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Agreed. Years ago, (before Central, Tesco, etc) you really had no option if you wanted some decent shopping. There was a fairly large Ocean store there (not to be confused with the current one there - the original one was closed ten or fifteen years ago due to unauthorised extensions). Of course, you also had to go there if you wanted to go ten pin bowling (the Pearl Bowl was the only ten pin on the island). And the market there was always worth a look.

Nowadays, there is no reason at all to go into Phuket Town for shopping or entertainment. It's the same with Big C. When it opened, I always used to go there for my supermarket shopping. Since Carrefour opened, I have rarely gone there either. Funnily enough, I initially thought that Carrefour and Big C were run by the same mob - mainly similar product lines and often identical pricing.

But what I really like about the setup over there is that the 7/11s are not priced as they are here (and, presumably, NZ). I would never shop in a 7/11 here - outrageously exorbitant. Yet over there, 7/11 prices don't seem to be all that different from supermarket prices. Eg disposable lighters at 7/11 there B10 (AUD 35 cents) - here, around $2 (B60). Mongrels.

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Didn't know about the cafes there. I had to go to Chalong to get a car tyre valve replaced (there are places in Patong and closer, but I didn't know about them and was having all sorts of drama communicating that I needed a new valve). The garage is a couple of hundred yards east of the police station, on the opposite side of the road. Didn't have a look around there, though. Where are the cafes to which you refer?
Come on?

I'm with redted, why don't you two go and get some crumpets and coffees like the two happening housewives you seem to be ("was having all sorts of drama communicating that I needed a new valve" oh my gosh, what's a girl to do!!!!!) and carry on this conversation there.

MODERATORS HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm with redted, why don't you two go and get some crumpets and coffees like the two happening housewives you seem to be ("was having all sorts of drama communicating that I needed a new valve" oh my gosh, what's a girl to do!!!!!) and carry on this conversation there.

MODERATORS HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with huggybear, but don't see what the mods can do as no rules are being broken. I have to wonder why 2 guys would want to keep up a private conversation in full public view, not only this topic, but also the vegamite & chalong circle topics. That's what the PM service is for, but hey Mai pen rai..... :o as I don't normally open the replies by these 2 gents.

I'm with redted, why don't you two go and get some crumpets and coffees like the two happening housewives you seem to be ("was having all sorts of drama communicating that I needed a new valve" oh my gosh, what's a girl to do!!!!!) and carry on this conversation there.

MODERATORS HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with huggybear, but don't see what the mods can do as no rules are being broken. I have to wonder why 2 guys would want to keep up a private conversation in full public view, not only this topic, but also the vegamite & chalong circle topics. That's what the PM service is for, but hey Mai pen rai..... :o as I don't normally open the replies by these 2 gents.

Totally agree with you they are taking up too many threads for there discussions.

Have they not heard about Skpe, or Windows Messenger?

Stop high jacking other peoples threads, its not very nice for the O,Ps.




I'm with redted, why don't you two go and get some crumpets and coffees like the two happening housewives you seem to be ("was having all sorts of drama communicating that I needed a new valve" oh my gosh, what's a girl to do!!!!!) and carry on this conversation there.

MODERATORS HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with huggybear, but don't see what the mods can do as no rules are being broken. I have to wonder why 2 guys would want to keep up a private conversation in full public view, not only this topic, but also the vegamite & chalong circle topics. That's what the PM service is for, but hey Mai pen rai..... :o as I don't normally open the replies by these 2 gents.

Totally agree with you they are taking up too many threads for there discussions.

Have they not heard about Skpe, or Windows Messenger?

Stop high jacking other peoples threads, its not very nice for the O,Ps.


Have you guys even looked at the original post by the OP?

Read it here...........


This is a thread for you to discuss general issues, experiences, etc pertaining to Phuket that are either not on-topic with specific threads or do not merit the creation of another thread. Nothing will be off-topic provided that there is some connection with Phuket.

Get ya facts rite before dumping on others.

Ping started it, so he can say / post as he wishes.

I for one could not give a rats ass if you opened this thread or not.


I suggest you read again, I said thread'S.

Anyway what's a rats ass got to do with it?

Flaming is not the way forward here, or someone might send you one of these..post-59607-1206968976.gif

I was pointing out, that you pick threads to hold cenral discussions with your mate.

Someone correct me if I'm wong?


P S Cold over there is it boys? I had a good day in Phuket.






If you good people care to look, the posts in here are entirely on topic and the thread was started following LivinginKata's complaint that we were off topic in another thread. We have been holding a discussion about issues and interests in Phuket. That was why the thread was started - since it is general in nature. Newby Redted, a member of this forum FOR ALL OF 14 DAYS is choosing to flame and is being treated accordingly - ignored. Newby Huggybear's posts are typical of many of his posts - rude at best and discourteous at least... another one to be ignored. LivinginKata is a straightshooter and calls it how he sees it. I may not always agree with him, but at least he is showing some courtesy - the newbies could learn from him.



RedTed cannot help himself, every post shows his ignorance.

Guess as Ping said....

Ignore him, responding feeds his pinhead ego.

Pity, unlike in chatrooms, there is not an "Ignore poster", function.

The "OP", started this thread for a good reason, great one Ping.


I had a question to ask, but damned well forgotten it.

If anyone knows the answer, let me know.

Thank you.


The answer is probably 42. But do you know the question? It could probably be found in one of the bars at Patong - I doubt you would find it in Chalong (too small).


settle down everyone. i have let this thread run for a long time now and will happily do so, but please stop with the personal insults. keep it fun people. life is too short to insult people - besides, you will all be face to face soon on the next pissup, so best to kiss and make up now before you meet!

The answer is probably 42. But do you know the question? It could probably be found in one of the bars at Patong - I doubt you would find it in Chalong (too small).

Hmmmm...... ta for that, Ping.

Proves my liking for Chalong is well founded.

I prefer them small and petite.

If Patong has BIG ones, you can ahve them.

You are talking about bar gals, I presume...... :o


Thanks for those words Donna.

Thanks Pete. I haven't heard any more about the roundabout. Did you read about my dramas with this year's visa? (Triple entry TR instead of double entry O). Two border runs! When I rang the consulate, the bloke there said 'the rules have changed - in the last month' (which is BS). Seems that in future, I'll have to take the darn thing in personally to make sure they give me the right one. Not looking forward to TWO minibus trips to Ranong!


Yeah, Ping, they made a mistake, so easy to blame the system.........LOL

I have stayed for 3 months, just tourist entry visa, but with international trips between times, guess that changes things a bit, never had any immigration probs.

Guess my entry each time starts anew, dunno.

Roundabout.... lol, believe it when I see it working, mid June, I hopes.

Donna, I totally concur, FUN is the name of the game here.


Thanks LivinginKata - I suspected that little would have changed. If they do remove the centre bit, it will not be until all the red tape has been prepared in quintuplicate, bent, spindled, mutilated and then lost in the depths of the 'too hard basket'.

So mid June, then Pete. Good idea. A darn good time of year to NOT be in New Zealand.

Thanks LivinginKata - I suspected that little would have changed. If they do remove the centre bit, it will not be until all the red tape has been prepared in quintuplicate, bent, spindled, mutilated and then lost in the depths of the 'too hard basket'.

So mid June, then Pete. Good idea. A darn good time of year to NOT be in New Zealand.

Even more so, for you guys in Melbs, Ping.

Auckland meva gets cold these days, I have NOT seen a frost in 10 years, some parts do, but not where I reside.

Mite have a couple of guys with me some time during my stay, who have never been to "modern" Thailand, one from Sri Lanka and an Indian. SL guy was here with school rugby 30 years ago. Both good blokes.

No guesses what they will cum for. Just a week, but wanna be in L.O.S. when I am, to show them around.

Ping, regards the circle.

Has the "tea monies" been paid?


Well without looking at a map, I would assume that Auckland is roughly the same latitude as Melbourne. Surprising about the lack of Jack Frost. I thought you were joking when you said (elsewhere) that Melbourne has colder winters than Auckland.

A week isn't a lot of time for your friends, although it depends on what they want to do. Phantasea, snake farm, elephant ride, Wat Chalong, the Big Buddha, the lookout over Phuket Town, old Sino-Portugese architecture in Phuket Town, the beaches, Laem Promthep, a market or two, Central, that's about it for older blokes (and you can probably leave out the snake and elephant). I suppose you can see if they get the guided tour of the Green Man, but I refuse to go there any more with their prices. Plenty of other watering holes - what about that Reggae Bar overlooking Kata Noi?

I recall that on the first or second time I went to Phuket, we were driving through some rubber plantations and came to this little hut. A bloke and his missus were there but no English. I pointed to a coconut tree and he shimmied up and knocked down a couple of fresh coconuts and opened them up for us. I had a devil of a time getting him to accept any money for them. That's something your friends probably would not be able to see in Phuket these days.



Lat/Lon: 37.8° S 145.0° E ...........


Lat/Lon: 37.0° S 174.8° E ..........

The wind chill factor, from the southerlies off the bay, that makes biggest diff.


Ave temps, low 9.. High..19 for April........................................July.. 12 -- 5


Ave temps, low 12.. high..19 for April, this year in 20s most days July-- 13 -- 7

Ping, precious little difference.

Auckland is between 2 harbours so gets lotsa sea breezes.

Hamilton 80 odd miles south is inland and gets real hard frosts.

It is that freezing cold wind off the bay that drove me back to the shaky isles.


All you had to do was move to a suburb away from the beaches. I'm about ten kilometres inland and don't get those chill winds. On the other hand, bayside living is pleasant during summer (except for the occasional rotting seaweed stench at some locations). One thing about Phuket (on topic) is that there doesn't seem to be the seaweed problem - only all the other garbage that washes up with the tide.


LOL, Ping, we lived one block back from the bay, Patterson Ave, Middle Park.

Not as cold as Princes St in Kew, or my dad's place in Mt Waverley.

But the wind chill was no worse.

I was going to work one friday morning, stopped at an early opening café at St Kilda Junction. Cupla guys had left their car windows open, the inside of ALL the windows had frozen condensation......so funny watching them clear it. NEVA EVA that cold in Aucks.

LOL, the seaweed. Our dog loved to roll in it, come home, bound inside and jump all over us.

Her favourite was the droppings the milkman's horse left, that was foul, she was hosed down so often, I think she enjoyed the hosing too.

Yeah, wandering down to the beach, 100 yards, on a hot summer's evening was great, no parking worries or driving miles.

I have said it before, love Melbs, but not winter.

I love Phuket winters, summers too.

To stay a few months on end, during Auck winters, my dream.

It will come about, I hopes.


Yes exactly. Leave your home town's winters behind and then return for the summer, as I do. It's a great lifestyle (but not cheap, unfortunately).


If I stay at least 2 months, especially having a boarder paying rent and looking after me house.

His board pays my travel, me supa comes as usual.

Actually it is cheaper than staying at home.......LOL

If it was not for my problem at the mo', I woulda stayed till and of September.

Despite wot ppl mite like to believe, I have a Thai g/f, but do not keep her, or pay for mothers sick buffalo.........PMPL

I buy her stuffs, presents, take her out.

If she o/nites with me, in reverse, "Up to her."...... LOL

Yeah, I am cheap......... hahaha.

If she has nite off, I will bring her to FB.


Well that's a good plan - with the lodger, provided that you can trust him/her. My daughter still lives at home with me, but she is highly likely to move in with her b/f at the end of this year. If she does that, I will probably sell the house, get a retirement visa and stay semi-permanently in Phuket. I'm still trying to work out how I can open a bank account in Thailand when I don't own property or have a work permit. Once I can open an account, I can transfer money into it for Oz without a problem. Then I can have the amount required for a retirement visa (it has to be in for 3 months; I don't have a fixed income as such - all tied up in investments, to draw from as required).

So currently, I am paying all the bills for the house while away (not just the utilities, but also cable TV and Internet), as well as six months of house rental, car rental and bills in Patong. It would be a lot cheaper if I could dispose of my overheads in Oz. I think I mentioned previously that I would like to buy a house in Phuket, but refuse to lease land (all sorts of dangers) and don't want to go down the percentage company ownership path - they've hinted at putting the kibosh on that in the past and it is just too risky. May ultimately have to buy a Condo. :o

Whatever happens, I can't see myself living out the remainder in Melbourne.


I don't know if this is an open discussion or a couple of old characters having a private chat. :o

However it's interesting (in parts :D ) and parallels my thoughts and plans.

I own my house, have super and investments and am trying to decide whether to rent, spend winters in Phuket, or sell up and move more permanently. Fors and againsts both ways, so interesting to read your thoughts. mine is a very similar situation to you Ping.

Need to get a few medical probs sorted first. :D


Hi OC, yeah, it is almost a "Ping and Pete Show" this thread..........LOL

Add your thoughts, good to have input from summun thinking the same.

I am in exactly the same situation as you describe.

Own me house, live day to day on super.

Investment accounts, interest is my travel funds.

I have a med problem at the mo', mite go away, if not, so what, life goes on till the end.......LOL

I have been thinking of selling me house and do like Ping suggests.

With utilities rates, and broadband, I guess I am up for $NZ100.00 a month for empty house.

I would need to sell up to have enuff dosh for a retirement visa.

No ties to keep me in NZ for ever.

One problem, but easily fixed, I am not allowed to stay out of NZ for more than 6 months, or Gummint Super will stop till I return.

Summer at home, no worry, dun wanna endure the madness in L.O.S. during high season.

My nephew has been on Phuket over 20 years now, mite be able to ride on his coat tails, gunna have a good chat with him this trip.

Break my heart to take investments out of NZ, all safe in banks, on call interest I am getting is 8.2%.... investments up to 10%, be dumb to bring dosh to LOS.

Renting my house would get me 400 bucks a week, but would have worries about what is happening being so far away.


Good to hear from you Pete.

As I said before, a lot of similarities. I have also been using the interest from investments for travel money. Although this has come to a crashing halt this year because of world financial events. Still, I have been averaging around 14% for the last few years so can't really complain.

Your super stops if you leave NZ for more than six months! Strange and very constraining. Mine keeps rolling in for ever, although they won't pay it to an os account.

Same as you, I pay too much on residuals if the house sits empty and there are concerns about damage and access if rented. I'm thinking of selling, buying a much cheaper lock-up type unit or park home for a bolt hole, thus freeing a lot of money for further investment/income.

I am the only emotional support for my 86yo mother who is in care, has emphasema(?) and an indeterminate time left. Other than that no real ties to keep me here in Oz.

It's all undecided at the moment and depends on medical outcomes, etc.


OC, yeah so similar.

I have been thinking of buying a cheapie, secure, 2 b/r unit for my stuff, and base in NZ.

I have some gear I would NOT wanna give up.

My final day of reckoning will come, and I hope it is in NZ.

Make my dorta an offer to manage the house.

That would give me at least , after putting aside monies for house maintenance....

50,000 Baht a month, more than enuff,

So many options etc.

Time and circumstances will govern what happens.

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