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Finding A Thai Girl For A Serious Relationship


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I reckon if you have a rule "never date a prostitute" you are starting on the right track.

I would take it slow, try and pick someone up in a shopping centre (not in Pattaya)

If your looking for love, dont try pick one up who is in there late teens or early 20's (thats if your old) because the chances are she aint after your good looks. But I guess people are after different things, older people may not really care if she is after there money as they are after youth so it goes both ways.

Also good luck with your adventure

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The whole idea seems pretty ludicrous to me - as someone who has lived here 15 years and still not found the right girl to marry.

For sure the guy - here for 3 weeks looking for a serious relationship with a view to marriage - is certain to attract just the sort of girl that you DONT want to have a long term relationship with. The farang crazy girl with something to hide, escaping something and a potential nightmare.

Avoid the hookers and try thailandfriends.com.

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I have enjoyed reading all the suggestions made and experiences shared for this good fellow. Now I am going to try and give you an orginal idea. Check out the handicaped centers, most large towns have them. Look for the deaf and dumb ones first. From past experience, I know this would be an improvement on what many blokes have to undergo after the courtship turns into marriage.

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I have enjoyed reading all the suggestions made and experiences shared for this good fellow. Now I am going to try and give you an orginal idea. Check out the handicaped centers, most large towns have them. Look for the deaf and dumb ones first. From past experience, I know this would be an improvement on what many blokes have to undergo after the courtship turns into marriage.


sad, but sometimes true

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My advise would be.....

1] spend the first week in Pattaya or BKK 'releiving the pressure' so that you can make a rational decision with your big head and not your small head.

2] then begin your search in the provence....Issan is full of nice friendly girls that seem to like falangs maybe due to the exposure of the bases during the vietnam war]. Once there, you will receive many smiles that may or may not lead to what you are seeking.

one thing to keep in mind is 'easy come/easy go'....the easier the girl is, the easier she will be to give you problems in the future.

good luck and think with your big head and not your small head.

This is great advice. Whatever your strategy is to meet someone for a serious relationship you'll be better off to do that with a clear rational head. Take care of other needs other ways.

That's a very poor advice in my opinion. Why waste one week for "relieving the pressure" especially in a place like Pattaya? Don't people realize that you can "relieve the pressure" while simultaneously looking for a nice girls in virtually anywhere in Thailand, especially in larger places like Bangkok, Chiang Mai etc.... These two things are not mutually exclusive.

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My advise would be.....

1] spend the first week in Pattaya or BKK 'releiving the pressure' so that you can make a rational decision with your big head and not your small head.

2] then begin your search in the provence....Issan is full of nice friendly girls that seem to like falangs maybe due to the exposure of the bases during the vietnam war]. Once there, you will receive many smiles that may or may not lead to what you are seeking.

one thing to keep in mind is 'easy come/easy go'....the easier the girl is, the easier she will be to give you problems in the future.

good luck and think with your big head and not your small head.

This is great advice. Whatever your strategy is to meet someone for a serious relationship you'll be better off to do that with a clear rational head. Take care of other needs other ways.

That's a very poor advice in my opinion. Why waste one week for "relieving the pressure" especially in a place like Pattaya? Don't people realize that you can "relieve the pressure" while simultaneously looking for a nice girls in virtually anywhere in Thailand, especially in larger places like Bangkok, Chiang Mai etc.... These two things are not mutually exclusive.

You make a good point. I was making the difference between the two different objectives. The location is flexible. Go to dinner with the nice girl and have fun afterwords. I'm not promoting anything one way or the other. Just that mixing these two things can cause problems for some people (and for some it's worked out fine).

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My advise would be.....

1] spend the first week in Pattaya or BKK 'releiving the pressure' so that you can make a rational decision with your big head and not your small head.

2] then begin your search in the provence....Issan is full of nice friendly girls that seem to like falangs maybe due to the exposure of the bases during the vietnam war]. Once there, you will receive many smiles that may or may not lead to what you are seeking.

one thing to keep in mind is 'easy come/easy go'....the easier the girl is, the easier she will be to give you problems in the future.

good luck and think with your big head and not your small head.

This is great advice. Whatever your strategy is to meet someone for a serious relationship you'll be better off to do that with a clear rational head. Take care of other needs other ways.

That's a very poor advice in my opinion. Why waste one week for "relieving the pressure" especially in a place like Pattaya? Don't people realize that you can "relieve the pressure" while simultaneously looking for a nice girls in virtually anywhere in Thailand, especially in larger places like Bangkok, Chiang Mai etc.... These two things are not mutually exclusive.

You make a good point. I was making the difference between the two different objectives. The location is flexible. Go to dinner with the nice girl and have fun afterwords. I'm not promoting anything one way or the other. Just that mixing these two things can cause problems for some people (and for some it's worked out fine).

I understand now and I also agree with that. I think this is a good example of cultural differences between Thailand and western countries.

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stay away from hill tribe chicks. i read where they arent even recognized as real people by los.

i think more trolls answer this type of ? than any other.

u might be a troll, but i will give you the benifit of the doubt for the sake of discussion

some hill tribe girls dont have a thai identity card, but that is only a small %.

the reason I recommend hill tribe girls is for the exact reason you state above

"they arent even reconized as real people by los"

well sorry to burst your bubble but falangs also are not reconized as real people by los.

That puts falang and hill tribe in the same social class.

This meaning that many falang with thai girls (not all of course)

are only reconized by the girl and the family as a buffalo to milk for his atm card. Thats just the culture.

with hill tribe girl, there is not this ingrained superiority and therefore you are two people that can help each other.

Hill tribe girls have nothing and therefore are willing to take a step into your world and really become the same as you, rather than always being on the clock.

that is of course as long as you didnt meet your hill tribe girl in pattaya, by that point it may be too late :D

Now seriously,some great points about hill tribe ladies. :o I'm married to one,& i have to say,shes the most honest,& straight forward,uncorrupted person ive ever met,& we were just freinds for a couple of years before we met.

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Didn't know if this would be the correct forum to post but here goes. I have a vacation planned in Thailand (Bangkok and its surrounding areas) for 3 weeks in May.

:o plenty of time then...

I'm in my early 30's, single, no kids, no previous marriages, and looking to meet a Thai girl (not for prostitution purposes) potentially when I'm there.

oo oo, I know jsut the person 4 you? why else would u be advertiseing your details here!

I've always been attracted to Asian girls

how many do you know? or jsut Asian porn ??

(this coming from an American caucasion)

why does that not surprise me......:sarcastic:

Not that I want to jump into a marriage...but I'd like to meet a native Thai girl who is interested in a long term monogomous relationship that could potentially lead to marriage.


tooo funny, R U serious ? oh i love it!

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Didn't know if this would be the correct forum to post but here goes. I have a vacation planned in Thailand (Bangkok and its surrounding areas) for 3 weeks in May. I'm in my early 30's, single, no kids, no previous marriages, and looking to meet a Thai girl (not for prostitution purposes) potentially when I'm there. I've always been attracted to Asian girls (this coming from an American caucasion) and have really admired those who are from Thailand. Not that I want to jump into a marriage...but I'd like to meet a native Thai girl who is interested in a long term monogomous relationship that could potentially lead to marriage. My question is this: are there any reputable internet dating sites that can jump start a relationship for me and not rip me off? I'm not looking for the classic "mail order" bride either. Just a web resource, like Match.com, that can connect Americans with Thai people for an actual relationship. So that when I arrive in May, I could have at least some friendships established. There seems to be a million google results that come up when i do a search for internet dating with Thai girls and most are questionable. Any help would be appreciated.

I don't know where in Thailand you will be going to. Best bet, as you will only be coming for 3 weeks, is to watch a couple of bars for a few nights, choose your girl, pay bar fine, keep the serious relationship until morning, give her 500 baht and see how she reacts. Repeat as necessary. Next time you come here, you'll have some experience to fall back on. Good luck!!! :o

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I don't think the OP said anything about coming there for 3 weeks to find a wife.

Below is a quote from the OP.

"Id like to meet a native Thai girl who is interested in a long term monogomous relationship that could potentially lead to marriage. "

Below is a quote from the OP.

...So that when I arrive in May, I could have at least some friendships established.

I guess reading has become a lost art. The OP never stated that in his visit for 3 weeks he is going to find a wife.

It's been interesting to read many of the responses to my original posting. And thanks Jamie...(for "having my back") :D I DONT intend to find a wife in a short 3 week excursion to the southeast Asia. My only intention on this trip is maybe meet a few people...and possibly start a friendship (or two). To bring back a "paid for" Thai wife would GO AGAINST my ideals and genuine outlook on relationships. I'm in my early 30's and am a relatively athletic, and good looking guy. I have a very financial secure and respectful career and have been in only a few longterm relationships in my life. I can meet just about anyone in America and be successful in a relationship...not your everyday "fly-by-the-night" jigglo. This should say something about my character and values. I have always had an attractive, both physically and mentally, to Asian girls in general...but more specifically to those women from the mainland. This thread was created (by me) just to help cultivate and share some respected and quality resources others know about (or have used) for developing a long-term relationship with a native Thai girl. As a previous responder said...I think I'm "pure" in my motives. Just looking to see if there would be a possibility of reciprocity of motives. Or maybe I should just buy another dog! LOL :o

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I don't think the OP said anything about coming there for 3 weeks to find a wife.

Below is a quote from the OP.

"Id like to meet a native Thai girl who is interested in a long term monogomous relationship that could potentially lead to marriage. "

Below is a quote from the OP.

...So that when I arrive in May, I could have at least some friendships established.

I guess reading has become a lost art. The OP never stated that in his visit for 3 weeks he is going to find a wife.

It's been interesting to read many of the responses to my original posting. And thanks Jamie...(for "having my back") :D I DONT intend to find a wife in a short 3 week excursion to the southeast Asia. My only intention on this trip is maybe meet a few people...and possibly start a friendship (or two). To bring back a "paid for" Thai wife would GO AGAINST my ideals and genuine outlook on relationships. I'm in my early 30's and am a relatively athletic, and good looking guy. I have a very financial secure and respectful career and have been in only a few longterm relationships in my life. I can meet just about anyone in America and be successful in a relationship...not your everyday "fly-by-the-night" jigglo. This should say something about my character and values. I have always had an attractive, both physically and mentally, to Asian girls in general...but more specifically to those women from the mainland. This thread was created (by me) just to help cultivate and share some respected and quality resources others know about (or have used) for developing a long-term relationship with a native Thai girl. As a previous responder said...I think I'm "pure" in my motives. Just looking to see if there would be a possibility of reciprocity of motives. Or maybe I should just buy another dog! LOL :o

woof woof

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how is learning how to deal with hookers going to give him experience to fall back on when dealing with guud thai gurls?

He'll have the experience to tell the difference, hopefully.

Hookers are people. People are good. Dealing with people is always good. All part of life's great tapestry. :o

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Why this facination with prostitutes?

Why not go for someone normal?

Or is it just me?

Because i am willing to bet most men on here have had some form of relationship with a lady of the night. I have, though she was a freelancer and i wasnt aware of such a thing at the time, and she happens to be a lovely girl who has been with her current husband for 3 years and is doing well in her new life.

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Didn't know if this would be the correct forum to post but here goes. I have a vacation planned in Thailand (Bangkok and its surrounding areas) for 3 weeks in May. I'm in my early 30's, single, no kids, no previous marriages, and looking to meet a Thai girl (not for prostitution purposes) potentially when I'm there. I've always been attracted to Asian girls (this coming from an American caucasion) and have really admired those who are from Thailand. Not that I want to jump into a marriage...but I'd like to meet a native Thai girl who is interested in a long term monogomous relationship that could potentially lead to marriage. My question is this: are there any reputable internet dating sites that can jump start a relationship for me and not rip me off? I'm not looking for the classic "mail order" bride either. Just a web resource, like Match.com, that can connect Americans with Thai people for an actual relationship. So that when I arrive in May, I could have at least some friendships established. There seems to be a million google results that come up when i do a search for internet dating with Thai girls and most are questionable. Any help would be appreciated.

your chances are as big as finding a needle in a field.. :o

Edited by pop_corn
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Try www.webdate.com i found my mrs there, shes near the same age as me and ive been here with her 2 years now after she was with me 6mths in my country, thats my true story, im sure it will take more than 3 weeks to find a real good lady, or you might be lucky, all the pretty girls want to travel to another country and will do anything for this, specially if you are paying, so be careful and enjoy your holiday, good luck,,,,

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I think that the OP should read this book "Foreign Boyfriend, Foreign Husband" and just reverse the roles he will then be a very happy man.laugh.gif



Quote with reverse roles "Once you've found your girlfriend, follow these rules to make her fall in love and marry you: always look good, have sex with her whenever she asks, don't be jealous of other men, don't be too demanding and do all the work."wink.gif

Then again if the reverse role does not work the guys at Thai Visa Forum can rewrite this book for Farang men called "Thai girlfriend, Thai Wife"biggrin.gif

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