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Launching A Fansite


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OK, I know some might see this as a business idea to put in the business forum, but I think it's more of an entertainment item.

Do you think it's possible to make money out of a fansite?

Say, you buy a new domain name and set up a website with a forum dedicated to a new actor/actress, singer, sports star ...

Would it be possible to make it a money-earning concern, considering you have to chase down news about the star, put up pictures, moderate the forum etc. How would you go about it? What kind of person would you pick to devote a fansite to?

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It might be possible to make money through things like adware on the site.

If you attract enough interest you could do a lot of things.

Links for books to Amazon can bring in a small profit.

The problem with these ads though is it can turn people off your site.

Testing the water is fairly easy.

Why not start something on Myspace, blogger or such like.

Drum up interest through web forums, facebook and anywhere else you can put links.

It is all very time consuming but worth it I think.

Who would you like to devote a site to?

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