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Hollywood Buddha..


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Every Normal person can see this in it's relative context. YOu don't here me complaining about the ignorant Asians Who portray the swastika in their Beer Bars :o .

That's because the swastika was a Hindu symbol for peace (or something like that). The fact that AH and his mob appropriated it for their own reasons doesn't invalidate its original meaning, so why should the Hindus not show it? M'thinks the ignorance is closer to home than you may think.

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Yet another movie to disrespect another religion from a country where they talk about extremist believes in Islam.. and respecting others..

Who are extremists? Picture is getting clearer day by day and unbelievable most of the Americans support these actions..

Having posters of its so called director sitting on the head of a Buddha statue.. Unbelievable!!!

I wish more and more Thai people take this stand, forget about economic benefits and chase these extremists out from this Buddhist Country.. They can not be allowed to act here like they are respecting Buddhism here..

Shame on all of you people who support these evil acts against other religions and other races..and then going on pointing figures at others...

Now don't tell me that majority of Americans do not support this movie and it is an act of individual.. or don't tell me Hollywood have done movies about Jesus as excuses..

Tell me if any director has ever put a poster sitting on the head of Jesus..?

If you were more serious about the path of Buddhism, my thought is that your first response should be pity, followed by compassion for being in such an ignorant and unelightened conditiuon of life.

Jesus in urine? That would be the artist's problem not mine... :o

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Every Normal person can see this in it's relative context. YOu don't here me complaining about the ignorant Asians Who portray the swastika in their Beer Bars :o .

That's because the swastika was a Hindu symbol for peace (or something like that). The fact that AH and his mob appropriated it for their own reasons doesn't invalidate its original meaning, so why should the Hindus not show it? M'thinks the ignorance is closer to home than you may think.


We have been through this several times. The use of the swastika on motorcycles and in beer bars, etc. has NOTHING to do with the Hindu origins of the symbol. We are not talking about swastikas on Hindu temples. These people use it because they see it as a kick-ass, macho sign. And what they are using is the NAZI symbol, a tilted, backward swastika on a white circle and red field. There is NO mistaking this with the Hindu version.

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But on the subject of nationalitys when people start blaming the Americans for all the worlds evil i think back to what happend in Afganistan when the Taliban decided to blow up the buddist symbols that were carved out of a rock face.

I dont recall many buddist followers declairing war on the Taliban or their faith or lack of respect for others religious stance.


Does anyone remember if there was as big a hooplah in Thailand when this happened? Were the Thais angry at all about this also ? What did they do? Are the Thais at least going to help rebuild the Giant Buddhas like the Japanese said they were going to do?

Personally, I think blowing up huge ancient statues of the Buddha in my opinion is a wee bit little more serious than someone being shown simply sitting on his head, don't you think? :D

But then again, the ones who blew them up were not American.... And as everyone knows, only us Americans blow things up, right? :o:D:D

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It is true that Americans as a whole do have a habit of pissing off other countries and yet fail to see it because they are so introspective and ignorant

-_- Not you too Scampy? :)

BUT also remember that most American expats living in Thailand are not from the same batch - there are many Americans who would agree that this director should have been a little more thoughtful and respectful to Bhuddism.

Ok, you redeemed yourself a little there pal....Just a little.... :D

I myself am not a fan of America or what it stands for

Hmmmmm....Scampy, just think, if it wasn't for your Country's Mad King George harshly taxing the American Colonies back in the late 18th century , The world would now be a perfect paradise...:o:)

But regarding your thoughts, I'm quite sure that an ancient Englishman at one time said the very same thing about the Roman Empire .... :D :D

but I have learned that much the same as England, there are like minded decent folk out there and more so over here, even if the majority are idiots. By putting the brush in the tar you will piss off decent, intelligent Americans who are members of this forum.

Ok, now I forgive you! :D

Let me sing you the following song...

Uh...... Interesting song....Scampy, take your Banjo down to Washington Square and sing that same little ditty there..... I'm sure the Vets would enjoy it :(:wub:

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It is as simple as that, people hate the US because it is a strong country.  Their human instinct will make themselves believe that if someone is stronger, they will bully others and people won't be able to do anything.  They are afraid and, stupid I would say.  Also, part of the reason is people are jealous of the US.  Coz they are rich and can enjoy a free life.

My thoughts exactly,. It's good to see there is at least one peroson out there that understands the true nature of this sad -American-Bashing-thing that is so popular nowadays, and existed before GWB Presidential Coup.....:o

Meemiathai, I'm starting to like you more and more.

And that's a scary thought in itself.... :D


You may not speak perfect English, but if it weren't for the United States you would certainly speak EXCELLENT Japanese.  Probably no Thai, though.

Yeah, your name would now be Jurie Yamamoto.... And EVERYTHING in Thailand would be expensive... :D

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I'm an American, and I thought the poster for "Hollywood Buddha" was horrifying.  Anyone who went to the trouble to write and direct a film with that title, and then produce it, should have educated themselves about the possibility of offending cultural sensitivities with a picture of someone sitting on Buddha's head.  I really can't get over the stupidity. 

But then again, I also can't get over the stupidity or insensitivity of many European tourists that come to S.E. Asia and then sunbathe topless or practically naked on a beach.  Seems to me Americans don't hold a monopoly on stupidity, we just get a much wider mass-media distribution on our transgressions.  It's popular.

Many of us Americans also don't get the benefit of European social democracies, where we can travel around the world while our debts are postponed, or while we collect a nice unemployment benefit from home.  This is a privilege that many Americans don't have, compared to Europeans who love to comment on how we don't travel.  It is not as easy for the ordinary American to travel as it is for the ordinary Western European or Brit.

Before some of you accuse me of being a reactionary American, hold your fire, because nothing could be further from the truth.  I just loathe the rampant hypocrisy of holding America to a different standard than many people hold to their own or other countries.  It's ok to be morally outraged at America (much of it deserved, no doubt, as I am often morally outraged at both the foreign and domestic policies of my country), but then stare blankly or indignantly or even ignorantly when less than palatable facts are known about your own or other countries.

And for Kwiz, or others who spout ideas similar to his, who would like to hold me, and all other Americans responsible for the ignorance of a French director and the American production company, I have some pointed questions for you:

Should I hold all Thai men/buddhists responsible for the rapes and unpunished crimes perpetrated on Western women in this country?

Should I form the opinion that most Sri Lankan men are child molesters, because both boy and girl sexual abuse is above 50% there, and is considered to be at epidemic proportions by people that report on these issues worldwide (as recently reported by several Sri Lankan and international NGOs)?

Should I wonder about the contradiction that most Thai vendors on Khao San road treat many foreigners with an air of hatred (for not being the "right" kind of tourist), while earning their livelihoods charging at least double to quadruple for everything?

Should I hold you, Kwiz, or Thais responsible for the ridiculous nonsense that is represented almost daily in the Thai media about foreigners?

Should I note the extreme hypocrisy of Thai/S.E. Asian society (with the exception of Cambodia, who has recently admitted that they have a serious problem), by only punishing and publishing the names and pictures of foreign pedophilles, in a society that has between 30-50% of homegrown pedophilla (UN ESCAP 2001/2)?

Should I blame all Thais for the effluvia that gains entry to my country on a visa, and then run the same corrupt rackets such as prostitution, trafficking, and hit-men style murders?

Should I even blame those who don't even know their own ###### history, for blaming those who do?

The answer to these questions is no,  but I struggle with them every day, as well as the ugliness of my own society, because it seems like the whole lot of us in the human race have become stranded down some god-forsaken place.  I will most likely have to worry about some of these quotes being used out of context, or even possibly being blacklisted from this country for even raising the question.

I've never thought of myself as a religous person, and I think spiritual/religous beliefs are a personal issue.  But I think the statement  "Do not cast the first stone without casting one against yourself" should be meditated upon from time to time.

So let's see, Frenchman and American production company choose a stupid and offensive visual, receive the complaints, hear them, apologize and make amends by repeating the apology everytime they show the movie.  Gain of face for Thailand and Buddhists, and those in the west stand corrected.  A good outcome.

Other side of the coin:

.... British girl is raped and murdered in 2000, no trial, no culprit.  New double murder of British citizens .... well, time will tell what the score is there.  And countless others.  I can only hazard a guess.

Thanks kat!

I couldn't have said this better myself! :o

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Just for the record, and because Kwiz seems to be a tad shy of naming his nationality, but I do think it has some relevance to the topic; he comes from Sri Lanka. Now I hope he will not be angry about me letting this fact slip, as in the past he has been quite willing to discuss his country openly, and indeed, I have had one run-in, a long time ago, about the dangers inherent in writing off an entire nation, when one's own country is not entirely spotless on the issue of religious (in)tolerance.

Now, for anyone who knows my angles, will know I am not exactly pro-US foreign policy or pro-US style politics, but I would not dream of attacking the whole darn country and its people (apart from in jest, perhaps, Booners old boy :o ) , over the actions of one director or film, so think Kwiz has stepped over the mark on this one. But it does highlight a trend I've noticed, where good law-abiding denizens of ex-colonial countries are extremely concerned about the perceived rise of US neo-colonialism in the past 3 years or so. I think the blame can be squarely put in Bush's and his oil-buddies court, and until the US population wake up to this fact, and kick the offending culprit out in November, then the US-rest of the world tensions will increase interminably and things like "Hollywood Buddha" will just stoke the flames of resentment about the present world order.

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Every Normal person can see this in it's relative context. YOu don't here me complaining about the ignorant Asians Who portray the swastika in their Beer Bars :o .

That's because the swastika was a Hindu symbol for peace (or something like that). The fact that AH and his mob appropriated it for their own reasons doesn't invalidate its original meaning, so why should the Hindus not show it? M'thinks the ignorance is closer to home than you may think.


We have been through this several times. The use of the swastika on motorcycles and in beer bars, etc. has NOTHING to do with the Hindu origins of the symbol. We are not talking about swastikas on Hindu temples. These people use it because they see it as a kick-ass, macho sign. And what they are using is the NAZI symbol, a tilted, backward swastika on a white circle and red field. There is NO mistaking this with the Hindu version.

Indeed Pvtdick :D

I haven't found the hindu version yet :D

Besides i strongly doubt that there's a thai out there who knows it's a hindu sign let alone what a nazi means. They just copy it because they saw it in a film somewhere.

Talk about ignorance ....

I thin the most recent meaning is the freshest in everybody's memory. If you portray it in germany you go straight to jail, no passing start.....

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First off...the swastika is in fact a hundu symbol but the hindu version points in the opposite direction of the nazi version.

Secondly....Kwiz, I wonder what the Lord Buddha would think of your ravings?

Third...It always amazes me how they all bash America but when they get in trouble....who do they all call for help?

Its called freedom of expression folks...that what a democracy provides its citizens.


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But there are people who are jealous and hate Americans for ridiculous reasons. Every country has its goods and bads, but some people just focus on the bad things only just because they are from America.

Not all people who hate Americans are jealous of Americans, that just isn't true.

Americans make themselves so easy to hate, that is why.

It's not because it's a wealthy country but it's a wealthy ignorant country with lots of power but not much apparent intelligence or diplomacy.

America is always blowing it's own trumpet in a way that just isn't the same as other countries with national pride, I mean look at the Canadians, they're as diplomatic as you get, so how come no one hates them?

A few months ago I saw an American audience go wild as John Kerry finished his speech and there was an HUGE woman with a little face in the middle of her fat, blubbery head/neck who was crying hysterically and gushing about how wonderful John Kerry was.

I wanted to step into the TV and punch her in the face and tell her to get a grip on herself.

I sympathise with all those who live here and read this forum that were born in America but are not in the pot of stereotypes that remain there.

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Secondly....Kwiz, I wonder what the Lord Buddha would think of your ravings?

Apart from telling his disciples not to worship images of himself, the Buddha said: "Bhikkus, whenever you hear someone criticize or ridicule me or the Dharma, do not give rise to feelings of anger, irritation, or indignation. Such feelings can only harm yourselves."

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A few months ago I saw an American audience go wild as John Kerry finished his speech and there was an HUGE woman with a little face in the middle of her fat, blubbery head/neck who was crying hysterically and gushing about how wonderful John Kerry was.

I wanted to step into the TV and punch her in the face and tell her to get a grip on herself.

Boon Mee:

Yeah! The best-looking broads go for Dubya! :o

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Every Normal person can see this in it's relative context. YOu don't here me complaining about the ignorant Asians Who portray the swastika in their Beer Bars :o .

That's because the swastika was a Hindu symbol for peace (or something like that). The fact that AH and his mob appropriated it for their own reasons doesn't invalidate its original meaning, so why should the Hindus not show it? M'thinks the ignorance is closer to home than you may think.

i don't know what religious symbol the swastika came from. I thought it was a religious symbol in china. probably tibet/western china when the germans went looking for their aryan ancestry. I've seen them all over graves and stuff though in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Guong Dong, and even in the US.

But actually, Hitler took the symbol and reversed the direction it 'spins' in. So the religious sybmol and the swastika are not the same. and the religious symbol is just red. it does not have all the color requirements as a swastika and is not inside a white circle, which is part of a flag.

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A few months ago I saw an American audience go wild as John Kerry finished his speech and there was an HUGE woman with a little face in the middle of her fat, blubbery head/neck who was crying hysterically and gushing about how wonderful John Kerry was.

I wanted to step into the TV and punch her in the face

How ironic that in a discussion of the Venerable Lord Buddha, that you voice your emotions in such an openly hostile, aggressive, and combative manner.

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If I remember correctly "svasti" is sanskrit for "good being".

It is a symblo for "spiritual victory", not what A. Hitler used it to mean.

As both Hindi and Thai come from Sanskrit, the Thai word for "good being" is written Sawasti, pronounced "sawatdee". The linguist guys from the Thai language section can explain better than I.

So swastika, and sawadee ka, very similar.

"Although the sight of a Nazi swastika still gives people a jolt, if they

look deeply and try to remember that the older meaning is benevolent, it

will be very uplifting.

The swastika as follows is a spiritual symbol of good, spiritual victory,

betterment. It should be flying over the United Nations."

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Two weeks ago, I sat nextto a young "punk" . I couldn't help asking him if he knew what the badges he was wearing were.

A swastika, and an anarchy sign were among them.

My old mate used to wear a swastika when he was a young punk, re 1979.

He wore it just because Sid Viscous wore one and to try to be outrageous without understanding what it meant - ignorance!

Boy, did some old codgers give him the evil look.

Anyway this young "punk" said he knew what they meant, which he didn't.

Even after questioning him about Royalty in Thailand, he just looked at me and smiled, probably thinking who is this crazy old farang.

I felt like asking some young Thai girl why she was wearing a t-shirt insulting "my Queen" once(a sex pistols God save the Queeen one) , but why, again ignorance.

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Yet another movie to disrespect


Kwiz117 :-

On about Movies:-

As you started this very good Fred…….

Another Movie......... :D made Long ago...... :D

And yet, they made this movie in your good country called “The Bridge over the River Kwai” depicting the most Famous Bridge in Thailand, and not a word was said about the real name of this most gracious River in Thailand "River Kwae" -_- only some old “Buffalo River” :wub: flowing down into the sea… which it is NOT… :)

My comments on this Fred are not directed towards you, but are directed towards Movie Makers…. :D

Wrong spelling and wrong settings etc.. Just perhaps the movie that you mentioned, they also did the same mistakes – but in a different way. …………………………………


Good night and sweet dreams to all of you and Peace on Earth ………………. . :D


Kan Win


Edited by Kan Win
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"Although the sight of a Nazi swastika still gives people a jolt, if they

look deeply and try to remember that the older meaning is benevolent, it

will be very uplifting.

The swastika as follows is a spiritual symbol of good, spiritual victory,

betterment. It should be flying over the United Nations."

If AH had finished the job we wouldn't need the UN and the world or more precise the Middle-East would be in a lot less shit than it is in today.

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"Although the sight of a Nazi swastika still gives people a jolt, if they

look deeply and try to remember that the older meaning is benevolent, it

will be very uplifting.

The swastika as follows is a spiritual symbol of good, spiritual victory,

betterment. It should be flying over the United Nations."

If AH had finished the job we wouldn't need the UN and the world or more precise the Middle-East would be in a lot less shit than it is in today.

Are you just trying to be clever, or do you really wish that Hitler had finished what he started out to do?

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If AH had finished the job we wouldn't need the UN and the world or more precise the Middle-East would be in a lot less shit than it is in today.

Are you just trying to be clever, or do you really wish that Hitler had finished what he started out to do?

I definately do not agree with all the things Hitler wanted to do but on the other hand if I see how the Palestinians get treated I wonder sometimes how things would be if Hitler had his way.

Sure behind a computer it is easy to comment but I feel happy I am neither Israeli or Palestinian cause I would not wish to be in the shit those lot are in.

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