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  • 3 weeks later...
Has anyone who takes Lipitor or other Cholesterol lowering drugs noticed this -


Yes. In fact it's being discussed in a separate thread currently, also in this forum. I rate this as one of the emerging medical pharma scandals in the years to come and I speak from a first hand perspective.

Mods: you may wish to merge this topic?

…Mods: you may wish to merge this topic?

Not worth merging with that old topic of July 2007 as it did not mention Lipitor in its title. In that topic, memory loss as a side effect was first mentioned in this post;

Recently went to the clinic in Hua Hin in regard to my blood pressure. Which had increased around 155/95. It normally was 135/90 and I have been on meds for 30 years to control it.

The Dr. checked my cholesterol and said it was high 208 and put me on Lipitor. I had it checked several years ago and it was the same. Anyhow the Dr. was not concerned with my blood pressure, which bothered me a bit. I started taking the Lipitor 10mg and after a couple of weeks I felt tired easily and noticed my muscles ached going up stairs etc. Then my wife told me my memory was going to hel_l and I would get confused a lot more than normal. Generally felt crappy.

Ran out of the pills and didn't get around to getting them for several days. During that time I was feeling better. So the wife googled Lipitor and found http://www.medications.com/se/lipitor after reading the comments regarding side effects and finding some of them were very close to what I experienced. I've given up on Lipitor and will work on my diet and exercise.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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