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Bangkok-wellington & New Zealand *********

libya 115

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I shall be travelling from Bangkok to Wellington in N.Zealand. Can anyone recommend the best or most direct route to use. I don't mind flying in to another NZ city if it makes things easier. ie Aukland because I can easily get a domestic flight.

The main thing is recommendations for airlines. Thanks in advance.

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I think there's only one direct flight from Bkk to Auckland, and that's with TG. All other airlines would involve stops in Australia, Singapore or somewhere similar.

No direct flights between Bkk and Wellington I'm afraid.

There was direct flights with Emirates as well at one point to Auckland.

No point in flying to anywhere else, all the other airports only fly inter to loser destinations close by. Australia for instance.

Wellington is an extremely short runway, so the large international planes are not able to easily land there; it is too short for most. If you fly in during the typical windy weather then you may get to enjoy a nice 'ride of terror' on par with a bungy jump. Great fun.

Evans Bay aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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The most direct route from Bangkok to Wellington is to fly TG, which operates a daily direct flight to Auckland. From Auckland, you can fly either Air New Zealand, Qantas or Pacific Blue for the short one hour flight to Wellington. There are no direct flights between Bangkok and Wellington. Emirates used to fly direct from Bangkok to Auckland but now fly with a stop in Sydney. Thai Airways is your best choice for the fastest possible connection. Enjoy your trip.

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