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Few hours ago there was a blast in fron of the Australian Embassy, the bomb killed many innocent Indonesian muslim and screwed once again the weak economy of Indo.

I fear somethinh like that in LOS in 2-3 years time, should the government undeestimate the problem in the south of Thai.

Indeed I love Indo, I have many friends there, and I feel very bad :o

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I fear somethinh like that in LOS in 2-3 years time, should the government undeestimate the problem in the south of Thai.

2 to 3 years time!!! the problem is in LOS already when i was last in thailand august 2003 they (thai police and military) stopped the muslims in the south from blowing up police stations or did you not hear of this?? I believe 3 police were killed not sure about it though but i do remember hearing that.


I fear somethinh like that in LOS in 2-3 years time, should the government undeestimate the problem in the south of Thai.

2 to 3 years time!!! the problem is in LOS already when i was last in thailand august 2003 they (thai police and military) stopped the muslims in the south from blowing up police stations or did you not hear of this?? I believe 3 police were killed not sure about it thought but i do remember hearing that

A Buddhist monk was also killed as he was setting fire to a mosque, he lit himself up.

This problem is on the Malaysian border and includes Malays and Thai's.

The gas pipeline is also a major contributor.


Deadly car bomb rocks Jakarta

Killing at least six near the Australian Embassy

JAKARTA: -- A powerful car bomb has hit Jakarta's central business district near the Australian Embassy, killing at least six people and wounding nearly 100.

"Several bodies" were seen just outside the Australian Embassy's 6- meter (20-foot) high steel gate which was mangled in Thursday morning's blast, CNN's Maria Ressa reported.

The blast -- which Ressa said was "far larger" than a blast which killed 12 in the JW Marriot Hotel in the same district last year -- shattered nearly all the windows in seven surrounding buildings, including several high-rises.

Witnesses reported hearing the blast as far as 30 kilometers (18 miles) away.

The fortress-like Australian Embassy building is on Rasuna Said Road, one of central Jakarta's busiest roads, which is lined with office towers, embassies and hotels.

One witness told CNN they believed a car bomb set off the blast. Body parts were strewn around the streets and one body was thrown towards the center of a four-lane highway near the blast site.

Hundreds of police are trying to manage a chaotic scene as ambulances, fire trucks, wounded people and bystanders crowd amid the debris of burnt out cars and shattered windows near the gates of the embassy.

Video of the blast site showed rescue workers carrying out the injured on stretchers to a nearby hospital as helicopters circled ahead.

Police have sent in a bomb squad to search for more explosive devices.

A series of smaller blasts followed the major explosion and police have set up checkpoints to keep people away from the area in case of further explosions.

Warnings issued

The Australian embassy has been evacuated, with a spokeswoman for the Australian government in Canberra telling CNN that no Australian-based staff at the embassy had been hurt. However, some local staff were still being accounted for.

Several countries including the United States and Australia had warned their citizens about possible attacks by militants in recent weeks.

Last Friday, Australia warned that "particular caution should be exercised in Jakarta, including the central business and embassy districts," and said that security at its embassy in the capital remained at a high level.

Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous nation, has been hit by a series of bomb attacks in recent years.

In October 2002, 202 people were killed in the resort island of Bali, many of them Australians.

Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), a militant group with ties to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network that is trying to set up a pan-Islamic state in Southeast Asia, has been linked both those blasts.

--CNN 2004-09-09

I PRAY TO BE WRONG and that you're true in saying that Thai is safer than USA.

I live in the US I pray nothing happens again as in terrorist attack three years ago was devastating enough I don't want to see it happen anywhere This scourge to the world has been going on for years. (terrorism)

The world is finally doing something about it and I agree How long do you let someone take jabs at you? You need to fight back. What i witnessed in russia was very sad and very enlightening to their president Now I could be wrong He said that Russia now will take up a war on terror

The thing is you do not bow to these people Plus you do not let them do it again, The US learned that lesson I knew since the first attack on the World Trade Center in downtown NYC that they would try again. I never as well as many other people I never thought they would use airplanes.


I PRAY TO BE WRONG and that you're true in saying that Thai is safer than USA.

I live in the US I pray nothing happens again as in terrorist attack three years ago was devastating enough I don't want to see it happen anywhere This scourge to the world has been going on for years. (terrorism)

The world is finally doing something about it and I agree How long do you let someone take jabs at you? You need to fight back. What i witnessed in russia was very sad and very enlightening to their president Now I could be wrong He said that Russia now will take up a war on terror

The thing is you do not bow to these people Plus you do not let them do it again, The US learned that lesson I knew since the first attack on the World Trade Center in downtown NYC that they would try again. I never as well as many other people I never thought they would use airplanes.


I am pro British and American,But it seems really strange how the many people have started to shout Terroism since 9/11,When the Yanks never did anything to stop funding of Terroism in their own country before then.It sometimes only hits home when it is on your own doorstep.

But it seems strange that terroism is now mostly down to Muslim fanatics,

In Indonesia today they are killing their own innocent people,Plus children comes into their equation,

They now they are becoming more and more alienated in this world :o


I am pro British and American,But it seems really strange how the many people have started to shout Terroism since 9/11,When the Yanks never did anything to stop funding of Terroism in their own country before then.It sometimes only hits home when it is on your own doorstep.

But it seems strange that terroism is now mostly down to Muslim fanatics,

In Indonesia today they are killing their own innocent people,Plus children comes into their equation,

They now they are becoming more and more alienated in this world :o

they are alienating themselves and their religion and now the muslims that try to lead a good life are bearing the burden also even they did not stand up and say please stop these terrorist acts!!! Now even they are bearing the world's alienation :D


Condolances to all victems families. Perhaps this might be a trifle inappropriate, but why is Australia so far up the arse of the US? It is an an island in the middle of no where, yet it went to war in Vietnam has troops in Iraq. Why does it need to do this, what imminient danger is there to Australia that it should endanger the lives of it's military personnel at the behest of the US. Surely such a policy is going to have it's consequences. NZ is it's neighbour and I don't see them as a target for Islamic terrorism. Don't get me wrong I condem the lose of every life, for once gone it can not be restored. Yet in this world if you take certain actions, certain consequences will arise because of them.


I lived a few months in Indo, this country is wonderful, people are nice, strangers have always benn welcome in Indo.

The problem of this kind of terrorists is huge since there is not a chief, they do not ask for nothing. The want to hit the local (their) people to bring the country to mess and create more fanatism.

The economy of Indo (before the crise in 1997) was supported by foreign investments, now nobody is investing there and also the tourism is spoiled.

Bali and Yogiakarta are not enough to support 220 million mouths, textile companies have all relocated to China (safer and cheaper).....

On 20th September there will be elections (last presidential turn off Susilo vs Megawati) and there is also the risk of civil war because the loser will be accusing the winner of fraud and this would only bring other bombs and deads.


Condolances to all victems families. Perhaps this might be a trifle inappropriate, but why is Australia so far up the arse of the US? It is an an island in the middle of no where, yet it went to war in Vietnam has troops in Iraq. Why does it need to do this, what imminient danger is there to Australia that it should endanger the lives of it's military personnel at the behest of the US. Surely such a policy is going to have it's consequences. NZ is it's neighbour and I don't see them as a target for Islamic terrorism. Don't get me wrong I condem the lose of every life, for once gone it can not be restored. Yet in this world if you take certain actions, certain consequences will arise because of them.

Maybe they want to be seen making the world a safer place,The Russians have just joined in,

Also Marquess you should ask why the Muslims are crapping on their own doorstep,Instead of asking why are Military getting involved in a war.

Ps You missed out Putin.


"Perhaps this might be a trifle inappropriate, but why is Australia so far up the arse of the US?"

Is it wrong to share principles and act according to your beliefs? If they coincide with the views of another does that dilute them in some way? I think not.

It seems to me that if enough countries take a stand on these issues we may be able to defeat this kind of senseless slaughter but to sit back and be a victim will never discourage terrorists...

Right now, if you want my personal view, I believe it is time for all decent nations to say ENOUGH. Let's recognise the perpetrators of the murder of children in Russia, the killing of innocent bystanders, of citizens going about their business, of Russian, Indonesian, Thai, US, Australian, German, Dutch, English and many other victims as the thugs and criminals they are and unite to destroy them. Seperate them from those decent people who happen to share religious/tribal/cultural/etc views and understand they are a vicious minority that will stop at nothing.

It is time to seriously consider a coordinated joint military type campaign, under the auspices of the UN if possible but in the name of humanity if not, and deal with these people and their threats as we would to a more formal threat to our survival. :o

We all make mistakes and I have no doubt that in history there is much to atone for but NOTHING justifies the acts of terrorism we see today.

Phew. Off my soap box for a while now :D


I'm afraid we have to accept reality here. As long as people are prepared to die for whatever they believe in (whether misguided or not), there is absolutely no way they can be stopped. It is impossible to secure everywhere at all times, or come anywhere close to doing that. The Americans have tried, but many now live in fear so to some extent the terrorists have won. They have changed the way many Americans live and think, and inconveniced millions in all kinds of ways, especially with travel. A nation that lives in fear of attack is not free, no matter what Americans may pretend.

All we can do is rely on those who are responsible for security to do the best they can. But they cannot do enough, and people are fallible. There is very little appreciation of security in Thailand, from what I've read and what I have experienced first-hand. People are simply not trained properly, possibly because what they are asked to do or learn is so far removed from the easy-going Thai way of life. They simply cannot think 'security' in any effective sense.

Should 'they' choose to attack the Bangkok entertainment scene, it is wide open. There is a convenient car park above Foodland in Patpong for explosive-filled vehicles to do their dirty work, with no security check on vehicles entering. Truly unbelievable. And there is nothing to stop motor-cycle bombers driving straight into Nana. Just park a couple or three at the bottom of the escalators and walk away. It's not difficult. As I said, people are fallible and just let these terrorist possibilities exist. If these soft targets are obvious to me then I'm sure they are known to terrorists. Maybe it's not a case of if, but when.

Tough, I know. But as I said at the beginnig, we have to accept reality.


get rid of all faiths except the one "good one", that's where the word for god came from GOOD!

The worst is the muslim one though for sure

You can kill for Alla.

Its all 100% BS if you ask me!

How could anyone fall for this kind of capola?

get rid of all faiths except the good one, that where the word for god came from GOOD!

The worst is the muslim one though for sure

You can kill for alhla.

its all BS if you ask me!

The word fanatic springs to mind here, how many of the UK and USA posters sound like fanatics? Quiet a few I think. You guys do not help the cause, be reasonable with your comments and expectations and people won't be able to criticize you. Be fanatical and you are no better than the Arab fanatics.
It is time to seriously consider a coordinated joint military type campaign, under the auspices of the UN if possible but in the name of humanity if not, and deal with these people and their threats as we would to a more formal threat to our survival.

Would this also include Israel for their acts of terrorism?

The UN has declared the wall they are building illegal, will the US invade them for refusing to stick to the UN Resolutions

There are currently in excess of 75 outstanding resolutions against Israel that have not been complied with.

I am all for stopping terrorism but it has to be multilateral, and it cannot be used as an excuse to wage a personal war for the wrong reasons. (Iraq)

The USA creates a situation and then wants a pat on the back for fixing it. Any one remember Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadam as he supplied the military helicopters and nerve gas that was used on Iran?

Do any of you remember how the press worldwide ridiculed GWB before he and Blair decided it would be a good political move to go to war?

My Point is if Thaksin is wise he will not get his head stuck up the "coalitions" Butt, and will do what Thais have done in the past and look after Thailand by staying out of it.

As for the Americans saving France and winning 2 world wars get real you jerks, you only fought the last part of it and only then when you were personally attacked, you refused help to Europe for the first 2 plus years on numerous occasions.

I long for the day when all terrorists are at the Hague on war crimes trials including Blair, Bush and Osama and his crew.

Comment all you want but if you are a reasonable person then you will understand that Laws are for every one not just the weak and downtrodden.


This is terrible news. I just want to say how much it saddens me to read that something like this happens again. I wish the families of the victims all the courage and strength in the world in their difficult time.

I also pray and hope for something else - that this does not preclude any more massive war actions against nations in the Middle East. DO go after the terrorists with all your might - I back you up 100 percent as do almost everyone, even muslims I am sure - just don't make the mistake of killing more innocent people who have nothing to do with it...


Sorry Ben but your reply is a mish-mash typical of the apologists. Surely it cant be hard to differentiate between the extreme actions we have seen over the past few days and similar ones over the past few years and the other issues you raise?

Multilateral action fits fine with what I suggested. How many fanatics of the type we have seen destroying innocent lives at random have to be seen before we realise that there are some things that just can not be tolerated?

Taking action against the extreme does not automatically condone everhting else. Maybe we can't solve all the problems at once and maybe not the same way but that is no reason why we should not draw the line and say ENOUGH!

Hmm, appeasement seems to be a word we heard once before, doesn't it.

Oh, and I am not American but then maybe you were not referring to me, not sure.



It was not aimed at any one in particular, I am just pointing out that the west creates most of the problems it then has to fix, who supported Osama in Afganistan when the Russians were there?

Maybe instead of creating and then fixing problems we would all be wiser to think before we act, Like I said terroism should not be tollerated but you have to think who created these monsters in the first place.

99% of the time the west did, thats not fiction that is fact!!

Fanatics from any part of the world are dangerous, not just arabs.

I am not American either I am brittish and not proud, however I am tired of listening to red neck yanks spouting off how they keep saving the world.

I would prefer to hear how they will stop endagering the world and creating the situations they then shout about fixing.

History is a lot older than the short time the Americans have been looking after us all. They should look hard at history and see how long other Empires who forced their will and culture on the rest of the world lasted.

-- snip --

My Point is if Thaksin is wise he will not get his head stuck up the "coalitions" Butt, and will do what Thais have done in the past and look after Thailand by staying out of it.

This is what i pointed out earlier,The Yanks wouldn't get involved untill it was on their doorstep,same with the Russians,Los next god?forbid i hope not,

Do you think, Thaksin will sort it out on his own?This is what i am scared of Thailand becoming embroiled in a war and it will be down south.

Condolances to all victems families. Perhaps this might be a trifle inappropriate, but why is Australia so far up the arse of the US? It is an an island in the middle of no where, yet it went to war in Vietnam has troops in Iraq. Why does it need to do this, what imminient danger is there to Australia that it should endanger the lives of it's military personnel at the behest of the US. Surely such a policy is going to have it's consequences. NZ is it's neighbour and I don't see them as a target for Islamic terrorism. Don't get me wrong I condem the lose of every life, for once gone it can not be restored. Yet in this world if you take certain actions, certain consequences will arise because of them.

Yeah yeah yeah ....what you really want to say is you are very delighted ....but you can't say it since your mind does not agree that its alright to bomb someone innocent. This is a writing of a muslim fanatic who is just hiding behind mask. In no way I will try to rationalize this event.

The Australian Embassy bombing is the third major bomb atrocity in Indonesia in less than two years!

Megawati should take a leaf from her father's book and turn KOPASSUS loose on the streets of Jakarta with carte blanche to exterminate Jemaah Islamiyah and all other radical Muslim groups ... no holds barred and no questions asked ... and Kofi Anan and John Howard and other weak-kneed "human rights" strompers should keep their ###### noses out of it!

Do these weak people really think they will fit into these Radical fanatics world,If they were ever to rule the world?

These fanatics don't care about anyone only their self centred beliefs,That they thrust upon people.


Australia is a democratic country and the last time I looked the majority of Australian are behind the Howard government, Now I may not agree with everything they do but as long as they have tha majority of votes I must ethier put up with it or get out,

and where do i go

To The USA ha ha ha ha

Our papers are full of these dear old yanks coming to Australia

If you don't like what Howard does and your Australia then you can have your say at the next up coming election which is just weeks away

If your note an Australian and can not vote, then I may tell you where to go

and leave Australia to Australians

Sorry just an opinion

Does not make it right

But at least my vote counts

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