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I have been coming to Thailand (Bangkok mostly) every 3 months for the last 4 years and have to say as a business person every trip I look for good companies to purchase.

I look at the websites and when I find a company that looks good I fly over and visit the business only to find it’s in trouble or not truly making any money. The amount of western business people that have sat with me to sell their failing business for a small fortune is amazing.

Commonsense seems to have departed from their brains many years ago and that have lost almost everything they have to try justify staying in the (I admit) beautiful country. But the country is CLEARLY not designed to accept and or support a westerner making any money in Thailand.

Thailand is the place you go and visit or retire is what I tell everybody. Anybody I know that is happy in Thailand has a pension or retirement fund supporting their life in Thailand.

This is unlike in the west. I live in Australia and have traveled Europe and beyond and can only say the true support in such other countries for a small business, and or investment is real and works. I told somebody in Thailand that the investment I have return 100% on investment within 3 years. He could not believe this was possible while he offered me just 10% a year. (risk = return + Thailand = Forget it)

The smartest person I meet in Bangkok has a business making US$15’000 a month selling goods he finds on the streets on Ebay etc. From home he runs his 2 person business and makes enough to live a good life. But he is one of the very rare few.

I love Thailand and the Thai people but as a 29 year old I’m not going to be doing business in Thailand any time soon. I'm interested to hear from any other business people that have found success and others that share my thoughts.

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I have been coming to Thailand (Bangkok mostly) every 3 months for the last 4 years and have to say as a business person every trip I look for good companies to purchase.

so how many companies have you bought until now?

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I have been coming to Thailand (Bangkok mostly) every 3 months for the last 4 years and have to say as a business person every trip I look for good companies to purchase.

I look at the websites and when I find a company that looks good I fly over and visit the business only to find it's in trouble or not truly making any money. The amount of western business people that have sat with me to sell their failing business for a small fortune is amazing.

Commonsense seems to have departed from their brains many years ago and that have lost almost everything they have to try justify staying in the (I admit) beautiful country. But the country is CLEARLY not designed to accept and or support a westerner making any money in Thailand.

Thailand is the place you go and visit or retire is what I tell everybody. Anybody I know that is happy in Thailand has a pension or retirement fund supporting their life in Thailand.

This is unlike in the west. I live in Australia and have traveled Europe and beyond and can only say the true support in such other countries for a small business, and or investment is real and works. I told somebody in Thailand that the investment I have return 100% on investment within 3 years. He could not believe this was possible while he offered me just 10% a year. (risk = return + Thailand = Forget it)

The smartest person I meet in Bangkok has a business making US$15'000 a month selling goods he finds on the streets on Ebay etc. From home he runs his 2 person business and makes enough to live a good life. But he is one of the very rare few.

I love Thailand and the Thai people but as a 29 year old I'm not going to be doing business in Thailand any time soon. I'm interested to hear from any other business people that have found success and others that share my thoughts.

hi, what kind of business you purchase ?

i must admit, they make it very very difficult for foreingners to start something up, so many paper work, administration, unwillingness, tax-es, bribes to pay before you even make a baht or can get a utility ...

let's say they super protectionist ... thai children even sing daily their national anthem, ... Thailand being the land only for thais ... as we cannot buy land, have to "give" 51% of the shares to thai ... etc etc

indeed a land for hollidays, but farang, please leave asap as your money runs out

also don't understand why they heavely sponsor OLD people (50+) to come make children here with 2O-3O years younger thai girls and spend their retirement funds here...

the visa running thingie every 90 days is yet another annoyance... why not ask farang to pay a few thousand baht per month TAX, for example at the airport, in stead of having to leave the country for 1 day/hour/minute...

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also don't understand why they heavely sponsor OLD people (50+) to come make children here with 2O-3O years younger thai girls and spend their retirement funds here...

They sponsor 50+ expats? It' nice to know Thais are going be there to lend a helping hand when I reach 50. I can understand why it might be a good idea. As you stated, they spend their savings. :o

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I have been coming to Thailand (Bangkok mostly) every 3 months for the last 4 years and have to say as a business person every trip I look for good companies to purchase.

so how many companies have you bought until now?

Short answer is over 12 in the last 6 years. I am experienced and very successful in what I do but i don't think that would ever replicate in Thailand.

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In broad strokes I agree with your assessment 100%..

I have always worked, I have always run my own businesses, I did that in countries not my 'home' and often without the language ability, I fully expected to do that when I came here also.

As I looked, and looked, studied the biz climate, studied the returns for capital risk.. I am so glad I never started anything.. If I needed more money I would not consider trying to make it here for one second.

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It sounds like you are talking about small businesses, like bars, restaurants, or small retail shops. I have to agree, for that level of business, Thailand is not a friendly place for a foreigner and it only adds to an already very high probability of failing that such businesses face all over the world. Of course, why would a country encourage small independent foreign businessman? Is there one that does?

I would like to meet the person that is netting USD15k a month selling Thailand street goods (most of which comes from China anyway) on eBay. Doubt he has time though. :o


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Camo007 – Why bother posting BS when it is obvious you have no idea what you’re talking about? You obviously have no clue, so what is the point? Just so you know I make over %100 ROI per year not over 3 years. In addition I am a CPA and have complete documentation to prove it to you and would be glad to. For a small fee of course! Until then write about something you have a little knowledge of and not just dribbling junk.

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It isnt just at the low end either tho..

Have a good idea, its very hard to protect that idea from blatant copying.. The endemic corruption.. The way that the law is not applied equally.. The way that persons of influence are able to effect outcomes.. The way that as a farang it usually (and thats an understatement) stacked against you in favour of locals.. Etc etc etc.

Then again I understand thier protectionism.. Lets face it Thai businesses / management tend to suck (customer service, honesty, integrity, honouring commitments, work ethic, productivity, etc etc) on average (not all of course) and given a level playing field they would not fare well IMO. Thier pooyai / poonoi patronage system is still based in a feudal mindset with favours doled out from on high and a form of traded Boon Khun make many things opaque that we are used to dealing with more clearly.

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I guess you mix in very limited circles, if the smartest person you meet makes 15k on Ebay. Perhaps your age is one reason why you find it difficult to break into business circles here. Thailand can attach more importance to age. Perhaps it may also be your attitude that you come across as a young "chancer". Your post does try and talk big, but the fact that you are failing here contradicts your supposed business acumen and experience. Your style would irritate many Thai people. Perhaps you haven't yet learnt the cultural differences and way business is done differently in different countries.

Could it be your business model, style and approach simply doesn't work here? Have you tried thinking why Thai businessmen or foreigners based in Thailand don't approach you?

FWIW I have have worked in 4 different companies in Thailand. 2 large MNCs where earning above 15k a month was common for quite a few employees (obviously not the majority), and 2 (foreign) family owned businesses, where profits/director remuneration easily exceed that amount. Both were family business were started from scratch. In the time I've spent in these business I come across and develop networks with a good deal of people above the level of income you're talking.

That's not to say by any means that everyone is raking it in here. Just that you obviously haven't come across the people you are looking for yet, and need to ask yourself why. They are there. I have friends from all different income brackets, from THB 30k a month to THB 1mio+ per month. I also wouldn't judge how smart they are based on income alone. There are plenty of people here with different values outside what they earn or make.

Please take the above as constructive comments. If someone is a success somewhere else, and fails in Thailand. That doesn't necessarily mean that it's Thailand that is the problem. Perhaps the fit just isn't right.

Edited by fletchsmile
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There's plenty of ppl who are happy here, running there own business and making money. These ppl aren't selling their businesses. They're not telling anyone their successful because they don't want to be copied. Some of them may even be complaining to stop others envying them, which can also create problems.

A lot of people who are successful in the West fail here because things are so different and they don't even try to understand why.

A high percentage of small businesses in the west fail, it's no different here. People who talk bug about how much they have to invest are likely to lose. It's better to keep quite, listen to others and look around at what is working rather than focus on the failures.

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..But the country is CLEARLY not designed to accept and or support a westerner making any money in Thailand. ...

BTW Google "Bill Heinecke" and "Minor Group". Buy the book: "Working with the Thais" by Roy Tomizawa. A few examples for starters...

two swallows do not a summer make..

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..But the country is CLEARLY not designed to accept and or support a westerner making any money in Thailand. ...

BTW Google "Bill Heinecke" and "Minor Group". Buy the book: "Working with the Thais" by Roy Tomizawa. A few examples for starters...

two swallows do not a summer make..

There's only so many fish it's worth feeding someone. After that it's better to give them a rod and let them learn to feed themselves. That's why it says for starters... :o

BTW There's also more than 2 tips in the suggestion if you give it a little more thought :D

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Thanks all for the feedback.

Its interesting to say the least. Its in my blood to keep looking as that's what I have always done.

Its quite funny how well I have done in the Philippines, Hong Kong and Australia. For me personally Thailand is always going to remain the number 1 yearly holiday destination. Thailand is the best place to spend the money not make the money as I see it.

comments like on this website highlight the differences and possibly the "constructive" poster is right that being under 45 in Thailand is going to hold somebody back from the bigger fish and such.

But again thanks for the comments people...

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As an observation count the number of times you refer to yourself using the words "I" or "me". Particularly in your OP. Then count the references to Thailand. Yet the conclusions you draw are about Thailand and not yourself. :o

Are you trying to understand the desert by analyzing a grain of sand? :D

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And here I was thinking it was a thread about big business and the OP is talking quite small scale.

It could have been interesting talking about "Global shift" like Peter Dicken writes about as well as the clusters within Asia that are building up.

We all know its in financing, R&D, marketing and selling where high value is added and the manufacturing part is low value and a very small part of the overall price. Thats why its often outsourced or offshored by the large wester companies.

No really global SE Asian brands are there?

Singapore Airlines maybe

Yes big business is often in the west but there are also big guy's in north Asia and growing in China and India - will S E Asia or Thailand ever make the grade?

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