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Gf's And Std's


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Somebody with a modicum of sense......how refreshing.

If she is a gogo-girl, then usually they have six monthly checkups anyway if they are from one of the tourist places. Just ask to see the results of the last one.....you will understand cos theyall use English mnemonics like HIV HEPB etc.)

If she is not you can get it done at any hospital (I think last time it cost me about 2000 THB for blood and swab tests and it took 3 days to get the results).

Don't stand on ceremony. They very rarely get offended (unless they already know they have something). Normally they are quite happy to prove to you (or more importantly, themselves) that they are clean! But do it together, there is very little excuse they can proffer if you also get tested to "prove to her" that you are clean also.

My last one asked me why we needed to be tested and I replied........

"To make sure our babies don't look like your sister!" :o

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If she is a gogo-girl, then usually they have six monthly checkups anyway if they are from one of the tourist places.

Really???????????? I think 6 months will be a figment of your imagination .... it will be a lot more regular than that!! At least one and maybe twice a month!! (I hope)

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Have any of you long termers tried to get a potential GF to go to the Dr to be chwecked for STD's? Any Luck? I know it maybe stupid with a lot of butterflies around but at least it could be a safe starting point.

Sure did! Very frustrating first night though, waiting for the results the next day. Then... wahaaaay! :o

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Just for your info in order to avoid another VICTIM

A test is not enough, after the first (NEGATIVE) test she ha to repeat once again after 5-6 months to be 100% sure she is really clean

HIV takes from 3 to 6 months to be detected by the blood test as well as Ephatit C (the worst one).

Of course you also have to be sure that your GF is not dating anyone else in the meantime .....

ps. many BG shows tests (NEGATIVE) to some clients, remember that some of them get those tests from friends which scan & print the test without even meeting the girl. Beware!! If you want to be sure go to a big hospital with her and get the test personally after 3 days.

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> Really???????????? I think 6 months will be a figment of your

> imagination .... it will be a lot more regular than that!! At least one and

> maybe twice a month!!

I hope that was sarcasm....

(FIY, a health test is a requirement for a work permit, and the last time I went to get one the doctor asked "Shall I just give you the statement or do you want an actual check/test?")

So... that's for a FORMAL, LEGAL requirement. Now for an INFORMAL, SEMI LEGAL, SEMI UNDERGROUND, SHADY environment like a gogo bar..

Again, I hope and frankly expect you were just joking with that reply and I'm just not awake yet. :o



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the only thing gogo bar girls are tested for by law is yabba :o Dont forget that prostitution is illegal in thailand so the gogo bar has no commitment to make sure its product is clean....

some disco and bars (the good ones) impose a monthly test to the girls, accepting to have the test on a quarterly base.

But most of those tests are FAKE (because it's cheaper and quicker, and if they are sick they do need to work anyway).

When a girl is known to be sick she will be removed from the bar (the good ones) and join a lower level where no tests are required, never and ever.

When they get sick (HIV) they believe that this was the destiny, but medicines are very expensive and they don't want to loose their face not sending money home for the sick Bufalo, so they keep working. They don't care for the client since what they're dieing for was a gift from a client and they have no problem in returning that gift back.


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A couple of years ago, after a one month protected, monogamous relationship, my GF asked me if both of us could have a test. We did and negative.

That was a very scary thing waiting for the results. I knew I hadn't been pure as the driven snow in the past 10 years. When was last time you were tested?

:o Coffee!!! :D

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Have any of you long termers tried to get a potential GF to go to the Dr to be chwecked for STD's? Any Luck? I know it maybe stupid with a lot of butterflies around but at least it could be a safe starting point.

if you are suspicious enough of her to want to get her checked over then ask yourself whether she is really the sort of girl you should be dating?

anyway just to be on the safe side it's best to get them tested every month cos they have can quite quickly fall back into bad habits :o .. but by then it'll probably be too late cos you'l have got it already...

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if you are suspicious enough of her to want to get her checked over then ask yourself whether she is really the sort of girl you should be dating?

Thanks all. As for me, being a cancer survivor I get checked for everything known to man, frequently L. But I think it is irresponsible for anyone not in a long term monagamous relationship to ride along without being tested. Thats part of the big problem with the spread of STD's, especially HIV, some people still have the attitude that "it can't happen to me". Anyway not even sure if I will have a girlfriend but, just in case, I wanted to know how you guys approached the issue, so again thanks for youer input.

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If we changed the word GF to bullock and STD to Foot & Mouth we could easily be in the middle of a farmers convention.

'Where do I get my cattle checked?"

Do you get them a full check? Do you open their mouths and check their teeth and gums, and then give them a pinch to check the fat before you give them a good tuppin'?

Maybe they should have a little STD PASS stabled to their ears.

When you are finished with the GF's with you could load them up into the back of the pick up and take them of to market, or alternatively take them to the knackers yard and have them turned into glue.

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I don't feel the need to get my GF checked for STD's - you can judge how much of a slapper a girl is by how careful she is when you first start having sex, how much concern she shows the first time you stop wearing a condom and how much she's into sex in the first place.

However, the contraceptive injection is something we need to get done and she keeps putting it off because it will hurt... Diddums.

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If we changed the word GF to bullock and STD to Foot & Mouth we could easily be in the middle of a farmers convention.

'Where do I get my cattle checked?"

Do you get them a full check? Do you open their mouths and check their teeth and gums, and then give them a pinch to check the fat before you give them a good tuppin'?

Maybe they should have a little STD PASS stabled to their ears.

When you are finished with the GF's with you could load them up into the back of the pick up and take them of to market, or alternatively take them to the knackers yard and have them turned into glue.

Its an important subject, especially over here.

Hardly something to poke fun about.

But then, if your happy to dip your wick without knowing the full consequences, upto you! :o

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I don't feel the need to get my GF checked for STD's - you can judge how much of a slapper a girl is by how careful she is when you first start having sex, how much concern she shows the first time you stop wearing a condom and how much she's into sex in the first place.

However, the contraceptive injection is something we need to get done and she keeps putting it off because it will hurt... Diddums.

Scamp, there's these things called rubbers. They actually work pretty well.

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Wolfie Posted on Fri 2004-09-10, 12:01:13

Its an important subject, especially over here.

Hardly something to poke fun about.

The Wolf mans right!!

STDs - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - The more dangerous of these are better know as Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP). Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) the virus that causes AIDS is the most talked about and deadly. Thailand is, by worldwide standards, a very high risk area for HIV. Hepatitus Virus B (HVB) which can also be deadly or cause permanent liver damage if not treated in time, is much more common and is transmitted in the same way as HIV.

BBPs are tranmitted through contact with body fluids especially but not limited to direct contact with blood (Assisting a bleeding accident victim, stepping in sidewalk vomit with your flip flops on, getting a tat at an unkown to you unclean tat shop or the list goes on and on) . You do not have to have EVER had sex to contract either of these viruses.

If you intend to subject someone to contact with your body fluids get checked and pay for them to get checked. It's fast, it's easy, it only hurts a tiny bit, and it doesn't cost much. After you get the results back you will either rest easier or know that you have to get medical attention and restrict your lifestyle.

:o Coffee!!! :D

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If she is a gogo-girl, then usually they have six monthly checkups anyway if they are from one of the tourist places.

Really???????????? I think 6 months will be a figment of your imagination .... it will be a lot more regular than that!! At least one and maybe twice a month!! (I hope)

Rubbish, most gogo bar owners don't care, and for the bars that do require it the girls simply buy the test results without actually taking the test.

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If we changed the word GF to bullock and STD to Foot & Mouth we could easily be in the middle of a farmers convention.

'Where do I get my cattle checked?"

Do you get them a full check? Do you open their mouths and check their teeth and gums, and then give them a pinch to check the fat before you give them a good tuppin'?

Maybe they should have a little STD PASS stabled to their ears.

When you are finished with the GF's with you could load them up into the back of the pick up and take them of to market, or alternatively take them to the knackers yard and have them turned into glue.

If you decide to commit to a long term relationship then asking your partner to get a checkup is a fair request. Not only here but also in the west.

Actually it's pretty stupid not to.

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if you are suspicious enough of her to want to get her checked over then ask yourself whether she is really the sort of girl you should be dating?
I don't feel the need to get my GF checked for STD's - you can judge how much of a slapper a girl is by how careful she is when you first start having sex, how much concern she shows the first time you stop wearing a condom and how much she's into sex in the first place.

Utterly stupid comments.. HIV is no respecter of if a girl is a good girl / into sex / or not.. it does not care if this is the first time she has ever gone bareback.. it (in the early stages) leaves no branding and noticible signs. Of course high risk, regular unprotected sex has a higher chance of being a carrier but that still does not mean that someone is clear.

Wake up.. Good people / nice girls get HIV too !!

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So you mean to say that a booster shot of penicillin before and a dip in JW Black doesn't cut it anymore these days. :o

Alas, Meom - it doesnt help anymore these days.

T'is not fun times we live in nowadays.

Which is why I'm utterly surprised at some of the moronic attitudes to safe sex in this thread? Matey who opened the topic had a valid question. Most people with some brains responded in a sensible and diplomatic manner. As someone commented - doesnt matter which country or what relationship - a check up is a good thing before entering a serious(ish) coupling.

As for the cattle comment, nobody was implying that asking BG/GF for a check up was degrading in any way (so far as I can see) - the way I see it if you're taking the courageous step to asking her for a check up - it means you're willing to travel down a longer road together with some kind of assurance about your commitment.

peace, etc

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I don't feel the need to get my GF checked for STD's - you can judge how much of a slapper a girl is by how careful she is when you first start having sex, how much concern she shows the first time you stop wearing a condom and how much she's into sex in the first place.

However, the contraceptive injection is something we need to get done and she keeps putting it off because it will hurt... Diddums.

Just because someone is not a prostitute or they look concerned when you don't want to wear a condom, etc., doesn't mean that they don't have HIV or some other STD. If she's going bareback with you, she would with someone else too. And even if she didn't, there are accidents and other ways of contracting diseases as well. Even a 'good girl' could have caught it from someone else and not even know she has anything. To top that off, a woman can still contract herpes and HPV while using a condom.

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