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Farang Gets Ripped Off

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

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So I take it you didnt consult the lawyer then..

Walk away, thats the only option. Oddly enough theres many on this forum who will say this doesnt happen.. Despite continual evidence to the contrary.

'Fraid that's probably the only option :o

You don't own the land (and will have signed paperwork to say so). Did you put any form of protection in place, lease, usufruct etc etc. although these really only provide any form of useful protection in the event that your wife pre-deceases you.

Do you own the house (and have paperwork to support this)? If so you have every right to remove it from their land, can I come and watch?

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Well it would very much depend on the precise circumstances of the house purchase and what documentary eveidence you can produce to support your contention that the house was purchased with your money, and what the intention was between you and your wife regarding the house ownership.

In any event under Thai law you are entitled to 50 % of the assets acquired jointly during the period of the marriage.

I am one of the few farangs who has been successful in recovering a house from a Thai lady (not my wife) through the Thai courts. It took several years, and I had to pay a large commission to the lawyer who handled the case for me, and all the circumstances and evidence were in my favour. In addition, the girl did a "bunk" and thus did not defend her 'crime'.

On balance your chances of getting anything back are poor to nil. You will need a very good lawyer - almost certainly operating on a commission basis - in whom you are confident that he will not play both sides against the middle - as many will do.

And then be prepared for a long, costly battle, that may take years, and end in failure.

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being an american ,you can own 1 rai of land to build a home on ,so you should have been safer than most.......

being an american does not confer this right.....I have never heard of any foreigner owning 1 rai of land for building a home....I have heard that at one time there was a law the made it theoretically possible but that the purchase required permission from the gov't and permission was never granted.


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To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I genuinely sympathize with your predicament. On the baby thing, you may very well be able to avoid that tangle, but the burden of proof will be on you. What you will need is to;

1. Demonstrate you have not acted as the parent. (Courts in Thailand like elsewhere try to act in a child's best interest and in cases where the male is not the father, the male can still be legally obliged to support the child if at some point he was supporting the child.)

2. DNA test that shows the child is not yours. All you need is a mouth swab or even a hair with part of the follicle attached.

I know some people will laugh at me on this, but children are often used to gain sympathy from the authorities to show that the evil farang abandoned the child and mother etc. Don't assume you are in the clear even if she says it's not your child. If the case gets going, a smart lawyer will use the child against you. As others have said, you need a good lawyer - one that has a good track record with protecting farangs.

Most importantly, you will have to work hard to protect the inlaws from looting the property and running up debt in your name. And most of all, be prepared for threats and intimidation. These cases aint pretty and they can get violent. You need to weigh your personal safety and sanity against the loss of assets. It might be cheaper just to get the hel_l away from her, but not before establishing the kid isn't yours. If you go back to the USA, under international treaties now, a US lawyer could go after you for child support if there was a judgement against you in Thailand. Discuss it with your lawyer.

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar.....

Sheeeesh, not another one. :o

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I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house

A very recent issue similar to yours ending with the farang bulldozing down his newly built house but not before he went to the police station to tell them what his plans were as well as showing the police receipts that he had paid for everything......they told him...."go ahead and do it".........I know there's lots of guys out there who live happy lives with their ex-bargirls. Many girls change and are quite happy to have a better life than working in a bar.....some never change or in some cases...get worse...and some will say there's always two sides to the coin.....too bad we can't hear her side of the story, not saying that you're not a great guy and everything, just curious is all.......anyway, good luck and if you do tear the house down can you post some photos here on TV?

Edited by JRinger
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Well it would very much depend on the precise circumstances of the house purchase and what documentary eveidence you can produce to support your contention that the house was purchased with your money, and what the intention was between you and your wife regarding the house ownership.

In any event under Thai law you are entitled to 50 % of the assets acquired jointly during the period of the marriage.

I am one of the few farangs who has been successful in recovering a house from a Thai lady (not my wife) through the Thai courts. It took several years, and I had to pay a large commission to the lawyer who handled the case for me, and all the circumstances and evidence were in my favour. In addition, the girl did a "bunk" and thus did not defend her 'crime'.

On balance your chances of getting anything back are poor to nil. You will need a very good lawyer - almost certainly operating on a commission basis - in whom you are confident that he will not play both sides against the middle - as many will do.

And then be prepared for a long, costly battle, that may take years, and end in failure.

Quite correct Mobi, I've just won a 50% settlement with my ex, and I'm selling her (our) house and land against her will through a government auction - approved by the judge in court. This should be done at the time of the divorce with a good lawyer. It's probably too late now.

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Sad to say a case like your is so common in the land of smiles(that is why they are smiling), about all you can do my friend is let it go, learn and warn others from your mistake, because by Thai law most everything is in her name. Your ideal of getting back at her would only cause you big trouble, speaking from experience the LOCAL law would favor her for sure, let bygone be bygone, you said money isn't an issue, so count yoour blessings and move on. :o:D best of luck "been there done that"

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"I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more..."

I'm sure that the reason that you didn't form a company to buy a home to keep it in your name, was that someone told you that the government might take your home away from you. That has never happened to a farang. Ever. Instead you choose to put the house in your Gf's name which absolutely guarantees that you'll lose your home. Excellent.

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Sad to say a case like your is so common in the land of smiles(that is why they are smiling), about all you can do my friend is let it go, learn and warn others from your mistake, because by Thai law most everything is in her name. Your ideal of getting back at her would only cause you big trouble, speaking from experience the LOCAL law would favor her for sure, let bygone be bygone, you said money isn't an issue, so count yoour blessings and move on. :o:D best of luck "been there done that"


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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Reminds me of a 4 tops song, " just walk away rene " ,. this is deja vu over and over,. ( not performed by the 4 tops )
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Quite correct Mobi, I've just won a 50% settlement with my ex, and I'm selling her (our) house and land against her will through a government auction - approved by the judge in court. This should be done at the time of the divorce with a good lawyer. It's probably too late now.

Yes, mine too was sold at government auction, and the proceeds handed over.

Word of warning, this, being Thailand, everyone is out to cheat you at every turn. So you may find, as I did, that the auction is a bit of farce and no one comes to bid except "those in the know" (tipped off by the court) and the prices that are bid are very low. This happened to me, but fortunately my lawyer put a reserve price on it and insisted on it being re-auctioned, which you allowed to do. This happened twice, before I finally got a half way decent price by finding buyer ahead of time to go there and bid for it.

Check this point out thoroughly with your lawyer. I hate to say it, but sometimes the lawyers are in league with potential buyers and the court.

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being an american ,you can own 1 rai of land to build a home on ,so you should have been safer than most.......

When did you dream this tale up Lazee ?

An American, like any foreign national, can own up to 1 Rai in Thailand for residential purposes. All you need to do is meet the requirements under Section 96 bis of the Land Code. Step One of which is to agree to invest 40M Baht in Thailand (in pre-approved investments) for a period of not less than 5 years.


Edited by WilliamJarvis
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thats the problem.....lots of farang have heard that it is best to wait,see a lawyer etc....and then dont take the advice......like you.why are you angry and moaning......your angry at yourself as you didnt take the advice.....you thought your lady was different???

you want to make a big hoo haa over this as if yours is a special case.....get in the queue.....plenty before you who have lost a lot in same way ......and basically you know its your own fault and dont want to lose.many have lost all they had and now destitute but at least you say that the money is not the issue for you so be grateful for that.

get it knocked down and dissapear if you really want revenge otherwise stop moaning :o

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I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved...

The first part is easy, just go and rent a bulldozer. As for the second part, the media is unlikely to get involved unless you are someone of some importance or the situation is at the top end of the funny or pitiful scale (and IMO you're not quite there yet).


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I thought there was some kind of law that stated that if his wife commited adultery he could sue her (or the other guy) for damages??. Anyone know if this is true. if it is, why not just request the right to destroy the house in payment of this or threaten her with court action for her infidelity. :o

But you said it all in your first line, consult a lawyer & know your rights.

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Sos sob! those poor uneducated Thai women taking advantage of wealthy educated Western men. It's just not fair!

Get a life, hel_l there is enough reading material on this subject to fill a library.


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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Others have already responded, but I must say: this house is not yours.

I have met people personally who've lost their house. Even if a Farang self-incorporates, I think the Thai wife can still use loopholes to take the house.

I must repeat this message: IMO, do NOT buy a "house," or plots, because, it isn't yours.

Once a Farang "buy," the Thai wife and family, know it's basically theirs....and it WILL be theirs someday.

That is why....a lot of the marriages.....happen in the first place.

Buy a condo? Sure. House/land? Never.

Why do people want to "buy?" I'd rather rent, even if it meant a less spacious or desirable place.

Edited by Wrong Turn
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