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Hi, Since I stopped the TB drugs a few weeks ago my appetite has been crap. I have now bought Complan and am drinking it twice a day with rice milk. Has anyone any other ideas about ways I can either increase my appetite or suppliment drinks instead of meals?

Thanks in advance :o


If only we could trade appetites!!!!

Seriously, though... there is a drug called Megace (generic: Megestrol Acetate) which is highly effective in increasing appetite and used a lot for people with wasting diseases. It is a type of synthetic progestin, and would require a doctor's script. Before resorting to that, see what you can find in a local health food store that contains either large amount of wild yam extract or a natural progesterone, altho these products are generally sold as a cure for PMS, they will also increase appetite through the same mechanims that Megace does.

Other tricks you can try:

1) Eat every 3 hours, even if it is just a small amount. The reason for this, besides obviously getting more food in, is that blood glucose levels tend to stay up for about 3 hours after a meal and then dip. Since the brain requires a continuous supply of glucose, at that point your body automatically starts to burn fat. By taking in something every 3 hours you avoid that happening, and with time your body will come to expect this and to feel hungry after 3 hours. At night, of course don't wake yourself up to eat, but if you often wake briefly at intervals then have some sweetened juice or something like that at your bedside that you can take a few sips of. Also, take something carb-heavy (starch or sugar) just before going to bed, you'll tend to awaken with more of an appetite.

2) Anything with simple carbs -- sugars (including fruit sugar and honey) and starches -- will cause your blood sugar to drop after an initial rush and thus led to hunger. Hard candies, chocolate, favorite fruits, take your pick and pig out on them, should get you feeling hungry an hour or so later.

Good luck. As I think you know, maintaining good nutrition is essential to your recovery.


Years ago I contracted cancer in The U.S.

They gave me Marinol a Mary Jane substitute. Unfortunately the marijuana substance is banned in Thailand but if it were available...............you're appetite would come back- Probably with ravenous hunger!


Thanks all. At the moment all I can manage is lots of rice milk, complan and fruit. I can't face a meal or even a sandwich.

Also I had a test today where I had to walk slowly for 6 minutes and my sats dropped to 77 :o

What a week

Thanks all. At the moment all I can manage is lots of rice milk, complan and fruit. I can't face a meal or even a sandwich.

Also I had a test today where I had to walk slowly for 6 minutes and my sats dropped to 77 :D

What a week

Ouch, an O2 sat of 77! :o It sounds like you have much more going on than just appetite problems. I hope that you have an oxygen tank readily available.

Have you tried Ensure? I am not sure if it available where you are. I have purchased it at Villa Market in BKK, but you list your location as "by the sea" which leads me to believe you are somewhere else. Ensure is a popular meal replacement drink in the US and is extensively used in hospitals and convalescent homes. Abbott Laboratories Ensure Page in Thai

http://www.abbott.com.pk/ensure.htm Pakistani Ensure Page in English (The product pictured on site identical to what is sold in Thailand).

I know that you are recovering from TB and wish you the best. Ensure and Sheryl's advice would make a good combo.

Take care

Darrell "GunnyD"


Hi Darrell,

I am in UK at the moment and I used to have Ensure while in hospital but don't know where I can get it myself.

Actually Darrell can I ask you something please? If 6 minutes of walking dropped my sats to 77 that must logically mean that that happens to me every day when I struggle to walk to work or the supermarket or a museum etc. So... what to do? Ask for O2 or get a mobility scooter/wheelchair so that I am not getting as out of breath?

My Doctor emailed this morning to say I need blood gasses done to see if I am at risk of heart failure :o


Yes you really need to have portable oxygen with you all of the time. And if you can get a mobility scooter you should. I am surprised that they didn't order an ABG (Arterial Blood Gas) after the test had your O2 sat drop that low after only 6 minutes. I am not quite up on how the NHS hospitals and doctors are in the UK,

I also would be interested what your O2 sat was at rest. Your O2 sat should not drop below 90% at any time. And if they haven't done one lately, you could use a spiral CT of your chest.

Ensure should be available there. But any meal replacement drink should suffice. You should look into where people buy meal replacement drinks for the elderly. But if you had it in the hospital you should be able to buy it or a generic equivalent there.

Be as assertive as you need to be with your doctor. You need oxygen, if not all the time, then at least to have on hand if you have shortness of breath. I know what it is like to deal with government doctors. I get seen at the Veteran's Administration hospital in the US and you have to be insistent and sometimes browbeat the doctors to get what you need. Your condition sounds very serious.

Take care,


Hi Darrell,

I am in UK at the moment and I used to have Ensure while in hospital but don't know where I can get it myself.

Actually Darrell can I ask you something please? If 6 minutes of walking dropped my sats to 77 that must logically mean that that happens to me every day when I struggle to walk to work or the supermarket or a museum etc. So... what to do? Ask for O2 or get a mobility scooter/wheelchair so that I am not getting as out of breath?

My Doctor emailed this morning to say I need blood gasses done to see if I am at risk of heart failure :o

Just hitting the reply button to make sure you get notified. I know you make a lot of posts and most likely have it setup to be notified if you get a reply. I usually don't blindly hit reply because of all of the posts I have seen on TV where you have to scroll through half a page of quotes to get to the one sentence someone has written.

Darrell "GunnyD"


Oh Seonai, so sorry to hear that. I assume that this was measured using the simple device that goes on your nailbeds, and the doctor is quite right to follow it up with a proper arterial blood gas (for which they'll have to stick a needle into an artery, but you probably already know that). The sooner the better...and do get the portable oxygen. It only puts a strain on your body -- both heart and lungs -- to struggle to do things when out of breath.

Darrell has already given excellent advice. The only thing I can add is, make sure you are not, and do not become, anemic. Remember that the iron in your blood is necessary to make hemoglobin, which is the part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen. With low saturation levels you need all the hemoglobin you can get. If you are even borderline anemic, start taking iron supplements. ..and insist on a stool test or presumptive treatment for hookworm.

Take care, we love you!




I wish you a quick recovery & am sorry to hear your situation is in need of treatment quickly. If it will make you feel any better

when you are up to it I will cut you up a bunch of Sasha & any other house you want.

Beardog......Good luck & Godspeed!

Hi Darrell,

I am in UK at the moment and I used to have Ensure while in hospital but don't know where I can get it myself.

Actually Darrell can I ask you something please? If 6 minutes of walking dropped my sats to 77 that must logically mean that that happens to me every day when I struggle to walk to work or the supermarket or a museum etc. So... what to do? Ask for O2 or get a mobility scooter/wheelchair so that I am not getting as out of breath?

My Doctor emailed this morning to say I need blood gasses done to see if I am at risk of heart failure :o


You will be able to purchase Ensure at most pharmacies in the UK.


You should also be able to get a script for Marinol or something similar if nothing increases your appetite . I am pretty sure they Have in the UK. And i am sure you would be a candidate. Especially if nothing seems to make you hungry, cause it is very important to keep your food intake up- so your resistance can start rebuilding & other reasons already mentioned.


I am very moved by all your replies, a huge thank you.

I am going to email my doctor now.

My resting sats are/were 92 Darrill.

I will go to ask at the pharmacy for Ensure, managing to eat small amounts now.



Hi seonai,

Getting an oxygen concentrator will be more convenient for you. I am glad they are providing one for you. Having to deal with a bunch of heavy oxygen tanks is a pain. And get them to give you a scooter, cause you need it, tell 'em I sais so! :o

92% at rest not great, Usually O2 sats normally run between 98% and 100% all the time. So you getting the portable oxygen is imperative..

All the best and make sure to be as of a pain in the bum to your doctors as needed.


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