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For my part I am European and, like Kat, was always told I looked much younger. That was before I started

to holiday a lot in Thailand and moreso since reading TV. I have now become such a nervous wreck that I avoid mirrors like the plague.

Maybe mai pen rai has a lot to do with it.

Nah, don't be a nervous wreck. Just take care of yourself, and live a happy life - that's the best revenge. Many of the men on this board try to make it seem like it is a crime for a woman to age or grow old. I was once in a bar with some friends where this typical farang guy started the usual put down of Western women, while comparing us to a 19-year-old bar girl. He had to exert maximum effort to keep his fat, bloated ass and belly from overturning the chair he was on, while sporting at least one visible missing tooth. I knew he was 42 years old, but he didn't know my age. I just looked across at him and told him I was older than him, and who did he think had aged better? He promptly shut the frick up.

Ive seen a picture of Kat and I'm shocked to find out she's 44! I put her at 30..... woops.

Ya ok.... here's a side question. I moved here at 29 and still looked like 19..... but after 4 years here I've collected a horrifying array of wrinkles around my eyes. I dont smoke, I dont drink, I dont do drugs...... but I dont always sleep so well either. Anyway, my question is: Does living in Bangkok give me these wrinkles faster than normal (pollution or sun which I avoid or aircon?) or do most whities suddenly get wrinkles right when they turn 30 and I shouldnt blame Thailand for my own normal aging?


Thank you, your check is in the mail. :D

You are very fair-skinned, and maybe because you are male, not very diligent with the sunscreens or moisturizers. The pollution in Bangkok also takes a serious toll, and I am still struggling with respiratory issues now that I am back in Western land. You also mentioned indoor air-conditioning, which can do that to you, as well as very dry indoor heating, which is what I am struggling with now.

Cop some of your girlfriend's under eye cream, and get a humidifier for your health (and skin). And don't let these guys give you guff; a lot more of them take care of their skin now, or wish they did.

Anyway, men should look a little rough and wrinkles are sexy, as long as everything else is, uhm, not sagging. :o


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Since I quit my job I'm sort of a free spirit now so maybe I will, he he he.

Or maybe it will be Ecuador, I don't know.


I just gotta say first off that Thai's age way better than Falang!! My mother in law is 54 and she doesn't have a wrinkle on her face, I'm 29 and have more obvious age signs than her, wrinkles sunspots ect..!

Also Knowing Kat personally and not wanting to get into her pants(!) She most definatly looks far younger than she is, it's shocking, if you saw her you never guess her true age!


Hey Shola, my home girl, who is beautiful in spite of very few wrinkles, and I'm not just saying that either. So, it goes to show that a few wrinkles are not necessarily the big predictors of lost beauty. She also smoked, so that was one condition I was talking about. Her mother-in-law does have beautiful skin.

She was also with me the night that bloated idiot tried to start some tripe. (It was that loser guy who stayed at our friend's house and almost burned her house down and broke her phone).

Nice series of posts kat. I also don't know what <deleted> stands for!?!

edit I have just googled it, now I know and I think it's horrible!

It's horrible for a guy to fancy a mature chick? Grief, I fancy hundreds of ladies so I must be an undesirable. I'll reform immediately.

In my experience even 80 y.o. ladies like to be fancied, or their desirability alluded to. The tottering old dear who attends to my laundry loves a quick cuddle and a bit of chat up even though she knows that it is all in jest. Most of the male tourists who come here take pleasure in deluding themselves that that can still pull a comely young thing; why not the reverse? I'd be flattered to be considered a FILF.

In response to the main thrust of the thread, farang women have not registered on my radar for years so I cannot comment. Comes under the heading of following the laws of cause and effect I believe.

It's horrible for a guy to fancy a mature chick? Grief, I fancy hundreds of ladies so I must be an undesirable. I'll reform immediately.

Right on, I wouldn't mind a middle-aged, well-to-do lady. Bonus points if she happens to be a vampire.


oh, are we going to turn this into a bash fest? It's fairly easy to post up unflattering pictures of any point you want to make. You think Thai women age more gracefully, and I think many men in LOS are the male equivalent of the photo you posted up.

So, I think there are plenty of examples in LOS of less than graceful old Western people, but a lot more men than women. :o

*there are also different cultural versions of "ungraceful" signs of aging.


There is no way I think Kat is 44.... she looks MUCH younger than that in person. She also has the outlook and energy of someone much younger; that in itself knocks 10 years or more off a person. Honestly, Kat, I would have thought we were the same age!

Re life expectancy, Thai life expectancy is actually due to the large number of motorcycle accidents at a young age dragging the average down rather than health care or otherwise; in most scientific studies the average age that the elderly live to is not as different as you might think; in fact even over time the reason why 'on average' people live longer is mostly due to little kiddies not dying as much and dragging down the average number.

It all depends on the person; a lot easier to look young if you look after yourself, eat healthily and KEY POINT avoid the sun; that's why countries who have warm weather and who also like to tan seem to age a little quicker - e.g. west coast Americans into the beach culture.

For men, the prevalence of baldness in some countries doesn't help, but since guys started shaving their heads, I think that one is out too.

Obviously cigarettes are lethal.

Obesity definitely doesn't help, and partly that is diet, partly genetics, partly lifestyle; my own impression is women who work out and take care of themselves with sport, tend to also eat a little more healthily and generally aren't smoking - doesn't matter of ethnicity, some end up looking younger and some not.

Suffice to say, the people who let themselves run to ruin are the ones that make the rest of us* look good :-)

* I include myself in the us, but I could be wrong 55555555555


Yes, no doubt, Thais age worse than Europeans. European skin is found to be the better aging. Also Thais usually look older than they really are, like 25-27 old girls will look like they 10-15 years older. I think it's the sun, the heat and probably the food too.


some of you actually thin Farangs age better then Thai?

This has got to be the most inaccurate topic I have ever seen.

You guys are just having me on arent you

How can anyone NOT see that farangs age better than Thais? I've almost never seen a Thai women over 32 that I have any interest in, but sometimes I will see a farang who is still beautiful in her 40s.

It is because the sun is so strong in Southeast Asia.

Philipino women who have lived in Daly City all their lives often look good until they are about 50, but you won't find any like that in the Philipines. :o


Generally speaking I agree with the OP. However, I think Thai’s tend to hold on to their youthful looks much longer than Westerners. But somewhere between the 40-45 range – whamo, the tables turn. It’s like the Thai’s get the benefit of a longer youth, but then are robbed of having a middle age. They go from looking 20 something, to looking 50 something in a very short time. I think that generally speaking the Westerners age more gracefully.

Sure there are exceptions to the rule – plenty of bad/sad looking 35 yr old Westerners, and plenty of well aged 50+ Thai’s but on the whole I agree with the OP.

There is no way I think Kat is 44.... she looks MUCH younger than that in person. She also has the outlook and energy of someone much younger; that in itself knocks 10 years or more off a person. Honestly, Kat, I would have thought we were the same age!

Re life expectancy, Thai life expectancy is actually due to the large number of motorcycle accidents at a young age dragging the average down rather than health care or otherwise; in most scientific studies the average age that the elderly live to is not as different as you might think; in fact even over time the reason why 'on average' people live longer is mostly due to little kiddies not dying as much and dragging down the average number.

It all depends on the person; a lot easier to look young if you look after yourself, eat healthily and KEY POINT avoid the sun; that's why countries who have warm weather and who also like to tan seem to age a little quicker - e.g. west coast Americans into the beach culture.

For men, the prevalence of baldness in some countries doesn't help, but since guys started shaving their heads, I think that one is out too.

Obviously cigarettes are lethal.

Obesity definitely doesn't help, and partly that is diet, partly genetics, partly lifestyle; my own impression is women who work out and take care of themselves with sport, tend to also eat a little more healthily and generally aren't smoking - doesn't matter of ethnicity, some end up looking younger and some not.

Suffice to say, the people who let themselves run to ruin are the ones that make the rest of us* look good :-)

* I include myself in the us, but I could be wrong 55555555555

Thanks Stevero, all fair points, and - your check is also in the mail. :D You are my favorite Kiwi, although you have competition now, lol.

And when we meet again in person, just try to conveniently remember that we are the same age somehow :o

Yes, no doubt, Thais age worse than Europeans. European skin is found to be the better aging. Also Thais usually look older than they really are, like 25-27 old girls will look like they 10-15 years older. I think it's the sun, the heat and probably the food too.

Nah, I don't think that is true at all. I don't see any evidence of this. I think when all things remain equal, in terms of diet, maintenance, etc., there's not much difference between Thais and Westerners, except for issues around very fair skin and sun, weight and so forth.

I think there are different cultural cues, like the big khunying hair and boxy suits, but I don't see evidence of this big drop off point after 40 like everyone else. There is a Thai woman over 50 who posed semi-naked a couple of years ago and looked dam_n good. I wanted to applaud, because that is just not done in Thailand.

I just hope that I am able to grow old gracefully and happily. I think the key is to remain curious and to keep learning, like my biological mother who is Eastern European, and just became a vegetarian at 79-years-old; she doesn't look older than 65.

*And for post #41, here are some very graceful people: (Monica Belucci and Audrey Hepburn who was pushing 60 there)



Anyway, men should look a little rough and wrinkles are sexy, as long as everything else is, uhm, not sagging. :D

What sags on men?? Eeewwww, actually I think I get it. Ick. I'm keeping a toy boy.

I agree with Kat, I think the "Asians age well" thing is a stereotype. You age the way your genes determine with a little help from your lifestyle. Living in polluted cities definitely takes it's toll, as does the sun, smoking, drugs, alcohol, even jogging apparently. Don't forget too how cheap and prevalent plastic surgery is here.

It's interesting actually, a comment farangs always seem to make is that they think Thais are younger than they look. A Thai friend though has said that she has the exact same problem with farangs - she is always under guessing their age. I also find the longer I am here the more accurately I can guess ages.

I would have to concede though that the older men near me still manage to maintain some pretty impressive physiques. Some close shave situations have been known to occur with Ms Sabai checking out some 25 year old stud muffins back, only to find when he turns around that he is fact 65 :o


Ethnicity has little to do with aging compared to the biggest culprits of aging skin which are exposure to sun, smoking, and environmental toxins which you will find are usually much more prevalent in tropical developing countries like Thailand compared to most western countries. I would agree that many Thai's living in Thailand do not seem to age as well as farangs mainly due to the heavy sun exposure from living in a tropical climate. On the other hand, a Thai raised in a western country may age better than a caucasian because they have a different type of melanin in their skin which consist of larger melanosomes which offers slightly greater protection from the sun which is the main aging factor of the skin.

I would have to concede though that the older men near me still manage to maintain some pretty impressive physiques. Some close shave situations have been known to occur with Ms Sabai checking out some 25 year old stud muffins back, only to find when he turns around that he is fact 65 :D

Get out of town - 25??? Man, are you going to be popular on this site. :o

I forgot to mention earlier that in addition to smoking, environmental pollution and sun, alcohol plays a big role in aging people I think.


Lets face it a larger number of farangs each year go for cosmetic surgery to make them look younger. Nothing wrong with that but it does make it more difficult to determine someones age when first you have to try and figure out if they have had cosmetic surgery or not. I think as a rule of thumb a good cosmetic surgeon can knock off 10 years. An interesting question would be at what age does it no longer make sense to go for the 10 years, does it make much difference if a 90 year old looks 80? I don't think it would be worth the risk and the money. Making a 50 year old look 40 would seem worth while and at that age the risk factor is much less. Sorry got a little sidetracked here. :o


I don't think it is a sidetrack and it is a fair point, but plastic surgery is also very prevalent among Asians.

Yes, no doubt, Thais age worse than Europeans. European skin is found to be the better aging. Also Thais usually look older than they really are, like 25-27 old girls will look like they 10-15 years older. I think it's the sun, the heat and probably the food too.

Nah, I don't think that is true at all. I don't see any evidence of this. I think when all things remain equal, in terms of diet, maintenance, etc., there's not much difference between Thais and Westerners, except for issues around very fair skin and sun, weight and so forth.

I think there are different cultural cues, like the big khunying hair and boxy suits, but I don't see evidence of this big drop off point after 40 like everyone else. There is a Thai woman over 50 who posed semi-naked a couple of years ago and looked dam_n good. I wanted to applaud, because that is just not done in Thailand.

I just hope that I am able to grow old gracefully and happily. I think the key is to remain curious and to keep learning, like my biological mother who is Eastern European, and just became a vegetarian at 79-years-old; she doesn't look older than 65.

*And for post #41, here are some very graceful people: (Monica Belucci and Audrey Hepburn who was pushing 60 there)


Interesting. I was going to mention this but changed my mind, wary of the flamers.

Been vegetarian since 1974 at almost 56 now I'm still taken for at least 10 years younger consistently.

Ya gotta love it.

I find, in clinical practice, that vegetarian diet reflects in better looking skin ,hair and nails hands down.

CNN has been running a series over the past couple of weeks about the hazards of consuming red meat.

I'm sure you can google it.

To speak to the OP's original post. When former generations adhered more to the simple diet of fresh fish. rice, fruits and vegetables they did have an edge.

The younger generations that pack in the KFC and and Big Mac loose their edge and melt down faster.

It's just a fact.

The only meat I eat is pinknand bstll moving... :o

Yes, no doubt, Thais age worse than Europeans. European skin is found to be the better aging.

found by you, maybe. but whiteys don't, on average, have much in the way of subcutaneous fat and thus wrinkle easier (and younger). of course there are exceptions. and black people fare the best having relatively fatty skin. genetically asians should be somewhere in the middle. note that subcutaneous fat has little to do with body weight or body fat. perhaps one could think of it more in terms of "thicker (or thinner) skin."

there were studies; sadly i lost the links. i'd imagine that any sort of rigor wouldn't matter anyway as the subtext of most posts seems to be "i like asian women, so they age better" or " i'm a whitey and i have either aged well, or *believe* i aged well, so whiteys age better."

one of the more interesting points raised is that the air in bkk may be so bad that it takes a toll on skin and lungs, not unlike smoking. i've only been here 2 1/2 years and will probably not stay beyond 3, so i may not have the chance form an opinion on that (unless someone does a scientific study and i somehow cross paths with it).

incidentally i'm a whitey and most whiteys my age look a lot older than me (or so i believe...). i a ) have fatty skin and B ) have never smoked.

EDIT: i really wish that b ) didn't result in a stupid emoticon with sunglasses. that drives me nuts.

Get out of town - 25??? Man, are you going to be popular on this site. :o

What the fact that I am checking out 25 year old stud muffins or that that might hint that I am somewhere around the same age? I'm not I'm actually 79...I just like em young :D


On the whole I would say Chinese-Thai age best, rural Thai badly, most farang women pretty bad too but then maybe Helen Mirren makes up for that....


One of the first Thai expressions I heard was ฝรั่งเเก่เร้วตายช้า Westerners age quickly but take a long time to die, whilst with Thai men at least, the opposite often seems to be true. One of our neighbours died of heart failure just 2 nights ago, only 47. I never saw him really drunk but he did like the white whisky. He had looked good for his age though.

Thinking of Thai politicians or public figures-Aphisit, Chuan, General Prem, still looking good.

I forgot Banharn too!

*And for post #41, here are some very graceful people: (Monica Belucci and Audrey Hepburn who was pushing 60 there)

I can't accept your examples of graceful aging. Plastic surgery, makeup and a good photographer are all it takes to make most star look fine.


Looks like people dont want to lose face here.

Just admit it that farang ages quicker then Thai's and lets move on.

Next some will be saying who is thinner, Thai's or Farangs.

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