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Do You Always Need Exact Change?


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I can relate to this discussion. Doesn't seem to matter what part of Thailand you are in, find yourself a 7-Eleven or Family Mart and there's an ATM outside. Put in your card, withdraw 10,000 baht - and what do you get? That's right - 10 x 1,000 baht notes. Need change? Buy something small at the convenience store!

No wonder they need lots of change. It's all of us bringing in our 1,000 baht notes.

Mind you, I was caught out once. I needed 5,000 baht from an ATM and it spat out 50 x 100 baht notes! Local shop was happy to change 40 of them into 1,000 baht notes.


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TIP: When needing change, put your card into the nearest ATM and withdraw 400, 900, 1400... etc Baht. You now have 4 x 100 baht notes.

what about those using there atm cards from home as they dont have bank accounts here........they would get charged 2 or 3 quid to get this small amount out everytime :o

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I meant to add that those who sport all of those head to toe tatoos and earrings, and think that they are expressing their individualism, should realize that they are not one of a kinds, as there are thousands like that who are deluded into thinking that they are independent trend setters. I never thought looking like a decorated lamp shade or trinket kiosk showed much class. Many of these guys are an embarassment to all men, but you must realize that stupid people never know they are stupid (it is the other guy that is stupid), but smart people realize when they are stupid and correct themselves so they no longer act stupid. As you can see, the admin people are trying to cater to a higher income class here that is more family oriented; maybe good, maybe not so good, but it would do away with the massive amounts of losers that congregate here for ladies, that otherwise would have nothing to do with them, but for their ATM cards.....sad, but true. I repeat myself when I say, that all of you who are here to re-invent yourselves, you are so obvious that it is laughable. Chohk Dii, all.

Hyde Parke

hmmmmmm........thats just your opinion.....and a bit biggoted to assume that those tattood and pierced people are stupid as some may be a lot more educated than you are :D .you say if they were smart then they wouldnt do these sort of things.....so thats saying only things you do are correct or smart.....so you must have a god complex or dont think people should do anything YOU dont like.....wow you regard your opinion very highly.how are these people an embarassment to all men?......you may be embarassed but i dont think you can talk for all mankind....i cant even see why your embarassed at all as its there body/life.

also there may be thousands like that,as you say,but there are millions who look the same....plain haircut,boring clothes etc...no individualism at all.it may not show class....but i presume most dont want to show they have class as they probably dont care about snobby things like that...they leave that worry for you.

of course thailand wants a better class of tourist,who doesnt,as they want more money but i do worry about all the ladies who will be out of work if only families come.....whos gonna sponsor them....i dont think the families will :D .

i agree most farang men are seen as atms by the ladies...obviously they wouldnt go with them otherwise but the guys get what they want and the girls do too......if the guy thinks she loves him then he is stupid in most cases and i think you will find there has been many a rich/smart man been brought to his knees by an uneducated local honey......so maybe its not just the tattood who are stupid :o

im not sure where you get this idea that people are here to re invent themselves.....i thought they come here for sun,fun and cheap livin......whats it got to do with re inventing.are recently divorced or single guys not allowed to start there lives in another country........yes it looks funny to see old guys with young honeys but i hope they know its there money not them that there after.

finally i guess you are well over 45 and middle classed and wore a suit most of your working life(or if lucky had well off parents to support you)hence your views...no problem with that but the world is changing whether you like it or not.........im sure i wont like a lot of what other people do when i get to your age.....but i dont think i will publicly say there stupid as that dont seem fair......they will be called different..thats it........variety is the spice of life........wouldnt be fun if i agreed with you would it :D

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Quite a mouthful from someone who obviously doesn't know proper grammar, spelling, or capitalization. I stand by my comments, and if you think it is God like, so be it. I flew airplanes for years and had to wear a uniform, but other than that, I was not much of a conformist. But, I did not feel so insecure that I had advertise myself with body art (ink or metal); these guys should be carrying a banner that says, "I am stupid". It is like these morons wearing their hats backwards.........what is that all about......a very weak way to make a feeble statement about individuality. I hate stupid and always have had disdain for these type of individuals seen daily on the streets of Pattaya. I didn't come here for the cheap living, girls, etc; came to finish my third book (on a 3rd re-print), and saw a need to help a poor Thai family. I could not stand by and watch kids have to drop out of school after 6th grade. The oldest is starting 4th year University; next starts University in May; next is going to be a Senior at a private girl's school; and my son is starting 5th grade (he speaks 4 languages). I have added to this society and reserve my right to slam the idiots here; what have you contributed? Live and let live is a good intention, but there are times that some folks need a 'knock' up the side of the head, just to let them know that they are viewed as stupid and are here just taking up space. But alas, as I said before, stupid people do not realize that they are stupid (it is the other guy that is stupid), and stupid they shall remain, and I will call them on it everytime. Hyde Parke

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TIP: When needing change, put your card into the nearest ATM and withdraw 400, 900, 1400... etc Baht. You now have 4 x 100 baht notes.

what about those using there atm cards from home as they dont have bank accounts here........they would get charged 2 or 3 quid to get this small amount out everytime :o

Maybe, nothing in life is without cost or tradeoff right? "Up to you" as the Thais say! Some might consider it better to pay "2 or 3 quid" than give a baht-bus driver 1000 Baht and risk him driving off with the change.

Since you mention "quid", I guess you are from the UK. For anyone from the UK, I strongly suggest you get an ATM card from Nationwide. Free ATM withdrawls anywhere in the world and good ForEx rates.

Edited by khunyae
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Quite a mouthful from someone who obviously doesn't know proper grammar, spelling, or capitalization. I stand by my comments, and if you think it is God like, so be it. I flew airplanes for years and had to wear a uniform, but other than that, I was not much of a conformist. But, I did not feel so insecure that I had advertise myself with body art (ink or metal); these guys should be carrying a banner that says, "I am stupid". It is like these morons wearing their hats backwards.........what is that all about......a very weak way to make a feeble statement about individuality. I hate stupid and always have had disdain for these type of individuals seen daily on the streets of Pattaya. I didn't come here for the cheap living, girls, etc; came to finish my third book (on a 3rd re-print), and saw a need to help a poor Thai family. I could not stand by and watch kids have to drop out of school after 6th grade. The oldest is starting 4th year University; next starts University in May; next is going to be a Senior at a private girl's school; and my son is starting 5th grade (he speaks 4 languages). I have added to this society and reserve my right to slam the idiots here; what have you contributed? Live and let live is a good intention, but there are times that some folks need a 'knock' up the side of the head, just to let them know that they are viewed as stupid and are here just taking up space. But alas, as I said before, stupid people do not realize that they are stupid (it is the other guy that is stupid), and stupid they shall remain, and I will call them on it everytime. Hyde Parke

hahaha.......this from a guy who cant even spell tattoo....i couldnt be arsed to pick out all your mistakes because its a forum not a spelling or grammar competition,which is why im too lazy to write correctly as this is my perogative but as youre a writer then surely you should be more careful.....especially when criticising others......buy hey there all stupid and you perfect.wow....u helped a poor family.....what do you think all the guys in pattaya are doing.....these girls also come from poor families.....and a lot of these guys have spent there life savings on these poor girls.

obviously you think you are better than others as you dont have a tattoo or piercing......thats whats wrong with this society and why wars start as people like you cant be rational and put everyone in same box ....tattoo=stupid,piercing=stupid.well i say middle/upperclass twit=stupid.

if someone does something stupid then yes they are stupid but its not right to say everyone in pattaya/the world is a loser cos they have more tattoos than you like someone to have.

as to what have i contributed to this society.........none of your business......but i probably put more money into thailand than you have.

i like what you say...stupid people dont realise they are stupid.....suits you to a t.

you need to realise that you have old fashioned ideas due to your age and upbringing/surroundings and young people would probabaly laugh at your dress sense and hairstyle.

you also say you werent much of a conformist.........i find that very hard to believe....or you have completely changed your thinkin..........as you seem to want everyone to conform to your values or they are stupid.........what did you ever do that was non conformist i wonder....did you get drunk once or something terrible like that.

im also still not sure where you get the idea that they are or i am insecure.....please explain the link,tattoo means insecure,i think more the other way around but hey you know everything.

you come here to finish your third book........wow im surprised you have read 2 before coming here to finish your third :o ..........thats a joke if they have that sort of thing in your world....and before you start moaning again ...yes lots of lazy grammar from me ....but guess what...i dont care what you think,but when you write something small minded then it gets my"stupid "goat up

if you didnt come here for the sun,cheap livin or girls then why come here to finish a book......plenty of other towns in the world without stupid waste of space tattood pierced people.......or are you writing about us.please explain why you chose such a town ....i suspect you dont get on with many people with your narrow minded points of view so why choose a town that you say is full of idiots...it dont make sense but thats you thru and thru.i wouldnt normally say this but if you dont like it then move......or at least try and open your mind. :D goodluck with that mr parke

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