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Does anyone know anywhere to try hypnosis here in Chiang Mai.. I just failed to give up smoking (again) and now need to try desperate measures!! My friend in the UK has just successfully given up through this method. Also does acupuncture work, or can it help?

Any information gratefully received..



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Does anyone know anywhere to try hypnosis here in Chiang Mai.. I just failed to give up smoking (again) and now need to try desperate measures!! My friend in the UK has just successfully given up through this method. Also does acupuncture work, or can it help?

Any information gratefully received..



You can try going to Dr. Wang the Acupuncturist. He works in the morning at the Chinese Pharmacy in the middle of Gaat Luang/Wororot market area. His number is 0819523170. He has an afternoon clinic thing at an apartment near the Arcade bus station.

Also the Munkala clinic has acupunture. Walking distance to Tapae Gate but forget the name of the road its located.

Last I checked each was in the 500 to 600 baht per treatment price.

It's worth a try. Also a good idea to increase exercise, some relaxation technique like yoga and clean diet. Gradually by building up those positive habits then can reduce a bad habit.

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Does anyone know anywhere to try hypnosis here in Chiang Mai.. I just failed to give up smoking (again) and now need to try desperate measures!! My friend in the UK has just successfully given up through this method. Also does acupuncture work, or can it help?

Any information gratefully received..



Also the Munkala clinic has acupunture. Walking distance to Tapae Gate but forget the name of the road its located.

Last I checked each was in the 500 to 600 baht per treatment price.

It's worth a try. Also a good idea to increase exercise, some relaxation technique like yoga and clean diet. Gradually by building up those positive habits then can reduce a bad habit.

Munkala clinic is located on Ratchamanka (one way street) soi 3. It is just a couple of minutes walk from Johns place (Tapae Gate). Walk down the small soi at the back of John place until you reach Ratchamanka road, soi 3 is straight ahead and the clinic is located 50 metres on the left side.

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The OP specified hypnosis and i can vouch for it as a method that worked for me to quit. Actually it was a combo of hypnosis and nicorette gum....the nicorette gum working on the physical and the hypnosis working on the brain. worked for 7 yrs, then I came to asia and started again....so if you find a good hypnotist, please post...as I want to quit again.

good luck, it aint easy being a smoker nowadays.......

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Hypnosis provides an opportunity to blame the method. "IT didn't work".

The Nicoderm CQ patch (the real McCoy) will take care of the nicotine cravings. The rest is up to you. Many people like me find that is all they need and it isn't hard at all. It costs about as much as smoking but for a limited time.

Best wishes, luck is for rabbits.

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I paid £55 for a single 50 minute hypnosis session in 1993. I haven't smoked since.

The most difficult part of not smoking cigarettes is not smoking cigarettes... That's a decision to make. How we get to that decisions seems to be very different for each person, and their experience is just as varied.

Some people simply stopped and never thought about it again while others agonized over every minute for years. My mother stopped 40 years ago, and is still thinking how nice it would be to have a smoke.

For me, I tried all the various methods; hypnosis - twice... , acupuncture, aversion therapy, the 'patch,' 'Nicorette' gum, even that little electronic gizmo that told me when I could smoke the next cigarette. I stayed with 2 packs a day of unfiltered menthol for 43 years.

Then I decided NOT to smoke the next cigarette. Nine years, 6 months, and two days ago. (And 3 hours, but who's counting.)

One day at a time. I'm a cigarette smoker who hasn't smoked a cigarette for almost 10 years. I didn't quit. I just didn't smoke the next cigarette. I found that the AA methodology worked for me, after I beat the chemical withdrawal using Lobilia and St. John's Wort from the health food store. No withdrawal symptoms at all. For me, that was the easy part. Then it became difficult. I wonder if going back to hypnosis at that time would have helped? Who knows. It's worked for a lot of people. So has stopping cold turkey. But not for me. I need the methodology of AA. Perhaps there should be a SA? I know there is a hypnotist here in Chiang Mai who occasionally advertises his 'stop smoking' sessions. Try calling the Chiangmai Mail newspaper. Perhaps they have his number.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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Folkguitar: "I need the methodology of AA. Perhaps there should be a SA?"

It's called SmokeEnders in the USA but they aren't here.

What I get from your post is that it's all about timing. I agree. A person will become a non-smoker when the time is right, not before.

Your situation was complicated by a menthol addiction as well, right? I remember when the heart & lung folks used to say, "If you smoke, we'll be seeing you. If you smoke menthol, we'll see you sooner."

Can you belive they used to sell unfiltered Kool's and people could smoke them on airplanes?

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there's a book by alan carr that has helped many many people to stop smoking.

you can download it here:


a close friend of mine was hypnotized to stop smoking in chiang mai and the only reason it worked was because she didn't want to admit she'd spent so much money to a fraud. ever wonder why these guys charge so much and don't offer a money back guarantee?

good luck with your endeavor.

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Folkguitar: "I need the methodology of AA. Perhaps there should be a SA?"

It's called SmokeEnders in the USA but they aren't here.

I'd heard of them, but didn't realize it was a similar organization. I thought they were marketing something. It's a shame that I could think that. More people could be helped if they knew the facts.

What I get from your post is that it's all about timing. I agree. A person will become a non-smoker when the time is right, not before.

Absolutely! Timing combined with a firm decision not to smoke for any reason. I used to think that it would be a good idea for me to find a therapist and find out 'why' I smoked. Just what was the 'problem' smoking resolved for me. Obviously it's not the nicotine addiction. The chemical part is easy to break. The emotional part takes work.... I figured that if I could discover the 'reason,' I could substitute a healthier solution.

Your situation was complicated by a menthol addiction as well, right? I remember when the heart & lung folks used to say, "If you smoke, we'll be seeing you. If you smoke menthol, we'll see you sooner."

Right again. Now I'm addicted to peppermint Binnaca. MUCH stronger than Altoids! :D

Can you belive they used to sell unfiltered Kool's and people could smoke them on airplanes?

I not only believe it, I lived it. :o

By age 14 I had switched from unfiltered Lucky Strike to unfiltered menthol Kool's, and continued to smoke them for the next 40 years. People don't stop to think just how old airplanes are, but almost all of them still have ash trays in the armrests. They've just been epoxied shut. As soon as the no-smoking light would go of, the only sound you'd hear apart from the engines were matches and lighters being struck.

By the way... they STILL sell Kool Regulars (short, non-filtered menthol) in some countries, but you usually have to find a local outlet to order them for you from the distributor. I used to have the corner shop get me two cartons a week.

I think if the Docs told me I only had one more month to live, the first thing I'd do is go out an find a carton of them...

Addiction is a rough row to hoe. :D

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Does anyone know anywhere to try hypnosis here in Chiang Mai.. I just failed to give up smoking (again) and now need to try desperate measures!! My friend in the UK has just successfully given up through this method. Also does acupuncture work, or can it help?

Any information gratefully received..



there's a flier for a hypnotherapist at Blue Diamond.

yes hypnosis works very well with motivated people.

i've studied it for many years

best wishes

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I paid £55 for a single 50 minute hypnosis session in 1993. I haven't smoked since.

I was a smoker for about 15 years and worked my way up to 30 - 40 a day by the time I got really desperate to quit. I also had a one time session in 1980 with a hypnotist who enabled me to quit immediately and haven't the slightest desire to start again since.

Endure, where did you have your treatment? Quite a lot of people ask me to recommend the guy I used but he seems to have dropped off the map sometime in the 90's.

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