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Farang Gets Ripped Off

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I am dubious about you, your story, and your intentions, apart from the obvious one of Thai bashing, in particular Thai bargirl bashing.

I trust Thai girls, including bargirls, far more than any farang I encounter in LOS, and far more than you, pal.

Hi Kent,

I see that you are a new member and this is your very first posting, you have well and truly nailed your colours to the wall

and I rather suspect that with a year or two under your belt you might need to reconsider your views

Roy gsd

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

Well, your syntax is very suspect for an American. The run-on sentences, and grammatical errors, make it sound as though English is your second language. You might just be an uneducated American, of course, but I'd bet you're not a native English speaker.

You are repeating the proverbial story about how your Thai bargirl ripped you off. And everyone buys it without any verification of any kind.

I am dubious about you, your story, and your intentions, apart from the obvious one of Thai bashing, in particular Thai bargirl bashing.

I trust Thai girls, including bargirls, far more than any farang I encounter in LOS, and far more than you, pal.

Holy moly - this stuff about American English by Brits is so old. I must say not all Brits . For some examples take a look at rock and roll or blues lyics. Oh gosh darn - I think my syntax is bad - did I have a run on sentance ? We don't speak the "Queens English" . It's because of this freedom that rock and roll happened - born from the blues. Oh yes - from uneducated "Americans" .

He sounds Americian to me.

OK - I think it was stupid what he did. However I did some stupid stuff my first year in Thailand too. I agree - just walk away.

About trusting a Bar Girl - can you speak Thai ? Some how I doubt it. How do you know who to trust if you can't even speak the language?

I don't know why there is so much American English Bashing. This original poster is obvously American. I don't find any part of his post like - writing as a second language. Some Brits don't consider American English - as English. i kinda understand you - and not all Brits are like you. I understand you went to school in UK - so hoop dee do - hehe. We went to school in America.


Personally as a brit, I couldnt give a shit how the usa bastardises the english language, in fact the results at times can be rather amusing.

A typical example is the word fag, to us in the uk that means a cigarette, to those in the usa it means something entirely different.

It may not be politically correct but I guess it still brings a smle to many old uns (yanks that is) ( god dont that word set you lot over the pond off!) to hear a brit admit he gets through about 20 fags a day ( or more)!

Within each of the countries that form the uk there is often a remakalle difference not only in the regional dialects but the use of certain words so in my view no one should be so suprised when ozzies, americans ( note i didnt call you yanks when time) kiwis and people from our former colonies ( easy boys, an historial fact rather than an insult!) make changes to the english language.

TV is now responsible for the introduction of many words and expressions to languages around the world at a growing rate, and whilst some people might 'nt like all of those changes they are likley here to stay.

I am not too keen on political correctness, it goes too far and defies common sense at times.

Incidentally can you point me to where Kent confirmed he is a brit? My reason fo rasking is because I suspect thet Kent is more commonly used as a persons name in the usa than it is in the uk.

Maybe I missed something as I could not find it in his posting on this tread.

Roy gsd

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first off, there is nothing wrong with the OP's use of English. who writes posts like its their PHD dissertation?

i think the OP needs to provide a lot more info or all this is just speculation. It seems the wife owns the land (maybe) but does he have a lease or some other right of use protection? if so, he could rent the place to someone and collect rent on it. was the land purchased and/or house build before or after marriage? if before, he's in a far better position.

also, where is the land title? does he have it?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not sure if this helps. A friend of mine had a similar situation but with a car and a small business. The car was in his ex's mothers name and the busines was in a joint name of him and his GF. They did the same thing and turned on him. He was threatened to be shot bla blah bla, but eventually went to a lawyer. The lawyer was very good and even though the car wasn't in his name, but he was paying for it by transfering funds from the UK to his ex's and her mums, the lawyer damanded proof as to how they were paying for it. In the meantime the police confiscated the car until the matter was resolve.

The family eventually walked away.

But did the police walk away , or did they drive away in thier new car?

What assets did he recover if any?

Roy gsd

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  • 1 year later...
being an american ,you can own 1 rai of land to build a home on ,so you should have been safer than most.......

Absolutely wrong! There's no law or agreement that gives Americans such rights. The Treaty of Amity from the 60's allows American to wholly own a Thai Corp but the corp cannot purchase property.

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I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :)

Well, your syntax is very suspect for an American. The run-on sentences, and grammatical errors, make it sound as though English is your second language. You might just be an uneducated American, of course, but I'd bet you're not a native English speaker.

You are repeating the proverbial story about how your Thai bargirl ripped you off. And everyone buys it without any verification of any kind.

I am dubious about you, your story, and your intentions, apart from the obvious one of Thai bashing, in particular Thai bargirl bashing.

I trust Thai girls, including bargirls, far more than any farang I encounter in LOS, and far more than you, pal.

I suggest that you print out what you've just posted, live in Thailand for 15-20 years and then read it. You might feel a bit "uneducated" yourself, pal.

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  • 4 weeks later...

To the OP, as recommended many times in an earlier posts get a good lawyer/law firm who has dealt with this kind of case before. It's "not" a slamp dunk for the spouse; in fact, the legal system can seriously wear down/frighten Thai's...but you need a good lawyer to do this. Be prepared for a couple years of "processing the case through the system" and be prepared to play rough during the process.

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  • 2 months later...
The OP has not logged into TV since Oct 2008.

Does anyone know if he is still around? Has he just gone missing? Is he on the missing list?

I was hoping to be able to read some postings on here that actually have an ending, and not just left in the air!!

Did he bulldoze?

Did he walk away?

Was he executed?

Does anyone know? :)

it just gonna drive me :D

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