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Kenneth Bigley

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Just read yesterdays Bkk Post and saw the small B&W photo of Ken Bigley sobbing his heart out whist begging to Tony Blair to save his life.

I know this isn't Thailand related but this is something most of us have read about and most of us are sickened by it and feel sorrow beyond words for this guys family let alone Ken himself.

Is he still alive?

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I don't know scamp not heard anything, maybe that's what the animals want that captured him put him on TV for there advantage and see the what happens.

I was talking to a man that works in electronics and he said that they have GPS tracking devices small enough to go into someone's tooth and they are available now But i'm sure expensive as ###### But if this technology is available now then why not use it for your employees in harm's way?

Possible pick up by the Military if they were to rescue this man. They will know his location

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BlueTa Posted: Sat 2004-09-25, 20:16:51

(francois @ Sat 2004-09-25, 20:10:39)

it's simply horror and non human.

Agree with you, Francois.

It has nothing to do with Islam and Muslim people and I'm a bit afraid the assimilation is being made a bit too easily.

They're animals and deserve nothing and sure not the publicity we give them.

And when I say animals, I'm trying to be nice...

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Just read yesterdays Bkk Post and saw the small B&W photo of Ken Bigley sobbing his heart out whist begging to Tony Blair to save his life.

I know this isn't Thailand related but this is something most of us have read about and most of us are sickened by it and feel sorrow beyond words for this guys family let alone Ken himself.

Is he still alive?

It is Thailand related,he has a Thai wife,and lives in Thailand

Some idiots on here thinks its ok for him to have his head lopped off.See previous treads.

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Just read yesterdays Bkk Post and saw the small B&W photo of Ken Bigley sobbing his heart out whist begging to Tony Blair to save his life.

According to a news report late last night (unconfirmed, but said to be from a "reliable source") the terrorists claimed they had killed him. :o

It is still uncomfirmed as I undersand it. Blair was interviewed a little while ago, and said he no knowledge either way.

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Just read yesterdays Bkk Post and saw the small B&W photo of Ken Bigley sobbing his heart out whist begging to Tony Blair to save his life.

According to a news report late last night (unconfirmed, but said to be from a "reliable source") the terrorists claimed they had killed him. :o

I do not think so. A video would have popped up on the web already...

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blair cant do much , but the ones who can do something dont seem to be doing anything.

i'm talking about the so called majority of muslims in the world who are peace loving and non-violent.

they are the ones who should be coming out of the woodwork and protesting vehemently at the antics of the islamo-fascists who are rapidly turning the non-islam world against islam.

they should be shouting loudly , but i dont hear anything from them.

but their silence speaks loudly though.

if there are any out there reading this then lets be hearing from you.

if anybody has viewed those beheadings on the internet (ogrish.com for those not easily sickened) then they will realise that those bstards will not give up until they have taken the world back to the 14th century.

they are inhuman scum. but i believe they have a lot of support from the silent majority.

more power to bush and blair in ridding the world of those killers and all those who even behind closed doors agree with their actions.

their nihilist agenda will not be quenched until the western world is on its knees. there is only one solution.

if the islam majority is not capable of controlling its own extreme element then the likes of bush and blair must try.

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The only enemies you have are the ones you create yourself.

But its a little late for that now ...there's already a civil war going on in Iraq, it will just get worse. Face it, when you occupy a country, you're bound to get some people pissed. When the US developed the nuclear bomb and the russians would have wanted a `peaceful world` and would have invaded the US, don't you think the americans would have been pissed, too? Same scenario, really. The Iraqi people didn't develop the weapons, their leaders did (or most likely, not even them, since nothing has been found), but their country is being occupied. If anyone occupied my country, i would do the same. Iraq was not a terrorist country, it was unfinished business. But it is now becoming a gathering ground for terrorist because the Coalition now created a reason for terrorists to build their campaign and recruit others. Just my opinion, for what its worth.

Not invading Iraq would have saved a lot of innocent lives, both Coalition and Iraqi.

But that's not the point of this thread, lets hope Kenneth and all the other hostages are being released, but i don't have much hope.

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In one of the Uk newspapers yeasterday,It was saying the people that initially kidnapped the 2 yanks and the brit,Sold them to the Al Qeada terrorists for US$150,000,Now who says we should barter with these people,

Probably the Filipino's money paid for this,

I cannot believe these 3 guys didn't have any security or weapons to depend on,

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blair cant do much , but the ones who can do something dont seem to be doing anything.

i'm talking about the so called majority of muslims in the world who are peace loving and non-violent.

they are the ones who should be coming out of the woodwork and protesting vehemently at the antics of the islamo-fascists who are rapidly turning the non-islam world against islam.

they should be shouting loudly , but i dont hear anything from them.

but their silence speaks loudly though.

if there are any out there reading this then lets be hearing from you.

if anybody has viewed those beheadings on the internet (ogrish.com for those not easily sickened) then they will realise that those bstards will not give up until they have taken the world back to the 14th century.

they are inhuman scum. but i believe they have a lot of support from the silent majority.

more power to bush and blair in ridding the world of those killers and all those who even behind closed doors agree with their actions.

their nihilist agenda will not be quenched until the western world is on its knees. there is only one solution.

if the islam majority is not capable of controlling its own extreme element then the likes of bush and blair must try.

Very well put Tax. Nice contribution.

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The one thing lunatic Islamic "Warriors of God" fear above all else is to die in disgrace in the eyes of Allah. To pre-empt their terrorism we must play on that fear ... we must fight terror with even greater terror. Force captured terrorists to drink pig's blood before being executed, and make it very clear that a suicide bomber's entire family will be executed this way, and you will see Radical Islamic Terrorism quickly fade and die.

i am inclined to agree with you mr. k. (and on the cat stevens thing also , although there were reports that some of his charities may have (inadvertentently) supported hamas.)

the terrorists have the western governments by their b4lls and there is little that can be done. i still feel that short of desecrating them and their families with pork products the only way these people will be exposed will be with the help of other muslims. but as they say..... pigs will fly.... i think the majority of muslims are, in a strange way, happy to see western hostages and western leaders in such a predicament, and in spite of any outpourings of sympathy they may make, i suspect that once behind closed doors they just sit back and think... serves those western b4stards right.

in much the same way as when i now see a dead terrorist or bleeding mutilated bearded man i feel that there is now one less of them.

i doubt very much if the terrorists that are at work in iraq really subscribe to the 1000 virgins in heaven theory of islam , they are far too educated for that. the foot soldiers maybe , but the "brains" behind the kidnappings are just scumbag criminals motivated by nihilism, destruction and money and a severe inferiority complex. a heavy hand and a big boot is needed to deal with them.

the man supposedly holding the brit is a jordanian who during his teenage years was a local thug, car thief, and general troublemaker is his home town in jordan.

the world really has gone mad and is making animals of us all.

i feel a lot more blood must flow before common sense and rationalism return to the world.

and although it pains me very much to say it, i feel that that blood will need to be muslim blood. too much trouble is roaming the world these days in the name of islam. they must be stopped, and by their own methods if all else fails.

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Good News, but if Sky plays the bloody tape 10million x I'm going to scream. Networks are dolts... being used for prop purposes, don't understand why they do it.

The Iraqi Prime Minister agrees with you. He said this a little while ago -

Mr Allawi said media coverage had given the terrorists the publicity they sought and had not always been responsible.

“We therefore need to think long and hard about the way this kidnapping has been covered by the media,” he added.

I think that if it hadn't been for all of the coverage around the world, poor Ken could quite possibly be gone. At least whilst he's in the news he still has a chance.

BTW They haven't shown it once as far as I've seen. Must be a bit nasty.

Very interesting on UK news last night an ex hostage negotiator was being interviewed and was asked why did he think that Mr Bigleys 2 American colleagues had been murdered and not him. I had been asking mysef the same question for days. The answer was that these terroists saw the USA as the enemy and not UK. This may explain why we haven't had any mainland attacks as yet. Although I can't understand their reasoning - we are just as bloody bad (well, almost... :o).

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Very interesting on UK news last night an ex hostage negotiator was being interviewed and was asked why did he think that Mr Bigleys 2 American colleagues had been murdered and not him. I had been asking mysef the same question for days. The answer was that these terroists saw the USA as the enemy and not UK. This may explain why we haven't had any mainland attacks as yet. Although I can't understand their reasoning - we are just as bloody bad (well, almost... ).

Katy- well I guess they think Uk is the weaker link, but its really a waste of time. I don't think it has anything to do with who they blame more.

Sky showed the video again and again- pretty sad having to see it. I think the media are best served by not showing it. It wouldn't happen if it were a kidnapping in the UK. If Bigley gets out of this I'm sure he will probably blast the nutters.

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Did they really show it, Brit? I must be a looney - I had Sky news on all night last night in the background and they kept showing the story every 15 mins or so but no video. I thought they must have decided not to for some reason.

Daft question - If you are in LOS and I am in UK, do we get the same Sky broadcasts? (grasping at straws in order not be bonkers)


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