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The Highlander


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Was in there once but there was some function on with what looked like authentic Scottish food and pipers. Was about 3 or 4 months ago. Didn't stay as it was pretty busy and looked like a private party. Walked past it 100 times since but never been back in.

They all seemed to be enjoying themselves the night i did pop in.

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Yes, I've been to Highlander several times this year. Since I am one of the few stone age people left who do not own a TV (by choice), I keep my own personal list of venues where I can watch the occasional sports event. When I walked in the Highlander the first time, it was one of those many evenings when every bar in town was showing the inevitable soccer game. I was hoping to watch some snooker on another UBC station. There were no other customers, the soccer game was on the very big screen at the front of the bar. The owner, bless his Scottish heart, was happy to change the station to snooker. Then I discovered that the second floor (or first floor if you prefer) is the best place in Bkk. to watch TV while eating a leisurely meal. The big screen can be seen at eye level, without the need to crane one's neck upwards as in so many other public venues. The picture is crystal clear, and the owner even was willing to turn on the sound without drowning it out in loud music. The aircon was effective and the food was plenty good. I especially liked the first item on the menu, Scottish chicken soup. Highlander is one of the places in Bkk. that I worry may be closed due to lack of customers the next time I go there. In some ways, it's too good to last. Now if they could just capture some of the Old Dutch customers from just up the street.

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Hey Sweaty Sock, i'm from sunny Bellshill. What about yourself? How long you been in Thailand? Do they show the Rangers and Celtic games at the Highlander? Just curious. Dont live in Sukhamvit but was thinking about going over for a beer there some night.

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Hi Jockstar,

I've been in there once. I suppose it depends what kind of place you're looking for. The decor is a very dark green - everywhere - and you have to climb 3 flights of stairs to get to the bogs. I went in with a mate at about 10:00pm and we were the only 2 customers in there. What was fetching, though, was the sight of the 4 Thai barstaff (all female) in mid-thigh-length kilts and sporrans. We had a chat with the girlies over a beer, there being no one else to disturb our conversation, and they reckoned that the Scottish owner is a piss head who spends most of his time blitzed. Anyway, check for yourself.



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No, the bar is not that big. The building it's in is very narrow. On the ground floor is the bar with not much seating. On the next level is an eating area with a good view of the large plasma telly, as referred to in a previous post. The 2nd floor (3rd if you're a Yank or Thai reader of this thread) is purely a means of getting to the bogs which if I remember correctly were on the 3rd (second or third, I can't remember, but it was a ###### of a stagger after a few beers).


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Hey Scouse,

Two of those girls wearing 'silly Scottish skirts' are in fact Katoys! :o Be careful! Anyway no BF there at the moment so you should be alright.

Kenny, the 'boss man' is OK however he is a piss head and don't give a s**te, nothing wrong with that.

Will it last? Not the way its run right now. Its no threat to the Offshore opposite.


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  • 1 month later...

Had a quick one in there last night and not too bad.Seem to remember that it used to be called the "Old Siam "Resturant and had been going for about 20 odd years...think I prefere it now.

Its a bit of a hike to the bog ((2nd fl-UK-3rd Fl-US)and only one combined M/F so if it ever gets busy ...help.Fairly quiet with a couple of keeleys solving the worlds problems(all right -of course)and the lassies looked OK wi their mini kilts on........think McTaskin Tartain....KT????

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