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"petch Has Buggered Off "


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I called up an old pal of mine to see how his marriage was going.

its been 3 months since i called them up.

She's buggered off with a French guy she met on the plane he replied.

she waited until she had her british citizenship and then cleared off .

she is now living in northern France.

The guy said he overheard her making phone calls to him in the bathroom at night.

She had never worked in a bar or done short time, so was semi resepctable.

good looking girl who attracted the blokes .

she took him for quite a lot of money ,jewelery and clothes but didnt attempt to take his house , but that could change as her new boyfriend is a lawyer and may start pulling her strings to his and her advantage !

scary ...

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Let me give you guys two words..

Blind Trust

By that I dont mean the kind that get you married without a pre nup :o but the kind that you set up and use to own everything you would own. A Cayman or Seychelles trust can never be found out who is the director or beneficial owner yet can own property (not in Thailand of course)... hold your banking assets offshore tax free... Even down to registering your car in a company name that never pays speeding tickets or parking fines..

The costs of running one with a good services company are trivial, in fact if you have assets the money saved in having interest untaxed and offshore easily pays for the trust.

Anyone wants to divorce me or sue me or do anything financially to me would find out I am pennyless and am simply drawing a tiny wage (under whatever tax bracket is best for you in your country of residence as you can name it what you want) and having a company car and untracable expense account on a VISA card...

No tax... No Risk..

Why people dont consult a offshore professional amazes me.

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