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Bad Weather?


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yes , we can appreciate we don't get the heavy sloppy snow of more northern regions - as shown in the URL. You're subject title say's '...Bad Weather'

These days of rain are fine with me. Plants love it, though it will give stronger pollen dustings in a month or so - which is a drag for dems dat suffer hay fever (like me). Actually there are two hay fever seasons here, October and March. .... in contrast with one season (mid-April to mid-May) in farang lands.

Another silver lining re; this unseasonably wet spell - is it will lessen the amount of burning in the next 3 months and therefore there'll be less haze - such bad air which exacerbates allergies, among other things.

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The rain is certainly fine by me, and the local farmers have just planted their soy beans and, surprisingly, a lot are doing a second rice crop.

The only one who seems unhappy is the dog who can't get out as much as he'd like to.

Our dogs are out in the fields as I write. The wet and cold weather doesn't slow them down in the least. Around here everyone in planting pumpkins this year. You know the (golden <deleted>) ones they grow around here. Guess somebody made a little money growing them last year so now everybody is jumping on the bandwagon. The rain has made their work much easier for a few days anyway. Will be interesting to see how the price is affected by the ramp up in production.

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