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Looks like the second farang with a Thai wife is about to be executed in Iraq.My thought are with him and his family.

Anybody know anything of him,he from Liverpool,his face looks familar to me.

Certainly not to good an outlook for him and the remaining American tonight.

Please don't turn this into a political,or anti war thread.


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Hmmm where does it mention Thai wife? (missed that in the article)

Anyways totally agree these <deleted> need to realize these kidnapping/executions arent going to get them anywhere if they kidnap yanks/brits.


My Fiance and i had this discussion this morning,We cannot give into these Fanatics,Once you give in,Then everyone is kidnapping,

This is the sad side of this conflict innocent people getting murdered on both sides,

My heart goes out to him and the other 2,One which is no longer alive :o


What was he doing there in the first place? Lining his pockets?

I hope Bush Nukes the whole place
An idiotic comment.
"Anyways totally agree these <deleted> need to realize these kidnapping/executions arent going to get them anywhere if they kidnap yanks/brits."

I'm interested to hear your reasoning behind this statement.

I've already assumed your grammar is poor, unless, you ARE saying that their kidnapping/executions WILL get them 'somewhere' if they DO NOT kidnap Yanks or Brits. Are you?

It's so easy to dehumanise the suffering Iraqis, but to put the lowliest 'Westerner' on a pedestal.

Give it a rest.

My Fiance and i had this discussion this morning,We cannot give into these Fanatics,Once you give in,Then everyone is kidnapping,

This is the sad side of this conflict innocent people getting murdered on both sides,

My heart goes out to him and the other 2,One which is no longer alive :o

Which fanatics are we talking about? The murderous Americans?

Dropping bombs from a great height, kills many. Lopping off a single head, kills one.

When I start seeing posts trying to illicit sympathy for Iraqis killed and suffering during the 14 year vendetta by the USA and Britain, I might take these threads seriously.

Most people dying now; hostages, innocent Iraqis, soldiers... are doing so as a DIRECT result of the actions taken by the US and Britain.

This isn't a conflict where Iraqis waged war against the west. This is the west attacking an innocent people under the guise of liberating them....

A Brit has his head lopped off because he decided to go to Iraq to make some money? His choice.

This thread belongs in the bin.


valentinoxxx- I guess you don't understand the queen's english. Let me make it more simplistic for you....

kidnapping and lopping off heads is having the reverse effect, it only strengthens the resolve to stop these thugs in any way possible. Yanks and brits aren't going to negotiate so what are the terrorists getting out of this? Answer = nothing except executionary/barbaric type murder.

It sounds to me you are condoning such behaviour? These are civilians that have been working in the middle east for years.


Dear britmaverick

I not only understand the Queen's English, I pride myself on using 'received pronunciation'.

There is a big difference between condoning behaviour and understanding the occurance of said behaviour.

kidnapping and lopping off heads is having the reverse effect, it only strengthens the resolve to stop these thugs in any way possible. Yanks and brits aren't going to negotiate so what are the terrorists getting out of this?

On which facts do you base your statement that it is having the reverse effect?

The term 'terrorist', is that now a generic term for anyone who fights against the USA, UK and Israel?

You could change your name from britmaverick to britsheep. It would be more appropiate. Hardly free thinking.


Heres the telegraph artical which mentions he lives in thailand,the Bangkokpost had a front page story yesterday about him having a thai wife.


valentinoxx  has got a serious attitude problem

An attitude problem? Do you say that because I have a DIFFERENT point of view than yours?

Sounds like the typical arrogant thought process which has pervaded the inhabitants of certain peoples for some time now.

I'm simply not putting someone who made the choice to try to make money in Iraq over the plight of the Iraqis who had NO choice when invaded by the USA and the UK.

Anyway, I'm going to bow out now. The first two replies only served to irritate me.

My posting in reply is not going to make it any better. Much less the idiotic comments about 'nuking' and 'terrorists'.

Watched the video beheading of Mr. Armstrong today....

no words to describe it....

indeed a very sad state of affairs with no solution in the foreseeable future.

Why would you even watch it? it sounds a little sick to me.

Very sad for the family and for this man.

Now, rally in the streets and tell your governments that they should leave Iraq.


"A Brit has his head lopped off because he decided to go to Iraq to make some money? His choice"

Thats were the attitude is,the guy is one of us,lives in Thailand,has a Thai wife.Everybody that has spoke of him have said he was there only to help the Iraqi's not make a bunch of money.



Have you read the article by Kurt? Jack lived in Bangkok and made a living taking on construction contracts in high risk areas such as Bosnia 10 years ago. He was fully aware of the risks involved in going to Iraq and work there. So he was hardly an unsuspecting resident of Iraq who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This of course doesn't justify what was done to him, and it is a tragedy for family and friends. I don't condone such behaviour, but neither do I condone judging this event with a completely different set of rules from what the many innocent victims of bombings are regarded from, people who did not have a choice to be there or not.

How can the life of one man who conciously put himself at risk count so much more than that of hundreds who had no choice and nothing to gain?

Is it because their names and families are unknown to us, because of their lack of the right passport to count for anything, or because they were 'unavoidable' casualties of war, they belonged to the group of people we call enemies? Or is it perhaps because on one site there is a legitimate army and on the other there are illegitimate 'enemy combatants'? And why are you not commenting on the post suggesting to nuke the whole place, Britmaveric, is this something you condone?

It seems to defy logic, I don't understand it.

Just read above post, should have thought of that, he is important because he is one of us, could even be a member of TV, I guess.

"A Brit has his head lopped off because he decided to go to Iraq to make some money? His choice"

Thats were the attitude is,the guy is one of us,lives in Thailand,has a Thai wife.Everybody that has spoke of him have said he was there only to help the Iraqi's not make a bunch of money.

Yes I am with you that is sad and I dont agree with civillians being taken as hostages. I have 9 friends there at the moment, ranging from Scottish mechanics fixing the Humvees, to military guys helping with the invasion.

Sad state of affairs for all concerned. Unfortunatley hatred does not see a uniform it sees a face. We see it on this forum all the time - they see us foreigners and hate and we see a Arab and hate. Door swings both ways.

If Bush never invaded Iraq, this man would not have been kidnapped. Now that is a fact!


Cheers bartender100! My sympathies to Mr. Armstrong's family. Sad when you are out to make life better for people and this sort of thing happens.

ValentinoXXX- ahh I am free thinking so you're statement is an apparent contradiction. Baahhh Baahhhh - must be my welsh blood coming out now! :D

You are definitely condoning such behaviour- why don't you relocate to Baghdad? I'm quite confident these mates (terrorists) of yours won't lopp your head off either. :o

(siam @ Tue 2004-09-21, 12:30:58)

My Fiance and i had this discussion this morning,We cannot give into these Fanatics,Once you give in,Then everyone is kidnapping,

This is the sad side of this conflict innocent people getting murdered on both sides,

My heart goes out to him and the other 2,One which is no longer alive 

Which fanatics are we talking about? The murderous Americans?

Dropping bombs from a great height, kills many. Lopping off a single head, kills one.

When I start seeing posts trying to illicit sympathy for Iraqis killed and suffering during the 14 year vendetta by the USA and Britain, I might take these threads seriously.

Most people dying now; hostages, innocent Iraqis, soldiers... are doing so as a DIRECT result of the actions taken by the US and Britain.

This isn't a conflict where Iraqis waged war against the west. This is the west attacking an innocent people under the guise of liberating them....

A Brit has his head lopped off because he decided to go to Iraq to make some money? His choice.

This thread belongs in the bin.

valentinoxxx, I presume you are being intentionally inflamatory. No one has the right to kill. The original post does not try to make the US/UK out to be right and the Iraqis wrong. The fact is that kidnapping and murdering is immoral. Do you disagree with this? Do you really think it is acceptable to behead someone because of something their government has done? Even if you feel that the actions of the US and UK is immoral and murder, does this justlfy civillians and aid workers being kidnapped and murdered? :o

It is thinking like this that funds terrorism, perpetuates violence and makes peace very difficult.

valentinoxx  has got a serious attitude problem

Attitude problem or not valentinoxx speaks the truth.

The US and Brits egged on by Israel started the war without cause. Their hardships are the direct result of their own actions.

Attitude problem or not valentinoxx speaks the truth.

The US and Brits egged on by Israel started the war without cause. Their hardships are the direct result of their own actions.

If you believe this, then the object of retaliation is the country (military), not civillians. To condone killing of civillians is immoral. If they decide to kill small child from the US/UK, then is this OK because they are party to the aggressors simply by birth? There were 100's of thousands that rallied against the war in the UK. There still are. Yet they deserve to be butchered because their government ignored them?

Should the US/UK retaliate in kind - should we start rounding up innocent Iraqis and shoot them? Of course not. Why? because it is immoral, wrong and helps nothing. If the Iraqis want to be rid of the the UK/US, then let their be a proper Iraqi giovernment and the west will pull out. As a democracy, any can stand. Some of the politcal activists have been asked to even.

Two wrongs do not make a right, they simply sustain the chain of wrongs going forward!

(siam @ Tue 2004-09-21, 12:30:58)

My Fiance and i had this discussion this morning,We cannot give into these Fanatics,Once you give in,Then everyone is kidnapping,

This is the sad side of this conflict innocent people getting murdered on both sides,

My heart goes out to him and the other 2,One which is no longer alive  

Which fanatics are we talking about? The murderous Americans?

Dropping bombs from a great height, kills many. Lopping off a single head, kills one.

When I start seeing posts trying to illicit sympathy for Iraqis killed and suffering during the 14 year vendetta by the USA and Britain, I might take these threads seriously.

Most people dying now; hostages, innocent Iraqis, soldiers... are doing so as a DIRECT result of the actions taken by the US and Britain.

This isn't a conflict where Iraqis waged war against the west. This is the west attacking an innocent people under the guise of liberating them....

A Brit has his head lopped off because he decided to go to Iraq to make some money? His choice.

This thread belongs in the bin.

valentinoxxx, I presume you are being intentionally inflamatory. No one has the right to kill. The original post does not try to make the US/UK out to be right and the Iraqis wrong. The fact is that kidnapping and murdering is immoral. Do you disagree with this? Do you really think it is acceptable to behead someone because of something their government has done? Even if you feel that the actions of the US and UK is immoral and murder, does this justlfy civillians and aid workers being kidnapped and murdered? :o

It is thinking like this that funds terrorism, perpetuates violence and makes peace very difficult.


I wasn't going to add anything more, but I have seen depth added to this thread.

My reaction had nothing to do with the original post, but the first two replies and the subsequent attempts to bolster them.

I do not condone violence, unless it is unavoidable.

As to 'funding terrorism', it depends on what your definition of terrorism. Using helicopter to fire rounds into crowds of innocent people, dropping the 'mother of all bombs' onto a people defending their country from outside invaders and people going about their everyday lives. It all sounds terrible to me.

Perpetuates violence? Would you prefer a situation where there can be no dissent? That we call a tyranny. One mans terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. cliche I know.

The truth is that the US started this conflict, for bogus reasons. The US military has killed and imprisoned tens of thousands of the Iraqi people. Imagine if this happened in the USA. 14 years of flying 'sorties over Iraq. Constant attacks on the Iraqi people. The blood of ALL of these people are on their hands.

But in the end, would you like to know what really funds 'terrorism', wars and greed?


the guy is one of us,

The us and them mentality.


I saw the Video of the 1st American

It's NOT a quick death.

The man is conscious a good amount of the time.

They just start sawing at his neck w/ a knife blade.

Can you imagine how long that would take? He's screaming NO and grunting and moaning.

Eventually, his screaming and moaning turn into gurgles.

Blood is just pouring all over the place.

It's NOT a pretty picture.



You write as if the are some rules to be followed. Though you and I may think so, who is following these rules? The USA? The 'terrorists'?

The USA didn't follow the rules, but you expect their much smaller opponents to follow your arbitrary rules.

Let's stop this nonsense. Don't try to paint me as an extremist. Do not try to propagandise by using aid workers in your argument.

The long and short of it is there is a lot of hatred for the USA in Iraq, suppressed only by the military forces of the USA. Killing people to force a 'democracy' on them?

Anyway, I have made my feelings clear on this matter. If you choose to misinterpret them, go ahead. Knock yourself out. :o


You write as if the are some rules to be followed. Though you and I may think so, who is following these rules? The USA? The 'terrorists'?

The USA didn't follow the rules, but you expect their much smaller opponents to follow your arbitrary rules.

Let's stop this nonsense. Don't try to paint me as an extremist. Do not try to propagandise by using aid workers in your argument.

The long and short of it is there is a lot of hatred for the USA in Iraq, suppressed only by the military forces of the USA. Killing people to force a 'democracy' on them?

Anyway, I have made my feelings clear on this matter. If you choose to misinterpret them, go ahead. Knock yourself out. :o

I think the Invasion was WRONG..

I think the terrorists who do these horrendous crimes are WRONG..

Any effort at justification and or blame seems a bit silly to me..

The 'them and us' attitude does not negate whats RIGHT and WRONG, something i think we all know the differance between, even governments and terrorists.

Those are the rules..

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