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It Makes Me Sad


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perhaps the OP could save all the plastic that they use and then take them to the recycling plant,

otherwise have your coffee on-premise in a mug or coffee cup, and make use of the aircon thats usually way too low using up valuable energy created by non renewable sources, and read the paper that they dont recycle. :o

Ummm, I usually sit outside, and I dont read the paper as it is mostly BS anyways. So, yeah. And the last time I checked, electricity was a fairly clean source of energy, especially hydro-electric or wind power. But I will from now on ask for a glass or a mug, if I know I will be staying. And someone mentioned that these cups do not get recycled, what a waste.

On another topic, I had a brief look at a book that mentioned the future business of waste management.....and how big it is going to be. Just makes sense if the trend continues, companies will be formed to deal with it, people will profit.

most of Thailands electricity generation is from gas about 70%, the rest is from hydro and coal. Wind doesnt factor in Thailands elec. generation

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... have of cups to the bag of plastic bottles that I have separated from the regular trash. I wish that the recycling done here was a little more formal, you know, with bins and such for the different materials. I want to get something going in my condo unit, as everyone just leaves the glass bottles against the wall, and it can get kinda messy ...

So... your problem isn't about whether this or that gets recycled or not ... Your problem is that the maintenance of the areas outside your condo unit isn't quite as neat as in your home country ??? ... God, how I wished I'd never paid attention to such a silly thread as this.

To anyone - living on e.g. seventh floor of a farlang ghetto condo - rest assured that whatever you poor into the dumpster shaft will get scrutinized by at least 3 Thais on the ground floor and whatever could possible get recycled will be recycled - this included the poorly crumbled sheets of paper with personal data you may think you've got rid of.

so true. There are scores of people eeking a living from picking up scraps of paper, plastic, glass, and aluminium.

My suggestion if you want a orderly clean system for recyclyables, organise some bins and get signage for them and get some agreement from your condo management. Action speaks volumes.

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If you come out of your condo block, cross Huay Kaew Road and walk a few yards towards KSK there is a little Lanna coffee shop that does nice coffee in a cup or mug. I cannot remember if they do iced coffee, but I am sure they will if you ask. Friendly service and nice scrambled eggs too.

No waste, no logo, no big marketing or packaging - just a coffee.

Edited by Contractor
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