nice way, they might listen, i.e. bring some fruit (cheap enough to buy) or some other small trinket as a present before you get down to business.

I've heard others complain in a more direct way with no results except for laughter and joking it away, with no change accomplished, so I don't think that will help.


I have gotten used to the barking at night by the neighbors' dogs. I have hardly barking dogs at night, while I run a boarding kennel with normally many dogs. Because the dogs sleep in their cages they are quite, as they feel safe being in there at night. The very few that are so anxious of being seperated from their owners and being in a strange environment, I take in my own house at night. That's usually enough to also keep them quiet and at peace.

Don't think police will be of much help. You might try the municipality, who usually is in charge of noise and other polution problems. You can also try the neighbors, although some won't listen whatsoever.


I have gotten used to the barking at night by the neighbors' dogs. I have hardly barking dogs at night, while I run a boarding kennel with normally many dogs. Because the dogs sleep in their cages they are quite, as they feel safe being in there at night. The very few that are so anxious of being seperated from their owners and being in a strange environment, I take in my own house at night. That's usually enough to also keep them quiet and at peace.

Don't think police will be of much help. You might try the municipality, who usually is in charge of noise and other polution problems. You can also try the neighbors, although some won't listen whatsoever.


After years of living in Thailand I could now sleep through a nuclear holocaust because I am so used to the noise. It isn't just the dogs, it is the cockrels (they crow all day and night unlike the Hollywood versions) and in the wet season - the frogs. None of it disturbs my sleep anymore.In fact, the last time I visited the UK I couldn't sleep at night because of the total silence at night. Truly.

However, at this time of the year I do notice the dogs barking more and because I'm so used to it I find I'm able to ignore it and somehow my mind shuts it out and I can sleep. I think that because I don't get bothered by it I'm more able to ignore it. All the same, it may be bothering the neighbours even though they've never complained (which doesn't surprise me).

The question to our resident expert is - what can you do to stop them barking? I've told them numerous times to stop it (in English and Thai) but that doesn't seem to work. Is keeping them indoors at night the only answer. By the way, I have 5 dogs - not my idea. I'd rather have stuck with one.



, There is a small device call the ear plug . - Dog usually don't Bark alone .. meaning is really like a social thing for them to Bark at each other or when there is some kinda action going on .

Here is your Option .

you can MOVE ?

YOu can Learn to get used to it .

You can go offer 100,000 to buy His Dog and cook it for BBQ

You can . relocated your bedroom . , some room muffer sound better .

You can COnstruct a SOund proof Room

YOu can Buy a 10 Rai land .. - and stay in the center - ANd put up a NO Dog sign . ( Kill on sight )


you can get a Pair of simple ear plug .

Illegal option .

Dope the DOG

YOU know both you and the DOg have this problem ( you hate his barking - he enjoy barkin while you sleep ) .. so best is you solve it yourself or together .


An easy, if not exactly cheap, method..

A couple of years ago I internet-ordered an ultrasound device called Bark Stop and went almost immediately from being driven crazy by my neighbor's dogs that were 'recreational barkers' to no problem with barking dogs whatsoever.

Used 3-4 times for fifteen minutes each and a dog is trained. No muss or fuss, totally silent to humans, the neighbors don't even know that you are training their dog. If a couple of houses away, the battery-operated unit can be put in a bicycle or motorbike basket and parked across the street from them for only fifteen minutes. I know from the reaction of my dog that it is not uncomfortable for them, it only interrupts the pattern/habit for a couple of seconds. You can set the number of barks that set it off, sensitivity and volume and it only activates for about 2 seconds at a time.

I know that it is natural for a dog to bark (before anyone starts on me), but there is no need for recreational barking; it is simply noise. I don't use it when they are protecting their territory or letting their owners know that someone is at or in their yard or other times when their barking is natural and appropriate. I love dogs and this is the kindest and most effective training device I have ever found.

Feel free to PM me if you need more info or simply Google Viatek Bark Stop.


I've never used the Bark Stop device, but from Dustoff's experience it seems to work. It is up to the individual if you are willing to get out of your bed a couple of times in order to train those dogs that are a bit further away from the house.

I never really looked it up whether this device is dog-friendly or not.

For keeping your own dogs quiet at night, IME having them convined at night is the best solution, whether that's in a room in the house, in your bed room or in a cage (provided that fresh air can come in but not draught and rain), that doesn't really matter. As long as the dog feels safe. A dog just doesn't feel safe to sleep in the wide open at night. Even those dogs that are loose in the night will find a safe spot underneath or behind something when going to sleep.

During New Year I stayed at home and during Loi Kratong my workers (bless them!) stayed untill I came home, because with the enormous fireworks during those celebrations the dogs went basurk when loose in their kennels. Once I had them in their cages they were silent, even when the big bangs went off. A small confinement feels like a den for them, which is so much needed for their sense of safety.



I have four dogs, all sterilized and well-behaved so they generally only bark at intruders.

But my neighbor has 3 yappy poodles that she keeps in her house. The balcony door is always open so they come out and bark at everyone that goes past the house. I don't mind a woof every now and then but these bloody poodles are yapping at all hours of the day and night.

How much was this contraption Dustoff? Sounds appealing.

I've never used the Bark Stop device, but from Dustoff's experience it seems to work. It is up to the individual if you are willing to get out of your bed a couple of times in order to train those dogs that are a bit further away from the house.


No need Nienke it's a "bark activated" device same as a lot of micro recorders...You can set the number of barks that set it off, sensitivity and volume and it only activates for about 2 seconds at a time.

Just place it under a bush near the offending pooch :o and go to sleep!


Just looked up the bark stop Viatek and it sounds pretty good. Does anyone have any idea what it does to cats if they are in the same area? By the way they have 2 models 69.99 and $49.99 the differnce being one is a indoor model and the otheer outdoor. Sounds good if it dosent drive my cat up the wall.

I have four dogs, all sterilized and well-behaved so they generally only bark at intruders.

But my neighbor has 3 yappy poodles that she keeps in her house. The balcony door is always open so they come out and bark at everyone that goes past the house. I don't mind a woof every now and then but these bloody poodles are yapping at all hours of the day and night.

How much was this contraption Dustoff? Sounds appealing.

My neighbor also has 4 small, white, yappy, neurotic poodles. Why is it always poodles? A breed characteristic or does it say something about their master?

Maybe this would be a good topic for the pet forum/


You think poodles are bad. My neighbour had a miniature pinscher, that was bad.

It passed away last year. Was I sorry? I'm afraid not. :o

Blissfully quiet ever since the sad day!

If it was near our fence the noise was really bad and never ending. My Golden Retriever used to lay down with her paws over her ears !


Sorry but I cannot resist this...

This is Thailand and Frogs, Dogs, Buzzing insects & Karaoke are natural as far as I am concerned.

They were all here before we were ( being quite general here bearing in mind the oldest member on this forum is probably under 100 years of age ) and just like the rest of civilisation makes a nuisance of itself to its neighbours, these will upset a few.

Get tinnitus and you will be glad of some light relief. Personally Winters here is hellish for me as the nights are quieter and the tinnitus comes to the surface easier.




My wife uses firecrackers when ours, or the neighbors dogs start barking. A couple loud bangs and it gets very quiet, also works to keep them away from your property during the daylight hours. Saying that she also is quite vocal while throwing firecrackers, so take your pick of cures.

Sorry but I cannot resist this...

This is Thailand and Frogs, Dogs, Buzzing insects & Karaoke are natural as far as I am concerned.

They were all here before we were ( being quite general here bearing in mind the oldest member on this forum is probably under 100 years of age ) and just like the rest of civilisation makes a nuisance of itself to its neighbours, these will upset a few.

Get tinnitus and you will be glad of some light relief. Personally Winters here is hellish for me as the nights are quieter and the tinnitus comes to the surface easier.



Ally, I've lived here longer than the woman with the darn poodles. Normal dogs barking, frogs, chickens, roosters, even the "Whoo Whoo" bird are not a problem for me. Loud boat engines, loud motorbikes, thai boxing trucks, not an issue.

But those darn poodles are doing my head in. :o

$122.25 send to Thailand via UPS

That sounds about right - I just back-checked and in Aug of 06 I paid $126 total for the outdoor model (which is actually quite water resistant and still works very well on the original batteries) but I also had them send me the collar one in case I needed it for my own dog or to lend to a neighbor.

The only prob I had was they sent it via the US postal service and it was damaged and inop on arrival. I am sure that Viatek learned from that one as I made them send me a replacement via courier at their expense.

This thread has gone about as I expected - from buzzing chickens to barking frogs to Karaoke insects to some guy who I suspect has a wife who controls him with loud bangs... We should all be so lucky... :D

Trust me, I have no vested interest in this company, just very impressed with the effectiveness of the device. Dunno about cats but my dog notices the pulses but does not display any discomfort whatsoever.

And, speaking of PooDoo's, the ones just down the street from me were a pair of little PooFuzzies that never shut up and the difference is simply amazing. The way I use the device is to issue a short, loud hiss just before I turn it on. After just a few times of using the device, it now only takes going to the door and hissing (serpentine kinda guy that I am) for them to clam up immediately including the PooDoo's down the road.

And Ally, thanks for your input but we are not trying to change nature here, just slightly train a domesticated animal and I have to say that they seem the happier for it. The dog next door and the PooDoo's down the street fall over each other to greet me when I walk down the street and the neighbors just don't get why.

Like any worthwhile woman, dogs appreciate discipline and training...

LMFAO - if that is not a troll, I don't know what is... :o


I am returning to the US for 3 months in February and plan to bring a suitcase full of bark stops back with me (one for every fence post around the house). Actually The house we have here in CM is surrounded by College professors and such and it is almost too quiet but as much as I hate barking dogs I plan on being prepared!


Thanks for the suggestions folks.

I had a look at the Bark Stop and with a range of 50 feet (US of A is still in the dinosaur age) it might not do the job.

I ain't gonna move Ta22, as before that happens the dog in question will be in the dog cemetery. I know it's not the dogs fault but it's gonna stop one way or another.

And I am not a dog hater but I do believe that noise is just another infringement (when it occurs) on my environment.

No different 'plain & simple' than poor air quality (from burning off) etc., etc.

Thanks again...........

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