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"Panem et circensis"

Congratulations to the new Thai government with their decision to legalize gambling. First things first!


Legalize it, yeah, leeeegalize it yee-he-yeahr....


Why not, if legalization of soft drugs and regulation of prostitution

will follow Thailand would be making a big step in displaying themself as

a modern society AND benefiting from remarkable tax revenues.

Clever! Whoever it was.... go on: brake down more senseless

rules/laws and force education to self-responsibility and fair trade.


I think that is a good move. I realize gambling is not a good thing the world over and it is another problem in family break downs etc, but it is life and people do it. It is better to legalize than put people in jail for playing 5 baht card games.

Drinking is the biggest problem in the world, if thats allowed in very country, why not gambling?

great revenue raiser and it puts less strain on the legal system.


Wrong....Drinking is not allowed in every country. You forgot the Moslem states. And in some Non-moslem countries..drinking is banned in some areas by local law. India and Nepal both have examples of this generated from politically powerful women's rights groups to stop their men getting drunk and abusing the wives.

And using your logic then smoking should be allowed everywhere. So much for Bhutan.

Every country has the right to make its own laws and shouldn't do something JUST because its done everywhere else.

Clever! Whoever it was.... go on: brake down more senseless

rules/laws and force education to self-responsibility and fair trade.


Do you not think a quality education service, liberalised economy and more opportunities for the working class might not be higher priorities then than building 1 casino???!



Chalerm favours legalising casinos

BANGKOK: -- Interior minister Chalerm Yubamrung has offered his full backing for the legalization of casinos in the country. On Sunday, Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said he approved of the idea during his weekly programme on Channel 11 during a live phone-in.

The announcement was slammed by critics who fear legalized gambling will lead to greater social problems.

Mr Chalerm backed the idea of legalizing casinos by expressing readiness to go ahead with the plan if given the green light by the prime minister.

“The move will not go against the sufficiency philosophy economy if Thais understand how it works. Malaysia, for example, is already doing it even though the majority of the population is religious.”

He elaborated: “Mr Samak thinks in an international way and I agree with him. Those who oppose of the plan will need to be enlightened on how it works,” he said. “The idea needs to be put before a national referendum.”

-- Bangkok Post 2008-03-03


Chalerm favours legalising casinos

BANGKOK: -- Interior minister Chalerm Yubamrung has offered his full backing for the legalization of casinos in the country. On Sunday, Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said he approved of the idea during his weekly programme on Channel 11 during a live phone-in.

The announcement was slammed by critics who fear legalized gambling will lead to greater social problems.

Mr Chalerm backed the idea of legalizing casinos by expressing readiness to go ahead with the plan if given the green light by the prime minister.

“The move will not go against the sufficiency philosophy economy if Thais understand how it works. Malaysia, for example, is already doing it even though the majority of the population is religious.”

He elaborated: “Mr Samak thinks in an international way and I agree with him. Those who oppose of the plan will need to be enlightened on how it works,” he said. “The idea needs to be put before a national referendum.”

-- Bangkok Post 2008-03-03

I hope that is a flowery way of translation to arrive at "will need to be enlightened". Sounds very Orwellian.

National referendum, pah! I won't hold my breath for that to happen in this country.

And using your logic then smoking should be allowed everywhere. So much for Bhutan.

Every country has the right to make its own laws and shouldn't do something JUST because its done everywhere else.

Smoking and drinking are drastically different in that you can drink a beer beside me without irritating my senses, or forcing me to consume it with you. Smoking violates my "rule to live by": do whatever makes you feel good, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HARM, OR INTERFERE WITH THE RIGHTS OF OTHER PEOPLE. Smoking clearly does NOT meat that caveat! :D:o

By the way, I do agree completely with your closing line. :D


Chalerm favours legalising casinos

I am sure the well known issue that he himself runs several gambling dens in his district will help him in assisting with the management of casinos in Thailand.

I suspect he would be the ideal Joe Pesci character from Casino, with his dim witted gang of hoodlums played by his sons.

Samak would be the old coot who had the heart attack when the feds discovered his records of expenses in paying back the east coast mob.

The Deniro character 'Ace' could be 'Ace Thaksin' himself. The tricky devious bookmaker.

Oh yeah, but who will be the Sharon stone woman?




The Channel 5 reporter?

I think that is a good move. I realize gambling is not a good thing the world over and it is another problem in family break downs etc, but it is life and people do it. It is better to legalize than put people in jail for playing 5 baht card games.

Drinking is the biggest problem in the world, if thats allowed in very country, why not gambling?

great revenue raiser and it puts less strain on the legal system.


I was under the impression that LOTTO was already legal! That doesn't stop the Thai underground Lotto!

Casino gambling will only widen the gap between the have and the have nots! Atlantic City used to be the pearl of the U.S.

Atlantic coast but fell into hard times in the late 60's. When gaming was announced people danced in the street because they all thought they were going to get rich! A. C. is still a slum except for the land that casinos are built on. People don't release that casinos are self contained. They have parking,hotel,places to eat from snack shops to gourmet restaurants. They have bars w/bands ,discos, cabaret shows,International acts in the showrooms ,shopping malls, multi plex theaters and even bowling alleys!

You have 3 types of customers at casinos (this is in the U.S. ,it may have a different effect on T-land) they are 1) the HIGH ROLLER(know in the gaming biz as a "WHALE")...he gets everything comped from the private jet, limo, suite in the hotel, meals...and he gambles BIG. #2) is the other end of the spectrum ,the BUS PEOPLE. (This should be popular here and of concern to everyone living here,more on that later!) they will come from the out lying towns ,such as Rayong and Trat ..etc. They pay one price for R/T bus ticket , a comp meal and few gaming tokens. They will play mostly slots and Keno and stay about 12 hrs before returning on the bus. Both of these types tend to stay at the hotel that they were brought to! The 3ed type is the category that you all and myself would fall into .We will go from casino to casino checking them out, gamboling a little, having dinner maybe see a show and go home.The local economy and businesses see none of the money spent by the patrons of a casino. The casino wants it all .Traditionally there are no windows or clocks in a casino .They don't want you to leave. They will give you free drinks if you are gamboling to loosen you up to play more bet more! The odds are always with the house (casino). They keep it all! Sure there are winners but the percentage of loss to win is always with the house ,otherwise there would be no casinos! (I have a story about my father and a slot mechanic that really shows the odds, but it's too long for this post!)

Yes gamboling will provide jobs,that goes without saying,maybe help tourism. But the down side is never really thought out,even in other countries.Taking into account the bad moves and decisions we have seen made in LOS it should be obvious to everyone that the worst is coming! In that light, I mentioned the buses in A.C. The number of buses became so overwhelming that the people who lived on the streets .on the way to the casinos and used buy the buses , moved their tables and chairs into the street . They sat there stopping the flow of traffic in protest trying to the stop the constant noise and traffic problems caused buy the shear number and volume of these bus people buses! Sounds like Pattaya without gaming!

Somebody mentioned setting up pawn shops around the casinos. For many yrs U.S. gamboling was only legal in Nevada . A.C. got it in the late 70's. In the 90's the U.S. allowed gaming on Indian reservations ,and the state of Mississippi (the poorest and least educated state in the union) allowed "off shore" gaming on the Mississippi River and on its Gulf coast. Not the twelve mile limit but merely built over the water on barges with a ramp to shore! The fastest growing business in Miss. since then has been pawn shops!

My knowledge comes from playing in A.C. and every dirt town in Nevada from Laughlin to Carson City, Wendover to Winnamucca, including Reno and Las Vegas. I had a great time doing it but I also saw the damage that legal gaming can do! And we know,here in T-land, it will only make the rich richer ,the weak poorer and the corrupt will will have a whole new venue to ply their trade!! TIT

Hallelujah!!!! Is this a great country or what? Now Thailand can appeal not only to sex tourists but now gambling degenerates. And yes, I suspect that Thaksin will not only be known as Frank Sinatra in the U.K., but he will be known as the "Godfather" once he builds some casinos in LOS under the watchful eye of the Las Vegas and Atlantic City crowd.

If the Thais are smart enough to combine the two they could become as big as Las Vegas.

It was many years ago. But I can remember spending many happy Saturday afternoons behind the local brothel betting on the fish fights.

Illegal gambling is big money. But legal gambling is even bigger money. When you get in the range of what LV casinos take in the tax haul by itself is huge. Not only that but the owners have to find places to spend that money. They're not going to bury it behind the hen house.

Look at Las Vegas. Sure there's a lot of sleaze. But there's even more well paying jobs that involve neither sex nor gambling. Not only that, it would be the ideal place for politicians to park their relatives where they can't do too much damage.

If they're smart they'll contract with casino companies out of Las Vegas or Atlantic City to set up the operation. Those people know how to set things up to keep the money from being skimmed before it reaches the government coffers. After that's another story.


A recently released survey confirms the fears of many who oppose government-promoted gambling: the poorest Thais are contributing much more to lottery revenues than those with higher incomes. The poll found that people who played the lottery with an income of less than B50,000 annually spent an average of B240 per month on lottery tickets. Thus it is nearly double the amount spent in any other income bracket. :o

The poll found that people who played the lottery with an income of less than B50,000 annually spent an average of B240 per month on lottery tickets. Thus it is nearly double the amount spent in any other income bracket. :o

Oh my god! 250baht a month!!!!!!!!


The legalising of gambling, could well be the lesser of the two evils, but the actual mega casino will only distibute the income and wealth it makes to the area that surrounds it, as I would guess is the case with places like Las Vegas. The opening of 'betting shops' to serve the public in less developed regions of Thailand, could well cut back on illegal gambling. Regarding the the Lotteries, I can well imagine a lot of Thais who have legitimately earned a marginal income from them, not being happy with how tickets are sold for this. I'm sure in this day and age a more sophisticated way selling these tickets (I don't know how the system at the moment works.) would allow many of these people to still gain an income from it.

Regarding the comment about Gordon Brown having visited Thailand, the mental picture of some bar-girl (or ladyboy!) attending to his needs, is just too revolting to contemplate! If it is indeed true, hopefully this will not result in T-shirts being sold with 'I had Gordon Brown' printed on them!!

The poll found that people who played the lottery with an income of less than B50,000 annually spent an average of B240 per month on lottery tickets. Thus it is nearly double the amount spent in any other income bracket. :o

Oh my god! 250baht a month!!!!!!!!

average of 240b. Income of 2400b a month average...starts to not look so good.

actual spend 1,000b a month. Income of 5,000b a month.

That is about what much of the rural neighbourhood actual live like.

'less than' and 'average'. Have to reread to understand the true numbers here.

it's widely known that lotteries tend to be funded by the poor....in some ways you could call the poor who play the lottery generous benefactors, remaining poor and laying down their wealth, so that lottery bosses and jao por types can enjoy a finer grade of wine, better gun or nicer Mercedes. Quite generous of the poor I think to do this, and I for one will be looking forward to the day that they can offer their cash at a still faster rate, and in return can have the opportunity to scrub the toilets for minimum wage or perhaps offer their children a life of prostitution or even to work in a mind numbing capacity as dealers.


Whatever happened to the proposed racetrack in Pattaya, there was even land set aside for the project. With so many shonky guys living in Pattaya weighing under 50 kgs there would've been no shortage of jocks to pull the favourites for the heavys to rake in the spoils. By the way when are the LBFM's going to be hit by bedouir tax, that will be the next thing on the governments money grabbing spree, don't forget it will only be legal to gamble in designated venues all other places where gambling takes place would be illegal, so again you can gamble legally under the watchfull eye of big brother.


Casinos are in the process of being built.. online gaming companies have already been given the go ahead and have even been issued licenses that become valid once the formality of legalizing gambling is done. This is not IF... but WHEN... I think we will be up and running before the end of the year.


Within a matter of days we have two announcements that will not only effect and enable the deterioration of Thai society even further than it already has started to go, courtesy of the greedy unprincipalled and self rewarding PPP / TRT cronies, but provide horrendous consequences for the ordinary citizens ( and their families ) should they go ahead.

This Legalised Gambling is one, the other is the proposed restart of the infamous, evil licence to kill / murder, the under priviledged " The War On Drugs "

Not surprisingly the same unethical individuals are sanctioning both !!!!!!!!

Add to this the purge on moving officials from their positions to facilitate the removal of future obstructions and enable the biggest manipulation of evidence and the reinstatement of a certain ex CEO,s reputation as an honest, ethical, uncorrupt, P.M. of the past and present. ????????

The international community are unlikely to go along with the intended scenario, as his soiled reputation is etched in stone, along with many of those within this present government.

I,ll name Samak and Chalerm and his alledgedly reformed son / sons will do for starters.

Look around you everyone and if you haven,t already, and witness the consequences of gambling among the local Thai community, where ever your chosen place of abode may be.

Indeed many of those reading this thread will have been effected in some way or another.

This is a social cancer, with horrendous consequences and needs to be stopped, not encouraged.

Never mind the bullshit the likes of Chalerm is spouting out to justify the proposed building of casinos and " LEGALISED GAMBLING " ect. ect.

WTFDTC about the social consequences ??????

mega baht / profit for them and their greedy PUYAI sponsors is their only objective.



LOL oh ya! now who is going to have control over the supposed revenue intake from all the gambling to educate low income kids? What a joke it is just another way to collect money for whoever's own personal use.

This idea will never fly!!


If they are considering casinos as the answer to illegal gambling, this is a bad idea. :D As several posters have pointed out, there are numerous reasons why this is so.

I think that "lotto" tickets are the way to generate tax income for the state. There are no lifestyle issues connected to stopping by a vendor to spend a small amount of money in the hope of a pay-off.

But please, no SuperBall etc. payouts as is common in America and some European countries. Cap the maximum payout at a reasonably large number (+ 1 million dollars/Euros/current value in Baht) and have multiple winners every week.

And keep an eye on those vendors. In Canada there have been problems with vendors lying to customers about their tickets in order to claim for themselves the winnings. :o

Within a matter of days we have two announcements that will not only effect and enable the deterioration of Thai society even further than it already has started to go, courtesy of the greedy unprincipalled and self rewarding PPP / TRT cronies, but provide horrendous consequences for the ordinary citizens ( and their families ) should they go ahead.

This Legalised Gambling is one, the other is the proposed restart of the infamous, evil licence to kill / murder, the under priviledged " The War On Drugs "

Not surprisingly the same unethical individuals are sanctioning both !!!!!!!!

Add to this the purge on moving officials from their positions to facilitate the removal of future obstructions and enable the biggest manipulation of evidence and the reinstatement of a certain ex CEO,s reputation as an honest, ethical, uncorrupt, P.M. of the past and present. ????????

The international community are unlikely to go along with the intended scenario, as his soiled reputation is etched in stone, along with many of those within this present government.

I,ll name Samak and Chalerm and his alledgedly reformed son / sons will do for starters.

Look around you everyone and if you haven,t already, and witness the consequences of gambling among the local Thai community, where ever your chosen place of abode may be.

Indeed many of those reading this thread will have been effected in some way or another.

This is a social cancer, with horrendous consequences and needs to be stopped, not encouraged.

Never mind the bullshit the likes of Chalerm is spouting out to justify the proposed building of casinos and " LEGALISED GAMBLING " ect. ect.

WTFDTC about the social consequences ??????

mega baht / profit for them and their greedy PUYAI sponsors is their only objective.


please a warning to your posts: RANT ABOUT TO BEGIN


Yes it is endemic but...

Foxwoods, an american indian run casino went in

in New England not far from my sisters around 15-20 years ago.

Crime went up 120% within 2 years and has stayed up.

ALL the increase was related DIRECTLY to the Casino

creating deperatelly addicted characters. With mammoth debts.

All other crime remained stable. Drugs and drinking went down.

Gambling addiction skyrocketed.

Since LOS doesn't have the constricted protestant brakes

on vice that New England yankee mores provide,

I see little to hold back the chaos.

It's one thing to have a few major centers of gambling like

Atlantic City and Vegas, but to let it run rampant across the country

would seem poor logic. Yes a few cooks and casheers will make

a few more baht, but MOST will go into the pockets of the avaricious rich.

Hallelujah!!!! Is this a great country or what? Now Thailand can appeal not only to sex tourists but now gambling degenerates. And yes, I suspect that Thaksin will not only be known as Frank Sinatra in the U.K., but he will be known as the "Godfather" once he builds some casinos in LOS under the watchful eye of the Las Vegas and Atlantic City crowd.

Oh give me strength. For heavens sake what is wrong with you people? In almost every country there is some form of gambling. Its normal common pastime, and there is no evidence that a country will degenrate into one of poverty and ruin because a casino opens up.

Get your heads out of the sand and start the look at the real world not some form of utopia.

PS Frank is known as Frank only to the Manchester City fans who invented the nickname and woe is me, its a bit of humour. That would never do would it?

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