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Three Men Arrested For Raping Canadian Woman


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Three men arrested in rape case

PETCHABURI: -- Police yesterday arrested three men for their alleged involvement in a sexual attack on a 19-year-old Canadian woman.

Two men allegedly raped the victim on Chao Samran Beach early Sunday.

The suspects were identified as Chairat Harnrat, Montri Raethong and Taweephol Sunthorn. They implicated six other men: Preecha Buasuwan, Arthit Uamkrua, Parinya Ongart, Rungruang Somjai, Sarayuth Boonjaruek and Somsak Buasuwan.

The victim had been out clubbing with a friend until 1am Sunday when they met a group of men who offered to take them home.

Chairat and Montri said they were part of a large group of men who accompanied the victim and her friend to the beach. They said Taweephol and another member of the group sexually attacked the woman.

Police said they were looking for the remaining suspects and would step up patrols around night entertainment venues.

The victim and her friend had been in Phetchaburi for more than one year.

--The Nation 2004-09-14

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The victim had been out clubbing with a friend until 1am Sunday when they met a group of men who offered to take them home.

Chairat and Montri said they were part of a large group of men who accompanied the victim and her friend to the beach.

Really sorry for what happened to her. :o <deleted> was she thinking???"a large group of men who accompanied the victim and her friend to the beach. " !!!

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I have noticed that rape is very common in the movies, television shows and even music videos - the short story kind. I have not lived in the States for a long time -is it in the West as well, or is it such a common thing in Thailand that they decide to incorporate it into their story lines.

Sorry to babble, but...

Reality tends to follow film, as does film follow reality - kind of like a dog chasing its tail, and it is a lot easier to make some rules on film making that might change Thais ideas on what is allowable behavior than it is to enforce rules on a behavior itself, as the behaviors may start to disappear when they leave television.

I am not saying that the lack of women's rights in this culture is not an important part of the problem, but I do not know how to change a culture, so this is the only option I can think of for the time being. The death penalty wouldn't hurt, but the perpetrators do not think that they will be caught nor are they concerned with the consequences of their actions. Therefore, I believe that the best option is to get it out of the film industry.

It existed long before the "entertainment (fillm)" industry got started, but this industry certainly has not be a socially responsible participant in the country.

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Is there more of this happening or am I just reading more about it?

I will be careful in future about telling my friends how safe Thailand is for Farang women.

May I suggest you do inform your friends, but you can drop "farang" from your report, as it seems to occur to all; as the report I read of another incident in Thailand that occured on the same day about a 13 year old Thai girl that was also raped, and then murdered

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Thanks George and Thaivisa, for regularly reporting on crimes against women in this forum. We all need to stay aware. Maybe then more foreign women will become aware that S.E. Asian society abides by different rules and interprets "signals" differently than those in the West.

Gang rape and sexual abuse is much more of a norm here in S.E. Asia (and in other traditional societies) then it is in the West. The status of women is still very low, the enforcement of certain acts as a crime almost non-existent, and a cultural tradition to blame the woman for all bad things. As a rule, women bear the responsiblility for almost everything here in comparison to men.

It can be a bit disorienting for a Western women to actually comprehend the differences in her status and rights, and the overall perception of women when she steps down here. Those cute, nattily dressed and apparent urbane men that you meet have a completely different perception of you as a woman, and secondly as a foreign-born woman. Put these "cute urbane men" in a pack, and well, you have a gang-rape "party". It happens a lot in S.E. Asia.

And yes, it is even worse for Asian women. But once you are raped or violated, it is always your fault, no matter who you are. It is simply your fault for being a woman, wearing the wrong thing, being in the wrong place at the right time, or being naive enough to actually think that the average man here has been raised and educated on respectful behaviour toward others, particularly women. This doesn't exist, because as a woman here, you are blamed for unfortunate situations, even if that means you were just out socializing with people that you thought would behave decently.

There is no trust in this society, and for very good reason.

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^Not to mention the post-assault excuses like "she enjoyed it" or "she was asking for it," along with the even more horrible "solutions" assuming some kind of action is actually taken quite often the family accepts as a solution that the rapist *marry* the victim and then everyone's supposed to be happy.


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Yes, that's right. The "marriage" solution happens in some countries of South America, but the compensation or payoff "solution" happens here in Asia, if there is any "solution" at all. Mostly, there is just a lot of prancing about for appearances before it recedes out of sight.

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basically 9 thai guys raped that gal and the police will do nothing as per usual

The sad truth, TIT...

She's only a woman, and worse-a foreigner, so the police gives a sh**. :o

The guys in brown would only do a proper job if this incident made big headlines overseas. :D

true and sad ......

But having the names of those bastards, pretty easy to get them "serviced".

A Canadian father with a few $$$ can order a pretty good service for all 9, by the way this is not fiscally deductlible since I doubt he will ever receive any invoice.

If it was my daughetr I would do it nicely (in Manila you can find very skilled guys for pretty cheap ....)

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I have noticed that rape is very common in the movies, television shows and even music videos - the short story kind. I have not lived in the States for a long time -is it in the West as well, or is it such a common thing in Thailand that they decide to incorporate it into their story lines.

Sorry to babble, but...

Reality tends to follow film, as does film follow reality - kind of like a dog chasing its tail, and it is a lot easier to make some rules on film making that might change Thais ideas on what is allowable behavior than it is to enforce rules on a behavior itself, as the behaviors may start to disappear when they leave television.

I am not saying that the lack of women's rights in this culture is not an important part of the problem, but I do not know how to change a culture, so this is the only option I can think of for the time being. The death penalty wouldn't hurt, but the perpetrators do not think that they will be caught nor are they concerned with the consequences of their actions. Therefore, I believe that the best option is to get it out of the film industry.

It existed long before the "entertainment (fillm)" industry got started, but this industry certainly has not be a socially responsible participant in the country.

Hmm... The internet is overflowing with porn of all categories from soft to extreme humiliation hardcore, which is all quite easily accessible. I am not so sure changing censorship and standards for regular movies would change much.

I feel so sorry for the girl. I have a close friend who was raped 7 years ago, and she still has to battle with mental problems as a result.

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I just read online that there were actually two women involved, the Canadian 19-year-old, and her friend, a 22-year-old British woman. According to the article, both were gang raped.

The women lived in Petchburi for a year, and were voluntary teachers at a local school. Apparently they knew some of these guys from the school or local area.

If you google Thailand gang rape, the article comes up.

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Police arrest 4 Thai youths for alleged gang rape of Canadian and Briton

BANGKOK: -- Police have arrested four teenagers for allegedly gang raping two women in southwestern Thailand, an official said Tuesday.

The Thai youths were arrested late Monday after a 19-year-old Canadian woman and a 22-year-old British woman alleged they had been raped on a beach in Petchaburi province, said police Maj.-Gen. Panya Mamen, chief of the tourist police.

Police did not release the names of the suspects, and their exact ages were not immediately known so it was unclear if they would be tried as minors.

The teens were believed to have been friends of the women, who were working as volunteer teachers at a college in the province, Panya said. Petchaburi is about 105 kilometres southwest of the capital, Bangkok.

The rape allegedly took place in the early hours of Monday after the women went to a nightclub with the teens. Police are searching for six other suspects as well, Panya said.

The women were set to testify in court Tuesday before departing for their respective countries.

Further details about the case were not immediately available.

--AP 2004-09-14

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well if they were my daughters that were raped, the little <deleted> that were involved would be singing castrato in a lady boy club for the rest of their lousy life. I'm sure for a few thousand Baht you could get them sorted out very nicely. :o

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Hmm... The internet is overflowing with porn of all categories from soft to extreme humiliation hardcore, which is all quite easily accessible.
Undeniably true but not the point.
I am not so sure changing censorship and standards for regular movies would change much

If dksharron was just talking about regular movies then I'd agree but he/she's talking about television.

Its bad enough that Thai TV insists on showing graphic images of real life murder victims (including the couple shot recently in Kanchanaburi laid out in the morgue) and close ups of car and mororbike fatalities but when these scenes are repeated in their soap operas of which half of Thai TV seems to be dedicated to, I think someone has lost a sense of perspective.

For a country with such moralistic and conservative censorship regarding any form of nudity I'm appaled at the scenes of gratuitous violence and abuse shown on television and watched by adults and children alike.

Both my Thai wife and her 10 year old daughter watch scenes on television that would not receive an 18 certificate in the movies. When I explain to my wife that these scenes are not appropriate for an adult to watch, never mind a child I'm met with a shrug of the shoulders and the comment "this is Thaialnd".

Without wanting or trying to be patronising, its my experience that generally the Thais are a somewhat impressionable and unquestioning race.

I believe that, for some Thai's, the boundaries between fantasy and reality are becoming increasingly blurred with this constant diet of trash television.

The TV companies should be more responsible with what they broadcast.

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It is too bad you read about it more and more in the Thai tabloids. And it happens to women from all nationalities en races. My girlfriend is shocked that it happens in Thailand. And that it seems to happen frequently. But I guess it could be because the Thai press is taking a lot of interest in it lately.

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so..... are the men actually guilty of this ?

no encouragement from the girls...??

might be nice to get the real story first before someones execution is ordered.

na what the ######, just get them executed and sort it out later!

guilty until proved innocent ? are setting good standards here ?

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Its bad enough that Thai TV insists on showing graphic images of real life murder victims (including the couple shot recently in Kanchanaburi laid out in the morgue) and close ups of car and mororbike fatalities but when these scenes are repeated in their soap operas of which half of Thai TV seems to be dedicated to, I think someone has lost a sense of perspective.

Obviously gang rape, reckless driving and extreme violence are more socially acceptable than smoking in Thailand. It has been proven that youngsters copy actions portrayed on television and film and bearing in mind that Thailand is very much a copycat society, the body in charge of censorship really needs to get its act together.

Very sad week for the country and maybe another nail in the tourism coffin.

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Both my Thai wife and her 10 year old daughter watch scenes on television that would not receive an 18 certificate in the movies. When I explain to my wife that these scenes are not appropriate for an adult to watch, never mind a child I'm met with a shrug of the shoulders and the comment "this is Thaialnd".

TIT. That's the problem, isn't it? No one cares or questions it. It's the Thai way, no questions need to be asked.

All part of the wonderful Thai culture they're so proud of. Far superior to anyone else.

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Forced censorship has never been the cure for any social ills.

Self-censorship and education are the key. And, although your family upbringing is not a garentee, it does help a lot to frame someone's sensibilities, morals and ethics. You gotta be raised right.

As long as the individuals in charge, be they elected, appointed or mentored, feel as if and are allowed to act as if they are above the law, everyone else will do as they please and when they choose to. It is a universal malady and no society or culture seems to be immune.

Example: The republican administration of America has accomlished so much in the last 4 years through its lies and deciet and their disregard for people and human life in general (especially in regard to people looking the other way when atrocities are commited) that half the nation has bought into it. So, I guess it can happen anywhere if it can happen in an "educated" society.

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so..... are the men actually guilty of this ?

no encouragement from the girls...??

might be nice to get the real story first before someones execution is ordered.

na what the ######, just get them executed and sort it out later!

guilty until proved innocent ? are setting good standards here ?

Oh no, I am sure they were just asking for it. I mean, why should they feel safe with people they knew? :o

A 14 year old Thai girl was kidnapped and gang raped in Surat Thani a couple of days ago. I am sure you would find extenuating circumstances there too hmmm???

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Sex is something so normal in thailand that even Police don't take it seriously.Sometimes they will just laugh you away if you go to report a sexual abuse case.As it happens a lot in Thailand.They just take sex as something necessary for everyone and it's not something serious.

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Listen to all of you here. These girls went out clubbing and got pretty well loaded up with booze. Now you got a bunch of dudes who have hormones that can shoot a rocket to the moon in a spiff. You were not there, and neither was I, and who's to say that these girls being so stupid and naive, not present encouragement to whistle the males appetite.

So lets get real here. Yes, rape is a crime and it is the mens fault for not having any common sense here, and no restraint of any kind and they let their own hotdogs do the talking for them. Their final result now will be not only embarrassment to themselves but also to their families, and also for the rest of their life, since they will have a rape conviction, (that is if they do get convicted of this) and their futures are squashed flat.

As of the girls, I am sure they will pick up the pieces and move on with their life and most certainly they will be a whole lot more careful of what they are doing and where they are going and hopefully have some common sense of the surroundings of who in the heck is around them.

Most girls today usually like to go at this ratio, 2 or 3 girls for every guy that is around them. Why, cause this puts the man on guard, and if he does something wrong, the other girls can get help or give him a heck of a lot of problems. So when you play with the hens, us roosters better be well packed good and be smart.


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Until the people in this country get some morals about right and wrong, it is pretty irellevant for any of us to think we may or may not have an insight into culture here by explaining it away by, "In asia they pay, in other places they get married", like this makes us "expert"

Rape is disgusting, paying youwr way out of it is disgusting. No if's, no but's!!!!

I feel heart broken for these girls.

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