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I am looking for a dog, but not a street dog.

I would prefer a full bred dog, like say a Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier, Bulldog or a Lab. A Boxer would be ok.

If anyone could help, I would appreciate it.




I am looking for a dog, but not a street dog.

I would prefer a full bred dog, like say a Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier, Bulldog or a Lab. A Boxer would be ok.

If anyone could help, I would appreciate it.



Give these guys a shot.  They have a lot of different breeds there and a few years ago they had trained up dogs ready to go.  http://www.phuketdogschool.com/Eng/homeEng.html


Not sure why you think a purebred dog would make a better guard dog than a local dog :o

My dog Tigger is extremely protective, intelligent and superbly adapted to the climate. I couldn't ask for a better guard dog. And she is a local dog.

Not sure why you think a purebred dog would make a better guard dog than a local dog :o

My dog Tigger is extremely protective, intelligent and superbly adapted to the climate. I couldn't ask for a better guard dog. And she is a local dog.

Sorry, but I prefer pure bred dogs. I have had mutts before and they don't seem the same.

If Mr. Thaigerd is serious, I would really like to buy the big female, seated in the rear. She is lovely.

I wouldn't mind a puppy, but I really don't have time to train one.

Is she house broken? Would you really consider selling her?


Not sure why you think a purebred dog would make a better guard dog than a local dog :o

My dog Tigger is extremely protective, intelligent and superbly adapted to the climate. I couldn't ask for a better guard dog. And she is a local dog.

Sorry, but I prefer pure bred dogs. I have had mutts before and they don't seem the same.

If Mr. Thaigerd is serious, I would really like to buy the big female, seated in the rear. She is lovely.

I wouldn't mind a puppy, but I really don't have time to train one.

Is she house broken? Would you really consider selling her?


The the big female, seated in the rear is a male, the two in the front are female ones, but they are not for sale,sorry.

There are a few good kennels in and around BKK.



Just a suggestion.

Why don't you try and get a banggell " not sure if the spelling of the dog is correct ". It is a true breed Thai dog and is very protective against the owner and the property it lives in. And it doesn't site in the shade all day with its tongue hanging out, just because the dog is somewhat on the small side for a guard dog, it sure makes up for it with spirit. A lot of Thai shop keepers have these dogs. Should not be a problem getting one. Try the pet market in Phuket town.

Just a suggestion.

Why don't you try and get a banggell " not sure if the spelling of the dog is correct ". It is a true breed Thai dog and is very protective against the owner and the property it lives in. And it doesn't site in the shade all day with its tongue hanging out, just because the dog is somewhat on the small side for a guard dog, it sure makes up for it with spirit. A lot of Thai shop keepers have these dogs. Should not be a problem getting one. Try the pet market in Phuket town.

Bang Kaew, is, I believe the dog you are referring to.


Just a suggestion.

Why don't you try and get a banggell " not sure if the spelling of the dog is correct ". It is a true breed Thai dog and is very protective against the owner and the property it lives in. And it doesn't site in the shade all day with its tongue hanging out, just because the dog is somewhat on the small side for a guard dog, it sure makes up for it with spirit. A lot of Thai shop keepers have these dogs. Should not be a problem getting one. Try the pet market in Phuket town.

Bang Kaew, is, I believe the dog you are referring to.


So that's how you spell it ... Great looking dogs. I believe that the king of Thailand was the first breder of these dogs.

Thanks and sorry for the mix up. He is beautiful. I would prefer Rottwielers (sp) because my ex boyfriend in the states had 4 and they were the best dogs.

I will keep looking, but Bangkok scares me, tooooo big, I get lost there really easy. I prefer to shop around in the smaller areas.

Thanks for all the feedback!



We have 3 Thai Bang Kaews, which are great alert dogs, good snake killers, and very lojal to the family! - and then we have 2 French Mastifs, and a young Staff terrier to back them up. :o


Young pic of Black & White


Mini & Maxi





Your French Mastiffs are incredible. They are gorgeous. THAT is what I would love to have. A big dog like that to sleep in the bed with me. I sure wish you had puppies, or a litter planned. I would love a male.

I just found someone with a gorgeous litter of Bulldogs. There are 4 which I think is pretty small. I spoke to the owner and she said they are too young to leave the mother, but she said there is 1 male and 3 female. I am supposed to go over and see them on Friday.

If anyone is looking for Bulldog puppies, let me know and I can tell her.

I have seen the pictures and they are sooo cute.

I guess there are very few dog breeders here on Phuket. So far, I have found 1.

Thanks for all the help.



Your French Mastiffs are incredible. They are gorgeous. THAT is what I would love to have. A big dog like that to sleep in the bed with me.


I think I know what you mean :o



I would strongly suggest that Amanda first reads up on the diffrent kind of breeds that are out there, and then reads up on the breed characteristics. There are quite some differences in the breeds mentioned in this thread. And although some labrador retrievers may bark when strangers approach, and less may even bite, Lab's are no guard dogs.

Having a big guard dog sleeping in the bed if fine IF the dog is well-trained and the owner is capable of authorizing the dog.

From Amanda's posts I understand that she has actually no idea of what kind of dog she wants, only that it has to be big and needs to give her a feeling of protection. Real guard dogs, such as the rottweiler, need proper education from puppyhood on and they need an owner who can authorize them. If this is not the case, accidents are waiting to happen and it can end up as one of those newspapers stories (dog bite owner/kid).

Definitely with guard dog breeds it is of utmost importance to know BEFORE you get the dog what kind of doggy personality fits your own personality, how to educate your dog, know the basic of dog behavior and language, and how to authorize the dog.

There's a lot of information to be found on the Pet forum.



Superb post Nienke.. I was thinking of writing something similar myself earlier in the thread but backed off..

Owning large breed / guard personality dogs requires the owner having some understanding of dog psychology and how to maintain mental dominance / alpha status with the animal. in some ways you could say its not a begginers dog for an owner who hasnt had some time or at least an owner that didnt want to spend time to really understand thier animal commitment. I personally would love to own another dog but my lifestyle and travel arrangements simply do now allow for the time needed at this point in my life.

As someone who had a slightly muttized Lab / Collie cross for all of my childhood I would dissagree that they dont ever make good guard dogs. Ours lived in some rural / wild places and was keyed on both our property line and defence of his owners. dam_n I miss that mutt.


Amanda, you might need to walk in to some of the vet/animal hospitals in phuket itself.

Was there with the family's 2 poodles for some vaccination today and saw lots of posters up on the walls of the vet, advertising dogs for adoption and puppies for sale.


I would agree with the other posters who have said that for large breeds it is advisable to have quite a bit of prior experience with handling such dogs. However, if I remember correctly there is a dog training school on the island somewhere.

If you do have some experience handling larger breeds, you can beat a Fila Brasileiro. Extremely loyal to their family, excellent guard dogs, great with kids and fine in this climate but very distrustful of strangers (so much so that none of my friends would dare enter our property without me being present). Perhaps not the best breed if you are going to have a lot of visitors at your house. They are a much larger and heavier breed than a rotweiller/doberman and as a result quite expensive to feed. Ours weighs in at a solid 120 kilos and attempts to eat us out of house and home :o

There are a number of breeders in Thailand but none that I know of in Phuket unfortunately but most would arrange to transport the dog here I would guess.

Ours weighs in at a solid 120 kilos and attempts to eat us out of house and home

good lord, thats more than a morbidly obese person. :o A very big dog, got any pics, I would love to see?

Ours weighs in at a solid 120 kilos and attempts to eat us out of house and home

good lord, thats more than a morbidly obese person. :o A very big dog, got any pics, I would love to see?

Will try and get something uploaded in the next day or 2. Surprisingly he isn't at all fat, just very, very solid.


Thanks for the wonderful insights everyone. I mentioned having 4 rotties with my ex, so I have experience with big breeds. I am just not the type of girl to own a Paris Hilton dog.

I decided to go with a Male English Bulldog. He is too young to take home, but I can pick him up in 6 weeks.

As far as Mutts to Pure Breds, chose what you like. I prefer pure bred dogs.

I am here for work, so I will have plenty of time to train my puppy.

Thanks again everyone.



The family poodles bullies me.

I was late up to my bed the last 2 nights. And last night, 2 poodles instead of one was on my single bed. I tried pushing them off, but they refuse to budge.

In the end, I climbed into bed thru the side at the wall and slept with 2 very warm doggy smelling poodles, one at my chest and one at my feet... The only good thing they did was to anchor the mosquito net so the fan dont blow it open. :o

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