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Angry Residents Threaten To Fire Homemade Rockets To Disrupt Flights


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It should be against the law to threaten to do such a thing. Throw anyone who threatens to do this in jail right away.

BTW, I want compensation from all of the modified motorbikes that race down my street and disrupt the peace and quiet... or I'll start throwing nails on the street! :D:o

I want compensation for the garbage sorters who keep me awake/wake me up at night, and while you're at it, compensation for the bl**dy soi dogs who bark at the garbage sorters.

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They might should have thought before moving next to the airport. Threatening to launch home made rockets and all that is just ridiculous. Those people act like dumb kids. If they have success I will launch my homemade rockets on our neighbours dog then.

Edited by freitag1
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well said it saddens me to read people slagging off Thailand all the time. If you dont like the country and its ways sod off as at the end of the day we are guests in the country

:o There's one of these every time!

Yep, and I'll bet most of them haven't been discriminated against strictly because of his/her race/nationality. It's easy to live in Thailand if your wallet is open. :D It truly is the land of smiles then. :D

BTW, this silly "we're guests in their country" bit has two sides. Blatant racism, legal injustices, government policies based on nationality... Is this how you would treat guests?

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So they figure potentially killing hundreds with their party poppers and balloons is just reward for not getting money...the government should just pay them the (surely not too high) amount needed and bulldoze the houses.

A few of the comments being made here beggar belief coming, as they do from relatively wealthy, europeans and americans who live in Thailand as the guests of the Thai people. (and by relatively wealthy I mean YOU can afford to have some choice about where you live!) My simple observation of this tells me that the government and AoT silent response speaks volumes of their probable guilt in not fulfilling promises made. Who makes you more welcome in this country - the Government or the Thai people? From comments in other parts of these forums I would suspect not the former, who constantly increase the restrictions on visas etc.

Remember it is largly your fellow europeans, americans and Japanese who use the many flights in and out of Bangkok each day - and add to the worldwide pollution of air travel. So when it comes to local people affected by the luxury you enjoy then you should either help them or keep out of it. Incidentally I am not suggesting for a moment that they should be supported in direct action like this but I am sure the expat community could, for example, chip in a few hundred baht each to pay for solid legal representation for these people - what chance to these poor people have when fighting those who dont give a dam_n about them!

As for "not wanting to work" - can you imagine what it must be like trying to get a decent sleep in these conditions - I am sure that most are working anyway because this is not a country where they will be given cash handouts to eat if they dont!

For health, and other reasons, I cannot afford to live in Thailand but if my partner and I could live there then I really hope that we would be more supportive of local communities

So, what do you reckon about the proposed demonstration, or wasn't this the topic up for discussion?

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I am quite amazed at the cerebrally disengaged venom in some of the postings and consequently, becoming disinterested in the opinion of many.

However, in the interests of the 'few' - 'Land Barons' to a man who are unjustified in persuing 'huge compensation' from an 'ailing airport authority' and who are putting 'severe pressure' on a 'weak and impoverished Government' - I am moved to speak:

There are a significant number of individuals who have lived here for 20 years or more, and during that time never been compensated, never moved away and never returned to occupy the land that the government and AOT(or its forerunner if there was one) neither properly protected from re-occupation/development or utilised.

If planning laws and 'zonal' development orders were ever in force they were, as usual, ignored or bypassed through the corruption of government officials.

I do find it difficult to have sympathy for those who have paid 'tea money' to get cheap land to build upon, but even they have some 'proportionate' rights ... oh I forgot this is Thailand! Where only farangs are victimised?!

Many have been in occupation continuously; raising families, carrying out businesses and carving out a living for their dependants under the indifferent or intransigent nose of the government planning department - (what planning department?). At least in the UK they post you a letter when something significant is going to happen.

AOT, in theory, recognises many as being candidates for compensation but without proof of occupation, proportionate and realistic compensation payments are unlikely and in most circumstances will have to be fought for by negotiation. Many will fall through the system and become homeless and perhaps penniless if they move without it. Why sympathise? Surely the government, if not AOT, has SOME responsibility to ensure the welfare of its citizens? Worth the effort to find an equitable way forward ?- not, it seems, in the eyes of some posters. Brand 'em and push 'em out the door.

I noticed in the Bangkok post that a fund is being proposed to tax ailines on the noise they produce and then use the money to pay compensation to residents. Why should any legtimate claim be retrospective and dependent on a current airline tax? Is this fund for helping people move from the carcinogenic atmosphere they now find themselves enveloped in? Or is it to sound proof the houses and allow them to sleep more comfortably with their asthmatic complaints? Meanwhile they continue to live here as most have no option, and health problems escalate. It's not JUST the noise.

It's a shambles. All the occupied areas under the nearby flight path should have been cleared before the project started. Way beyond the NEF (Noise Exposure Forecast) factor 20 contour, in the interests of all concerned. AOT only want to compensate up to NEF40 - So-o-o predictable. If that is not a negotiating tactic indicating their inclination to abuse their power, then what is. The words insult and injury come to mind.

Fireworks & Balloons? One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

A friend tells me this morning that the BKK Post reports that 2 hours delay on flights came from this kind of action last week (censored/unreported at the time? I didn't see it) and it cost AOT hard cash. This is the ONLY 'weapon' protestors have that will be effective in raising their profile and putting them higher on the agenda. But this strength of feeling does not come only from hysterical reactionaries blinded by greed. The legitimate victims have sufered enough. Give them some recognition and support and avoid the mindset that brands all the residents as brainless greedy troublemakers.

For those who have a more knowledge based and balanced understanding of the problem at Suvarnabhummi, I hope your contributions will continue to inform and educate.


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We have all this moaning and groaning about airport noise back on Oz too. Must be the same in every country. Funny isn't it? .. Everyone would love to jump in a plane and fly off to far away exotic lands .. just don't put the airport in my bloody backyard.

I think they are STILL haggling and fighting over where the second international airport in Sydney is going to go.

I lived in Marrickville in Sydney for a few months .. the planes flew that close I could see what the passengers were eating for breakfast .. but after a few weeks .. the noise just became another background noise .. hardly noticed it.

The difference in Sydney though .. is that no landings or take-offs are permitted between 11 pm and 6 am .. at least the poor buggers there can sleep at night. Can't see that happening in Bangkok though.


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well said it saddens me to read people slagging off Thailand all the time. If you dont like the country and its ways sod off as at the end of the day we are guests in the country

:o There's one of these every time!

Yep, and I'll bet most of them haven't been discriminated against strictly because of his/her race/nationality. It's easy to live in Thailand if your wallet is open. :D It truly is the land of smiles then. :D

BTW, this silly "we're guests in their country" bit has two sides. Blatant racism, legal injustices, government policies based on nationality... Is this how you would treat guests?

:D Well said.

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The threat is not empty. In an incident widely unreported by the media last month, residents around the airport released more than 100 balloons in the sky.

Luckily, airport authorities observed the action. They grounded all flights for more than two hours, and diverted incoming airliners away from Suvarnabhumi. There were no lives lost.

Bangkok Post

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Feb 23 ....... day of action?? Solidarity with our brothers and sisters?? The Airport tanker staff can refuse to re-fill planes or park their tankers on the runways, the taxi drivers can refuse to take passengers to/from the airport, the check-in and security staff can "work to rule", all bar and massage parlour staff can strike for the day, and we can all march in our thousands with big banners and chanting through megaphones supporting .............................. "who was it??"

Oh yes ....... this is Thailand not Europe/US ....... lets just all go and watch the fireworks and send the videos to CNN

so how much money could we get for the the good filming of the rockets

i think put it up for bids ready for the 6pm slots to all networks

that would be a good deal

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This airport has been in the planning stages for more than fifty years before completion. Most, if not all these complaining residents would have been aware that an airport was to be situated on this land before they moved in.

Cash grab, pure and simple.

What an amazingly ignorant attitude. You sound as if people deliberately chose to move there just so they could claim compensation. Where is your evidence for that. Produce a single person that did that. The overwhelming number of people lived their before any compensation was promised.

So it had been planned for 50 years. It seems to me that after the first 40 it is quite a reasonable belief that it will never happen.

People often have little choice over where they choose to live. It may be the only place they can afford, or it is close to their work or family.

The real villains in the story are the incompetent or corrupt govt officials that approved building and development of residences in the area in the first place. For that reasons alone the govt deserves to payup.

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:D hmmmmmm,,,,, :D sometimes,,, reading these " topic threads" it can become very confusing as to just what the poster(any of the many)is

actually trying to say....

If, some of you used some PUNCTUATION in your diatribes, then your points may have some logic in them !!!! Otherwise, many of the opinins are to say the

least, self contradictory !!!

I do however, agree with some of the opinions,interpretations in this current " noise/airport/broken promises, topic.

IN MY VERY HUMBLE OPINION, " accountabillity, is a new ethic that Thai Politics MUST learn if it wishes to join the 21st century"....

Bottom line ,,, " keep up the open chat,but try to insert some punctuation in your threads people, ok....

cheers. :D :D :o

Misuse of punctuation marks can be as irritating as no use. I think it might be a good idea if you set the ball rolling by sorting out your usage before criticising others

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This airport has been in the planning stages for more than fifty years before completion. Most, if not all these complaining residents would have been aware that an airport was to be situated on this land before they moved in.

Cash grab, pure and simple.

What an amazingly ignorant attitude. You sound as if people deliberately chose to move there just so they could claim compensation. Where is your evidence for that. Produce a single person that did that. The overwhelming number of people lived their before any compensation was promised.

So it had been planned for 50 years. It seems to me that after the first 40 it is quite a reasonable belief that it will never happen.

People often have little choice over where they choose to live. It may be the only place they can afford, or it is close to their work or family.

The real villains in the story are the incompetent or corrupt govt officials that approved building and development of residences in the area in the first place. For that reasons alone the govt deserves to payup.

You really want to tell me that people are not trying to cash in on the airport? Please support your argument.

Land around Suvarnabhumi remains hot, with prices surging beyond the average 4% increase in Greater Bangkok during 2005-06, according to the Agency for Real Estate Affairs.

Land prices around the airport rose 6% during the period due to improving facilities and the government’s planned transport links.

The agency anticipates land prices in Greater Bangkok would rise only 3.1% next year due to the unfavourable economic conditions this year.

The prices of land near Suvarnabhumi have risen by around 47% since 1998, compared to 29.7% for plots in Bangkok.

Sopon Pornchokchai, the agency’s president, said land prices in Greater Bangkok rose 5.6% on average in 2003 and 2004 and 5.8% in 2004 and 2005. The pace, however, has slowed to 4% in 2005 and 2006 due to the overall economic climate.

Mr Sopon said the plots where prices had gained the most in the area, or 7%, were on King Kaew Road to the west of the new airport, where residential units are allowed. The most expensive plots, however, are at Bang Na Km 3 to Km 4, at 140,000 baht per square wah.

Link here.

Cash grab caused by greed - pure and simple. Hmmmmm - :o


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Have to agree with many of the posters here about this being nothing more than a cash grab. Looking at past articles about Suvarnabhumi provided by Soundman, and from other threads on this forum:

"Leading developers, including Land & Houses, Quality Houses, SC Asset, LPN Development and Property Perfect have all accumulated land in the area over the past several years, as have prominent business families closely connected with the Thai Rak Thai party such as the Jungrungreangkit and Mahagitsiri families. Property values along Bang Na-Trat Road have also risen sharply over the past few years on speculation of future growth."


There are also some interesting articles regarding the land grab around Suvarnabhumi and what had been proposed: Casino's, a self-contained government headed by Thaksin himself, amongst other things. A good article, "Rise of the Aerotropolis," can be read and downloded here: http://www.semcog.org/uploadedFiles/Progra...erotropolis.pdf

Except for the few who have been there for decades, the others who had hoped for something from nothing by buying swamp-land, deserve nothing and get what they deserve.

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Totally aggree,

Why dont they just do the same as the Heathrow residents and get the government to put double glazing in their houses??? Just another CASH GRAB totally aggree. Any excuse not to go and earn some money.....

I Think this is definitely not enough. If you see the "paper-thick-walls", no double or triple glazing can help :o

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Sorry but no mercy for these people. They knew long before, that the airport was coming and it was cheap land to build on. Now don't complain anymore.

If they release balloons or fireworks police needs to act to the full extent of the law. This might even be considered terrorist acts! Disturbing the approach of an aircraft on final is a serious and dangerous offense, and could result in a great disaster, but then again, this would require thinking further than their original idea.

The same happened in Belgium with Brussels airport. It used to be one of the biggest hubs in Europe but thanks to the Green parties and all this eco-bull sh.t this airport became dead. Hardly any international flights leave from there. Sabena went bankrupt, SN Brussels Airlines is struggling, economy went down, hundreds of jobs got lost, etc.. and all because these selfish people had some noise on the cheap land they bought...

No mercy at all. It is indeed just a quick cash scheme.



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This airport has been in the planning stages for more than fifty years before completion. Most, if not all these complaining residents would have been aware that an airport was to be situated on this land before they moved in.

Cash grab, pure and simple.

Well, imho some people might have gotten the property very cheap in sight of the planned airport but some should participate on the earnings of the airport next door as their family's own their properties long time. Must be improved. Happens at many places.

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All I can say is, those residents should thank their lucky stars they live in Thailand. If they lived in the Police State where I'm from--the United States--just joking offhandedly at the local coffee shop about firing rockets at airplanes would no doubt get all their property confiscated and get them thrown into jail for a couple years with no charges filed. Seriously.

Oh, and tasered too, at the time of arrest.


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I'm all for people getting their just desserts from the government. Nevertheless, regardless of the validity of their issues with the airport and the noise they live with, anyone sending up balloons and firing home-made rockets when aircraft fly over want locking up.

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Should I seek compensation from the airline or the Thai Gov if I'm in a plane hit by a balloon or rocket?

I'm sure your next of kin will be well compensated!

Actually, no. Standard Thai logic applied to whenever farangs are involved in accidents in Thailand is, "if the farang wasn't here in the first place, the accident never would have happened...so the farang is therefore at fault." Thais say this every day with a straight face, and apparently believe it.

So actually, it's *your* next of kin who will probably have to compensate the homeowners who fired the rocket, to pay for the pieces of falling airplane that land on their houses, haha...


p.s. I'm assuming the poster who made the original comment is a farang, forgive me if I'm wrong.

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hi all, i have some comment about this topic, in the past i'm live in bangsue district in their many time i can hear the air plane sound, but the people around their never complain about that sound, because i thing it's normal if the residence near from airport... i thing if their really doing that ballon or something rocket it can make thailand bad in outside from other country,,, please don't do that we love live in thailand so keep it peace.. :o

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Cash Grab. Nothing less. Lazy do-nothings with their hands out.

In any other country they'd be charged with terrorism for just saying they'd do that.

A most serious charge these days, but I guess that you can't expect ignorant little s...s liek that to kowjai that, can you?

Threatening to shoot rockets at airplanes is not a joke. That is SERIOUS STUFF MAN.

In USA they'd end up having a freaking holiday in Cuba, well deserved in my opinion.

I think they should be put in prison for a long time to consider their utter stupidity.

Have any of these total idiots got any idea at all what a large sky rocket can do to a commercial air flight?

I'll tell you, it can bring the f....g plane down.

So, we risk the life of hundreds/thousands of innocent passengers to some lazy no-hopers can get a free hand out.

Stick 'em all in Guantanamo Bay I reckon.

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While I totally agree with most of the posters that THREATENING to fire rockets and release balloons in the vacinity of an airport could be classified as an act of terrorism and I am sure it's against the Thai Aviation Act, these are people who have been PROMISED compensation.

I am sure that if YOU had been promised something and the other party failed to deliver, you would be aggrevated too. Perhaps threatening behaviour is the only way they can get the authorities to take them seriously.

I don't agree with their actions - but I can understand where they are coming from.


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I fly in and out of the airport nearly every weekend.Now imagine if this threat to shoot rockets,launch ballons did actually happen,and and a plane came down(I pray it doesnt) the devestation on the ground would be massive.I wonder if the residents have given this any thought.It could one of their houses and family that got flattened.or more to the point have the govt considered it...would save alot of hassle and money in the long run...scary thought

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I think it's illogical to hold individuals responsible for the problem. Long, long ago, once the actual planning of the airport was underway the land nearby should have been zoned as non-residential. All building permits and development permits should have and could have easily been controlled at that time, when it was a swamp. Had that been the case, they would have a few disgruntled farmers who would have to be relocated--or at least their homes relocated. The cost would have been minimal and the safety of all concerned would be better.

Noise has a very negative affect on people physically and psychologically. Not to mention loss of sleep. Especially not to mention loss of sleep in Thailand where it is the national pastime.

The gov't needs to at least follow through with it's initial promises and learn some lessons--anyone want a house built adjoining the planned nuclear plant!

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Just wondering... Has anyone gotten compensation when a disco was opened in the neighborhood? It would be easy to require the disco to contain the sound, but they weren't. Shouldn't the disco be required to pay compensation to people in their neighborhood?

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Just wondering... Has anyone gotten compensation when a disco was opened in the neighborhood? It would be easy to require the disco to contain the sound, but they weren't. Shouldn't the disco be required to pay compensation to people in their neighborhood?

The disco usually comes after the "neighbours" are allready living in the area and the "neighbours" don't generally threaten to burn it down when the disco is full of patrons.

Therefore, with the disco analogy, the residents can rightfully ask the disco to suppress the noise or for whatever compensation a deal can be struck upon. :o

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