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The Black Swan is total dump for non-smokers. You can't even go in without having difficulties with breathing, and you walk in from Asok, Sukhumvit!

Good Chili Con Carne anyway, but you have to be a smoker if you plan to go that place.

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I'm rather happy that there are pubs still letting smokers enjoy.

The big O's got my support.... i can see pros cons for both sides but if you don't like big O's then don't go, that seems to be the easiest way around it.

oh, and watch out for the number 10 bus while you're at it.


Have you noticed that its usually the ex-smokers that are the most vocal about smokers?

Thanks, I could see this coming a mile off!

I think if we are honest and realistic about it, the discussion is not about smoking or not smoking. You are free to smoke. I would be the last one to tell you not to, because I smoked for so many years. But you are no longer free to smoke in the pub. The law has changed, face it.

I quit 2 years ago, but until now, I had to respect your right to smoke in the pub, so I never complained. I go there for the sport that I do not get at home (beer I get cheaper at home anyway). Everytime it is too smoky, I get ill for the next 2-4 days and have to take medication. Price I paid for my love of sport. Smokers were within their rights to smoke inside, I could either respect that or take a hike. But why is it that now the law has changed, some smokers will not respect my rights in the same way I respected theirs?

Friday and Saturday were pretty marathon sports days, so I had ample time to enjoy the sports and observe the goings-on at the local. There were a small handful of people smoking in the bar, and a smaller to larger number (depending on when) who stepped out to smoke.

I made it a point to step out too, in order to have a chat with them and thank them for their consideration. Some comments I got.

From an American, who was in the bar when at least 6 others were smoking inside;

"Not at all, I just feel that we have to respect other peoples space. Besides, its a nice environment in there, why f*** it up."

From an Australian, who was in the bar sitting next to a chap who was smoking, but stepped out when he wanted to smoke;

"Thanks, but its not a big deal mate. Back home, we can't smoke inside anyway, so there is no difference really"

From a Swiss, who stepped out when others were smoking inside;

"The law has changed, so we might as well get used to it."

So please, let us recognise this for what it is. A small minority who think that their nicotine addiction somehow gives them the right to break the law and ignore the rights of others, and another group (also smokers) who believe that regardless of what other smokers may do, they will stick with their principles and respect the law and the rights of others.

And of course, the non-smokers in the bar. BTW, I twice got a thumbs up from the staff. They saw me shaking hands and chatting with the smokers who stepped out, and figured out I was thanking them for doing so. Easy to say non-smokers should go elsewhere, but the staff have their jobs at stake and in a place like Thailand, I wouldn't ask them to throw away their jobs for this.

But the nicest of all was the very first chap, an American. He came in early, sat with the owner and another bloke who were both smoking. Owner told him the law was not really being enforced, so feel free. He stepped out anyway for his smoke. So I went out and said to him, "You are obviously a man of integrity and principle, and it would be an honour for me if you would shake my hand." He did, we chatted, and he thanked me for what I had said.

They do not come finer than that.

Edit - "You" and Yours" substituted with "some smokers" and "theirs".

You said you would respect the law. I am obliged to accept that unless proven otherwise.


I both drink and smoke, I just think it is common courtesy to respect other peoples rights and that goes both ways. How hard is it to have a smoking and non smoking area? I wish I didn't smoke and regret that my children have taken up the habit despite my efforts!

However the person who thinks that drinking alchohol is not harmful should do a little more research! I personally have caused more damage to my body (through accidents) due to alchohol than any other single cause. Appart from the damage it has on your internal organs what about the social damage it causes to families and the violence that can so often be associated with it. The statistics are mind blowing. I have never seen anyone get violent when smoking Marijuana but it is illegal in most if not all western counties. The bottom line is I guess that we are all adults and should have the right to choose for ourselves. It is all OK probably in moderation (even such dastardly things as heroin, I guess) but we are weak and tend to use these substances as crutches. So be an adult but be considerate of your fellow humans rights to their choices too! :o

How hard is it to have a smoking and non smoking area?

However the person who thinks that drinking alchohol is not harmful should do a little more research!

RP, I do not think any reasonable person would object to a smoking and non-smoking area. Look at the airports that have them, nobody that I know of complains about the smoking rooms.

However, the law does not allow this in air-conditioned areas, though I have read that non-airconditioned establishments are allowed to partition off a smoking area.

Re alcohol, anything in excess is bad. Same can be said for burgers, but I enjoy the odd one. Sugar, etc etc. But I have yet to see scientific research advocating smoking in moderation.

So, all I ask is that the law be respected.

I both drink and smoke, I just think it is common courtesy to respect other peoples rights and that goes both ways. How hard is it to have a smoking and non smoking area? I wish I didn't smoke and regret that my children have taken up the habit despite my efforts!

However the person who thinks that drinking alchohol is not harmful should do a little more research! I personally have caused more damage to my body (through accidents) due to alchohol than any other single cause. Appart from the damage it has on your internal organs what about the social damage it causes to families and the violence that can so often be associated with it. The statistics are mind blowing. I have never seen anyone get violent when smoking Marijuana but it is illegal in most if not all western counties. The bottom line is I guess that we are all adults and should have the right to choose for ourselves. It is all OK probably in moderation (even such dastardly things as heroin, I guess) but we are weak and tend to use these substances as crutches. So be an adult but be considerate of your fellow humans rights to their choices too! :o

You certainly should regret your smoking habit; you set the example and your children followed suit.

Instead of dwelling over regret, perhaps you should stop and deal with your addiction? Maybe your children will decide to follow that example too.

Of course excessive alcohol causes problems, but that's nothing to do with the smoking ban. The problem with smoking is that it affects everyone within the room which you are indulging in it.

IMO smoking in public (or in front of your children) exceeds a humans right - if you must, then do it in private, or amongst fellow smokers.


Tues night......

Bourbon St - smoking tolerated and some smokers, knowing of the law, disrespectfully breaking the law and smoking (respect to the 2 smokers I saw , knowing of the law, going outside)

Dubliner - 100% smoke free

hasn't someone invented a device yet that smokers can put over their heads and all smoke is extracted up a tube, sort of like those hair dryers in salons. it would be a great look in the bars, sort of like Maxwell Smart and his cone of silence :D

Was this it . . . ?


They could install them in a pubs' "smoking zone" provided they had a huge fan sucking straight up. No good if you've got a comb-over though. :o

Was this it . . . ?


They could install them in a pubs' "smoking zone" provided they had a huge fan sucking straight up. No good if you've got a comb-over though. :D

Thanks for the laugh, made my morning visualising the comb-over going straight up! :o


Just got back from the local.

They have FINALLY enforced the no smoking rule 100%. Ask for an ashtray and the staff politely request that you step outside for your smoke. They'll light it for you if you wish, at the door.

Clothes do not stink, nose is not all clogged up.

Thought I'd died and gone to heaven, but the snack I brought back reminded me earth can be a pretty good place to be.


From what I noticed the foreigner-oriented pubs were quickest to implement this; now the Thai pubs have followed suit quite dramatically.

It was almost surreal to be in a club *without* the smoke, as everything was clearer (including my head!)


Went to Saxophone a few nights ago. 100% non-smoking, which I think is fine (even though I smoke). However, if there was one clear-cut benefit to the haze of tobacco smoke in the air, it was that we were spared the disgusting smells of our fellow pub-goers. Seriously, I have not been subjected to that amount of flatulence and armpit stench in a long time.

Again, I feel the law is a good thing, as I want to cut back on smoking myself. Also, having come from Canada, I know that it's a viable and enforceable law (people will still go out for their smokes in the dead of winter). I just wish we could somehow convince everyone to stop farting and start showering.



hasn't someone invented a device yet that smokers can put over their heads and all smoke is extracted up a tube, sort of like those hair dryers in salons. it would be a great look in the bars, sort of like Maxwell Smart and his cone of silence :D

Was this it . . . ?


They could install them in a pubs' "smoking zone" provided they had a huge fan sucking straight up. No good if you've got a comb-over though. :o

haha, thats exactly it.

It was almost surreal to be in a club *without* the smoke, as everything was clearer (including my head!)

I was in New York about 20 years ago for a couple of months having been working in London for years. It too was almost surreal - to be standing at the side of 6 lanes of traffic and to not smell anything - no exhaust, no nothing. It was like watching a movie. In those days London stank.

Wouldn't it be nice if they started cleaning up vehicle exhausts? :o

[Where's the flying pig smiley?]


Me I love it when some idiot walks by or decides to stand by me when I have gone outside to smoke. I blow it toward them and give a big grin. It doesn't matter where you smoke there will always be someone to offend. I try to be courteous. I try to accommodate but some will not be happy until they get it their way.

And wasn't pretty much everything non-smoking except the bars and clubs before they passed the law what is the problem? If there was such a great outcry for non-smoking bars and clubs some smart businessman would be making a mint on it. They wouldn't have to force it on to private business if there really was a market for non-smoking establishments.

Welcome to the NANNY STATE.

First no smokes then, no more Big Macs, no fries, nothing deep fried, no soda, no cakes, mandatory exercise, and especially no ALCOHOL!!

First no smokes then, no more Big Macs, no fries, nothing deep fried, no soda, no cakes, mandatory exercise, and especially no ALCOHOL!!

sounds like my mon-fri routine..haha. I gotta stop reading those Tony Robbins books.

I find the cigarette stench to be even worse than farts or body odor.

You obviously haven't encountered my wife after a night on the som tum, crab paste, and stinky black eggs :o


I suggest we just divide up the bars... smokers can have 25 percent... and the rest... well... people that enjoy breathing can go to these bars. But, I think now that the boys in brown can make some money on the people that break the smoking law I think its only a matter of time before the smoking bars will be forced to comply. Plus, I know the likes of the anti smoking people... (Me being one of them) they are little snitches and will be running off calling that hot line number that is rumored to be in the works.. But such is life... :o

I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.

The vast body of opinion, public and scientific, is opposed to smoking.

The same is true for drinking, how wold you feel if a similar prohibition was introduced in relation to alcohol?

First of all, I suggest that you check out research on alcohol consumption - in moderation, it has support even from the medical establishment.

Secondly, when I drink, my consumption does no harm to anyone. I do not behave in an anti-social manner, ensure that I can get myself home unassisted, and absolutely do not drive. The same clearly cannot be said of smoking in an enclosed environment.

You are comparing apples and oranges in a feeble attempt to justify actions that are no longer just anti-social, in the locations that we refer to in this thread, they are now clearly illegal.

Any hypothetical thoughts I or anyone else may have about prohibiting alcohol, or sex, or whatever, are quite irrelevant in this context.

dam_n I WANTED to say that :o

I suggest we just divide up the bars... smokers can have 25 percent... and the rest... well... people that enjoy breathing can go to these bars. But, I think now that the boys in brown can make some money on the people that break the smoking law I think its only a matter of time before the smoking bars will be forced to comply. Plus, I know the likes of the anti smoking people... (Me being one of them) they are little snitches and will be running off calling that hot line number that is rumored to be in the works.. But such is life... :o

hmm.....20K per bar, 2K per smoker....i smell a revenue stream ...www.snitchthatsmoker.com anyone.... :D


All sounds like GREAT NEWS .....couple of pints in the Londoner...Dubliner....Irish woevr they cri it now...Dogs Billhooks and without a nod from the stinky,smellly gut wretching yuch from fag ash merchants....Jesu C ....and in LOS...dear dear....after alllllllllllllll these years :o ....might even try the food.......ye doggies....

Paradise found....


Friend just call he was there on Tuesday night, he is a smoker, said the place is a smoker Heaven, he plan to return OFTEN. Non-smoker myself so I want be joining his often. :D:o:D


Seems like the smokers at O'Reilly's have now been put in their right place i.e. out on the street terrace.

There were plenty of customers (and staff) enjoying the clean air inside the bar on Sunday night.


I personally could care less if someone wants to smoke or not. its when the stench gets in my hair, my face, and my clothes that I have a big problem. I think that is what the nonsmokers are really complaining about here.

The smoker don't seem to like it either, as they always move the cigarette away from their face and blow the smoke away from them....into me and other surrounding guests.

I was around in California at the time they started the nonsmoking laws. Everyone thought it would go bust. Bars were trying to sue the governement for ruining their business. Funny thing happened. Business actually picked up because all the nonsmoking majority decided to join the party. :o

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