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Thunderstruck By Beauty


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In the electronics shop I talked to her once. She works there. So beautiful I almost could not look at her...

I want to pursue her, but we did not even really meet - I just ask her about a Walkman.

I want to introduce myself and give her little gift. What should I buy her?

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In the electronics shop I talked to her once. She works there. So beautiful I almost could not look at her...

I want to pursue her, but we did not even really meet - I just ask her about a Walkman.

I want to introduce myself and give her little gift. What should I buy her?

Dont buy her flowers, I gave her some last week :o

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In Asian culture, giving a woman a gift, in the intial stage of knowing to know each other, is considered an insult. Its like, are you buying me? Estbalish friendship first, take her lunch or dinner (not formal dinner), and when she start to know you, then, go,buy her necklace ..

Material things works depending on the wowan ur pursuing. try to impress her first, with ur wits and style, then later your money....

Thats an opinion based on experience....

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Honestly? Just wait ten minutes and you'll fall in love with another prettier one.This is Thailand. Was (She?) kinda tall? Large breastestes? There are thousands of amused and amazed at this thread.Call your mom...she will know what to do as always... :o:D :D

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I am so pleased that the local punters on this sub forum are here to generously offer their advice after years of experience and able to appreciate the OPs concern that he doesn't want to look like a troll oops sorry newbie with a genuine question.


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Where's the shop at, perhaps someone can go down there and have a look for themselves? I volunteer Maejo Man!!!! :o

Mmmm didn't realise that the girl in question was over forty and had bow legs :D

If it had been a lady boy Brit Mav would have been there like a shot the big girls blouse that he is. :D


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Ok guys I am going to bed and leaving this thread to your tender mercies. Be aware it is under scrutiny by the mods and I would be really disappointed to see such a serious discussion as the OPs personal happiness and pursuit of a beautiful young woman turn into a fire fight and suspensions.

No tears before breakfast please.

Good night


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Where's the shop at, perhaps someone can go down there and have a look for themselves? I volunteer Maejo Man!!!! :o

I just popped down to the shop I thought it was, and would you believe some rotten sod has beaten us all to it. There was a gleaming new black BMW right outside the shop, and she had a grin from ear to ear :D

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I'll buy you a chevrolet

buy you a chevrolet

Goin a buy you a chevrolet

if you'll do somethin for me

if you'll do somthing for me

I don't want your chevrolet

don't want your chevrolet

I don't want your chevrolet

It don't do nothin for me

It don't do nothin for me

I'll buy you a diamond ring

buy you a diamond ring

buy you a diamond ring

if you'll do something for me

if you 'll do somethin for me

I don't want your diamond ring

don't want your diamond ring

I don't want your diamond ring

It don't do nothin for me

It don't do nothin for me

I'll give you a super ball

goin a give you a super ball

I'll give you a super ball

If you'll do somthing for me

If you'll jess do somethin for me

I'll accept your super ball

I'll accept your super ball

I'll accept your super ball

and you can do something for me....anytime

yeah you can do somethin for me.

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Was she tall with a husky voice? Hahaha - funny stuff. Good luck in your pursuit.

lol, a very inosent question turns out into a complete redicule. Come on peeps, give OP advice what ur mama always told you.. I already did my part.But seriously, OP< all the best,good luck.Tell us, later, regardless whether its a failure or a success.

Edited by wanderer9020
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"Honestly? Just wait ten minutes and you'll fall in love with another prettier one.This is Thailand. Was (She?) kinda tall? Large breastestes? There are thousands of amused and amazed at this thread.Call your mom...she will know what to do as always... /END QUOTE

Thanks, but I not child, and she not classic big breast beauty. I am in Thailand almost year now - I meet many women, and like many Farang have many experience. I even fall in love twice - not bar girls, sure, But this girl in shop, it is a different. Not every ten minutes. Not every year.

You know what she look like? But you are wrong. She is slim, short, a little curvy, face like fox, behind like little peaches. Tiny lips that quiver. Probably she is 25. Stupid Thai hi-heel shoes

I think you are woman, so I try to explain as man. And for all thousands of amused amazed people, good, enjoy!

I tell - Sure I see many fantastic women here - every day all the time. And my girlfriend for 10 months is beauty - I am very happy together. But this girl at shop, I look at her , and my body hurt. I feel her like an animal. I feel crazy. I feel like I am hit with something. "Thunderstruck" is correct word, I think.

I don't think my mother can help me this one. But thanks, sure!


I am so pleased that the local punters on this sub forum are here to generously offer their advice after years of experience and able to appreciate the OPs concern that he doesn't want to look like a troll oops sorry newbie with a genuine question /END QUOTE

Not troll, not new in Thailand. But it is genuine question. I have year experience here, and many more before this country.

I try to pick words correctly. I say in post, I want to "pursue" her. I don't care she has boyfriend. I have girlfriend.

But she hit me too hard. Just see her in the shop, talk for a few minutes, and hit me. Is not nobel, but I fantasy already. And I only meet her today.

I want her.


lol, a very inosent question turns out into a complete redicule. Come on peeps, give OP advice what ur mama always told you.. I already did my part.But seriously, OP< all the best,good luck.Tell us, later, regardless whether its a failure or a success./END QUOTE

Thank you, but not "innocenti"!!! But true question sure!!! Help me.

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"Honestly? Just wait ten minutes and you'll fall in love with another prettier one.This is Thailand. Was (She?) kinda tall? Large breastestes? There are thousands of amused and amazed at this thread.Call your mom...she will know what to do as always... /END QUOTE

Thanks, but I not child, and she not classic big breast beauty. I am in Thailand almost year now - I meet many women, and like many Farang have many experience. I even fall in love twice - not bar girls, sure, But this girl in shop, it is a different. Not every ten minutes. Not every year.

You know what she look like? But you are wrong. She is slim, short, a little curvy, face like fox, behind like little peaches. Tiny lips that quiver. Probably she is 25. Stupid Thai hi-heel shoes

I think you are woman, so I try to explain as man. And for all thousands of amused amazed people, good, enjoy!

I tell - Sure I see many fantastic women here - every day all the time. And my girlfriend for 10 months is beauty - I am very happy together. But this girl at shop, I look at her , and my body hurt. I feel her like an animal. I feel crazy. I feel like I am hit with something. "Thunderstruck" is correct word, I think.

I don't think my mother can help me this one. But thanks, sure!


I am so pleased that the local punters on this sub forum are here to generously offer their advice after years of experience and able to appreciate the OPs concern that he doesn't want to look like a troll oops sorry newbie with a genuine question /END QUOTE

Not troll, not new in Thailand. But it is genuine question. I have year experience here, and many more before this country.

I try to pick words correctly. I say in post, I want to "pursue" her. I don't care she has boyfriend. I have girlfriend.

But she hit me too hard. Just see her in the shop, talk for a few minutes, and hit me. Is not nobel, but I fantasy already. And I only meet her today.

I want her.


lol, a very inosent question turns out into a complete redicule. Come on peeps, give OP advice what ur mama always told you.. I already did my part.But seriously, OP< all the best,good luck.Tell us, later, regardless whether its a failure or a success./END QUOTE

Thank you, but not "innocenti"!!! But true question sure!!! Help me.

Tr :oll

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shortimer is your name borat and do you come from kesakstan(spelt wrong).??? :D

you say you are happy with your girlfriend but you cant be really happy as you like this girl.

i think you need to ask her out as you might find she isnt interested or got a boyfriend already so dont waste any money at this stage. :o

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