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90 Day Address Reporting

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Some time ago I missed my usual 90 day appointment, so while my visa/permit to stay is valid for many months to come, I am being a naughty boy. Will I just have to pay a fine when I leave Thailand at the airport? Or is this a black-listable offence? I guess I could visit the visa office and pay the fine (how much?) but then I might be a fool and forget the next appointment and have to pay the fine again. Can I just leave this and pay the one fine when I finally leave the country? Or am I letting myself in for a world of hurt at the airport with a flight to catch and possible delays with the visa officials, not being allowed back in to the country etc...?

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Not sure what would happen at the airport, but at any immigration office there will be a fine of 2000 baht and a stamp in your passport. Not sure why you didn't do it, but you can download the form and send it by post if the Imm Office is not convenient.

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I forgot the date!

How would the stamp in my passport affect my future visits to Thailand? And can I leave it now until I leave the country next time (in a few months)?

I don't really like suggesting that you ignore the 90-day report for the time being, but if your current visa or extension is valid until at least your next planned departure, you'll probably be OK.  So far the 90-day report computer database doesn't seem to be tied in to departure control at the land or airport exit points of Thailand.  Thus, most likely, no fine on depature.  On return, do the report in person or perhaps preferably by mail, 90 days +- 7 days of your arrival.

However, if you do need to visit Immigration for some reason prior to your next depature you might be caught out and hit with the baht 2,000 fine.


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Not sure what would happen at the airport, but at any immigration office there will be a fine of 2000 baht and a stamp in your passport.

I'm in this situation too. My bad - it was only my second time having to report & I just plain forgot. I'm planning to go to Chiang Mai Immigration on my next free day & I knew I'd have to swallow a fine, but what's this about a stamp? What does the stamp say? Could it conceivably have an effect of getting future visas?

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I do the 90 day report and have a retirement VISA.

Just renewed my VISA i and I don't think anybody checked to see if my 90 day reports are registered.

Some of my friends never have done it.

It's a stupid rule. They know my address.

I could understand reporting if I move somewhere but reporting the same exact info every 90days, year after year is dumb.

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That is the normal window.

and this can always be done by post providing you do it in time??

On the question of Forms...can all forms be downloaded and filled in by pen or do they have to be filled in online and printed off completed?


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They do not want you to report by mail if you live in Bangkok, so that rules out a lot of us. The forms are computer fill - I suspect they would accept them filled in by pen, as you would do at the office if you got the form there.

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Thanks for the replies. So the fine is 2,000 Bt.

I would still like to know if missing the 90 day address reporting is a black-listable offence. My permit of extension to stay is fine until I intend to leave. If I do have to pay a fine at the airport will this passport stamp leave me with a black mark on future entries?

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We can not predict the future. It should not be cause for "black listing" but it could be cause for concern at some point. Currently it is rather laid back - but five years ago it was not even requested; so times can, and do, change.

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Some time ago I missed my usual 90 day appointment, so while my visa/permit to stay is valid for many months to come, I am being a naughty boy. Will I just have to pay a fine when I leave Thailand at the airport? Or is this a black-listable offence? I guess I could visit the visa office and pay the fine (how much?) but then I might be a fool and forget the next appointment and have to pay the fine again. Can I just leave this and pay the one fine when I finally leave the country? Or am I letting myself in for a world of hurt at the airport with a flight to catch and possible delays with the visa officials, not being allowed back in to the country etc...?
i missed mine by 3 weeks, i went to my normal agent, cost me nothing :o
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We can not predict the future. It should not be cause for "black listing" but it could be cause for concern at some point. Currently it is rather laid back - but five years ago it was not even requested; so times can, and do, change.


Nope, the 90-day report was "requested," after a fashion.  It was Item #5 on the old style Arrival/Departure card, the Departure portion that was stapled in your passport.  Made it more difficult to say "I didn't know about this law" when it's right there.

It'd probably be beneficial if the current Arrival/Departure card had a similar notice.


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It was on the books but it was not expected or enforced until recently. That same arrival form lists as item 6 the tax certificate being required for anyone staying over 90 days or not being able to leave - and that has not been enforced for several decades.

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Am I correct when I say that one can report 7 days before or 7 days after the due date?

Sorry, I do not believe this is any longer the case……

I always report by post [over 4 years], the last 3 times the ‘new’ Form along with the Info page has been different….

“Important: Your documents can NOT be processed if you have past the 90 day limit.

YOU MUST come to the nearest Immigration Office or room 206 Immigration Bueau in PERSON to pay Fine 2,000 BAHT.”

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“Important: Your documents can NOT be processed if you have past the 90 day limit.

YOU MUST come to the nearest Immigration Office or room 206 Immigration Bueau in PERSON to pay Fine 2,000 BAHT.”

The above applies to mail in applications which are received after the reporting date.

If you report in person the requirement is plus/minus 7 days and is officially listed as such on website:

The notification must be made within 7 days before or after the period of 90 days expires.

If you report by mail it must be sent registered mail at least 7 days prior to reporting date:

Send the mail before the renewal date 7 days to
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I just spoke with Thai Immigration (Bangkok) and those of us who are here on a Non-Imm one year visa because of MARRIAGE TO A THAI do not have to report every 90 days unless they actually do have a new address and it that case they should do it when they get the new address.

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Please verify that your source was aware you were talking about extensions of stay and not "Non-Imm one year visa" because such a visa does not allow stay of more than 90 days so naturally 90 day reporting would not be required on such a visa entry.

If your source is saying 90 day reports are not required of those on one year extensions of stay please ask for a confirmation source as there are many people who would welcome such information, if it were true.

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I just spoke with Thai Immigration (Bangkok) and those of us who are here on a Non-Imm one year visa because of MARRIAGE TO A THAI do not have to report every 90 days unless they actually do have a new address and it that case they should do it when they get the new address.

Correct. If you are here on a Non imm O Visa you will not be here for more than 90 days so no need to report. As Lopburi said.

If you are here on a years extension based on marriage you have to report your address every 90 days because you do not leave the country.

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One way or another.......if you are a foreigner living in Thailand, you WILL have to deal with immigration every 90 days, either on a visa run to extend your non-immigrant visa, or a sign-in with your work permit.

So unless you obtain Thai citizenship, it is a fact of life in this country!!!

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Went to Chiang Mai Immigration this morning to report 3 weeks late. I paid my 2000 Baht and did indeed receive a small blue stamp in my passport. It says simply that I was late for my 90 day reporting and I paid the fine, with today's date. I won't need a new visa til October so we'll see if this stamp has any effect then.

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I think, as most of you already know, that some day immigration will become more strict or some new guy will want to make points and enforce all of the rules. What do you do then? Every rule that you do not follow only gives them an excuse. I fail to see a problem with just following the rules, dumb ones or not. Just my two cents.

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I agree. We all know that many unenforced rules (like 90 day reporting etc) were resurrected after they woke up to major abuses of the visa system. We can only see more enforcement, rather than less. 90 day reporting and other rules are minor inconveniences - and we are guests here, whatever amount of money we spend.

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