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The New Terrorism

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In the old days, when a terrorist or rebel organization wanted to hurt their enemies it was a case of raising a few $billion from sympathisors or likeminded govts, buying weapons and starting a private army and blowing things up etc.

Could it be that now they have a more sophisticated weapon?

A high oil price will have a devastating affect on the US and other western economies. At the same time it will help most of their adversaries, such as a lot of muslim states , Venezuela etc.

So what if they took a few $billion and started to drive up the price of oil, knowing too well that hedge funds and other punters will jump on board and keep the price moving up. Then, with the profits they make, fuel it some more.

At the moment we see the oil price at $109.50 a barrel, a rise of $5 in the last 24 hours for no real fundamental reason.

Could we be witnessing the first in a set of financial terror attacks designed to derail the western economies?

Just a thought.

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A high oil price will have a devastating affect on the US and other western economies. At the same time it will help most of their adversaries, such as a lot of muslim states , Venezuela etc.

Just a thought.


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Maybe, maybe not.

I reckon this thread has some justification.

In this day and age an economic war is totally legal. "I have the oil that you want - you have to pay my asking price if you want it". - even if it leaves net energy importing countries standing there holding their dicks.

I would be very interested to get the views of some people (who have knowledge in this area) who read this board, on macro-economic oil policy from different countries perspectives.


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Don't ya think it is linked with the Dollar value?

ME sells oil at a certain value maybe they look at other currencies as well.

Dollars flow into ME and is partly back invested in the US.

If they wanted to start a real economic war against the US then they just simply stop trading oil for the Dollar.

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I think oil price rises are the work of the CIA and MOSSAD's well documented regime of false flag terrorist activities, including the New York World Trade Centre (WTC) attack, being the tool of US corporations and the Zionist propaganda machine. Who benefits from oil price increases? The oil companies, and nobody else! The USA is in total collaboration with OPEC regarding the output and subsequent cost of oil. The invasion & occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq is purely at the dictate of the USA oil and arms industry and Israel. They are making many billions of dollars from these acts of terrorism, they and those who have secured rich USA government contracts as a result. Anyone who cares to look for the evidence will find more than enough to prove that this is not a simple case of Islamic fundamentalism.

Start here, and follow the links: http://www.serendipity.li/ then do some searches of your own.

I take the view that, if it's reported by the news or by government, it's likely to be lies, simply to get the global population to believe it in anticipation of yet another evil action to come (WTC and the subsequent invasions mentioned above).

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see!

(don't you just hate is when a software application on a web-server tells you that your perfectly spelt English text is wrong, wanting to replace it with the simplified (US) version?)

Edited by maisampatpom
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Don't ya think it is linked with the Dollar value?

ME sells oil at a certain value maybe they look at other currencies as well.

Dollars flow into ME and is partly back invested in the US.

If they wanted to start a real economic war against the US then they just simply stop trading oil for the Dollar.

If that would be the case wouldn't the US just simply invade and take what they need? Iraq comes to mind.

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How can a conspiracy be both pro-Arab and pro-Zionist? Leaving that alone....

It is no secret that since the attacks on the WTC, the USA (Bush administration) has made far more enemies all over the world, than it has conquered. Arab-Muslim enemies, non-Arab and non-Muslim enemies, etc. The first copy of the Economist magazine I ever bought, around 2004, had a declaration of economic warfare against the USA by one of its columnists.

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The US has been using economic terrorism against other countries for decades, maybe it's just payback tiime?

the first part is correct but i don't believe in "pay-back time". a lot of countries which are depicted as enemies of the U.S. need the U.S. economically very badly.

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I think oil price rises are the work of the CIA and MOSSAD's well documented regime

right your are! but you forget that we Klingons have have an agreement with the both CIA and Mossad. our reason is to make oil so expensive that we can sell our Trilithium to feed the power plants on planet Earth.

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The price of gas is still cheap compared with Germany or England.. I would think that everything is money... price is whatever they can get away with and not have riots in the streets .... if they could get it they would charge it... supply and demand... even though its not a popular thought... where the USA goes .. so goes the world... when USA has problems... the rest of the world has problems... thats why so many countries have supported the dollar for so long... if "they" are using the price of oil to attack the USA they only shoot themselves in the foot...

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Look, we went there installed our own little dictators (Shar Iran anyone) divided up thier oil assets into British Petroleum / Amco / Etc.. Happily tolerated non democratic Saudi governments.. Etc etc etc.. Does any think we went to Iraq to improve the lot of the iraqi people ?? I mean come on !!

We have had artificially low energy prices for years.. Decades.. Cheap energy is becoming scarce, peak oil may have already passed, saudi probably cannot increase production even if they wanted to and now china and india want a piece of the middle class energy using lifestyles too.. Get used to it.

If you can laugh at how ironic much of this is.. Try watching this stand up.. Superb.


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In fact even to talk about economic terrorism in this context is completely laughable and badly miss informed on who the real terrorists in this game are..

Try reading 'confessions of an economic hitman' 'a game as old as empire' or 'rogue state'.. The western states have played these cards on our behalf for the last half century and stolen the commodity wealth of the 3rd world by slight of hand.

Really read those 3..

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