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Windows Server 2008

Guest Reimar

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eWeek has an very interesting article about Microsoft's Server 2008 which is really worth to read because it answers a lot questions you may have.

I was using and still use the RC Version of Server 2008 and I'm very imprest about the Speed and Performance already. The Server Management ist very easy to use but very powerfull as well.

To read teh Articel at eWeek go to HERE


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eWeek has an very interesting article about Microsoft's Server 2008 which is really worth to read because it answers a lot questions you may have.

I was using and still use the RC Version of Server 2008 and I'm very imprest about the Speed and Performance already. The Server Management ist very easy to use but very powerfull as well.

To read teh Articel at eWeek go to HERE


Does it seem to be a similar situation to WinXP vs Win2K3 Server? As we talked about before, Win2K3 server performs better than XP by a noticeable margin and makes a better desktop OS imho. Your own benchmark testing showed 2K3 racing ahead of XP (and way ahead of vista) for desktop benchmarks like office tasks, etc. Does 2008 feel like a better desktop OS than Vista?

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eWeek has an very interesting article about Microsoft's Server 2008 which is really worth to read because it answers a lot questions you may have.

I was using and still use the RC Version of Server 2008 and I'm very imprest about the Speed and Performance already. The Server Management ist very easy to use but very powerfull as well.

To read teh Articel at eWeek go to HERE


Does it seem to be a similar situation to WinXP vs Win2K3 Server? As we talked about before, Win2K3 server performs better than XP by a noticeable margin and makes a better desktop OS imho. Your own benchmark testing showed 2K3 racing ahead of XP (and way ahead of vista) for desktop benchmarks like office tasks, etc. Does 2008 feel like a better desktop OS than Vista?

Yes, it does! Without the "Gimmiks" of Vista and much more secure running Server 2008 is nothing but just a fun!

I'll getting my Server Version within the next few day's, it's on a way already. It will run in 2 different versions: as Enterprise and as Web Edition. Like my Webserver with Web Edition 2003 it will run on the same Hardware, without any diffrence. As I tested the RC Version of 2008, there wasn't a difference in Speed but in relibility a lot and more secure.

But I will see the differences between the RC and the RTM because MS was even applies some minor changes to the Kernel of Server 2008. Hopefully I'll have it to the weekend and could install it than.


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Yes, it does! Without the "Gimmiks" of Vista and much more secure running Server 2008 is nothing but just a fun!

I'll getting my Server Version within the next few day's, it's on a way already. It will run in 2 different versions: as Enterprise and as Web Edition. Like my Webserver with Web Edition 2003 it will run on the same Hardware, without any diffrence. As I tested the RC Version of 2008, there wasn't a difference in Speed but in relibility a lot and more secure.

But I will see the differences between the RC and the RTM because MS was even applies some minor changes to the Kernel of Server 2008. Hopefully I'll have it to the weekend and could install it than.


That's great news Reimar. Thanks for the update. It sounds like the difference between 2008 Server and Vista will be even greater than the difference between 2K3 and XP.

When you said "it will run on the same Hardware, without any diffrence" do you mean it will run on the as well as Win2K3 on the same hardware as Win2K3? That would be nice if so. I assumed it was going to have nearly the same bloated memory footprint as Vista. Sorry if i misunderstood, it's been a long day.

If you have any free time i'd love to see some of benchmarks comparing it to the other Vista, XP and 2K3.

I really believe MS could regain some customers by taking the same thinking to their desktop OSes as their server OSes: start with the bare-minimum features and add on what you need. It's a much smarter approach IMHO.

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I'll getting my Server Version within the next few day's, it's on a way already.

I don't understand why you have to wait so long because RTM has been on the Microsoft download site for a few days already and you claim how fast your internet speed is! :o I already got it.

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Have downloaded and installed the RTM from technet, and actually did an upgrade installation (from RC1 to RTM), it took about 2,5 to 3 hours !

A new installation takes only about twenty minutes.

But nothing but praise of this new OS. Indeed you could run it as a desktop OS, it actually has the bells and whistles of Vista (even though you have to install it, and enable the themes service to enjoy it).

Speed is faster then Windows 2003 on the same hardware, what impresses me is the speed of active directory, with win2003 the minute you install AD, the server needs minutes more to boot, this doesn't seem to be happening on windows server 2008.

Server manager is a nice additon and makes it easier to manage the server, IIS7 alone is reason to upgrade, better management, and fast CG1 support (which can be obtained for IIS6 as well).

Virtualisation in the form of hyper V is still in beta, but has impressed me. It was running centos, seeminly faster then with VMWARE, and of course if you run Hyper V smart OS's like server 2008, it is supposed to work even better.

smb 2.0 could be the nicest of the new things, as it will speed up copying to network drives, it only works with vista clients though, with XP it will revert back to smb 1.0.

Finally server core, which of course has far greater reduced attack surface, not sure I would want to run it though.

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I'll getting my Server Version within the next few day's, it's on a way already.

I don't understand why you have to wait so long because RTM has been on the Microsoft download site for a few days already and you claim how fast your internet speed is! :o I already got it.


That has NOTHING to do with my Internetspeed or downloading! I get the Original DVD's include the Pre-Installation Kit plus all License Stickers. Is as easy a that. That software runs on my Business Computers (Servers) and they are "reachable" for the officials if they like to "visit" me. And I don't mind you get it a bit faster or not!


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...Speed is faster then Windows 2003 on the same hardware...

I wonder if this applies to older machines. The hardware requirements, like Vista's, are much higher than Win2k3, even server core. CPU requirements are 750% greater & memory requirements are 800% higher. Not always the most meaningful numbers, but certainly seems to indicate a hungrier OS.

Server 2003 requirements

Server 2008 requirements

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