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What Do You Like Most About Los

drunken monkey

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Reading in this forum I have found alot of the post's very negativ towards the Thais and the Thai way of living. Cant all you guys for once find some good to write about instead :o

There must be something about the country that we like, since we coose to live here. And I am not talking about cheap booze or women.

please get out the posetive stories about bkk/los

the monkey

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well i think thailand is one of the greatest countries on earth or i wouldn't be living here. thai people are nice and polite and clean, in general. it's very affordable for me to live here and there is a high standard of medical care - in cluding medical professionals that are actually paying attention to what the heck they are doing!! i can tell you that every single time i have had my teeth cleaned in the USA that the hygineist is rushed and nicks my gums or lip or something. here the dentist cleans my teeth and she is so precise and careful. and it all costs a fraction of the price of the USA. I like that there is so much to do here, all in a small space. I can go to the mountains, the islands, very modern shopping malls, whereever, in a short flight. I love the variety of fruits at the market, the great thai food that is so affordable that I never have to cook. I love that families are so reliable and unselfish here, actually that most people in general are less stuck up and selfish than in America. Actually what's not to like? There's everything here but with the time and money to enjoy it, way better than the US and Europe, where I've lived before.

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I agree with some of the other post's.

What is there not to like?

I like:

-The variety of food.

-The opportunity to go on a splendid holiday, only a short way from home.

-The cheap, and wery good, healtcare system.

-All the fresh, good fruits.

-The people itself (most of them anyway).

-Their religion (even if you can be unlucky and run into some shia muslims)

-Theire language, witch i find wery beautiful, and is trying to learn myself.

-The prices on everything (except electronics, wich is the same as in my homecountry)


-That it is so easy to obtain ways to stay in the country for a long time

-The traffic, mainly on mainroads out of bkk in rush our

-The good interest we farangs get in a thai bank


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Reading in this forum I have found alot of the post's very negativ towards the Thais and the Thai way of living. Cant all you guys for once find some good to write about instead :o

There must be something about the country that we like, since we coose to live here. And I am not talking about cheap booze or women.

please get out the posetive stories about bkk/los

the monkey

Of course we all love it here, or we wouldn't be here. Postings like the hindrance one by DJ Pat are just meant in a lighthearted way on general observations. Every post can't be totally positive or there would be bugger all to talk about an we would all be robots! :D

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Of course we all love it here, or we wouldn't be here. Postings like the hindrance one by DJ Pat are just meant in a lighthearted way on general observations. Every post can't be totally positive or there would be bugger all to talk about an we would all be robots! :o

I get your point , But I find there are more negativ post than posetive.

Or a thread might be serious to start with but quickly ends up as one big joke.

thereby not saying that it is'nt fun reading but sometimes people stray a bit too much of the different subject's.

just some of my thoughts

the monkey

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The thing that I like the most about my country is the feeling that even if you're walking in the middle of Sukhumvit, car exhaust fuming everywhere, people rushing around you, sidewalk foodstalls taking up the entire walking area----still....it's that feeling that I'm home that gets to me all the time.....

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Joint #1 - The people, mainly (when you get away from the "you want lady massage" areas). Always up for a laugh :o Staff parties and other parties involving Thais are always a good reminder of "that's the reason I live here".

Other #1 is my g/f, but I'm not allowed to say that.

All others in no particular order: The food, incredible scenery, cost of living. Makes the UK feel so dull and grim nowadays...

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Of course we all love it here, or we wouldn't be here. Postings like the hindrance one by DJ Pat are just meant in a lighthearted way on general observations. Every post can't be totally positive or there would be bugger all to talk about an we would all be robots! :o

I get your point , But I find there are more negativ post than posetive.

Or a thread might be serious to start with but quickly ends up as one big joke.

thereby not saying that it is'nt fun reading but sometimes people stray a bit too much of the different subject's.

just some of my thoughts

the monkey

Yeah, I know where you're coming from Drunken Monkey. Thaivisa can be a great source of info, but I wouldn't take it too seriously on most of the postings. Good to have a rant and a whinge about nothing and everything sometimes, but the problem is you can't see the person that posts the message or goes against your reply and therefore it's very easy to get the wrong end of the stick, so to speak.

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The thing that I like the most about my country is the feeling that even if you're walking in the middle of Sukhumvit, car exhaust fuming everywhere, people rushing around you, sidewalk foodstalls taking up the entire walking area----still....it's that feeling that I'm home that gets to me all the time.....

Yes, you have a wonderful country Shopgirl, It's alive! :o

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[the fact that at 5' 6" I am still tall here]

I can relate to this as I too am slightly vertically challenged. So nice to be able to find a GF smaller (and prettier) than me. :D

As to other reasons to like LOS - try living in the UK right now and the question will answer itself. Under Mr. Blair's elected dictatorship it's really not that nice. So many restrictions are creeping in by the back door and it's getting ridiculously expensive to live a reasonable lifestyle. And we're getting taxed to death - not directly but by the 50 or so stealth taxes that have been implemented. As for trying to drive a car - you might think that the Thai traffic cops are a bit enthusiastic but it's just as bad in the UK. You can lose your licence now for 3 or 4 instances of being just 1mph over the speed limit and tea money doesn't work! :o

In comparison, LOS is brilliant. I'm sure that none of us would pretend that it's perfect but the lifestyle that I can achieve in LOS is just so much better. The people are friendly, the food is gorgeous, the scenery magnificant, etc. etc.. And my meagre pension goes three times further. In fact, it's so good that I'm setting up here on a permanent (hopefully) basis in October. Can hardly wait. :D

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24hrs eat-out!

whenever u feel hungry, not matter what time of the day, the food always pop up out there!!!! (and yummy and so variety!)

Yes, that's one of my great loves about Thailand - really, really good food, that is everywhere! And so cheap.

I also love the beautiful scenery, and ability to go to a variety of places so cheaply.

And I love the generous hospitality of ordinary Thai people once they know you, or when you become part of their daily routine. I don't think you can find anyone sweeter.

The other day, at my one of my usual vendor stalls in my neighborhood, I mentioned how their masaman curry was the best. Today, I walk in for my usual lunch, and they couldn't wait to tell me that they had masaman curry! They made it for me. Or this little boy, that usually passes me on the sidewalk with his grandmother and 2 other siblings. He is about 7 or 8. They live in a small slum settlement not too far from my residence. Their grandmother still wears a traditional sarong, and you can tell they don't have much money. But I always nod acknowledgement to them on the street and she nods and smiles back. They're my neighbors! The other day, I saw the little boy by himself, and he gave me a wei. And it wasn't a non-thinking, perfunctory wei, but a real one. I was really touched.

I am very challenged by things here sometimes, and sometimes feel very negative. I'm not going to lie. But I know these positive images will stay with me always.

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24hrs eat-out!

whenever u feel hungry, not matter what time of the day, the food always pop up out there!!!! (and yummy and so variety!)

Yes, that's one of my great loves about Thailand - really, really good food, that is everywhere! And so cheap.

I also love the beautiful scenery, and ability to go to a variety of places so cheaply.

And I love the generous hospitality of ordinary Thai people once they know you, or when you become part of their daily routine. I don't think you can find anyone sweeter.

The other day, at my one of my usual vendor stalls in my neighborhood, I mentioned how their masaman curry was the best. Today, I walk in for my usual lunch, and they couldn't wait to tell me that they had masaman curry! They made it for me. Or this little boy, that usually passes me on the sidewalk with his grandmother and 2 other siblings. He is about 7 or 8. They live in a small slum settlement not too far from my residence. Their grandmother still wears a traditional sarong, and you can tell they don't have much money. But I always nod acknowledgement to them on the street and she nods and smiles back. They're my neighbors! The other day, I saw the little boy by himself, and he gave me a wei. And it wasn't a non-thinking, perfunctory wei, but a real one. I was really touched.

I am very challenged by things here sometimes, and sometimes feel very negative. I'm not going to lie. But I know these positive images will stay with me always.

its stories like this I like to hear :D

keep em coming

the monkey :o

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its stories like this I like to hear  :D

keep em coming

the monkey :o

OK - a story like the one above:

I was driving my truck though Phuket Town at about 4 pm - around school closing time. The traffic was really heavy and going very slowly so I stopped because I saw two small boys waiting at a pedestrian crossing. They were dressed in school uniform and carrying lots of books. As one of them got half way across the road, he put his books down on the road and gave me a beautiful "wai" and smile. I nodded to him and smiled back, and he picked up his books and walked on.

It made my day!

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Some of you guys on here make me laugh.

There seems to be a lot of negative posts on Thailand by persons who I assume live there. I can understand negative posts by persons who envy the ex pat's lifestyle especially the UK ones who are probebly are working class living in a council house.

It must be ok otherwise why would you live there unless you are on the run from someone or some authority.

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Some of you guys on here make me laugh.

There seems to be a lot of negative posts on Thailand by persons who I assume live there. I can understand negative posts by persons who envy the ex pat's lifestyle especially the UK ones who are probebly are working class living in a council house.

It must be ok otherwise why would you live there unless you are on the run from someone or some authority.

I think we stay here because basically we love the place. But coming from a more socially/economically/technologically advanced society (I'm waiting for the flaming) we do get a little frustrated at the way some things are done here and wish the Thais could learn from the West. We are also very glad that some of the West's ways of doing things (badly) have not yet reached Thailand. But, since we are here, you can bet that the good things here outweigh the bad things.

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