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Mobile Q.. 3 Of 3


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There used to be a gateway system where you sent an email to the address and it sent that as an SMS. Does this free service still exist with 12Call ??

I know I can sign up to a pay service and buy for a bulk amount of SMS's but looking to see if I cant solve it within AIS.. All my old telcos in Europe used to have an email / sms gateway.

My goal is to set a new email account up on my mailserver at [email protected], I will then configure the server to send a duplicate to the [email protected] system so that I get the SMS to my phone AND then can get the phone to collect the pop email if I wish.

This way I create my own 'semi push' system where I have both a real email on my server and ability to collect it via mobile if I choose. This private email would only be given to close friends and family for emergency use.

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