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My Dogs Were Poisoned 2 Dead So Far

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I am in the States and got a call from my GF about our dogs. It appears that they were poisoned. Two have already died in the late morning and three others have a high temp., 8 hours later. I am not sure who did this but hope to find out. The pain in our hearts is unbelievable as these dogs have been with us since pups and have been well taken care of, shots, fixed etc. Is there anything the law can do ? I am not who the SOBs are who did this but I have to make them PAY! Can I take them to court if I fine who they are ? Please advise as I can no longer think clearly. I am mad as hel_l ! :o:D:D

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I am in the States and got a call from my GF about our dogs. It appears that they were poisoned. Two have already died in the late morning and three others have a high temp., 8 hours later. I am not sure who did this but hope to find out. The pain in our hearts is unbelievable as these dogs have been with us since pups and have been well taken care of, shots, fixed etc. Is there anything the law can do ? I am not who the SOBs are who did this but I have to make them PAY! Can I take them to court if I fine who they are ? Please advise as I can no longer think clearly. I am mad as hel_l ! :D:D:D

i doubt you will find out who is poisoning your dogs unless they were seen doing it.......but if you have noisy dogs ie bark a lot then i would guess it could be a neighbours idea to poison them even if they didnt do the dirty work themselves.if not them then i would worry a bit more as they could have been poisoned as some bad people are gonna target your house/possesions in the very nr future and need your noisy security out of the way.i suggest putting any small valuables in a safe place away from the house and upping security of your premises/GF as they may be getting a visit soon.im not saying this to worry you but best to be on the safe side as dogs dont seem to be poisoned randomly!!!

you could always set up some sort of camera to cover front of house if you want to find out who may be doing it but it probably wont help if they are doing it at nightime and if you did see them then i doubt if you or GF would recognise them .im sorry to hear this has happened to your dogs and i would be mad as h ell to if it happened to mine but its one of those crimes that is hard to catch the culprit and im afraid the bib here would be no help at all unless of course you are substantialy well off and offer them a very large reward to find the culprit which of course they may find someone to blame even if not the culprit...if you get my meaning. :o


Thanks for your comments tattoodrob. I have been on the phone with her just now and have advised her to take the dogs and her to the village, her mothers. Very sad story.... Also, I am not there to comfort her. Perhaps it is however best I am not there or there would be some hel_l going on in the area.

My GF said that our one dog died in her lap. The story was too much for me to hear. This dog was part of the family. We are in the process of getting out of Thailand anyhow so this is just another reason for me to leave.

My Gf's brother thinks he knows who might have done this. Can the police do any thing ? Are there any laws protecting dogs or are they just there for the killing ?

What would you do if you knew who did this ?


Was your home in the countryside near rice paddies?

If so, the poisoning might have been un-intentional. Rice farmers are always laying poisoned baits for rats amongst the rice.

Unfortunately the dogs eat these baits. I have lost two dogs to this kind of poisoning.

If your dof turns up shaking violently - get it to a vet ASAP. They will administer a shot of something that calms the nervous system & also make the dog regurgitate.

From then on in it is about a 75% / 25% chance in the dogs favour. They will sit, shake & sweat without drinking for 24 - 48 hours.

Terrible stuff rat poison. Usually sends a large dog into cardac arrest within the hour after ingestion.

Sorry about your dogs.



Thanks for the info Soundman. I believe however that the poison was thrown onto our land. 2 dogs have died and three are sick. The three that are sick are always at the house and don't leave our land. The two that died are the strong type that run around with other local dogs. They would have been the ones who would be the first to see someone throw something ( perhaps poison meat ) and eat it. The others would get the leftovers.

This has happened in NonDinDaeng just on the edge of town. We have about 10R land. My English friend down the street had a dog poisoned last year that died.

Could a reward help find those responsible ?

Any hope if I gave the police 1000 baht to help find ?

Any ideas how to find these lowlifes ?


Same thing happened to a friend of mine late last year.

Poisoned meat was deliberately thrown into his garden and both his dogs died. He took them to the vet to find out what had killed them and the vet said strychnine.

He offered a 10,000 baht reward to find those responsible without any success.

Thanks for the info Soundman. I believe however that the poison was thrown onto our land. 2 dogs have died and three are sick. The three that are sick are always at the house and don't leave our land. The two that died are the strong type that run around with other local dogs. They would have been the ones who would be the first to see someone throw something ( perhaps poison meat ) and eat it. The others would get the leftovers.

This has happened in NonDinDaeng just on the edge of town. We have about 10R land. My English friend down the street had a dog poisoned last year that died.

Could a reward help find those responsible ?

Any hope if I gave the police 1000 baht to help find ?

Any ideas how to find these lowlifes ?

In a country where there a severe problems in all almost every layer of its society, do you think the police would even bother looking at your case? Despite this being a cruel and evil action, I sincerely doubt they would care.

The more you tell about the story, the more I think it is your neighbors. Having - 5 - dogs, 2 running loose with other local dogs, well - you are looking for problems. Get a friend from outside snoop around the area and chat with some locals who could hate you and your dogs so much, I guess they will brag if the right questions are asked.

Thanks for the info Soundman. I believe however that the poison was thrown onto our land. 2 dogs have died and three are sick. The three that are sick are always at the house and don't leave our land. The two that died are the strong type that run around with other local dogs. They would have been the ones who would be the first to see someone throw something ( perhaps poison meat ) and eat it. The others would get the leftovers.

This has happened in NonDinDaeng just on the edge of town. We have about 10R land. My English friend down the street had a dog poisoned last year that died.

Could a reward help find those responsible ?

Any hope if I gave the police 1000 baht to help find ?

Any ideas how to find these lowlifes ?

In a country where there a severe problems in all almost every layer of its society, do you think the police would even bother looking at your case? Despite this being a cruel and evil action, I sincerely doubt they would care.

The more you tell about the story, the more I think it is your neighbors. Having - 5 - dogs, 2 running loose with other local dogs, well - you are looking for problems. Get a friend from outside snoop around the area and chat with some locals who could hate you and your dogs so much, I guess they will brag if the right questions are asked.

I would agree that it's probably a neighbor. But if not, assume someone will try to rob your house and take whatever precautions you can. As far as "severe problems" in Thai "society", I would include the police as one of the severest of those problems.


Well there are a lot of people here who don't like dogs. If your dogs ran around just once as a pack and harrassed someone that person might want revenge. One day at my old school five people besides myself were bitten by a bunch of dogs a teacher was raising. The dogs were okay at home but when they got out of the yard and were around strangers they went wild. Everyone had to get rabies shots. I felt like poisoning them at that time but that was after the attack. You don't know how it feels until you are being attacked. Every owner says it wasn't my dog etc etc but the newspapers tell the truth with so many dog attacks each year leading to the deaths of small children and even some adults. If a dog hurt my child, I would go for the dog and the owner. It's as simple as that. know where your dogs are.

Anyways, I'm sincerely sorry for your loss. I would watch out for a potential break in as the others suggested too. You never know.

Well there are a lot of people here who don't like dogs. If your dogs ran around just once as a pack and harrassed someone that person might want revenge. One day at my old school five people besides myself were bitten by a bunch of dogs a teacher was raising. The dogs were okay at home but when they got out of the yard and were around strangers they went wild. Everyone had to get rabies shots. I felt like poisoning them at that time but that was after the attack. You don't know how it feels until you are being attacked. Every owner says it wasn't my dog etc etc but the newspapers tell the truth with so many dog attacks each year leading to the deaths of small children and even some adults. If a dog hurt my child, I would go for the dog and the owner. It's as simple as that. know where your dogs are.

Anyways, I'm sincerely sorry for your loss. I would watch out for a potential break in as the others suggested too. You never know.

I understand that there are many dog problems around Thailand. In the villages everyone feeds the dogs and they hangout all over the place. All the dogs belong to someone local and everyone knows who owns which. We once paid for a chicken that was killed by our dogs, it was however on our land but we still paid. Locals come sit with us and talk and we all look after everyone. It is however possible that our dogs may have caused some problem, barking, running after someone who knows.... I would think however that someone local would have come and told my GF and she would have taken care of it, I think ??? I think we are on good terms with everyone, but perhaps not. It is still no reason to do what they did. One of the dogs that was poisoned never even leaves the yard and I am 100% sure no one has ever had a problem with her. Who ever did this is just a real piece of Sh_t.

A little good news today is that the other three dogs are still alive and walking around, going to the bathroom etc. I don't believe we are out of the woods yet but we are hopeful.


The two that died are the strong type that run around with other local dogs.

Could a reward help find those responsible ?

Any hope if I gave the police 1000 baht to help find ?

Any ideas how to find these lowlifes ?

Sad as it is, this is a common way of villagers to get rid of 'nuisance' dogs. You say the two dogs that sadly died would run around the village with others. Lets be fair, you don't know what they were upto when out & about? They had already experienced the thrill of killing a chicken, perhaps they did this again?

We had a couple of dogs poisoned year before last, we know who the culprit was, however, I ask you; what form of retribution would you dish out to an elderly villager with a big family? To be able to live in your home without fear of reprisals, the best thing you can do is to forget persuing those responsible. Easier said than done I know only too well. Most of us live in expensive properties by Thai standards, we stand out like beacons, we are infact, vulnerable & the last thing anyone needs is to start a war that cannot be won.

Thanks for your comments tattoodrob. I have been on the phone with her just now and have advised her to take the dogs and her to the village, her mothers. Very sad story.... Also, I am not there to comfort her. Perhaps it is however best I am not there or there would be some hel_l going on in the area.

My GF said that our one dog died in her lap. The story was too much for me to hear. This dog was part of the family. We are in the process of getting out of Thailand anyhow so this is just another reason for me to leave.

My Gf's brother thinks he knows who might have done this. Can the police do any thing ? Are there any laws protecting dogs or are they just there for the killing ?

What would you do if you knew who did this ?

who does your gf brother think it is then? and he must have a reason why he thinks it is this person?

as to the police then im pretty sure you would have to offer a lot more than a 1000 bt as an incentive......possibly 5k up might get them off there <deleted> to ask around.if you have a suspect then this would help them as they could torture him for a confession(obviously only if you have paid them,thats not for free).without a suspect then i wouldnt hold your hopes up as dogs are considered fairly unimportant by the general population and imagine there arent any serious laws on animal protection here especially as they are eaten in many secluded villages out in the sticks.

what would i do if i knew who did this..........hmmm thats a difficult one......how could you know for sure who did this when there are no witnesses unless theres a real confession.

also justice has to be dished out personally in these situations as law courts here would not do anything..........i suppose a severe beating would seem a reasonable start!!!!

ll i can say is be glad you are getting out of thailand as things like this are happening more and more often and there is no easy solution.

I am in the States and got a call from my GF about our dogs. It appears that they were poisoned. Two have already died in the late morning and three others have a high temp., 8 hours later. I am not sure who did this but hope to find out. The pain in our hearts is unbelievable as these dogs have been with us since pups and have been well taken care of, shots, fixed etc. Is there anything the law can do ? I am not who the SOBs are who did this but I have to make them PAY! Can I take them to court if I fine who they are ? Please advise as I can no longer think clearly. I am mad as hel_l ! :o:D:D

hmmmm...I am sorry to hear this. In this case you really can not rely on the police.Dont waste your time. Just try to keep the rest of your dogs in safety place.

Thanks for the info Soundman. I believe however that the poison was thrown onto our land. 2 dogs have died and three are sick. The three that are sick are always at the house and don't leave our land. The two that died are the strong type that run around with other local dogs. They would have been the ones who would be the first to see someone throw something ( perhaps poison meat ) and eat it. The others would get the leftovers.

This has happened in NonDinDaeng just on the edge of town. We have about 10R land. My English friend down the street had a dog poisoned last year that died.

Could a reward help find those responsible ?

Any hope if I gave the police 1000 baht to help find ?

Any ideas how to find these lowlifes ?

In a country where there a severe problems in all almost every layer of its society, do you think the police would even bother looking at your case? Despite this being a cruel and evil action, I sincerely doubt they would care.

The more you tell about the story, the more I think it is your neighbors. Having - 5 - dogs, 2 running loose with other local dogs, well - you are looking for problems. Get a friend from outside snoop around the area and chat with some locals who could hate you and your dogs so much, I guess they will brag if the right questions are asked.

Would 10 Rai of land not be enough for 5 dogs then , i beg to differ ?


To the OP

As others have said, There is little point in contacting the police, they will not do anything. And even if you do suspect someone, don't think for one second about taking vengeance yourself, even if you have the right culprit, the repercussions could be far worse than the original act.


Are you sure they were poisoned ?

Did your GF take them to the vet to find out?

I live out in the sticks, did have 7 dogs, 4yrs ago 4 died within a week……… Vet = reason = they all had tick fever worm in the hart…….. Now the remaining 3 have tick injection every 3 months…….. ALL where always well groomed and showered every week yet still they go tick fever and died.!

3 weeks ago the Pest Control guys, must have mad an error with there mixture in the spray, I thought it was very strong and kept the 3 dogs in a bedroom for 5 hours instead of 2…….. over 300 Fish died over the next 4 days !!

Are you sure they were poisoned ?

Did your GF take them to the vet to find out?

I live out in the sticks, did have 7 dogs, 4yrs ago 4 died within a week……… Vet = reason = they all had tick fever worm in the hart…….. Now the remaining 3 have tick injection every 3 months…….. ALL where always well groomed and showered every week yet still they go tick fever and died.!

3 weeks ago the Pest Control guys, must have mad an error with there mixture in the spray, I thought it was very strong and kept the 3 dogs in a bedroom for 5 hours instead of 2…….. over 300 Fish died over the next 4 days !!

I felt the same way while living in Aran, but after yelling and accusing and all the normal #### my Thai friends from the village came over and took a look around,,,The dogs were chasing snakes and had got bitten "it was not any one doing any poisoning after killing the snakes all returned to normal and I bought a few beers for being a a##hole. Has your lady checked for snakes?????

To the OP

As others have said, There is little point in contacting the police, they will not do anything. And even if you do suspect someone, don't think for one second about taking vengeance yourself, even if you have the right culprit, the repercussions could be far worse than the original act.

Agree with Thaddeus

I am in the States and got a call from my GF about our dogs. It appears that they were poisoned. Two have already died in the late morning and three others have a high temp., 8 hours later. I am not sure who did this but hope to find out. The pain in our hearts is unbelievable as these dogs have been with us since pups and have been well taken care of, shots, fixed etc. Is there anything the law can do ? I am not who the SOBs are who did this but I have to make them PAY! Can I take them to court if I fine who they are ? Please advise as I can no longer think clearly. I am mad as hel_l ! :o:D:D

As quite few have said, there isn't much you can do .

In your typical village nobody cares about your or anybody else’s dogs.

In some places they'll steel them and eat them.

I have seen places burglarized after poisoning the nuisance dogs .

Ask you G/F if any she's seen any or heard of any strangers around your house , keep safe!


This is going to sound really ridiculous, but it something some Thai people believe in...

My GF lives near Kamphangphet, whenever she or her family has a problem and needs help, they go to one those Buddhist temples, and see this particular monk, they tell him the problem, and he's been able to actually help them out...

Mostly it's been small things, like losing the keys to their motor bike, this monk was able describe the person who had the keys in this case. He said it was someone with white skin, which ended up being the mother, who had the lightest skin tone of everyone, the mother was being an "A" hole and hid the keys..

Then another time a wallet was missing, we could not find it.. We went back to see the same monk.. He says to look up high.. We go back, looked on top of cabinets, on top the refrigerator, places we've previous looked, but checked again.. It ended up being in freaking trash bag hanging on the wall..

It wasn't like he was able to pin point the answer, but was able to give enough info to solve the problem..

Just throwing that out there...

But good luck in finding whom ever did that to your dogs...


Do you have any duckfarm near you? Here were i live we have big problem with dogs going inside duckfarms and killing uppto 20-30 ducks every night. we have duckfarm behind our house and one morning about 8 months ago i found 20 dead ducks. They were not eaten. Just killed and left there. Next night the same happende and the third night the same. We went to other duckfarmers to ask what to do. This had happend to everybody. Their advice was to put poison outside the duckfarm in the evening. so we did and next morning we found a dead dog outside the farm and the problem was solved. 6 months later the problem startet again and we had to put poison again and a new dead dog and after that, no problem.

Sounds bad to do this but what can you do. Lost 60 ducks in three days.

I dont say that this was happend to your dogs but if you have duckfarms nearby so maybe.


Abusive and inflammatory posts have been deleted. it is possible to disagree with someone else's opinion in a civil manner, thanks


Undate on my dogs:

The three that were sick appear to have recovered. Thay are playing, eating and doing what dogs do...

My GF has moved out of the country home and into the Village house with family. Anything of value removed.

As GF is coming to America soon the dogs will stay in Village with Family. GF has said to forget being angry as bad things will happen to those responsible. She still cried when she talked about it but in time all will be fine.

We will move on but will never forget what happened. We have learned many things from this...

Thanks for all the advise from TV members in our time of need. Hats off to you all !



its hard to believe that the dogs were poisened for no reason.you live a good distance away from anybody else and only 2 dogs get outside.

possible causes.

1/ the 2 dogs have bitten someone and its revenge

2/ the 2 dogs are shitting on somebody lands every day

3/ the 2 dogs are stealing food or killing chicks

4/ can you see the common wording(the 2 dogs)

if you are correct and the other dogs have never been let loose then i suspect the killings are due to the 2 dogs let out.

also has somebody moved in the area recently and take their dog out on a lead and pick the smelly shit up after the dogs crap everywhere. maybe that is the reason but still sorry your dogs have been poisened.

we have 7 small dogs 2 doors away and i would love to strangle them with my bare hands for shitting by my property and screaming all day like banshis,and the owners dont give a flying frigg.the new government laws are easy to understand,take dogs out on a lead and pick the shit up,so so easy so why cant people do this and take respnibility for their actions.



A quote from post number 6.

This has happened in NonDinDaeng just on the edge of town. We have about 10R land. My English friend down the street had a dog poisoned last year that died.

I know that area quite well, if it's on the edge of town, then 2 doors down can be quite a long way away. Dog leads in town or city, then I agree..... in rural Isaan, it'll never happen.


Sorry to hear about your dogs, ttthailand. Most of the posts above have been pretty helpful and sympathetic and there's nothing really that I can add. Yep, just advise your GF to be on her guard and really take care locking-up, etc. I'm sure she does, anyway. I don't think you'll get to the bottom of this but keep us posted anyway, yeah?


the new government laws are easy to understand,take dogs out on a lead and pick the shit up,so so easy so why cant people do this and take respnibility for their actions.


Which new laws??

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