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Administrators -- Please -- Divide And Conquer!


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Hey guys .. take a look. This topic gets more posts than anything reasonably intelligent or non flame bait on TV. (politics are not reasonably intelligent and most news clippings get flames)

A question posted 'today' will probably be on page 2 or even 3 by the end of the day. 'Yesterday' may disappear to page 4 or ?.

The Linux subtopic is a good example.

Reimar, you're a moderator now .. kick some Admin butt and make this topic even better.

For starters .. how about:

Computers & Software


Home Electronics


Come on guys .. please!

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Good idea klikster. Maybe one for PDA/Mobile phones as not everyone's interested in that subject (I am).

Good suggestion bkkmick .. so now we're at:

Computers & Software


Home Electronics

PDA/Mobile phones

Stickies (these take the first 6 slots, and as they are added, they could take more)

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Ok, that isn't a new idea. I had think about this as well.

First thing you can do is to change your Display setting.

To do this open My Controls from the TV Forum Main Page, and under Options click on Board Settings.

At here you can set the View to the max of 40 post per page. It's up to you how you like to see it.

This will helps you to see more post on each page. I use this option from beginning.

But one thing I'll NOT do what klikster suggested: the kicking! And I really suggest not to try to push me to something with an desciption like that.

I'll bring this point in discussion on the Mod forum and than will see. IF, and I really mean just IF, we'll splitt the forum, from my point of view it could be to 1.: Computer and related and 2.: Internet and related, or 1.: Hardware and related and 2.: Software and related.

Personally I would tend to the second section: Hardware and Software because in Hardware could be Electronis, Phones pp. as well.


Edited by Reimar
to ad some more sentence.
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klikster: I think it's better to change your "Sound"! In several Post's in the past I wrote that I'm open for any but fundamental critic and criticism. And if you like to start an productive discussion you need to use the right words and the right sound.

Next, you need to double check what your writing about and what you read as well. If you had read my answer again, and NOT just start writing without re-check, you had known what's my own point of view out of two.

Now the main point: Don't try again to cover something in an coat of humor which isn't! This is the last friendly warning about what you wrote above! If you like to submit some such comments, use the way which is free for it: PM but DO NOT use the public forum.

As I was writing in my answer, This topic is in discusson already and as soon as we found an reasonable solution or even deny we'll inform you.

And let me one thing make very clear: I didn't had make any decision and I had clearly stated in my first answer that this decision would be make by the Mod's incl. the admin's and NOT by me!


Edited by Jockstar
To remove quoted post.
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klikster: I think it's better to change your "Sound"! In several Post's in the past I wrote that I'm open for any but fundamental critic and criticism. And if you like to start an productive discussion you need to use the right words and the right sound.

Next, you need to double check what your writing about and what you read as well. If you had read my answer again, and NOT just start writing without re-check, you had known what's my own point of view out of two.

Now the main point: Don't try again to cover something in an coat of humor which isn't! This is the last friendly warning about what you wrote above! If you like to submit some such comments, use the way which is free for it: PM but DO NOT use the public forum.

As I was writing in my answer, This topic is in discusson already and as soon as we found an reasonable solution or even deny we'll inform you.

And let me one thing make very clear: I didn't had make any decision and I had clearly stated in my first answer that this decision would be make by the Mod's incl. the admin's and NOT by me!


Can some one please translate :o


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Can some one please translate

there's nothing to translate even if you use only a part of your gray cells :o quite obviously english is not Reimar's first language, but what i have read from him until now was always understandable.

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Can some one please translate

there's nothing to translate even if you use only a part of your gray cells :o quite obviously english is not Reimar's first language, but what i have read from him until now was always understandable.

I agree Naam, and as a native English speaker I can read behind and understand all he says. His English (and yours) is a lot better than my German.

But, nevertheless, I dont understand where "Don't try again to cover something in an coat of humor which isn't! This is the last friendly warning about what you wrote above! If you like to submit some such comments" comes from.

A misunderstanding? I hope so. I see no posts above that deserve such a warning.

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Can some one please translate

there's nothing to translate even if you use only a part of your gray cells :o quite obviously english is not Reimar's first language, but what i have read from him until now was always understandable.

Of course you can understand Reimar: you're German, too. :D


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Can some one please translate

there's nothing to translate even if you use only a part of your gray cells :o quite obviously english is not Reimar's first language, but what i have read from him until now was always understandable.

I agree Naam, and as a native English speaker I can read behind and understand all he says. His English (and yours) is a lot better than my German.

But, nevertheless, I dont understand where "Don't try again to cover something in an coat of humor which isn't! This is the last friendly warning about what you wrote above! If you like to submit some such comments" comes from.

A misunderstanding? I hope so. I see no posts above that deserve such a warning.

That because you dont see everything. :D

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