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Martin Taylor And Eduardo


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The injury is horrific.

Just missed it live and not sure I want to see the replays.

Listening to the pundits on the BBC the consensus was that it was a clumsy tackle rather than a malicious one.

Hope the boy males a full recovery.


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Eduardo has broken his fibula and tibula that was so bad it broke the skin, so that would bring up major ligament damage, his calf muscle would have torn, and his achilles will have ruptured.

This is a career ending injury.

*internet rumuor*

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Wenger claims it was deliberate and wants him banned for life, he said everyone knows the best way to beat Arsenal is to kick them off the pitch and he had predicted this would happen.

They arent showing it on any TV stations in England as they say it is too bad a tackle.

That second picture is sickening, something similar happen to David Busst of coventry 10 years ago that ended his career.

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Wenger claims it was deliberate and wants him banned for life, he said everyone knows the best way to beat Arsenal is to kick them off the pitch and he had predicted this would happen.

To be fair, he's officially retracted that reaction.

They arent showing it on any TV stations in England as they say it is too bad a tackle.

It wasn't the tackle that they weren't showing but the injury which - judging by the looks on the Arsenal players faces - I'm not sure that I'd like to have seen either.

It was a bad tackle, unfortunately the sort that you see almost every week. I personally think it looked deliberate, but can't be 100% sure, the same as everyone else but Taylor.

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Ouch! I saw the tv footage live and replayed, but those pictures are 'orrible.

I'm a Gooner, but I don't think it was deliberate. Maybe just not into the game yet and maybe a hard first tackle in an attempt to scare him for the rest of the game (now the rest of his career.)

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It was a bad tackle, unfortunately the sort that you see almost every week. I personally think it looked deliberate, but can't be 100% sure, the same as everyone else but Taylor.

I am of the opinion that a premier league defender knows exactly what he is doing when tackling like that, though like you say only Taylor knows if it was deliberate.

Roy Keane owned up to doing Alf Haaland of Man City in his book and nothing happened, for me he should have been prosecuted and banned for life for doing that.

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Totally disgusting tackle :o , and I am with a few of the others who have suggested it was deliberate. An EPL player, should certainly know that when he lunges in like that 2 footed, what the potential outcome is :D . For me, he certainly should get a lengthy ban, but the most important thing is that Eduardo makes a good recovery, however, looking at it, and the fact that it is very similar to some other career ending injuries, the prognosis doesn't look good.

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To be honest, I really did not think that the tackle was that bad, however the result was horrendous.

If the same tackle was made again, and the receiving player got up and continued then the chances are we would say that the tackle was ok.

Yes it was obvious that the injury was a sickener, just from the reactions by the other players, but did you notice, how, after receiving the red card Martin did not immediately leave the field but tried to apologise to Eduardo.

I would like to think this was a pure accident. If it wasnt, and we will never know, then Martin should be locked up

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didnt see it as a bad tackle and like the commentaters was surprised he got a red ,i think the ref seeing the damage thought it must have been badand gave the red ,if the leg had;nt been broken im not sure he would of got one .

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The first picture in that sequence shows Taylor grinning at the result of his tackle. That isn't going to bode well for him. A lot of people have seen that and are saying it's in bad taste to be grinning at a player on the ground in so much pain.

didnt see it as a bad tackle and like the commentaters was surprised he got a red ,i think the ref seeing the damage thought it must have been badand gave the red ,if the leg had;nt been broken im not sure he would of got one .
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The first picture in that sequence shows Taylor grinning at the result of his tackle.

No, it doesn't show him grinning about it at all. That's part of an Internet witchhunt that has started up - someone put it on a forum and it's become a fact. I think there's enough to carpet the guy without peddling this kind of nonsense.

The referee seemed to go for the red card without having much of a look. I think he was at a good angle to see what an awful tackle it was - much better than the TV angle. That kind of tackle should always see a sending off.

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What is it you see in the first picture then?

The first picture in that sequence shows Taylor grinning at the result of his tackle.

No, it doesn't show him grinning about it at all. That's part of an Internet witchhunt that has started up - someone put it on a forum and it's become a fact. I think there's enough to carpet the guy without peddling this kind of nonsense.

The referee seemed to go for the red card without having much of a look. I think he was at a good angle to see what an awful tackle it was - much better than the TV angle. That kind of tackle should always see a sending off.

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What is it you see in the first picture then?

If you google for images of Taylor, it's just his normal look. From the TV coverage you can see that he was quite shocked. He needs a serious ban and this kind of challenge should be clamped down on - but to say that he saw the damage he caused and gave a big grin is not what happened.

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What is it you see in the first picture then?

If you google for images of Taylor, it's just his normal look. From the TV coverage you can see that he was quite shocked. He needs a serious ban and this kind of challenge should be clamped down on - but to say that he saw the damage he caused and gave a big grin is not what happened.

I agree, I don't think for one minute that he is actually grinning about what had happened. Although I still believe there was intent to rough up the player with a cynical tackle, I don't think that he would have wanted that outcome. These "over the top" tackles have no place in thegame, although I have seen a number of them comitted this season by various player. I hope, that the FA make an example of Taylor, and give him a long ban, maybe until the end of the season. That way, it will send out a warning that tackles like these wont be tolerated.

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Personally I think it was just a very clumsy tackle, that was compounded by the fact that Eduardos leg was planted on the ground and his momentum seemed to be going in the direction of Taylor.

I saw a program last year where David Busst was interviewed. His leg is still a mess and looks like a big bite has been taken out of it due to the extent of the damage to ligaments, tendons and muscle. A significant part had to be cut away and rebuilt meaning he couldn't flex his foot or ankle properly. Hopefully Eduardos injury is similar to Alan Smiths, in that he is able to start playing again in a year to 18 months.

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What is it you see in the first picture then?

If you google for images of Taylor, it's just his normal look. From the TV coverage you can see that he was quite shocked. He needs a serious ban and this kind of challenge should be clamped down on - but to say that he saw the damage he caused and gave a big grin is not what happened.

I agree, I don't think for one minute that he is actually grinning about what had happened. Although I still believe there was intent to rough up the player with a cynical tackle, I don't think that he would have wanted that outcome. These "over the top" tackles have no place in thegame, although I have seen a number of them comitted this season by various player. I hope, that the FA make an example of Taylor, and give him a long ban, maybe until the end of the season. That way, it will send out a warning that tackles like these wont be tolerated.

as much as it was a bad tackle, i think its unfair to ban him any longer than the 3 games that it should be for a red card.

it could have gone either way. the way it has or a bruise or a few stitches. these type of tackles result in breakages by a fraction of a second. the positioning of the leg. studs being stuck in the ground. if he would of caught him while Eduardo's leg was in the air/off the ground there is no way it would have resulted in the severe injury that it has.

that said, if it was torres or gerrard i might be typing differently. i just hope it doesnt end the poor lads career.

Edited by kopite
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Eduardo - I am determined to overcome this injury

Speaking for the first time after the incident, the summer signing from Dinamo Zagreb ruled himself out of the rest of the season and Euro 2008 in the summer however he added that he is 'determined to overcome this injury'.

“I don't remember the incident very well and it is not something that I want to see again on television or in the newspapers," said Eduardo.

"All I remember is that when I fell, I looked down at my foot and it had turned the other way. The rest is just a blank. It was an unfortunate situation but these things can happen in football.

“I am unsure at the moment of the extent of the injury and how long I will be out of action for but I know that I won't be able to play for Arsenal for the rest of the season or be ready in time for the Euros this summer.

source: Arsenal.com

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"Arsenal today said they hope striker Eduardo da Silva will make a full recovery by December, while the Croatian's national coach Slaven Bilic said Eduardo's surgeon expects him to be back playing in 12 months."


Full story: http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2259909,00.html

It's obviously going to take a long time with match fitness , etc. But at least it doesn't look like his career is finished as a lot feared that it might be.

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It was a horrific injury. When you see the replay in slow motion you can see Eduardo's foot flapping as he falls over.

I hope that the lad can recover from this injury but looking at the pictures it could well be the end of his career.

I had the same injury way back in the 60's, same leg . same position, tibula and fibula only difference was I made the tackle and it was reckless. I had 6 mths in plaster to the groin but did play again. The problem is ,after that time, mental not physical. With the right rehabilitaion he will be ok as Allan Smith was hopefully he will play better that Allan currently is. Dont blame Taylor his record speaks for itself.

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