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Monitor Lizards Invading Bangkok


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some years ago a little fella about a meter long emerged from the swamp behind the house, became disoriented and wedged itself between the accordion security screen and the glass door of one of our shop houses...this was before I became used to having them around and I lunged at it with a broom handle shouting: 'Satan, be not proud!'...It managed to extricate itself and then ran across the street to the neighbors ground level outdoor kitchen...

the neighbors soon came home, two jolly fat women that prepare cauldrons of food to distribute to food stalls in town, and I rushed out to warn them of their horrid intruder with flailing of arms and imitation of lizard movement...the wife came out to see what the commotion was about and when I explained there were guffaws all around...the fat ladies chased the little guy out with lots of clanging of pots and pans and he disappeared down the street...

these country folks they tough in lotsa ways that we don't know about...:(

What an idiot you really are.

They are harmless and actually good for you, small ones eat all the shitty insects and flys, big ones eat everything. I welcome them on the walls etc, not attack them with brooms, really can't stand violance towards harmless animals by idiots. Hope one comes and bites you in the ass next time.

oh dear :angry:...an attitude from one who is totally confused...the monitors they ain't got no suction cups on dey big lizard's feet to eat bugs offa de wall so mebbe you talkin' a toukay lizard?

I like them monitor lizards...it wuz just a mis-understanding...I give dem hugs an' dey scaly feet are good fer massages...but dey be shy animals, can't get too close to dem...

sober up you dumb shit before you post

I take it your second paragraph was suppose to be sarcastic but I can't understand a fuc_king word. Cleary when I said small I meant the very similar other species of reptile you get on the walls in your rooms. Yes im the dumb shit? And your moron running around with a broom over a fuc_kin' monitor lizard, poo-chai or kratoey?

Edited by Bingo66
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