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True Dsl Problems


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I've noticed in the last several days that about half the overseas internet sites are coming up VERY slowly... actually less than dialup speeds. when I ping tham I get a lot of Timeoiuts. I tried to call true about the issue but the main number is in a constant stat of busy.

Anyone else having this issue?


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I've noticed in the last several days that about half the overseas internet sites are coming up VERY slowly... actually less than dialup speeds. when I ping tham I get a lot of Timeoiuts. I tried to call true about the issue but the main number is in a constant stat of busy.

Anyone else having this issue?


Hi Greg,

I have also noticed an extreme lag recently. The connection here at the office right now is woeful!

The strange thing is, I was on a friends laptop at home last night and scanned the area for wireless connections and found a free True WiFi connection (it was only showing as one bar in strength - the weakest of all the connections in the list). I connected to that and surfed around a little, it seemed fine. I logged onto a Facebook Poker application and it never once lagged, it seemed great. My friend left, taking his laptop with him, so I went over to my desktop PC and tried to log into the same poker application using my home True ADSL 1MB package and it would time out everytime! Would not log in once.

I couldn't believe this weak wireless connection would fly, yet my own 'superior' Hi-Speed ADSL from True at home wouldn't even connect!

Does anyone have any knowledge or experience of using both WiFi and ADSL modem in Bangkok? From what I experienced last night I'm considering switching to Wireless at home. Any thoughts?

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I've noticed in the last several days that about half the overseas internet sites are coming up VERY slowly... actually less than dialup speeds. when I ping tham I get a lot of Timeoiuts. I tried to call true about the issue but the main number is in a constant stat of busy.

Anyone else having this issue?


Hi Greg,

I have also noticed an extreme lag recently. The connection here at the office right now is woeful!

The strange thing is, I was on a friends laptop at home last night and scanned the area for wireless connections and found a free True WiFi connection (it was only showing as one bar in strength - the weakest of all the connections in the list). I connected to that and surfed around a little, it seemed fine. I logged onto a Facebook Poker application and it never once lagged, it seemed great. My friend left, taking his laptop with him, so I went over to my desktop PC and tried to log into the same poker application using my home True ADSL 1MB package and it would time out everytime! Would not log in once.

I couldn't believe this weak wireless connection would fly, yet my own 'superior' Hi-Speed ADSL from True at home wouldn't even connect!

Does anyone have any knowledge or experience of using both WiFi and ADSL modem in Bangkok? From what I experienced last night I'm considering switching to Wireless at home. Any thoughts?

I have a feeling that its based on your account. my guess is they are selectively doing SOMETHING with accounts, have no idea why


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From some experiences I had in the past, TRUE accounts used with TRUE modems having a more slow speed than using a Non-TRUE Modem! Within the last few Years TRUE is modifying the Firmware Software of it's Modem/Routers so that you need to use a so called High Speed Navigator for to logon to the network.

To use is connection means that you need to connect at every time you want to use the Internet with the High Speed Navigator and that software works like a Dialup Modem. This is also a way for TRUE to control the connected computer by allowing a just single computer from an connection running with the High Speed Navigator.

As it isn't possible to roll back the modification TRUE has done on their Modem/Routers, you're not abel to change the settings of the Modem and you even can't keyin Username and Password and the other required setting for automatic connection for that moment you switch on your computer.

The way to go around this is to buy and use an "virgin" Modem/Router! The result is that you get a more stable and fster connection and you can program your Modem/Router to your requirements. Als long as you use an TRUE Modem/Router, they are able to control your connection. I wouldn't like that!


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Yep for the last week or so have been timed out on getting my times for the TV programs { ESPN Star TV.Times} using Firefox 2 and 3, and IE7..

Found a site which hides ISP, entered the ESPN Star web site into this and it opened 1st time. On Firefox and IE, so no idea what True are doing

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Don’t we all just get totally sick and tired of paying for a crap service and all ways being given a load of B/S and excuses . we have to remember here in Thailand

what you pay for and have been promised means absolutely nothing

Customer service is as bad as it could get , guarantees and assurances are

Just words to fob you off, pay your money and then they couldn't care less

What a sad state of affairs


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I am pretty sure they are having issues with their outbound hub. I asked in another thread earlier that I think True's (and most other ISP's in Thailand) only have two outbound nodes via CAT. Can someone confirm this?

To use is connection means that you need to connect at every time you want to use the Internet with the High Speed Navigator and that software works like a Dialup Modem.

I've found this to be true, I used to leave my modem permanently connected and went off to watch TV for an hour or so, then come back and notice things have slowed down. I reconnect and things seem to be slightly better. Almost as if True are actively monitoring active and passive connections. The more I am using my connection the better things seem to get.

I also remember a while ago I went through a spate of continually calling True everynight to make them 'aware' of me as an individual and things did get better the more I complained. I've stopped doing it for a while now and notice I've probably slipped under their radar. The things you have to do!

The way to go around this is to buy and use an "virgin" Modem/Router! The result is that you get a more stable and fster connection and you can program your Modem/Router to your requirements. Als long as you use an TRUE Modem/Router, they are able to control your connection. I wouldn't like that!

Where might I be able to purchase one Reimar and what's involved re: by passing True's log-on permissions etc...?

Would anyone recommend the WiFi route, as it was noticeably superior to my modem based account. Perhaps True aren't as stringent or administritive with their wireless usage as they are trying to 'actively' sell these accounts.

I have a feeling that its based on your account. my guess is they are selectively doing SOMETHING with accounts, have no idea why


I share your paranoia, in the sense of active passive monitoring.

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I strongly suggest to buy an new Modem/Router. But I also suggest to avoid and tripple solution: Modem/Router - Switch - Wifi!

A good and also cheap way to go is to buy an TPLink 8840 Modem/Router with 4 Port Switch and is you want to use WiFi, buy an cheap Wireless Access Point which will be connected to the Modem/Router - Switch and you still have 3 ports for cable connection.

The programming of the Modem/Router is quite easy and done within a few minutes. Mainly you need to keyin your Username, Password and VPI/VCI (0/100 for TRUE) and your system is ready for to connect to the Internet. You can fine tune the modem for your direct requirement include Firewall very easy too.

At the same moment you had switch on your Modem/Router, need about a minute for stratup, you're connected to the Internet and that as long as the Modem/Router is switched on.

I use The TPLink Modem/Router for a long time already for several reasons but the main reason for me is that I can set 32 Virtula Server, also named as Port forwarding while other are more limited, some just to 8! I also use the Broadcom Firmware which is an exellent Firmware and the TPLink is 100% compatible to it. Backup and restore of your Modem settings is a very easy task as well.

It's your choice what you loke to do but as I told before, I wouldn't like to be controlled from an ISP!


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A good and also cheap way to go is to buy an TPLink 8840 Modem/Router with 4 Port Switch

Any suggestions on where I could pick one up Reimar? I would want to spend hours walking around Fortune or Panthip asking for Teeee Peeee Link at every store only to be met with blank faces. :o

Thanks in advance

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A good and also cheap way to go is to buy an TPLink 8840 Modem/Router with 4 Port Switch

Any suggestions on where I could pick one up Reimar? I would want to spend hours walking around Fortune or Panthip asking for Teeee Peeee Link at every store only to be met with blank faces. :o

Thanks in advance

Most of the shops with Modems pp. having TPLink products. May you check on 3. fl. at Pantip. If you go up with the Elevator and leave to the Shoppingfloor, there is direct an shop with Network and Modem Products on the corner, you can't miss that shop because you run straigth th them!

Cost for the 8840 is app. THB 1,500


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True Network Status clearly shows a problem on an international gateway.

There's always a bleedin problem with True. I've just been trying (again) to watch some music vids on yahoo and youtube - waste of time for anything streamed. General service is slow most of the time now.

It's a scandal how True and all the other so called internet providers get away with it. How do they get away with it? Isn't there some sort of government dept to keep checks on things? Only joking ha ha.

I really do hate True!

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Simply put, there are too many people in Bangkok surfing the Internet than there are network lines available :o:D

Your posts are not helping Max.

Yes it is the case in any country that is trying to build an infrastructure. I remember in the UK when internet access was being sold, it was over sold and connections were crappy. I understand there are differences between here and the the UK. But the commercial principle is the same, sell sell sell!!

Subscribers are what's needed to generate cashflow, then you worry about the service and back end after once you have the capital. Pretty much the same as Orange did when they first came here. Promise the earth, deliver little. Success? Yes on a financial commercial scale. Not on a customer satisfaction level. Marketing, Promises cashflow etc...

This is a developing country, and anyone who says Thailand is worse than first world countries with regard to commerce is forgetting the underlying root of commerce and capatilism. Talk to any of your friends back home in the US, AUS, UK, EUR, or any other first world region I failed to mention and they will all have something to complain about regarding a new promise from a state (not many of them left!) or private enterprise. Money money money. I would hazard a guess that the reason 50% of the foreign nationals are here is to get a headstart on this emerging region.

I am not condoning the poor service, I am not saying capilitism is right. I am simply saying, meh, deal with it. Unless you are a man that can afford to buy out True and it's upcoming monopoly on local media then shush and ask here for tips from helpful people like Reimar that can help you bypass some of the controls True put upon you.

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spot and MaxLee:

That is simple not true!

If want to blame someone you have to blame that organization which is leasing the international Bandwith! It's exactly that: Lack of international Bandwith which prevent the endusers in Thailand for to get a better Service. Even true is just nothing more than an Sub-Contracter of that organization.

Now you have to blame who?!

TRUE is on testing the international Gateway they had installed via Malaysia to bypass the TOT. But this isn't working well and they phasing a lot problems. Even the problems in the Thailand South having a huge effect on this because that Fi bre Optic Cable was already several times damaged by Terrorist attaks.

Than the installation of the 3G Networks stacks as well. And there even different systems involved: 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1900 MHZ and 2100 MHZ! If you take a look to Australia abut their 3G network, you'll already know that there would be a lot problem and that not only because the required Hardware isn't only partly available in Thailand.

And so we could go on and on without to find an end but now and here we simply can tell the the "Black Sheep" is that organization which provide simply NOT enough international Bandwith to the local ISP's!


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Simply put, there are too many people in Bangkok surfing the Internet than there are network lines available :o:D

Your posts are not helping Max.

Yes it is the case in any country that is trying to build an infrastructure. I remember in the UK when internet access was being sold, it was over sold and connections were crappy. I understand there are differences between here and the the UK. But the commercial principle is the same, sell sell sell!!

Subscribers are what's needed to generate cashflow, then you worry about the service and back end after once you have the capital. Pretty much the same as Orange did when they first came here. Promise the earth, deliver little. Success? Yes on a financial commercial scale. Not on a customer satisfaction level. Marketing, Promises cashflow etc...

This is a developing country, and anyone who says Thailand is worse than first world countries with regard to commerce is forgetting the underlying root of commerce and capatilism. Talk to any of your friends back home in the US, AUS, UK, EUR, or any other first world region I failed to mention and they will all have something to complain about regarding a new promise from a state (not many of them left!) or private enterprise. Money money money. I would hazard a guess that the reason 50% of the foreign nationals are here is to get a headstart on this emerging region.

I am not condoning the poor service, I am not saying capilitism is right. I am simply saying, meh, deal with it. Unless you are a man that can afford to buy out True and it's upcoming monopoly on local media then shush and ask here for tips from helpful people like Reimar that can help you bypass some of the controls True put upon you.

And I bet that customers complaining eventually got things improved faster in the UK. It's no good just sitting there accepting and offering excuses otherwise things will never improve. I don't really care who's problem it is, I want what I pay for to do what it says on the box.


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...that organization which provide simply NOT enough international Bandwith to the local ISP's!

No, it is the other way around. The ISP's such as True are free to buy as much intl bandwidth as they wish for their subcribers to share. And as we all know, the number they choose is too little to allow their customers to realize the speeds they subscribe at.

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...that organization which provide simply NOT enough international Bandwith to the local ISP's!

No, it is the other way around. The ISP's such as True are free to buy as much intl bandwidth as they wish for their subcribers to share. And as we all know, the number they choose is too little to allow their customers to realize the speeds they subscribe at.

According to the info I was getting first hand from NTC, all ISP's relying on the Bandwith provided by TOT which is the "Sole Distributor" for all international Bandwith running over the Thailand Gateway.

The only exception is TRUE which was installing an Fibre Optic Cable to Malysia to access the International Gateway via Malaysia. And This is still under testing with a lot problems as I described before.

The International Bandwith for the IP-Star system is also managed by TOT which has the monopoly for that as well for Thailand.

There some other Sattelite systems available but all of them foreing system and the position of the Sattelites not direct babove Thailand. Even that services much mor expensive that the IP-Star. One of this is an Hongkong Company.

You're right that the ISP's could buy as much Bandwith as they would like to have but they are limited the that what they realy get and that is "managed" by TOT!


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I was having a heck of a time from beginning of January til just last weekend with my True connection, but as of about Sunday it started speeing up again and seems back to normal now.....hope it stays that way!

I never had a realy problem with TRUE at Samut Prakarn.

But on one of my customers place was a lot problems and we finally found out that there was a few new Internet Cafee's using "normal" account for their "business"! Reported that to TRUE and a few days later all was ok!

May one of the first steps before starting complaining is to check the area around if there is any Internet Cafe and than which connection theu use. Last is easy to find out, just "buy" 1 h from them and check their system with thems own computer. Most of this "Business Owners" don't know how to adjust the system so that no one could find out which connection they using!


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