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Thailand A Good Place To Be Living In The

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George Bush is a short, alcoholic, pot smoking, cocaine sniffing, desterter with access to a bomb - is anyone or anywhere safe?

Lets hope the yanks, stop him in November, before someone else does.

To let you know I'm voting for him!!!! Republicans in my opinion do the right thing, Ronald Reagan built our military to a point where it was the largest in the world and the democrats tore it all apart.

and who was pot smoking and lied under oath A man by the name of Bill Clinton, So if bush lied Believe me he should go to jail but why isn't Mr. clinton behind bars??

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1. The US government attacked our own land!!!! Give me a break

2. So Pearl harbor was attacked by americans flying japenese planes???

1. Yep, hold that thought. It will come in very handy as you digest the world's most important current events.

2. No, never said anything about Pearl Harbor. It's you who immediately went to some weird extreme erroneous analogy to try to discredit what was plainly stated as a fact. A government with the US government attacked the WTC and the Pentagon as justification to then attack Iraq and Iran next, not to mention Afghanistan.

And I believe we are in the midst of WWIII, started by the US to control the world's oil supply, among other things, antoher of which is to destroy Israel's enemies.

"Believe what you see, not what you think."

So if bush lied Believe me he should go to jail but why isn't Mr. clinton behind bars??

Sadly, the character of our two most recent presidents is so bad, that both belong behind bars, but the character of the American people, particularly the members of Congress isn't any better, so our leaders can act as if they are above the law, which, for the most part, they are.

If you still think that WTC was committed by Al Qaeda and not by Cheney / Rumsfeld / Tenet / Franks and Company, then you are too stupid to be let near a voting machine.

Answer me this question One I have Pondered to myself Supposedly The Palestinian Jewish conflict is the backbone to the reason why these muslim extremists are fighting But why are they not attacking isreal?? Why are they in so many different countries?

And the muslim world was pissed off before the US started this war on terror.

The back bone is not the Palenstinian / Jewish conflict per se: Its the fact that the US supports Israel no matter what they do. And that American troops are stationed on Arab soil. Osama bin Laden has stated many times, that they want American troops out of Arab lands. That is what pisses them off the most, occupying their land.

"Any thief or criminal (referring to the American troops) or robber who enters another country (Arab) in order to steal (the oil) should expect to be exposed to murder at any time. Thousands of millions of Muslims are angry. The Americans should expect reactions from the Muslim world that are proportionate to the injustice they inflict.” December 23, 1998 OBL Time Magazine interview


American troops are stationed on "Arab" soil at the invitation of the ruling authorities in those countries. Same as American workers "stationed" in Saudi and elsewhere in the middle east. Deal with it...

No civilization has ever survived in the history of the Earth. Ours certainly won't. Another few years and another advance in science and we'll all be dead at the press of a button. Mankind ain't gonna make it, we're just too stupid.

Thailand no exception.

Enjoy things while you can and wish your kids good luck.

any time frame on that... only my life-insurance is up for renewal next month & i'm waxing & waning... :o


GWB is no Ronald Reagan....the relative popularity of conspiracy theories in the US is just ridiculous. First off, does one really believe that a government that couldn't kill find Saddam for a few months (and still hasn't found OBL) is competant and sophisticated enough to stage the 9/11 attacks? Please.

Second, too many Americans think that they are right, everyone else is wrong, and the facts be damned.

I don't know where a previous poster came up with the stat that 50% of NYers believe the government was involved in perpetrating 9/11. I've lived in NYC for more than 10 years......I don't know anyone in my circle of friends, colleagues or acquaintances who believe that (save one certifiable woman who works on the same floor who does believe this (she thinks it was the Israelis who staged 9/11), thinks TWA flight 800 was shot down by the government and believes traffic cameras are used to track individuals).

You'd better get on the same page my friend. The US attacked the WTC not some Arabs with boxcutters. The evidence is overwhelming. You've just haven't taken the time to investigate it. You've been living on the spoonfeeding you've been getting all your life from the major media outlets. Time to wean yourself from mother's milk and start digesting some solid food. Or, maybe (I doubt it though) you have looked into the greatest crime in American history, the government attacking its own people, and just can't accept the evidence. "Believe what you see, not what you think."

55555555555555555555555...oh...m....god :o


Firstly, Pearl Harbour, oh gosh..what a terrible movie , think it did more harm than the factual event:P love to see Ben Affleck and Low Blow or whatever she calls herself in the Hague.

Someone mentioned " American troops stationed on Arab soil at the invitation of ruling authorities" . Don't like to disagree but most arab countries are not democratic . Take Saudi for example, ruled by a monarchy of fat cats , living it up and on the take while most of their subjects live in poverty , kinda country that is ripe for revolution which i have n o doubt will happen . United Staes is up to thier neck in it with the Saudi royal family , oil being the main reason. I won't even start on the fat cats of Hebrew/American persuasion who support Isreal . Did i make it diplomatic enough to be esape being called anti-semetic?? :o


Well, 350, if we were to pull completely out of Saudi, that country would collapse. They don't have a clue on how to do anything themselves - so there we are.


I am not saying pull out of Saudi , why not invade it? Alot more terirosts in Saudi than there were in Iraq . I still find it very ironic that terriosm was a main reason to invade Iraq. Saddam was a ratbag for sure, but he had no time for foreign exremists. But, it seems since his downfall the country is full of terriosts hoping for a bullseye on American troops. go figure

I am not saying pull out of Saudi , why not invade it? Alot more terirosts in Saudi than there were in Iraq . I still find it very ironic that terriosm was a main reason to invade Iraq. Saddam was a ratbag for sure, but he had no time for foreign exremists. But, it seems since his downfall the country is full of terriosts hoping for a bullseye on American troops. go figure

I'm all for taking over those oilfields too but the problem is we've got such a full plate now! Iran is gearing up to have a nuclear device and they export terrorism too. Just a bad situation all around.


Yep, agree Boon, taking over Saudi woud be a handful. To keep those gas guzzling pony cars on the road is no easy task , espeically mid 60's GTO'S with the tricky points :D

After i wrote my post about the Saudi royal family i had a twinge of doubt. To the admin and the country that lets me reside here.......I think your King and his family are a great example to the rest of the world. Treating your subjects with humanity and decency , a great example :o

Yep, agree Boon, taking  over  Saudi woud be  a  handful.  To keep those gas  guzzling  pony  cars on the road is  no easy task  , espeically  mid  60's  GTO'S  with the  tricky  points  :D

  After i wrote  my  post about the Saudi royal family i had  a  twinge  of  doubt. To the  admin and the  country that  lets  me reside  here.......I think your King and his family  are a  great example to the rest of the world. Treating your  subjects with humanity and  decency , a  great example :o

I think everyone is proud of the example the King/Queen & the Royal Family set. If Thailand didn't have such a strong Monarchy it would have gone the way of Burma & Laos.

Long live King Bumebhol! :D

BTW, did you know which Monarch in the world today also holds a US passport? That's right, our King who was born in the USA.

American troops are stationed on "Arab" soil at the invitation of the ruling authorities in those countries. Same as American workers "stationed" in Saudi and elsewhere in the middle east. Deal with it...

Well, 350, if we were to pull completely out of Saudi, that country would collapse.  They don't have a clue on how to do anything themselves - so there we are.

September 22, 2003

By DON VAN NATTA Jr. (New York Times)

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 18 — The last few American combat troops pulled out of the Prince Sultan Air Base here earlier this month, officially closing the Persian Gulf headquarters used by the Air Force during both Iraq wars and concluding a nearly 13-year run of extensive United States military operations in Saudi Arabia. US Troops Withdraw From Saudi Arabia

So there you are boon mee, behind the learning curve when it comes to Middle Eastern events. Been a year and SA hasn't collapsed. But mark one up for bin Laden, as one of his demands was that American troops withdraw from Arab soil.

Now, the question is for the critical thinkers among us, given the fact that US troops are in at least 130 of the 190 countries recognized by the United Nations, after 13 years, why did the US pull its troops out of SA?

I am not  saying  pull out of  Saudi , why  not  invade  it? Alot more  terirosts in Saudi than there  were  in Iraq . I  still find it  very ironic that terriosm was a main reason to invade

bin Laden claims that the US and Israel are the world's biggest terrorists.

"As for their accusations of terrorizing the innocent, the children, and the women, these are in the category of 'accusing others with their own affliction in order to fool the masses.' The evidence overwhelmingly shows America and Israel killing the weaker men, women and children in the Muslim world and elsewhere. A few examples of this are seen in the recent Qana massacre in Lebanon, and the death of more than 600,000 Iraqi children because of the shortage of food and medicine which resulted from the boycotts and sanctions against the Muslim Iraqi people, also their withholding of arms from the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina leaving them prey to the Christian Serbians who massacred and raped in a manner not seen in contemporary history. Not to forget the dropping of the H-bombs on cities with their entire populations of children, elderly, and women, on purpose, and in a premeditated manner as was the case with Hiroshima and Nagasaki." OSB [From The Washington Post 8/23/98]

"A wise man learns more from his enemies than a fool from his friends." Baltasar Gracian (1601 - 1657)

Take a deep breath you Americans and think about some of the things our Government has done to other people from their perspective. as articulated by bin Laden, now the "world's number one enemy." (Talk about a diversion!)

We talk alot about learning the Thai way of doing things or looking at things, the Thai culture, the Thai this and the Thai that. How about looking at the autrocities our Government has committed against other peoples 'for their own good." with no regard whatsoever for how they may think of what the US is doing.

If we wish to root out terrorism, why not invade America? Terrorist have been funded from there through the CIA and other agencies for decades, a well documented fact.

“The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”

George Orwell


Page 2:

Possibly some insight into Nbone and friends reading and recital material:

With respectful exception to those of you who are actually trying to say something on this thread, I am most amazed that these girly men (can maintain their stamina and testosterone levels after all this intellectual conspiracy masturbation they are spoofing here.

Let’s Debunk it shall we:

Never been to the moon:









Below are many links for the inquiring reasoning mind.



New World Order: (Nbone and friends being surely devotes)

It’s hard to understand what gene pool this idea was spawned in. You can see it in the writings of diverse groups:

It is, in a modified form to fit their agenda, setforth as a Jewish / Racial conspiracy pontificated in many of their recruitment documents and embedded and laid out by the, KKK or Klu Klux Klan. You guys not da Klan are you?

Let’s see there is also a homogenous group of conspiracy and UFO Left (anarchist) and Right (religious and The end is at hand) theorist and worshiper of the occult that live and breathe this rubbish.

Let’s bring them into the light so we can see where these copycats with no original thought obtain their recapitulate masturbations of stupidity.

Below may be sources of many of the ranting we hear here expressed in this thread.

Maybe you guys are religious naysayer?



For you Anarchists:




http://www.kkk.bz/ the Klan in all its ignorant glory!




This one will lead you to the Nirvana of Doom, Gloom and conspiracy!



For those Right wing devotes!


Now this is the mother load of Conspiracy, you guys will cream in your jeans over this link. http://www.bilderberg.org/goodlink.htm

Debunker sites:






(Below are not my words but are borrowed from someone I read but did not note who)

Guidelines for sorting out conspiracy theories:

1. Some things are conspiracies and some are not. EVERYTHING is not a conspiracy. The minute someone says, "There are no coincidences", head for the door. If they block the door, go out the window.

2. Pay attention to who was able to do what; who had a reason to do that, who misunderstood the situation, who was delusional, what unexpected events occurred, what was just dumb luck, etc. Never underestimate the power of stupidity and bad luck.

3. Ask how many people knew about the conspiracy and how they kept security.

4. Check out the details and forget the ones that don't pan out. Don’t keep wild rumors alive by saying things like "Some say so-and-so, though others deny this". You have a responsibility to use your best judgment, and exclude the bad links.

5. Look for consistency in what you're saying. Don't push every theory in the kitchen sink even though they are all contradictory. (For example, the all-purpose legal defense: "I wasn't there; but if I was there I didn't do it; and if I did it was an accident".)

6. Small local specific conspiracies are the most likely. Global centuries-long conspiracies are doubtful. Conspiracies are usually pickup teams which dissolve after the event, choosing sides later for new battles between completely different pickup teams, often involving many of the original members in different configurations. (For example, the Afghan anti-Soviet pickup team dissolved some time ago, and two of its key members, Osama Bin Laden and the USA, are now bitter enemies).

7. Conspiracies are not under central control. Usually you have various players at cross purposes doing their worst to get what they want, forming shifting alliances and hoping for the best.

8. The big players in this game do NOT tell everyone else what they are doing. They are all secretive, and thereby conspiratorial. They are tough-minded guys who often have dirty hands and who never, ever shun another big player simply because he is an "evil-doer".

So it's no surprise that Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Noriega, and the Argentine colonels who invaded the Falkland Islands were all, at one time or another, allies and clients of the US or others who are opposite sides now. Or is it a surprise that the Bin Ladens and the Bushes have had many business contacts. Or that Grandpa Bush (and even more so, Henry Ford) had friendly relations with Hitler up to a point. And so on.

It is a big mistake to underestimate the cynicism and cruelty of the big-time players. (Many conspiracy theorists seem to be recently-naive people who have only just discovered how cruel the system can be).

9. "Who benefits?" is a good but tricky question to ask. Because sometimes unexpected things happen, especially in multi-player games, and the one who ends up cashing in may not even have been a player at the beginning of the game.

10. "Follow the money" is a better question, but it's usually hard to do. The international banking system we have is designed to help people with lots of money to shift it around freely and secretly. (Bin Laden happens to be one of the near-billionaires the banking system is designed to protect.)

The big flaw of anti-conspiracy-theorists is insider smugness. The big flaw of conspiracy theorists is outsider paranoia. Anti-conspiracy-theorists, as insiders, are only too happy to enlist themselves in coverups and, you guessed it, conspiracies.

Conspiracy theorists tend to bark at ghosts in the closet and to magnify the scope and drama of their conspiracies until almost the whole known universe is involved. (Lyndon LaRouche implicates Aristotle -- a Persian agent and subverter of Western civilization!) Both of these take pride in the secret knowledge they have that no one else has.

There are many conspiracy theories floating around these days, and we will certainly see more of them. Some of these theories are insane, some of them are reasonable but false, and some of them are true. We should make every effort to distinguish between the three groups.

Which group are our devotes in this thread from?


reasonable but false

or true? :o

in a pigs eye true!

That is all!


Ah, excuse me. Thread topic is living in Thailand during WWIII.

And what, pray tell, does moon debunking, anarchists, and debunking in general have to do with the topic?


Nemesis Posted: Sat 2004-09-11, 18:34:51

"Any thief or criminal (referring to the American troops) or robber who enters another country (Arab) in order to steal (the oil) should expect to be exposed to murder at any time.

More crap that you are soking up as fact from the press. Coming from the oil industry I can assure you, Oil is bought. Yes, there is profit, and a lot of it, in the retail sale of refined petrolium product where the crude product was bought at wholesale prices. The fact that some of these Oil Producing and Exporting Counties leaders find a way for the billions upon billions of dollars of pure profit made from the sale of state owned oil, which companies from other countries invest their own money to develop, not to reach the population of those same counties is hardly the fault of the USA.

Get a clue Nem.

:o Coffee!!! :D

American troops are stationed on "Arab" soil at the invitation of the ruling authorities in those countries. Same as American workers "stationed" in Saudi and elsewhere in the middle east. Deal with it...

Well, 350, if we were to pull completely out of Saudi, that country would collapse.  They don't have a clue on how to do anything themselves - so there we are.

September 22, 2003

By DON VAN NATTA Jr. (New York Times)

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 18 — The last few American combat troops pulled out of the Prince Sultan Air Base here earlier this month, officially closing the Persian Gulf headquarters used by the Air Force during both Iraq wars and concluding a nearly 13-year run of extensive United States military operations in Saudi Arabia. US Troops Withdraw From Saudi Arabia

So there you are boon mee, behind the learning curve when it comes to Middle Eastern events. Been a year and SA hasn't collapsed. But mark one up for bin Laden, as one of his demands was that American troops withdraw from Arab soil.

Now, the question is for the critical thinkers among us, given the fact that US troops are in at least 130 of the 190 countries recognized by the United Nations, after 13 years, why did the US pull its troops out of SA?

Saudi has not collapsed 'cause we have loads of expat workers still in there - a lot of 'em yanks. There was an expected exodus after that boy who worked for Lockheed Martin and had a Thai wife had his head chopped off. But it didn't happen - the money's too good.


"We talk alot about learning the Thai way of doing things or looking at things, the Thai culture, the Thai this and the Thai that. How about looking at the autrocities our Government has committed against other peoples 'for their own good." with no regard whatsoever for how they may think of what the US is doing"

<deleted>. One example is the US invasion of Bosnia to stop a murderer bent on wiping out all Muslims!

Try looking at events Objectively rather than from your Subjective/Blame America First position, nemisis... :o


Just got to add to this thread....sorry if anyone objects but some remarks here are well off the mark.....

After serving alongside american forces in iraq for four months and being involved with military work in the uk, europe and operational work with american forces for the past 10 years i can tell you this is as real as war gets....

Im not here to jump on the anti american ship because these guys are risking thier lives on an on-going daily basis but i strongly believe it will be america and not the americans that pull the curtain on this world........there is a difference....

I know for a fact plans to move from kuwait were passed even before they went cap in hand to ask the rest of the world.....I know for a fact saddam was being tracked and monitered 10 weeks before capture but the guys involved had to get clearance to detain him, that didnt come......why.....the war effort was so big now thats its momentum could not be stopped or justified at that stage......and still cant?

As for the world being held to ransom for fuel, it just would not happen....america or the coalition forces are not there for that , but on that note they would not let the supply be broken as it would have devestating affects on america and europe.......In Norfolk england alone at Usaf lakenheath and mildenhall there is enough power to turn any one of these countries into a desert....now that scares me because i have worked to and for american orders and nothing is ruled out in there books......From a uk forces point of view you have to go for the ride because the people who pull american strings do not work to other plans....

For a certain amount of time i do know that what the world saw on tv and heard about this war was totally controlled by the coalition forces....why......

As for terror, it will not go away after this.....and i believe it will only get much much worse.......

Imagine your country being attacked in this way and you had no means of protection.....these people are and still will be killed, who are they protecting...there country and families.....so if any one thinks they will just forget about it when everyone goes..do not count on it....

The country is ruined for what????....one man......

We went there to find chemical or nuclear capabilities, where are they.......

In the bigger picture this war will end and terror will go on ......but there is a much bigger threat...North Korea......

If America carrys on its agenda we are going to have a real problem....

These are my first hand views...sorry if i offended


Answer to you question....Is Thailand a safe place....its as safe as any....i would imagine there will be a higher level of threat from extreamists....but that will be the world over....

Is anyone safe......no........the threat from North korea is real and explosions that can be seen from space have been noted....lets all pray that america or nato dont want them to disarm...we would have a major problem.... :o

More crap that you are soking up as fact from the press.

Get a clue Nem.

Sorry, the quote of bin Laden's cited was just that. from bin Laden. From the Muslim's perspective.

Please don't tell me that the oil companies don't utilize the US military to protect their oil investments. Please don't tell me that the US didn't bomb the entire length of the long sought after oil / gas pipeline in Afghanistan to rid it of potential eneimies / saboteurs killing thousands of civilians in the process. Please don't tell me that the US military isn't in Colombia to protect the oil companies there and the lucrative CIA cocanine trade. Because if you do, it's you who doesn't have a clue.

“I spent 33 years in the Marines. Most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. “I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenue in. I helped in the rape of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. “War is a racket.”

General Smedley D. Butler

former U.S. Marine Commandant

in Common Sense

November 1935

That was 1935. Things have only gotten more sophisticated and more profitable.

Get on the same page.

For a certain amount of time i do know that what the world saw on tv and heard about this war was totally controlled by the coalition forces....why......

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”

Joseph Goebbels

Nazi Propaganda Minister

Thailand is most likely a safe a place as any to be in the midst of a world wide conflagration. Fairly neutral in its stance agricultrual in base - food production transportation marketing localized.

Oil reserves nearby. Potential to produce alternative diesel fuel at hand.

Iran is next folks and about 30 - 40 other countries in the cross hairs of the US military to eliminate any possible competitors. Its all in their memos and strategic plans. All one has to do is read them.

Bush thinks "God wanted him to be president." Same thing Hitler said. With a crazy man and crazier men behind him, who can tell what will happen.?

A furious row has broken out over claims in a new book by BBC broadcaster James Naughtie that US Secretary of State Colin Powell described neo-conservatives in the Bush administration as '###### crazies' during the build-up to war in Iraq.

F*ckin' Crazies

<deleted>.  One example is the US invasion of Bosnia to stop a murderer bent on wiping out all Muslims!

Try looking at events Objectively rather than from your Subjective/Blame America First position, nemisis... :o

"A few examples of this are seen in the recent Qana massacre in Lebanon, and the death of more than 600,000 Iraqi children because of the shortage of food and medicine which resulted from the boycotts and sanctions against the Muslim Iraqi people, also their withholding of arms from the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina leaving them prey to the Christian Serbians who massacred and raped in a manner not seen in contemporary history. Not to forget the dropping of the H-bombs on cities with their entire populations of children, elderly, and women, on purpose, and in a premeditated manner as was the case with Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

Osama bin Laden [From The Washington Post 8/23/98]

From the quote above, it appears the Bosnian Muslims were withheld arms from which to defend themselves and that is why the US troops went in, after thousands were slaughtered.

Seems to me you have trouble being objective. Can the US government do no wrong?

Don't go to the extreme view in sayng that I blame Anericans first. I blame the US government where blame is due - which the more I study the more I realize is substantially earned. What we are told in American history 101 is not what / why how things actually happened.

“The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign policy.”

Ramsey Clark

former U.S. Attorney General

Believe you've been smoking a little too much Herb there, Nemesis :o

Although I'll agree we are in the midst of WW3... :D

50% of New Yorkers according to a recent Zogby poll think the US Government was complicit in the WTC demolition and 66% want renewed private investigations into 911.

They been smoking too much of that herb too I suppose?

Then this New Yorker must be the other 50% that thinks that that theory is utter nonsense...

And I haven't smoked the magic weed since college... :D

Ah, excuse me. Thread topic is living in Thailand during WWIII.

And what, pray tell, does moon debunking, anarchists, and debunking in general have to do with the topic?

Seems to me, Nem, that there are a fair number of YOUR posts here that don't mention hide nor hair of Thailand neither, nohow. Fair's fair. I think you started the thread in this way just so you could go off on your favorite kinda rant even though it's not a Thailand related topic. Haven't I heard of something called the Bearpit?



BTW, did you know which Monarch in the world today also holds a US passport?  That's right, our King who was born in the USA.

So that means he is legally a American citizen :D

( and to think, all these posters saying bad things about America, and Americans..... :o )

I wonder if The King of Thailand can vote in the next US Presidential election? That would be quite interesting, don't you think?.... :D

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