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The Comb-over...is It Acceptable?


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Doesn't affect me. I am always amused, however, about how people have the audacity to tell other people how they should dress or style their hair. These are often the same lesser intellectual types who insist that men in Thailand over a certain weight or age are perverts (whilst also inferring, as a matter of simple logic, that men of a younger age or less weight are not). It doesn't take long to work out who these immature individuals are on these types of forums - they are the ones with these simplistic, opinionated posts.

If a bloke feels comfortable with a combover, good luck to him - it is his right, no matter what others may think. If a bloke feels more comfortable cropping his hair short, good luck to him too.

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I am not gay and I am not bald, but plenty of bald men look good.

Bruce Willis is one that springs to mind.

Bruce Willis is a fat ugly <deleted>

Who gets laid waaay more than you do. :o

if you're not gay, can you explain why you know so much about Bruce Willis and his sex life?????

He's a rich, movie star. It ain't that hard to figure out. :D

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I am not gay and I am not bald, but plenty of bald men look good.

Bruce Willis is one that springs to mind.

Bruce Willis is a fat ugly <deleted>

Who gets laid waaay more than you do. :o

if you're not gay, can you explain why you know so much about Bruce Willis and his sex life?????

He's a rich, movie star. It ain't that hard to figure out. :D

So now you're a gigolo?

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Doesn't affect me. I am always amused, however, about how people have the audacity to tell other people how they should dress or style their hair. These are often the same lesser intellectual types who insist that men in Thailand over a certain weight or age are perverts (whilst also inferring, as a matter of simple logic, that men of a younger age or less weight are not). It doesn't take long to work out who these immature individuals are on these types of forums - they are the ones with these simplistic, opinionated posts.

If a bloke feels comfortable with a combover, good luck to him - it is his right, no matter what others may think. If a bloke feels more comfortable cropping his hair short, good luck to him too.

Finally a defender of the comb-over.......I thought the flag was just patriotism, but it may just be an imitation of the hair across the top of the head.

If someone is happy with a comb over the point is....what else are they happy with....what thought process is it that makes them happy wearing what is clearly a poor attempt at fooling other people into thinking he's not bald.......we know he's bald, does he think he's fooled us? Is it a satisfactory mental state to comb ones hair over and seriously think you are fooling anyone? Is it a good idea to try and fool anyone.....they may be happy but happiness is not everything, especially when the person is living in a world where the only person he's kidding is himself.

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I am not gay and I am not bald, but plenty of bald men look good.

Bruce Willis is one that springs to mind.

Bruce Willis is a fat ugly <deleted>

Who gets laid waaay more than you do. :o

if you're not gay, can you explain why you know so much about Bruce Willis and his sex life?????

He's a rich, movie star. It ain't that hard to figure out. :D

So now you're a gigolo?

A gigolo with a severe lack of interested customers. :D

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Doesn't affect me. I am always amused, however, about how people have the audacity to tell other people how they should dress or style their hair. These are often the same lesser intellectual types who insist that men in Thailand over a certain weight or age are perverts (whilst also inferring, as a matter of simple logic, that men of a younger age or less weight are not). It doesn't take long to work out who these immature individuals are on these types of forums - they are the ones with these simplistic, opinionated posts.

If a bloke feels comfortable with a combover, good luck to him - it is his right, no matter what others may think. If a bloke feels more comfortable cropping his hair short, good luck to him too.

Finally a defender of the comb-over.......I thought the flag was just patriotism, but it may just be an imitation of the hair across the top of the head.

If someone is happy with a comb over the point is....what else are they happy with....what thought process is it that makes them happy wearing what is clearly a poor attempt at fooling other people into thinking he's not bald.......we know he's bald, does he think he's fooled us? Is it a satisfactory mental state to comb ones hair over and seriously think you are fooling anyone? Is it a good idea to try and fool anyone.....they may be happy but happiness is not everything, especially when the person is living in a world where the only person he's kidding is himself.

I think you are having a bash at using an argument of logic. If that is the case, you can apply the same to women wearing lipstick ('...a poor attempt at fooling other people into thinking she has lush red lips... we know they are not lush red lips, does she think she's fooled us?'). Apply the same argument to makeup. Of course, your response could be, 'Well, I don't like women to wear makeup or lipstick'... but hopefully you are not that shallow as to miss the point.

I don't know what I would do if I were balding, but I'm darn sure I wouldn't appreciate other people telling me what hairstyle I should have. Just as I have no intention of wearing Gucci suits wherever I go just to appeal to the fashion-conscious. It is incredibly impolite for people to deride others' vanities, dress styles, habits, etc. Who are these people to judge - what gives them the divine right of declaring 'bad taste'? We are all perfectly entitled to our views, but to create a public thread in a Thai forum about such an issue is close to the wire in terms of forum rules, is in bad (arrogant) taste and reflects poorly upon the maturity of the person. Think about it. What was the point of the OP? Was it to garner some support for a childish attempt to denigrate no-one in particular? Was it to offend those readers of TV (and there are bound to be many, given the number of members) who actually use the combover style? What valid point was there to post this bit of tripe?

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A comb-over AND lipstick? the mind boggles!

Mr Ping comb-overs fool no-one if one is bald! and a person with a combover can deny it till they're blue in the face but it won't work - are YOU in denial???

I'm not sorry your vanity is dented....it is a comb-over and unlike lipstick does not make you look better, it makes one look like a fool

Edited by wilko
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A comb-over AND lipstick? the mind boggles!

Mr Ping comb-overs fool no-one if one is bald! and a person with a combover can deny it till they're blue in the face but it won't work - are YOU in denial???

I'm not sorry your vanity is dented....it is a comb-over and unlike lipstick does not make you look better, it makes one look like a fool

My vanity is not affected - I mentioned in the post that I do not suffer hair loss so can make my comments dispassionately. Do try to be a bit more mature in your responses - you are an adult, I assume?

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Ummmm....combover "alternative"----> http://www.yanhee.net/eng/btct/btct_hair.asp

It's like $300 USD. I asked when I was there for..."other medical reasons"...I asked "just in case" it ever happened. However, NO ONE in my family has ever gone bald, either mother's side or father's side. However, there is a genetic history of Alzheimer's and senility. So while I may one day not know who I am or where I am, I will still have my hair.

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Ummmm....combover "alternative"----> http://www.yanhee.net/eng/btct/btct_hair.asp

It's like $300 USD. I asked when I was there for..."other medical reasons"...I asked "just in case" it ever happened. However, NO ONE in my family has ever gone bald, either mother's side or father's side. However, there is a genetic history of Alzheimer's and senility. So while I may one day not know who I am or where I am, I will still have my hair.

That's the spirit!..............errr ...........what was your name again?

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Ummmm....combover "alternative"----> http://www.yanhee.net/eng/btct/btct_hair.asp

It's like $300 USD. I asked when I was there for..."other medical reasons"...I asked "just in case" it ever happened. However, NO ONE in my family has ever gone bald, either mother's side or father's side. However, there is a genetic history of Alzheimer's and senility. So while I may one day not know who I am or where I am, I will still have my hair.

....So bang goes my theory that the lop-sided weight of the comb-over caused dementia.....however it still could be a sign of dementia in itself..???

I have to make a confession here....I used to have a comb-over......well from time to time anyway........I didn't need one , I had shoulder-length hair (starting at the top of my head!), but it was great to wear it that way just to see the way people looked at you :o

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Hair transplants……well I hope they’ve come on from back in the 80s. I used to work in the music industry, and there was one particularly “difficult” artist, who turned up one day with the most terrible hair transplant. They had stuck little tufts in straight rows across his head….it looked DREADFUL…but of course no-one could say a thing. This situation continued for a whole year….sniggering behind his back averting eyes etc until one day he and I were having a “heart-to-heart” (quite rare for this guy) and I was about to suggest that he get rid of the tufts, when he said….

“I hate being bald, I’m too young for this….I had a hair transplant a year ago, but no-one’s noticed, ‘cos no-one’s said a thing, but don’t say anything will you? Anyway I don’t like it so I’m going to get it removed ……..”

I breathed a sigh of relief….mumbled something about it being a good idea and then went back into the studio and told everyone, which was greeted with a round of applause.

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heheheheheh .... comb over ..... heheheheh :D

I know many a sexy woman that loves to stroke and polish a bald head and as I started losing my hair before my 20's I have had lots of experience of a good 'spit and polish'

Add to that - we baldies have bigger brains - it is our big brains that push the hair out!!

Oh yeah, and we have soooooo much testosterone too, unlike our Cousin IT's (Adams Family) and women lurve men with max testosterone!!!!! :o

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Hair transplants……well I hope they've come on from back in the 80s.


Look at this guy. Doesn't he seem happy? He is thinking "Yay! I have a full head of hair and don't have to do a combover. I am happy that hair replacement technology has advanced since the 1980's. AND I have thick, manly eyebrows!" OK, YAN HEE, where's my comission?!?!?!

Edited by submaniac
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Ummmm....combover "alternative"----> http://www.yanhee.net/eng/btct/btct_hair.asp

It's like $300 USD. I asked when I was there for..."other medical reasons"...I asked "just in case" it ever happened. However, NO ONE in my family has ever gone bald, either mother's side or father's side. However, there is a genetic history of Alzheimer's and senility. So while I may one day not know who I am or where I am, I will still have my hair.

....So bang goes my theory that the lop-sided weight of the comb-over caused dementia.....however it still could be a sign of dementia in itself..???

I have to make a confession here....I used to have a comb-over......well from time to time anyway........I didn't need one , I had shoulder-length hair (starting at the top of my head!), but it was great to wear it that way just to see the way people looked at you :o

Is this you ?. no we all know this is phil oakey of human leauge but hes got one for sure !09122-1.jpg
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