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I don't know what it is like in Thailand but here in the UK are the top bent people

1. Financial Advisors

2. Bank Managers

3. Mortgage Brokers

4. Members of Parliment

5. The Police

6. Local councillors

7. Solicitors

8. Accountants

9. Insolvancy practitioners

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I don't know what it is like in Thailand but here in the UK are the top bent people

1.  Financial Advisors

2.  Bank Managers

3.  Mortgage Brokers

4.  Members of Parliment

5.  The Police

6.  Local councillors

7.  Solicitors

8.  Accountants

9.  Insolvancy practitioners

Number 7, " Solicitors"....Is that the same thing as "Lawyers" here in America? :o

I don't know what it is like in Thailand but here in the UK are the top bent people

1.  Financial Advisors

2.  Bank Managers

3.  Mortgage Brokers

4.  Members of Parliment

5.  The Police

6.  Local councillors

7.  Solicitors

8.  Accountants

9.  Insolvancy practitioners

Number 7, " Solicitors"....Is that the same thing as "Lawyers" here in America? :o

In a way. Solicitors are lawyers or firms of lawyers not working exclusively for another company, so they 'solicit' work from whomever will pay them. So you can have a company lawyer, who works exclusively for that company, that isn't a solicitor. A solicitor (or firm of) is a freelance lawyer, so to speak.

No expert, me, but that's as I've been led to believe it.

I don't know what it is like in Thailand but here in the UK are the top bent people

1. Financial Advisors

2. Bank Managers

3. Mortgage Brokers

4. Members of Parliment

5. The Police

6. Local councillors

7. Solicitors

8. Accountants

9. Insolvancy practitioners

I think you missed a couple...

- Football agents

- Dale Winton


Dale Winton is not bent is he I thought he was giving Cilla Black one

Don't know about football agents but the likes of Beckham an Rooney get their share the agents get theirs from the deal direct from the club most in cash

I don't know what it is like in Thailand but here in the UK are the top bent people

1.  Financial Advisors

2.  Bank Managers

3.  Mortgage Brokers

4.  Members of Parliment

5.  The Police

6.  Local councillors

7.  Solicitors

8.  Accountants

9.  Insolvancy practitioners

I think you missed a couple...

- Football agents

- Dale Winton


1.Err....What's a "Football Agent"? Is that like a sports agent for a athlete?

2. Who is Dale Winton?

3. Who/What is a "Cillia Black"?

Sorry for the silly questions, I just don't really know alot about British or other cultures.... After all, I'm an American! :o

( Yes, It's sad.....Hey, I didn't know who this David Beckham guy was until he married Posh Spice .... :D )

I don't know what it is like in Thailand but here in the UK are the top bent people

1.  Financial Advisors

2.  Bank Managers

3.  Mortgage Brokers

4.  Members of Parliment

5.  The Police

6.  Local councillors

7.  Solicitors

8.  Accountants

9.  Insolvancy practitioners

Number 7, " Solicitors"....Is that the same thing as "Lawyers" here in America? :o

The UK has two levels of lawyer.

A solicitor, who does most of the work, drafting documents etc.

He can also appear in the lowest level of court, the Magistrates Court.

For any higher court, the solicitor must instruct a Barrister, who the appears before the court. Ordinary people cannot instruct Barristers directly.

A sort of legal class system!! :D



Your education in all things British continues......

1. Correct;

2. An awful, camp TV presenter;

3. An awful, Scouse TV presenter.

4. Scouse=someone who comes from Liverpool.


Have property sales people and car dealers become respectable ?

Absolutely not :D

There is no Estate Agent (Real Estate for you Americans / Ozzie) ombudsman in the UK...

So, if you have a complaint, there is no organisation to take it too :D

Equally, anybody can set up as an estate agent, regardless of qualification :D

Me thinks one or two might take advantage of this :o

2. Who is Dale Winton?

3. Who/What is a "Cillia Black"?

Im not having it... He's camper than Butlins :D

Who is Cilla Black?

Its ok Scouse, Narachon obviously knows her as Pracilla White and thats where the confusion arose :o


You forgot the traffic wardens! they might not get much money but I understand that they will try to give out the parking tickets as many as possible in order to reach their target, never mind if you are pregnant ( don't think you are :o ), elderly, disabled or dying on the road side with the heart attack!! ( well, may be they are not that cruel) And also how many average people in Uk have to deal with the police,solicitors or accountants in everyday life? But the traffice wardens!!

You forgot the traffic wardens! they might not get much money but I understand that they will try to give out the parking tickets as many as possible in order to reach their target, never mind if you are pregnant ( don't think you are :D ), elderly, disabled or dying on the road side with the heart attack!! ( well, may be they are not that cruel) And also how many average people in Uk have to deal with the police,solicitors or accountants in everyday life? But the traffice wardens!!

I have yet to meet a Traffic Warden yet whom would take a bung in return for losing the ticket :D

I wish they were a little more 'bent'

Once tried offering a case of white wine (good stuff too) to circumnavigate a ticket without success... miserable bastard :D

Agreed though, they are a huge nuisance on a daily basis :o


Just a slight correction on lawyers.

Astral was correct in explaining the division of labour between solicitors and barristers, as the system worked some 10-15 yrs ago.

A solicitor can now represent a client in both Crown (criminal matters) and High (civil matters) courts now.

Much to the chagrin of the barristers.

Studied law for quite some time and would agree that the profession is right up there on the list of "dodgy" occupations. That's why I don't do it any more.

Did I see football referees on anyones list? Or Bruce Grobellar? (sic).


Thanks scouse, astral, for the ongoing British Education! :D

Is this Dale Winton is like Graham Norton, who is now here in New York City doing a show for Comedy Central?

Traffic Wardens = Traffic Police/Meter Maids?

If that is true, I understand why they would be considered "Bent".. :o

....Now who is Bruce Grobellar? :D

Is this Dale Winton is like Graham Norton, who is now here in New York City doing a show for Comedy Central?

Well not really.... Graham Norton is most definately gay, however Dale Winton's sexuality is the cause of much speculation... is he, isn't he...??

Traffic Wardens = Traffic Police/Meter Maids?
their job is to issue fixed penalties to cars that have parked illegally, or overstayed maximum "waiting" times... i.e cars can park in certain places for a maximum of 2 hours for free, if they overstay this time then they will be fined.
Now who is Bruce Grobellar

Famous African (white bloke from Zimbabwe I think) goalkeeper who used to play for Liverpool FC, actually famous for taking bribes to "fix" matches.. ( also not a bad goalie in his time )

totster :o


what about old Gary glitter heis bent as a nine bob note,lives in Thailand now he does--or that copper who lead the so ham enquiry ?turns out hes a peado,or Pete Townsend ?got caught for paying to access an American kiddy porn site, he did,reckoned he was doing it for research for a book he was writing ---on yeah,


:o For your information, and the yanks, who like the Thais, know very little outside their own environs. Cilla Black was formerly Priscilla White. She hailed from Scotland road, a famous street in Liverpool. During the sixties, when Liverpool was the pop capital of the world, and the Cavern club was in full swing, Cilla used to give a song or two there. The Beatles, who played there, recognised her singing talents and assisted her in her career and subsequent stardom. She, herself, realising that she was perhaps not as good a singer as perported, moved into tv, becoming the highest paid tv personality at one stage. In the uk, she was the equiverlent of Orpera Winfrey, loved by most.

Info from a scouser, born within the cheers of Liverpool FC :D

this Dale Winton is like Graham Norton,

Im sure Dale does like Graham yes :o

Im not sure what it is about British comedic talent. They are all up hill garderners





Skinner (I know I know he denies any homosexual tendancies but i always thing he is)

Is there any more?


this Dale Winton is like Graham Norton,

Im sure Dale does like Graham yes :o

Im not sure what it is about British comedic talent. They are all up hill garderners





Skinner (I know I know he denies any homosexual tendancies but i always thing he is)

Is there any more?

You've got to have a good sense of humour when you're sitting on a salami, I should reckon :D .

:o  For your information, and the yanks, who like the Thais, know very little outside their own environs. Cilla Black was formerly Priscilla White. She hailed from Scotland road, a famous street in Liverpool. During the sixties, when Liverpool was the pop capital of the world, and the Cavern club was in full swing, Cilla used to give a song or two there. The Beatles, who played there, recognised her singing talents and assisted her in her career and subsequent stardom. She, herself, realising that she was perhaps not as good a singer as perported, moved into tv, becoming the highest paid tv personality at one stage. In the uk, she was the equiverlent of Orpera Winfrey, loved by most.

  Info from a scouser, born within the cheers of Liverpool FC :D

Well, this American thanks you for the information regariding this Priscilla White person, as other things British - often English Society to me can be sometimes as cryptic and different as Thai Culture is! ( too much exposure to the "Benny Hill Show" as a kid, I guess... :D )

From a New York City Yankee - born and bred in the environs of Queens! :D:D


:o As the Yanks would say, and now the Brits, " You are welcome." I think, like Queens, Priscilla came from a very run down part of Liverpool, mostly all gone now, but I remember well, the Army and navy stores on Scotland road in the 50's. One could buy anything to do with the war, very cheap. Even German uniforms and helmets. Not far away in Sealand, an old American air force base, they were autioning off Willey jeeps for 60 quid, motorbikes for 15. Don't know where all the stuff went, even tanks were for sale.

Another piece of useless onfo. :D



FYI the UK has 3 levels of Lawyer, you got the first two right, but you forgot the highest level = QC (Queens Council), these people are at the highest level of law in the UK. They represent only big cases i.e. Murder. The salarys for these guys starts at around £200,000 per year. Its what most level 2 lawyers (Barristers) strive to become, as they call it 'gaining their silks', when they get to the level of QC.


FYI the UK has 3 levels of Lawyer, you got the first two right, but you forgot the highest level = QC (Queens Council), these people are at the highest level of law in the UK. They represent only big cases i.e. Murder. The salarys for these guys starts at around £200,000 per year. Its what most level 2 lawyers (Barristers) strive to become, as they call it 'gaining their silks', when they get to the level of QC.

It might be more accurate to say ANY major matters before superior Courts, or the Courts of Appeal and Privy Council.


dr pat pong...........

I don't believe your name is 'astral'??? Which is who my reply was for. Nevertheless how would you deifne Major??? As you did state 'ANY' major case, I think you should go back to the go-go's of pat pong for you info. QC's don't represent ANY major case, they only represent the ELITE of cases. For example, Rape, Armed Robbery, multi-million pound Class 'A' drug importation, and major complex fraud cases etc, etc, are all considered MAJOR, but none of these would warrant, or indeed be granted the services of a QC.

dr pat pong...........

I don't believe your name is 'astral'??? Which is who my reply was for. Nevertheless how would you deifne Major??? As you did state 'ANY' major case, I think you should go back to the go-go's of pat pong for you info. QC's don't represent ANY major case, they only represent the ELITE of cases. For example, Rape, Armed Robbery, multi-million pound Class 'A' drug importation, and major complex fraud cases etc, etc, are all considered MAJOR, but none of these would warrant, or indeed be granted the services of a QC.

Granted the services of a QC ? A senior solicitor instructs himor her, he doesn't seek a grant. Perhaps a trip to the streets of delight or a bit of a chat with an experienced legal practitioner would do you a bit of good.

Another piece of useless onfo. :o

Well better to stick with the strength I suppose. Now thread title starts as top bent professions, for which most read corrupt..give it to someone half way down and it becomes a look at friends of his who are/may be/possibly could be/John down at pub said; homosexual.

Whoever said Poms were somewhat anal got it right..

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