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JemJem- Unjust War in your eyes.  :D

Limbo- do not negotiate with terrorists I sympathize with my fellow countrymen, but this opens the door for kidnappings everywhere and same horrendous tactics.

Personally they all knew the risks of working there and I wouldn't do so unless I was surrounded my military day/night and even that isn't 100% protection. I think this is going to end with another head lobbed off and I don't believe releasing Dr Germ and Miss Anthrax has anything to do with this crisis.

Whoooooaaaaa.....my world just tilted :D You cannnottt be a Brit talking like that :D

How many baht did you get to write that :o

Anyway..."Salute"...and the next rounds on me !

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JemJem- Unjust War in your eyes. :o

Limbo- do not negotiate with terrorists I sympathize with my fellow countrymen, but this opens the door for kidnappings everywhere and same horrendous tactics.

I know the adagium: If you negotiate with kidnappers ........

A discussion as old as the Lindberg case.

If the British gentleman would have been a mercenary I would say yes.

In that that case he would have sided in the conflict. And as such he should have to take the consequences of his acting.

But Mr. Bigley is a civilian and he should have been protected against possible kidnapping.

That puts the responsibility on the desks of the occupying army. They were not able to protect the area where the civilian contractors live. This is their fault.

They are running away from their responsabilities, hiding behind your paradigma.

By ventilating it, you involve yourself. Don't do! Before it happens you are already giving your fiat to whatever will happen.

They should use all means to save the life of Mr. Bigley. Because they didn't do what they should have done. And that includes negotiations.

The task of these uniformed persons is to protect civilians.

They should learn their lesson, do whatever is necessary to get Mr. Bigley out and start working at avoiding kidnappings.

The kidnappings will go on if no measures are taken to avoid them.

What Mr. Britmaverick says is the same. The only difference seems to be that he is less sensitive about the victims. So he propagates the easy way.

A persons life is at stake, no time to discuss principles.

Do everything possible and put all your energy on avoiding future cases.

Now, willingly or not Mr. Britmaverick refers to future cases as a reason for doing nothing. That's turning things around.

A cheap solution to justify another possible murder.


Limbo- I sympathize I truely do, but human lives are lost everyday.

The good of the many outweigh the good of the few- cliche, but never as true in a case like this. I'm afraid the simple truth is if you work in a dangerous country such as Iraq these days you have to expect the worst might happen and expect to be on your own. This is cold hard reality.

I'm afraid the simple truth is if you work in a dangerous country such as Iraq these days you have to expect the worst might happen and expect to be on your own. This is cold hard reality.

That's absolutely correct. And it's a terrible thing that we can say it.

I guess a lot of the contractor's and employees are aware of the risks of being there and perhaps some are foolish and 'gung-ho' but it's such a tragedy being repeated with no end in sight.

For foks sake if you're there get the ###### out!

JemJem- Unjust War in your eyes. :o

Well.....this thread is about the hostages so I shall be brief.

Yes, in MY opinion (and in the opinion of the heavy majority of the world), it is an unjust war. The war should only have been fought against the terrorist-supporting Taliban government and Al Qaeda cells around the world. Oh by the way, due to the concentration on Iraq, the Taliban seems to be gaining ground again in Afghanistan....heard of that ??

How many hardcore terrorists were there in Iraq before the Iraqi war ? Virtually nil. How about after the war started and especially now ? The country is now an arena of show-of-force for the terrorist scum.

Enough explanation ? Still have full faith in Bush and Blair ?



The death of these people is unfortunate and regretable. War kills children and other living things. Nobody likes war.

If all of the foreign troops left now...All that would be left are the untrained, unprotected, majority of Iraquis that have stood and hoped for a chance at a peaceful future and the people that want to make absolutely sure that hope never comes to fruition.

They will be masacred by the 10's of thousands.

All deaths are a horrible thing.

:o Latte please :D


Amazing how FRICKING HEARTLESS the right-wingers/pro-war people can be ! I am sure it is clear which guys of the forum I am referring to.

For them, the death of a hostage is like 'collateral damage'.

So sick !


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