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Songkran In Cm In 2008

Old Man River

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Like it, or not, Songkran is probably Thailand's most popular holiday and it lasts for a different number of days in different parts of the country and there is nothing that us farangs can do about it.

If you really want to act "mature" either go hide out somewhere quietly or make lemons into lemonade and head to Thapae Gate, drink a few ice cold beers and have a good time like Crowboy, McSpicy, The RealThaiDeal and countless other respected members do. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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And I have my fully automatic, pump it up till it almost bursts, Super Death Water Blaster.

Will polish the chrome on a car 10 meters away, and/or rip away small pieces of flesh.....

Have my scuba mask (prescription, or course!), waterproof housing for my digital camera, etc. Watch out for my one-arm Rambo kamikaze hits on Huay Kaew Rd.....hide behind big vehicles on the Wave, then dart out of the sun, to wipe out the hapless curbside bucket brigaders, who are in mid-reload function.

I'll completely wax my bikes, leaving thick swirls of wax paste dried on, like the rotdaeng guys (protects the finish from the Dreaded Moat Water), by the 10 of April at the latest, as often the hill folk show up in town a bit early, and start the splashing syndrome...

Looking forward to the mayhem.

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Like it, or not, Songkran is probably Thailand's most popular holiday and it lasts for a different number of days in different parts of the country and there is nothing that us farangs can do about it.

If you really want to act "mature" either go hide out somewhere quietly or make lemons into lemonade and head to Thapae Gate, drink a few ice cold beers and have a good time like Crowboy, McSpicy, The RealThaiDeal and countless other respected members do. :o

Seems like the whole idea of Songkran has been lost here. Talk about farang diminishing a cultural tradition !! Gheeezzz!

There is a traditional way to celebrate Songkran. It can be thoughtful as well as fun. The mayor, bless her heart, is asking for volunteers to man booths around the moat during that period to hand out leaflets describing the traditional way of celebrating Songkran!! She at least has been realistic enough to ask for volunteers who don't mind getting wet!! Anyway, she knew when she said it she was being ridiculous given the mayhem around town.

I wouldn't suggest handing out leaflets. And I don't mind getting doused when it is safe (Not at 100 kph, thank you, not that moat traffic will be faster than 1 kph!)

Okay, UG, "Crowboy. McSpicy, the RealThaiDeal, and countless other respected members" (I suppose of ThaiVisa), get your jollies! Yes, the CMU girls in their skimpy shirts, shorts and little else are very cute when hit by one of your waterguns. Question is, would you guys be able to hit on them successfully without a watergun??!!

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Yeah ! Songkran's great. love it best when I am anywhere but Thailand.

I suggest a few days in Singapore, Hong Kong or even Rangoon (where you still run the risk of being shot unfortuanely not with water though")

Songkran must be one of the best things to happen for the travel agents, with many Caucasians leaving the country.

First one is OK, 2nd is 'so-so' and after that it's all for the kids (including 30 - 40 yo kids)

It's like "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" with all the loonies being let out for a few days :o

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Yeah ! Songkran's great. love it best when I am anywhere but Thailand.

I suggest a few days in Singapore, Hong Kong or even Rangoon (where you still run the risk of being shot unfortuanely not with water though")

Songkran must be one of the best things to happen for the travel agents, with many Caucasians leaving the country.

First one is OK, 2nd is 'so-so' and after that it's all for the kids (including 30 - 40 yo kids)

It's like "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" with all the loonies being let out for a few days :D

hmmm I am on 5 in a row and 8 total ... and still love it :o Then again I am not some uptight old git even though I am 43

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Seems like the whole idea of Songkran has been lost here. There is a traditional way to celebrate Songkran.

I grew up in Newport News, Virginia about 10 miles from Colonial Williamsburg. Every year, when I was a kid, we would go to Williamsburg for the candlelight Christmas Parade on Christmas Eve and eat gingerbread cookies and drink hot apple cider. We loved it!

However, the next morning we would wake up early and open our presents, then later pig out and have a modern Christmas and that was great as well.

To me, the smart thing to do is celebrate in both ways and try to enjoy both as much as you can. A bunch of us are going to meet up at John's Place/Cozy Corner again this year. The girls told me yesterday that they will be there again. Feel free to join us, but bring a BIG gun! :o

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Last year, a bunch of TV members met up every day at John's Place/Cozy Corner and had a great time. We didn't set up any time, but just wandered in and out as we got the urge, but there usually seemed to be someone there. It is in a great area for waterthrowing and John provides water and great big buckets, sometimes ice and really seems to enjoy the whole thing.

There is food and beer and whatever kind of liquor they are promoting as well.

John hires a bunch of beautys to hang out there just for the holiday and I ran into the two prettiest ones from last year yesterday and they told me that they will be there again this year.

Why don't we make John's Place the (un)Official Songkran Thai Visa HQ again this year? :o

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Seems like the whole idea of Songkran has been lost here. There is a traditional way to celebrate Songkran.

I grew up in Newport News, Virginia about 10 miles from Colonial Williamsburg. Every year, when I was a kid, we would go to Williamsburg for the candlelight Christmas Parade on Christmas Eve and eat gingerbread cookies and drink hot apple cider. We loved it!

However, the next morning we would wake up early and open our presents, then later pig out and have a modern Christmas and that was great as well.

To me, the smart thing to do is celebrate in both ways and try to enjoy both as much as you can. A bunch of us are going to meet up at John's Place/Cozy Corner again this year. The girls told me yesterday that they will be there again. Feel free to join us, but bring a BIG gun! :D


Change your meds or your tobacco man

Where in any twisted perversion of tradition and reality is there any similarity between the peaceful, non-invasive, traditions of celebrating Christmas in the west (whether in public or at home) and the complete rejection of respect for other people's choice that goes along with the aggressive and assaulting nonsense that has become Songkran?

The very fact that, in Chiangmai, it becomes impossible to walk anywhere for 5 - 7 -10 days without getting drenched (even when you clearly indicate you are not playing) and it is impossible to shop for food, carry documents to be photocopied, or even to safely photograph the psychopathic mass-intent to murder motorcyclists should be an indicator to any sane and intelligent human being that there is a fundamental flaw with the way that this once-respectful tradition has been hijacked.

All of you above talking about giant water guns and the like are part of the problem, not the solution.

Whatever happened to a gentle sprinkling of scented water on an elder's shoulder as a sign of respect?

Sheesh!!! :o

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Like it, or not, Songkran is probably Thailand's most popular holiday and it lasts for a different number of days in different parts of the country and there is nothing that us farangs can do about it.

If you really want to act "mature" either go hide out somewhere quietly or make lemons into lemonade and head to Thapae Gate, drink a few ice cold beers and have a good time like Crowboy, McSpicy, The RealThaiDeal and countless other respected members do. :D

As I said above, there is nothing we can do about the Thai's favorite holiday except moan and groan and hide somewhere or get off our high horse and enjoy it.

I may be old, fat and feeble, but I'm not dead yet. I choose number two! :o

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I remember last year :o. Have to say John's Bar is not my usual hang out but for songhran it is a great spot. Beer, water, and beauties what more can a good boy want :D

I definitely won't be there for all four days but perhaps we can choose one for the "official" meet up and the others as "drop in as you feel like" days


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I went last year on just one of the days and had the pleasure of finally seeing the faces behind the typing and the icons. I now count a few of these blokes as friends both virtual and in reality as well. For me it was a great way to take a break and still enjoy the SOngkran craziness. You can sit on a bench and enjoy the craziness from a distance, or you can walk out a few feet and join the fun right there at the moat........ OR you can go a few steps over to the special stands where the dancing girls are and find UG there playing with his water pistol.

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Okay, UG, "Crowboy. McSpicy, the RealThaiDeal, and countless other respected members" (I suppose of ThaiVisa), get your jollies! Yes, the CMU girls in their skimpy shirts, shorts and little else are very cute when hit by one of your waterguns. Question is, would you guys be able to hit on them successfully without a watergun??!!

As someone who dated a Asahi and a Tiger girl, both out of Payap, the answer to that question is yes. How about you?


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Okay, UG, "Crowboy. McSpicy, the RealThaiDeal, and countless other respected members" (I suppose of ThaiVisa), get your jollies! Yes, the CMU girls in their skimpy shirts, shorts and little else are very cute when hit by one of your waterguns. Question is, would you guys be able to hit on them successfully without a watergun??!!

As someone who dated a Asahi and a Tiger girl, both out of Payap, the answer to that question is yes. How about you?


I wouldn't brag too loudly about that if I was you CB ..... Payap is renowned as the place where affluence rather than ability gets you a degree - the knock on effect being that the dumbest rich kids go there.

..... then again, if you're happy dating dumb beer girls ...... :o

If you said they were from CMU or Ratchapat, Silpakorn or Chulalongkorn, then I'd have been impressed :D


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Songkran is the only time of year that I get to have a big gun. :o

Okay, UG. Here are --- I suppose --- some self-designated targets for you. The following showed up in my inbox this morning. Then again, you might be willing to volunteer!


Dear Members and friends,

Chiang Mai Friends Group is a group of both local expats and Thais who share a genuine love for Chiang Mai.

They are asking people if they would like to assist the community during the Songkran festival by helping to "man" one of the 20 "Polite Zones" which will be situated around the moat. These "Polite zones" will have a ban on alcohol and any type of anti social behaviour, and people can go there if they need help or simply to get away from the mayhem. The City mayor has asked Chiang Mai Friends Group to approach local expats with a view to gaining their assistance. Attached is an enrolment form which should be completed and handed in to the address on the bottom right hand corner.

This will be a great way to enjoy Songkran without having to get involved in some of the unfortunate incidents that sometimes happen, and it is also a great way to serve the community you are all a part of.




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Actually, this is a great idea.

There are already many informal "polite" zones where most people don't throw water, like the Thapae Gate park area and the street just inside the moat that connects with Thapae Gate where there are usually cheap booths with lots of good food.

I often hang around these areas when I tire of throwing water, but, it seems like the old grouches are never switched on enough to realize that they are off limits and that you can watch the fun without getting wet.

Maybe having official rest stops will make these elderly folks feel safer and give them less to complain about. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Okay, UG, "Crowboy. McSpicy, the RealThaiDeal, and countless other respected members" (I suppose of ThaiVisa), get your jollies! Yes, the CMU girls in their skimpy shirts, shorts and little else are very cute when hit by one of your waterguns. Question is, would you guys be able to hit on them successfully without a watergun??!!

As someone who dated a Asahi and a Tiger girl, both out of Payap, the answer to that question is yes. How about you?


So which tastes better? I have not tried Asahi beer yet.... :o

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I think that the biggest " polite zone " is on the moat that runs in front of Computer Plaza and Computer City. There is NO water in it and I doubt that they will have finished the necessary work in 2 weeks.

How about an official Thai Visa football or cricket match IN the moat sometime during Songkran ?

Cant say it has even been done before. The ground is hard and in some places there is even grass growing.

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Sunday - The Tuskers Songkran Super Soaker Hunt

tooled%20up.jpgGet tooled up and join the Tuskers Super Soaker Hunt, a water based version of paintball. Players can hunt each other along both sides of the eastern side of the moat and score a hit everytime they soak another player before he gets you. The player with the most hits wins FREE BEER ALL NIGHT.

MORE INFO PLEASE VISITthe Tuskers website, sounds like fun to me!!

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