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Farang Victims ?


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Hi glad u started this topic, i am new to the forum and sorry if im going off topic here I am but, me and my boyfriend are moving over in dec this year to join his sister (now live in phuket from uk) and mum(now lives in chiangmai from uk) - i know that alot of people on T.VISA are giving well welcomed advise / opinions which is great , but sometimes (personally) i feel alot of people are so negative about thailand which makes me think well why on earth move their if its that bad, and it can be very off putting for someone like me who is going to upstick and join all u lovely people int he sunshine !

Im from the uk and yeah its nice here, but we also loved thailand on our visit and feedback from family - including any bad apsects, after all the uk has plenty of bad bits too.

i dont mean to disrespect anyone nor am i saying that thai is 110% perfect but sometimes i dont thing us 'farangs' give it the credit it deserves.

just a thought :o

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TV can be a bit like one of the 24 hour news networks. When something bad happens to a farang it gets amplified because bad news is what gets interest. "Bad news sells copy." Also TV IMHO is a place for people to come and vent to others that understand since they are in a similar situation. I don't think it's all "Woe is me, Thailand is awful" If that was the case you wouldn't hear about it as much because those people would leave LOS, at least that's what I think.

Me I really enjoy LOS. I could stay indefinitely in The Philippines if I wanted to with no visa problems since I am married to a Filipina. Yet I find myself making that short hop to LOS during the trip. It is, even with it's flaws, a great place to stay.

And there are some that just love to complain, and get attention.

The ubiquitous,


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Most farang in Thailand have a great life that is much better than they could have back home.

By pointing out what is 'wrong' with Thailand and the possible solution forum users are suggesting a means to make it even better.

Nothing wrong with pointing out shortcomings in paradise imo.

Very true 'apetley'. I lived in BKK for 3 years, but now have been living Samui for the past 3 1/2 years. It's great, home from home. I could not live on my pension in England, but here I can. There is a great expat lifestyle here and a lot of good folk. :o

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I ahve been coming to Thailand for nearly 15 years and it has been my full time home since 2001. Before that I lived and worked here for 4 years.

I live waaay out in the boonies but near civilisation as there is a bank and a 7/11 6km away in the village. I have a few farng friends but none closer than 60 km.

I am content with my life here as I am married to a girl I met during my first week here in 1993 and we have a 3 1/2 year old son.

There are a few things I would like to change but nothing of world shattering importance so I just get on with my life.

The last time I went back to the UK was July 2004 and apart from some friends and my other son who is 30 I have no desire to return under any circumstances.

Around here I can talk (after a fashion as my Thai language skills leave a kot to be desired) with the local people, 7/11 sells ham, bacon, butter and bread and once a month I go to Nakhon Sawan for a big shop and exotic international cuisine, KFC or Pizza Hut.

I go to Bangkok every year to renew my visa and also if I get an offshorre job. Pattaya and Phuket are not on my list of places to go nor are most big cities. Up here I get the genuine friendly Thai smiles and waves etc.

I am a victim in that I was lucky enough to come to Thailand and meet a beautiful girl which eventually caused a divorce, not her fault, marry her and have a son. I am 63, my wife is 42 and our son is 3.

Thailand I love it and intend to live here until I die when she cremates me and chucks the ashes on the farm, then I will be here forever sharing the spirit house at the bottom of the garden.

:D :D :D :D :o

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I ahve been coming to Thailand for nearly 15 years and it has been my full time home since 2001. Before that I lived and worked here for 4 years.

I live waaay out in the boonies but near civilisation as there is a bank and a 7/11 6km away in the village. I have a few farng friends but none closer than 60 km.

I am content with my life here as I am married to a girl I met during my first week here in 1993 and we have a 3 1/2 year old son.

There are a few things I would like to change but nothing of world shattering importance so I just get on with my life.

The last time I went back to the UK was July 2004 and apart from some friends and my other son who is 30 I have no desire to return under any circumstances.

Around here I can talk (after a fashion as my Thai language skills leave a kot to be desired) with the local people, 7/11 sells ham, bacon, butter and bread and once a month I go to Nakhon Sawan for a big shop and exotic international cuisine, KFC or Pizza Hut.

I go to Bangkok every year to renew my visa and also if I get an offshorre job. Pattaya and Phuket are not on my list of places to go nor are most big cities. Up here I get the genuine friendly Thai smiles and waves etc.

I am a victim in that I was lucky enough to come to Thailand and meet a beautiful girl which eventually caused a divorce, not her fault, marry her and have a son. I am 63, my wife is 42 and our son is 3.

Thailand I love it and intend to live here until I die when she cremates me and chucks the ashes on the farm, then I will be here forever sharing the spirit house at the bottom of the garden.


Such a pleasant post. I love your final sending of sentence there mate.

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MMM, well for me i think its memory failure ,.well what i mean is we sometimes forget all those horrible things we didnt like about our home country,and maybe become complacent and used to being here, i suffer from it, i lived in canada for years, i got really homesick for country pubs, the winding lanes of devon, the fox and hounds on a sunday morning ,ah the bliss, when in reality i was back 3 months realised the country pubs were all 30 quid a meal restuarants , the fox and hounds are banned and tractors and trailors are flinging shit all over the roads and it rains every day! ,.,so we are our own worst enemy, i actually started thinking about my ex wife the other day, i couldnt for the life of me remember why we got divorced !, no dont worry im not going back there !,..i was actually only today thinking of starting a thread called " do you remember your first trip to thailand " i thought it might jog some memories and bring back a few smiles to the grumpies ( me included ) :D although we are going back but i am under no illusion about it ,,will i return to thailand? who knows, maybe my memory will improve,.

Not another new avatar, Mike! :o

Actually, I saw a dog like that on Woolacombe beach about ten years ago. Saw the tracks in the wet sand first and the kids and I were scratching our heads. Later on, we saw it coming back down the beach with its owner. A Jack Russell with two wheels where its hind legs should be. It could go at a fair old clip, too.

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well, the guy-got-ripped-of-by-bar-girl story is just much more intriguing then the guy-found-good-girl-and-is-happy story ...

Interesting point.

By my rough reckoning, happy farang/Thai partnerships there outnumber the sad ones by about 10 to 1.

Try posting "Why I'm happy with my Thai wife" and the thread would die fast.

After all, what's so interesting about two people getting some good out of their relationship?

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