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Christians have started to Charter Whole Plane Loads of Christians to come to Thailand to harrass the Thai people to become Christians. At the same time the US Republicans are Working with the Thai Authorities to FORCE Christian City Ordinances onto the Thai people to FORCE the Thai people to LIVE under Christian beliefs. Now you know where all those Crazy new LAWS are coming from!

Beware of the Christian Invasion. You will see this kind of stuff happening mostly in the areas where the Bars are, because Christians want to do everything that can to Oppress things that are FUN. Fun is considered "Lewd Behavior" by the Christians. Any law which uses the term "Lewd Behavior" is a Christian Law. because Buddhism is based on Compassion and Understanding, not Hatred and Contempt of the people. So a Buddhist Law would not use terms such as "Lewd Behavior" Because Buddhism is about UNDERSTANDING Human Behavior, not condemning it. BEWARE!



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I have always thought that because the Rama Dynasty is Buddhist, then preaching Christianity in Thailand should be viewed as a serious no-no.

DARE : if you push a mormon off his bike and catch it on camera, I'll shout you and your partner dinner :o

I have always thought that because the Rama Dynasty is Buddhist, then preaching Christianity in Thailand should be viewed as a serious no-no.

DARE : if you push a mormon off his bike and catch it on camera, I'll shout you and your partner dinner :D

Now there's a dare that is most worthwhile. Elder Smith hits the dirt. :D Praise the Lord. :o

I have always thought that because the Rama Dynasty is Buddhist, then preaching Christianity in Thailand should be viewed as a serious no-no.

And Muslim????????????????????????

If I knock one off a bike will you buy me dinner????????????????

Personaly an agnostic, but do not see the big deal. Here come the christians, booooo, better watch out, boooo.

After all, it's the muslims that kill you if you don't convert.

Here's an idea. If you see a mormon missionary, why don't you take him to lunch?

At nana plaza. :o


Oh this is funny.

First of all, to other religions, mormons are not considered christians.

So why all the mormon jokes on this thread?

I was one of those mormons on the bikes, and trust me, those guys are very fit. You would be lucky to have your teeth to eat a lunch after knoking one down. Oh sure, they technically should not re-arange your face, but technically you should not be knocking them down either.... Especially over an imature emotion like religious prejudism.

These young guys are under a lot of stress. Imagine getting uprooted from all you know, and stuck in some country you know nothing about, away from friends and family. The physcological trauma trully is quite large. You knock the wrong guy off at the wrong time, you may see a docile morman misionary turn into a angry bull.

Now for me, my life has changed since those days of me being on a bike. I now see how a person could feel that christians and other missionaries are out to kill a culture or to force their beliefs on others. I don't agree upon it. My wife is budhist, I wouldn't have it any other way... Love her just the way she is.

But I can tell you, that killing a culture is far from a 19 yrs old mormon missionaries intent. Just getting by day by day is hard enough. They do not live a life of luxury.

When you think they are a target for you impulsive rude behavior, ask yourself what you were doing at age 19. Were you giving yourself up to a cause, a belief? Did you give up 2 years of your life and 10,000$ when you were 19? Would you have, will you ever?

I respect monks, and preachers etc. To give up so much based on faith, for a god they have never seen.... Wow, I can't even imagine the amount of faith they must to have. Logical or illogical as it is... I still respect them.

Please excuse me for the preaching


Weird thread, man... :o

I got worried when my daughter started going to this christian sect, because they played guitar , were singing and FUN. Fortunatly, she's got brains and got out quickly, like most sensible Thais would... :D


It is very sad to think that people do not recognise and appreciate the good work done by people of all religions in Thailand.........I do not particularly like the idea of missionary activity in the old sense.....but I recognise the huge things done by Christians in areas of need. For example, the Catholic priests in Klong Toey, and the guy at Nong Khai who works to keep girls out of prostitution. There are plenty of other examples, too.

Prejudice is prejudice, and does no good whatever form it takes.

Incidentally, His Majesty is the official protector of all religions in Thailand.


The ones who want to help people know the difference between God and Evil, sure they are Christian.

The ones who want to control Thailand and the rest of the world. Well I guess we all have seen who they are the last three years....


Of course there are people from all walks of life and different religious background doing charitable work that deserves praise. But we are talking about those who made it their purpose to convert others in Thailand and like to see their beliefs and morals implemented.

A free meal for 2 from me also for posting a foto of one of these suit-and-tie, military haircut guys walking the streets with the bible under the arm and with a raw egg in their face!


No place for Christianity in Thailand. Reason is once they come here they will all hop around underage Bar Girls and Ladyboys.

Christian priests are well known for underage sex and it is increasingly difficult to attract kids to their churches now in their own countries. So countries like Thailand is the place for it.

Also they are mostly Aids free as they always go for kids. Not like other old and bold farang who hiphop here.

Another advantage of these people is they seems to be paying unbelievable amounts for this service as they have to keep these acts under the pants. So that also benefit Thailand.

The purpose of this visit is sex, nothing else. You do not have to get too existed. They come..have some fun and go back to preach in their own country man about the "abstance" as the best way to avoid Aids.


Have you heard of Buddhist monks having sex, Kwiz? With kept wives, prostitutes and underaged boys? Could this possibly not be exclusive to Christians?

Incidentally, His Majesty is the official protector of all religions in Thailand.

Now that is something i didn't know. Thanks.

Maybe I was a little misplaced about my mormon comment.What I actually meant to say was ...push them into a Khlong :o

"They" have been trying to convert Thais to Christianity since the Dutch first came in what... the 16th C. ?

From what I can see, they haven't been too sucessful. :o

No, that were mainly the Portuguese. The Dutch came much later and it was not until 1604 that they sent an envoy, to open a permanent post in Ayudya.

It was Phaulkon the Greek who invited the French Jesuits.

The French really thought that they could make Thailand the first Christian country in Asia by converting King Narai.

King Narai gave them a finger and they tried to take his whole hand. When the French Jesuits even started to 'educate' Buddhist monks, things started to go wrong.

The Dutch supported the rude Phetracha, who finally overthrew King Arai. It was bye-bye for the biggest try to convert Siam into Christianity.

After that the Dutch got the monopoly on almost all trade with Siam.

Almost twohundred years later the Dutch did a similar thing. They financed and morally supported terrorist acts of immigrants in Northern America with the purpose to overthrow the legal British government over that territory.

I believe the British are still waiting for an excuse.

Have you heard of Buddhist monks having sex, Kwiz? With kept wives, prostitutes and underaged boys? Could this possibly not be exclusive to Christians?

Yes, we have isolated very few cases. Mainly those monks are newcomers. Anyway..the hole is too big to close inside your church.

Don't think one or two isolated incidents in other religions can be compared to Christian Church. Anyway what ever it is, we have taken actions against those monks. Not like you people..

This is not different from Abu Graive prison abuse.. here you are talking of abusing of your own children.. Are you guys animals or what? No..infact Animals won't abuse their own children like this..

Is this the meaning of your democracy and Christianity. This is not different from the idiotic extreme believes of Muslims. They spell it open..you hide it under your pants and show the world how cute your face is.

Do you want me to cut and paste the number of cases? Do you have a son or a daughter? May be they have already become victims. You better ask from them.. May be people like you, rod, chon are victims here..

That may be the difference of how you guys think and how the rest of the world thinks.. :o


By Mark Duff

BBC religious affairs correspondent

The Roman Catholic Church in the United States is reported to have agreed a multi-million dollar payout to alleged victims of a now-defrocked priest who has been jailed for up to 10 years for sexually molesting a young boy.

The case has challenged the Church to examine its whole approach to allegations of abuse by priests.

John Geoghan has only been convicted on one count so far - but many more people say they were molested by him over the years.

The lawyer for 70 people who say they were also victims of the man said the deal marked a major step towards overcoming the trauma of the abuse.

Painful questions

The publicity surrounding his exposure and trial has proved agonising for the Catholic Church in the diocese of Boston, the fourth biggest in the United States.

It has also raised painful questions about how many other hidden molesters there could be and about how the Church has handled allegations of sex abuse by its priests.

Newspaper reports say it could involve as much as $30m, with an independent arbitrator deciding how much each alleged victim should get.

The Church says alleged abuse should be immediately reported to Rome

Cardinal Bernard Law, who leads the Boston diocese, has been criticised for not doing more, sooner, to tackle the problem.

He has since apologised to the victims, announced what he has called a zero tolerance policy, and given police the names of 80 priests who have been accused of abusing children over the past five decades.

The Boston Globe newspaper - which has done much to publicise the alleged abuse - says the archdiocese could end up paying more than $100m to settle claims brought by hundreds of alleged victims over the last decade.

That would make it the highest sum ever paid by the Catholic Church in the United States.



"One or two isolated incidents"? Do a survey of "dek wat" in Thailand, and I think you'll find a LOT of them are subject to continual sexual harassment and abuse at the hands of monks.


This is from Hongkong..

I am sure they will have a great orgy in Thailand.. May be some of you can join..

That will surely save your kids that you have left in your countries..



HONG KONG, China -- Three Catholic priests in Hong Kong were found guilty in internal Church hearings of sexually abusing children in their care, but none of the cases was handed to the police, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.

The paper quoted Cardinal John Baptist Wu Cheng-chung, the head of the church in the territory, as saying the three offenders were required to do penances, undergo a spiritual renewal and receive counselling and psychiatric therapy.

The cardinal would not be specific as to when the three cases had taken place or who the offenders were, saying only that they had occurred over the past 27 years.

The cases represent the latest in a growing list of sexual abuse reports around the world which have shaken the Roman Catholic Church to its foundations.

Families of the victims received apologies and were offered financial help from the church, the paper said.

It also quoted police as saying there were no laws in the territory requiring people to report sex crimes.

Hong Kong, which has a population of nearly seven million people, has around 250,000 Catholics and about 300 Catholic priests.

"The diocesan authorities cannot and will not tolerate paedophile practices ... least of all among those in the sacred ministry, in whom the faithful in particular and the public in general place a special trust," Wu said

Pope summons clergy

Hong Kong church authorities had been following the general regulations of the Catholic Church in dealing with cases of sexual abuse, he said.

But he added, "given the current worldwide situation ... we are considering what regulations to lay down for our own diocese ..." taking into account Church regulations and civil legislation.

In January, the Vatican issued new rules for Roman Catholic churches around the world to deal with paedophile priests, saying they should stand trial in secret ecclesiastical courts.

The pope summoned senior U.S. clergy to the Vatican for an unprecedented meeting last week to address the growing sex abuse scandal in the United States. He told them he would no longer tolerate paedophile priests.

But in their final statement, U.S. church leaders angered abuse victims by failing to take a clear, uncompromising position against any form of paedophile abuse.

Recent reports of abuses in Ireland in the 1980s led to the resignation of one of Ireland's most high-profile Roman Catholic bishops, Brendan Comiskey, for his handling of the cases.

In the pope's homeland of Poland last month, Archbishop Juliusz Paetz quit following accusations, which he denied, of sexually molesting young priests.

Almost twohundred years later the Dutch did a similar thing. They financed and morally supported terrorist acts of immigrants in Northern America with the purpose to overthrow the legal British government over that territory.

I believe the British are still waiting for an excuse.


I didn't want the rest of the world to be cut out on that one.

It was a devlish act, which brought much evil!

It shows us what happens if nations are founded on the base of terrorism.

They perpetuate it for the lenght of times.



Thanks for who ever opened this thread.. what Animals you people are?

Insane..<deleted> c king ..animals.. I do not have words to describe your culture and your religion..

Don't jump when terrorists killed innocent Russian kids.. you do not have a right to do so.. They are much much better than this..

Read this sad story..



I was born into the United Methodist denomination of Christianity. My mother was a pastor's kid and my father went to seminary to 'become a vessel of the lord' Anyway he did so by having sex with me when I was about 8 years old. (Vessel of the lord) anyway I repressed all this so it really had nothing to do with my deconversion.

I reamined christian after my parents split up(yet another christian exaple) but I felt like something was missing from my life. The only reason I went to chirch anymore was the music. Even now I love music from the church....though I do not sing it becuase I don't believe in promoting something you don't support.

I was in high school and a friend of mine was Wiccan. I asked her about it and she told be about some books to read. I read them within a week and was hooked. Not on Wicca but on Paganism in General. I do not worship any deity now, rather I follow the laws of energy and nature. I feel more at peace in a single day then I did my whole childhood.



Addressing sexual abuse in Sri Lanka

Most sexual abuse occurs within the privacy of the family. Nishani is a young Sri Lankan girl, who was 11 years old when her mother’s lover sexually abused her. The abuse was encouraged by the mother herself. This went on until the young girl became pregnant. At an age when most girls are attending school and planning for their future, Nishani had to assume the duties of a mother.

Sexual activity is often seen as a private matter, which makes communities reluctant to act and intervene in cases of sexual exploitation. To end the tolerance for sexual abuse, UNICEF acts to improve community attitudes customs and practices towards children and their rights. Via TV, radio and newspapers in English, Sinhala and Tamil, UNICEF led a mass media campaign to promote awareness about the dangers of sexual abuse and the penalties for adults who commit it.

UNICEF was instrumental in establishing a 24-hour hotline to report cases of abuse in Sri Lanka. Children can now report incidents of sexual abuse themselves. The Women and Children’s Bureau in the Police Department received 247 calls with complaints of child abuse during three months in 2000. These calls included sexual and physical abuse, rape, incest and child labour.

To turn sexual abuse into a matter of public concern, UNICEF works with government officials, non-governmental organization and civic groups. Through partnerships, UNICEF sensitizes lawyers, police officers, probation officers, doctors and other professionals to whom children can turn to for support. To establish police desks for child abuse – especially for children without access to the hotline–UNICEF enhances the capacity of law enforcement officers to provide child and gender-sensitive recovery services for victims of abuse.

In addition, community-based organizations and religious leaders are trained to identify victims of family-based violence and provide support and care for them. Increased awareness has resulted in more cases being reported. Yet, a large number of cases remain hidden.

In Nishani’s case, both her mother and her lover were sent to jail. Today, Nishani lives with her father who earns his living as a carpenter and from other odd jobs, while Nishani is trying to master the craft of sewing to provide for her daughter, Jayanthi. Only with more awareness-raising activities to change attitudes and practices relating to children can Jayanthi’s life, and that of other children, remain free from the threat of abuse.

Coming from Sri Lanka, where half the island is selling its underage boys and girls for sex, this is something that kwiz should definitely know about.

You know what.. you have to bring strong points more than this and use more and more troll names if you think your attacks on me will help to cover the reality.

If I were you, I will criticize these than trying to help them to cover up.

I sympathize for you and for your kids.. MAY GOD BLESS YOU'LL !!!



SRI LANKA: Children abused and sexually harassed by the teacher for two years



2 April 2004


UA-32-2004: SRI LANKA: Children abused and sexually harassed by the teacher for two years

SRI LANKA: Child Abuse; Sexual harassment on Children; Torture


Dear friends,

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a primary school teacher Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala (Buddhist monk) has allegedly harassed children physically and mentally including in sexual ways, and consistently denied their religious freedom for last two years.

According to our source who followed up the case, child abuse by Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala is explained in 20 odd ways. Also, it is reported that he had been transferred from the previous school in Monarangala Vidiyalaya for charges on child abuse. More seriously, it is alleged that Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala assaulted the two his fellow teachers physically and mentally several times. One of the two teachers made a complaint to the police station but there has been no serious action taken by the police yet. Even though parents of the children have made several written and oral complaints to the principal, nothing happened to correct this matter. Now the children's parents fear that their children would soon become victims of rape or torture if this matter is not settled immediately.

Please send a letter to the local authorities to suspend Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala's service at school and to conduct impartial inquiries into this matter.

Urgent Appeals Desk

Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)



Name of victims: 1. Students of age 06 to 13 (year 01-08) at the primary school attached to the Ampitiya Berawattes College, 2. Ms. X, 24, a fellow teacher, 3, Ms. Y, A catholic nun and volunteer teacher of the school (Names were withheld for victims' security)

Alleged perpetrator: Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala, 45, a Buddhist monk and teacher of the primary school attached to the Ampitiya Berawattes College

Place of abuse: the primary school attached to the Ampitiya Berawattes College

Period of abuse: Since in the end of 2002 until now

Case details:

Primary school teacher Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala has allegedly been accused of harassing children and denying their religious freedom at the primary school attached to the Ampitiya Berawattes College since the end of 2002. Moreover, there is allegation that he has sexually harassed the students continuously. Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala has a history of child abuse. (He was transferred from the previous school in Monarangala Vidiyalaya for charges of child abuse.)

The school was by founded by Fr Berawattes but the school administration was taken over by the Sri Lankan government when the catholic students became a minority in the school in 1962. 70 catholic students are currently studying in the school. In 2001, Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala (a Buddhist monk) was transferred to the school. According to the testimony of the students, his harassment of the children started in the end of 2002.

Denial of the children's freedom of religion and degrading treatment

Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala has harassed the catholic children in all forms. Below are just a few examples of them.

1. On 8 February 2004, Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala ordered the catholic students of year 06 to go out of classroom and draw a cross in the sand. He then made all the children jump across it and remarked that the catholic children paid no respect to the cross.

2. On 11 February 2004, Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala ordered some catholic children to draw a bible on the floor. Then, he ordered the catholic students of year 07 to walk on the bible while degradingly making a mockery out of it.

It is reported that he has told to the children that Christ is a terrorist, murderer and womaniser.

Molesting, harassment and abuse of children

Child abuse by Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala is explained in 20 odd ways including touching, removing clothes and using vulgar words. Below are a few examples of them.

1. On 22 January 2004, Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala has molested student A and B of year 7 (names were withheld) by touching the breasts inside of the classroom saying that they should have bigger breasts.

General description of the abuse on the children: The junior catholic children (both male and female) were manhandled, sexually abused and often tortured physically in public. Boys were naked and were caned in the classroom. The students were forded to leave the classroom if they did not denounce Christ. Some students who made a complaint about him were forced to leave the school. Even though the parents have made complains to the principal (an ex-Buddhist monk) and the director of the school several times, no serious action has yet been taken. Not even any inquiry was held. The fellow teachers and parents believe that Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala is mentally ill and not fit to be a teacher. Parents fear that their children would soon become victims of rape or torture if the matter is not settled immediately. The abused students have sent postcards complaining about the incidents to the school principal.

Assault and harassment of colleagues

Case 1: Assault and threat to Ms. X:

On 24 June 2003, the teacher Ms. X (24 years old) was physically assaulted by that Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala in front of students of year 07 in the classroom. She was organising a religious festival on the 10th anniversary of the religion classroom and she selected 4 Buddhist children for dancing during the event. The selected Buddhist children gladly came to participate in the dance but Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala was furious about this and scolded Ms. X in filth. When Ms. X requested him not to scold her in filth, he assaulted her in front of the students. He further threatened her not to come back to the school again saying that if she comes she would be raped. Ms. X went to the Kandy Police Station with her mother and made complaint about this incident but the police have not started any inquiry or investigation into this matter. (the police entry number: C.I.B no; 362/529 of 24-06-2003)

When Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala heard that Ms. X made a compliant against him to the police station, he went to her house and instructed the house owner to chase her family immediately. Ms. X family had to leave the house three days later. Further he threatened Ms. X saying that she would be kidnapped and raped because she made a complaint against him. It is reported that on several occasions, Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala beat Ms. X in the classroom and forced her to leave the school. Ms. X is living with her mother and the younger sister who has disability in speaking. Her father died when she was a small child.

Case 2: Abuse of Ms. Y, a teacher for the catholic religion class:

The Salvadorian catholic sister Ms. Y was teaching in the school from 1 March 2003 to 29 February 2004. Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala often abused her in filth with his friend Laxman who is an outsider but visits the school almost daily. They passed funny remarks about Christ in front of her.

On 12 February 2004, the catholic Sister Ms. Y, who was volunteering of teaching the students, ordered the children of year 7 to remove some flower plants from the flowerbed. When the children were doing so Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala came and started to beat the student C and D among them with a cane. He also lodged a complaint to the education office about removing plants and two officers came to the school twice to inquiry the case against the Sister. Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala also forced her to leave the school and finally she transferred to the Hindagala School from March 2004.

School authority's indifference and the police inaction

Parents of the children have made several written and oral complaints to the school principal, Mr. L.A.B Kularatne but he did not take any action to correct this matter.

According to our source, he commented, "It is difficult to summarise all the incidents that happened during last two years, as it then is more likely to become a book." It illustrates how seriously the children have been abused by Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala. Considering his unbelievable behaviour, parents and the fellow teachers think that Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala is mentally ill. They eager the police to start the investigation about their complaints immediately and bring him to justice by laws.


Please send a letter, fax or email to the addresses below and request them to suspend Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala's service immediately and conduct impartial inquiries into this matter.

1. Professor Harendra De Silva


National Child Protection Authority - Sri Lanka

NO 330, Thalawathugoda Road, Madiwela,

Sri Jayawardenapura,


Tel: +94 11 2 778911, 2778912 or 2778913

Fax: +94 11 2 778915

Email: [email protected]

2. Ms. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga


Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Presidential Secretariat

Colombo-1, Sri Lanka

Fax: +94 11 2 333 703

3. Dr. Radhika Coomaraswamy


National Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka

No. 36, Kynsey Road, Colombo 8


Tel: +94 11 2 694 925 / 673 806

Fax: +94 11 2 694 924 / 696 470

E-mail: [email protected]

4. Hon. Mr. K. C. Kamalasabesan

Attorney General

Attorney General's Department

Colombo 12


Fax: +94 11 2 436 421

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

5. Mr. Ranjith Abeysuriya PC

Chairman National Police Commission

69-1 Ward Place, Colombo 7


Fax: +94 11 2 669 128 / 691 926

Fax HOME: +94 11 2 674148

6. Mr. Theo C. van Boven

Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture

OHCHR-UNOG, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix

1211 Geneva 10


Fax: +41 22 917 9016

Sample letter:


Re: Children abused and sexually harassed by the teacher for two years

Name of victims: 1. Students of age 06 to 13 (year 01-08) at the primary school attached to the Ampitiya Berawattes College, 2. Ms. X, 24, a fellow teacher, 3, Ms. Y, A catholic nun and volunteer teacher of the school (Names were withheld for victims' security)

Alleged perpetrator: Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala, 45, a Buddhist monk and teacher of the primary school attached to the Ampitiya Berawattes College

Place of abuse: the primary school attached to the Ampitiya Berawattes College

Period of abuse: Since in the end of 2002 until now

I am deeply concerning of the alleged physical, mental and sexual harassment on the catholic children by the shool teacher Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala (Buddhist monk) for last two years. It is also reported that he has consistently denied the children's religious freedom.

According to the information I have received, Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala has been allegedly accused of harassing children and denying their religious freedom at the primary school attached to the Ampitiya Berawattes College since the end of 2002. Moreover, there are several allegations that he has sexually harassed the students continuously. Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala has the history of child abuse. (He was transferred from the previous school in Monarangala Vidiyalaya for charges on child abuse.)

Furthermore, it is alleged that Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala assaulted the two his fellow teachers physically and mentally several times. One of the two teachers made a complaint to the Kandy Police Station (the police entry number: C.I.B no; 362/529 of 24-06-2003)but there has been no serious action taken by the police yet. Even though parents of the children have made several written and oral complaints to the principal, nothing happened to correct this matter. Now the children's parents fear that their children would soon become victims of rape or torture if this matter is not settled immediately.

Therefore, I strongly urge you to conduct an impartial and speedy inquiries into all the allegations about the child abuses and torture of the two fellow teachers by Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala and bring him to justice as soon as possible. I also request you to immediately suspend the service of Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala at school while the investigation is going on. I further urge the government of Sri Lanka to provide compensation to the victims; both of the children and the two teachers.

Sincerely yours,


Urgent Appeals Programme

Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)

Posted on 2004-04-02

Back to [2004 Urgent Appeal]


How many more do you want, kwiz?


World: South Asia

'100 kids abused daily' in Sri Lanka

Boys are lured away from rural areas

By Colombo Correspondent Susannah Price

The first scientific study on the scale of child sexual abuse in Sri Lanka has concluded that 100 young people are sexually exploited or abused every day on the island.

The draft report prepared by a local organisation called Protecting Children and Environment Everywhere found that while foreign paedophiles came to Sri Lanka to have sex with young boys, it was girls who suffered most from abuse within the community.

The scale of the abuse has never been widely investigated. The researchers into this first draft study on sexually exploited and abused children concluded there were between 10,000-15,000 boys involved in the sex trade, not only in beach areas but also in the hill country and near other tourst sites.

They found the boys were mostly aged between eight and 15 and while most of them came from fishing hamlets and coastal villages, about a third were lured from the inland rural areas by promises of work.

The study said most foreigh paedophiles came from western Europe but pointed out the involvement of local agents and pimps.

The authors also highlighted the plight of what they termed the bonded children, aged from five upwards who are kept virtual prisoner in houses run by international rings and who are used to prostitution and pornography.

In addition, the report looked at sexual abuse within the family or community and interviewed 100 victims, nearly all of them girls.

They found that many of them had one parent, usually the mother who was working abroad, and the victims were easy prey because they were unsupervised.

The report found there was almost no rehabilitation or counselling available for victims who are often stigmatised by society.

Currently, sexually abused children are sent to remand or detention homes where offenders and victims live side-by-side.

One activist warned that without help, the victims often ended up as criminals, drug addicts or abusers themselves.

The government and concerned agencies need to act urgently to help he said, otherwise the cycle will simply continue.



1). The Roman Catholic Church at the highest levels has known of this homosexual pedophile disaster for a long time, but has done nothing to correct the problem and root out those offenders. Instead, Catholic Church officials just spread the problem around, from parish to parish, exposing even more of their families and their precious children to these sexual predators. Remember this fact, based in current news stories, for we shall return to it when we discuss the history of such practices by the Catholic Church.

2). Priestly sexual molestation has been going on for a very long time. While this report goes back only 17 years, other reports filed with police departments across the land specify time periods going back several decades.

3). No one in the Catholic Church really cares about the victims. No one really cares! Everyone in authority in these matters really only cares about the public opinion of the Church itself, the institution.

Coming from Sri Lanka, where half the island is selling its underage boys and girls for sex,

Yeeh Mr. Dick,

I think you should do something about it. Report it to the United Nations? Unicef?

I heard about it before, but I thought it concerned maybe one percent.

But half, 50 %, is different cake. This is horrible, I have no words for it.

Thank you for the information.

Do you know anything about the position of the Sri Lankan government on this issue?

Have you heard of Buddhist monks having sex, Kwiz? With kept wives, prostitutes and underaged boys? Could this possibly not be exclusive to Christians?

Yes, we have isolated very few cases. Mainly those monks are newcomers. Anyway..the hole is too big to close inside your church.

Don't think one or two isolated incidents in other religions can be compared to Christian Church. Anyway what ever it is, we have taken actions against those monks. Not like you people..

This is not different from Abu Graive prison abuse.. here you are talking of abusing of your own children.. Are you guys animals or what? No..infact Animals won't abuse their own children like this..

Is this the meaning of your democracy and Christianity. This is not different from the idiotic extreme believes of Muslims. They spell it open..you hide it under your pants and show the world how cute your face is.

Do you want me to cut and paste the number of cases? Do you have a son or a daughter? May be they have already become victims. You better ask from them.. May be people like you, rod, chon are victims here..

That may be the difference of how you guys think and how the rest of the world thinks.. :o

You obviously never read any of the posts of the people you adress as "you".

And who are you refering to when you say "we"? You are not Thai, not in any authority and you're not even a practising Buddhist.

You are just a lost kid from Sri Lanka stranded in Thailand who would like to have a say in things he knows nothing about.

Coming from Sri Lanka, where half the island is selling its underage boys and girls for sex,

Yeeh Mr. Dick,

I think you should do something about it. Report it to the United Nations? Unicef?

I heard about it before, but I thought it concerned maybe one percent.

But half, 50 %, is different cake. This is horrible, I have no words for it.

Thank you for the information.

Do you know anything about the position of the Sri Lankan government on this issue?

This quote tells me all I need to know about the Sri Lankan government's stance:

The report found there was almost no rehabilitation or counselling available for victims who are often stigmatised by society.


Don't go off the rail di ckhead.. stick to Monks and Sex vs Christin Priests vs Sex..

Just google Church and Sex.. you will realize why they are coming to Thailand..

Also remember all your postings are about Actions we have taken.. We have an open economy and also we have this stupid democracy.

It is inevitable people from your country coming and making our kids also abused.. That is what has happened in Thailand too..

I Never said that no Sex offenses in Sri Lanka. I accept it and also I strongly condemn it.

I am sure you are a victim.. how long was the rod he inserted to you.. ah? Did you enjoy it..

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