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Friend wants to go with me to Thailand to get breast implants. Can anyone give me any information on where to go, how much it will be? How long I need to make an appointment before the surgery. I am a complete n00b in this department and any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


Yes, I know several people that have had it done (at least a dozen) - I have a card somewhere - I'll dig it out and repost. Its in Bangkok (I have the namet of the surgeon etc) - they are very good.

They do a lot of foreigners visiting for it. Price depends on type of 'filling' etc and size. The better ones, so I am told, is silicon Gel (can't leak as its a gel and feel almost natural - unlike salt water and liquid silicon) - they do the other if you want. They use etched implants to make 'constriction' or whatever they are called, less likely - needs less massaging. He speaks English exceptionally well.

One friend just told me t cost her £1500 including a weeks stay in hospital - insertion under the armpits. They prefer you to be there for 3 wees minimum for post checks etc. They will fix any probblems etc and will cover massaging and post op care etc.

I let you know the details once I have the card...


Check yanhee hospital at yanhee.net

Be awere the apply double pricing, ie farangs pay more/double

Why so many good looking women want horrible huge breast implants goes beyond my understanding: small is beatiful

So are many Thai women who spend a lot of money, plenty of them in the village here, poor farmers daughters with farang sponsors :o


+1 on Yanhee. It is the hospital that is about 2km from my house in Thonburi so I go there for my health needs. English is spoken, the facilities are clean, the staff is top rate, and the prices are cheaper than other private hospitals. Last time I was there, I *thought* that the price of breast implants was like $900-1500 USD or something like that. I am not a woman, and I have no desire for breast implants, and my idea of what they cost was based upon a cursory looking over something or asking someone just out of curiousity--so I could be wrong. And yes--they do charge more for Farangs than they do for Thais. They import nurses from the Phillipines who speak English, and they add a surcharge for staying on floors with these nurses, and it is much more than the Thai price.

Also keep in mind, with the jacking up the prices for Farangs, it may just be cheaper to have it done in the United States, or OZ, or England or wherever she is from. In the states I have seen it advertised for between $3,000-4,000 USD. If you add the cost of the plane flight to Thailand to the Farang price, might as well have it done in the West. But in the West you are limited to saline implants still, but in Thailand, sillicone is approved.


I just want to politely say breast implantation is a completely pointless surgery. It's true big breasts grab a man's attention but many many men appreciate and even prefer small breasts. Secondly implantation feels nothing like the real thing. The result will be more men gawking but less enjoying men enjoying touching them. I discourage this surgery.


I have no idea why this in the General Topics section, It should be in the Health forum, but I will put in my 2 satang.

In 2005 me and the missus went to Bumrungrad International, and she had Breast Augmentation done by Dr. Amorn Poomee. The Package is 90000 Baht/1800 Euro. This was after we were already married 5 years and I was happy with her breasts. My wife had AA cup size and was very self conscious about it. Her doctor was excellent, did not encourage her to "GO BIG" as so many Western doctors do. She had silicone implants inserted through an armpit incision. They have a natural look and feel, they are in proportion to her size. There was no loss of sensation or function. She can breastfeed because of the placement of the implant under the muscle. She is Filipina, 4'11" (150 cm) tall and has a C-cup now. Just because someone has BA doesn't mean that they get mega huge implants.

Since we were visiting Cebu and were in the area the airfare wasn't an issue. And even if it was just a trip for the procedure it still was far cheaper than the equivalent in the US. And I seriously doubt she would have gotten the 5 star care in the US that she got at Bumrungrad. My wife is very happy she had it done, she is more self assured, and really likes that doctors and even the mammography technicians can't tell that she has breast implants. She always has to tell them.

I agree that if a woman has breasts that she is satisfied with there is no reason to get BA done. And yes Bumrungrad is at the high end of the price range when it come to surgery in Thailand, but you get what you pay for. I have heard too many horror stories of BA gone bad in the US let alone in LOS. You go cheap and you are at risk of having, among other things, counterfeit implants, the nerves to the nipple severed, poor symmetry, implants that wander after surgery (I have seen them loose in the chest and one or both droop because the doctor makes the pouch too large), post surgical infection, capsular contracture (heavy scarring occurs around the prosthesis and the breast becomes hard and painful), implants placed too shallow causing destruction of the milk ducts, and many other things. I have seen this and had patients tell me about it in my work as a nurse.

Do your research, don't be swayed by others opinions regarding getting BA, it's what you think that matters, and don't sacrifice quality for a cheap price.


edit: addendum Dr. Amorn Poomee is in demand so if she plans on using him or any of the doctors at Bumrungrad she needs to make an appointment beforehand.


I get so angry when men stare at my breasts ! I just want to throw my Martini at them.

When did this start ?

After my latest implants.


+1 on Yanhee. It is the hospital that is about 2km from my house in Thonburi so I go there for my health needs. English is spoken, the facilities are clean, the staff is top rate, and the prices are cheaper than other private hospitals. Last time I was there, I *thought* that the price of breast implants was like $900-1500 USD or something like that. I am not a woman, and I have no desire for breast implants, and my idea of what they cost was based upon a cursory looking over something or asking someone just out of curiousity--so I could be wrong. And yes--they do charge more for Farangs than they do for Thais. They import nurses from the Phillipines who speak English, and they add a surcharge for staying on floors with these nurses, and it is much more than the Thai price.

Also keep in mind, with the jacking up the prices for Farangs, it may just be cheaper to have it done in the United States, or OZ, or England or wherever she is from. In the states I have seen it advertised for between $3,000-4,000 USD. If you add the cost of the plane flight to Thailand to the Farang price, might as well have it done in the West. But in the West you are limited to saline implants still, but in Thailand, sillicone is approved.

Three things:

1. Silicone Breast Implants were re-approved for use in the United States in 2006 US Food and Drug Administration Breast Implants - Silicone Information page

2. $4000 in the US will buy you a hack job from a doctor with no training or certification in plastic surgery. For what you get at Bumrungrad would cost upwards of $10000-15000 in the United States from a board certified plastic surgeon

3. I wish they would import more Filipina nurses I haven't run into any of them, it would make it a lot easier since they can speak English fluently and the missus is Filipina.

Not trying to offend :o just providing my view.


Just because someone has BA doesn't mean that they get mega huge implants.

This is quite true. A guy I know (a TV Moderator but he won't let me use his name) got an implant in his left breast at Yanhee Hospital. It cost around 50,000 baht but apparently this included some kind of premium for only using one as they come in boxes of two. His cup size would not be any bigger than a B and I believe it it is the silicone gel type. He fondles it during his overly (IMO) frequent bouts of self gratification.

Looks kind of weird in a T shirt though.

Friend wants to go with me to Thailand to get breast implants. ... How long I need to make an appointment before the surgery.

Well, since it is your "friend" that wants the implants, I do not think you need to make an appointment :o

Just because someone has BA doesn't mean that they get mega huge implants.

This is quite true. A guy I know (a TV Moderator but he won't let me use his name) got an implant in his left breast at Yanhee Hospital. It cost around 50,000 baht but apparently this included some kind of premium for only using one as they come in boxes of two. His cup size would not be any bigger than a B and I believe it it is the silicone gel type. He fondles it during his overly (IMO) frequent bouts of self gratification.

Looks kind of weird in a T shirt though.

Why is when people ask for actual advice on plastic surgeons 75% of the posts end up being cheap jokes?



The Mrs has the card - I'll add it when she gets in from work.

I jus wanted to add though that I believe very few women have impants 'because men like big boobs' - all the girls/woman I know that have had it done - most of the women I know - and they all say it was so they had more choice of clothes; they though they looked silly in many dressy clothes because of lack of cleavage and because ther cheats would not hold up some dreses etc - that is, they did it because it made them feel more confident with how they look CLOTHED.

Only one of the girls went to another doctor/hospital - she actuially paid more, got larger breasts than she should have been advised to and now - 3 years on - has hard numb breasts that look like torpedos!

Its not the cost that makes the difference - its the quality of the surgeon. Always go with good referals/references from other people rather than their adverts or the cost!


I had a penile enlargement at Dr Wongs Clinic, went from 3.5" to 3.6" in only 3 months, couldn't be happier. Costs were minimal as I provided my own brick and string. One drawback, sick of wearing that bloody kaftan and the bruises on my ankles. :o


First off I would like to thank everyone for there help and very quick responses.

She has been impressed with the Bamrungrad hospital. I think that will be the one she will be using. 1 thing tho is the 90k price tag, the farang price or the Thai price? 90k seems a bit much to be the thai price when my thai friend said hers is costing her only 42k.

3. I wish they would import more Filipina nurses I haven't run into any of them, it would make it a lot easier since they can speak English fluently and the missus is Filipina.

Yup, Yanhee has Fillipina nurses. I stayed there over night, and that's who was taking care of me, and they told me that Yanhee imports Fillipina nurses, and they had contracts for two years.

As for the 90k baht price, yes, I think that is the Farang price. 42k Baht is probably what most Thais can afford.

I get so angry when men stare at my breasts ! I just want to throw my Martini at them.

When did this start ?

After my latest implants.


Better throw that Martini in your own face: YOU decided for these implants :o

First off I would like to thank everyone for there help and very quick responses.

She has been impressed with the Bamrungrad hospital. I think that will be the one she will be using. 1 thing tho is the 90k price tag, the farang price or the Thai price? 90k seems a bit much to be the thai price when my thai friend said hers is costing her only 42k.

I would advise you to visit both Bumrungrad and Yanhee before deciding.

In my opinion Yanhee is the better one for the job at hand.

The Mrs has the card - I'll add it when she gets in from work.

I jus wanted to add though that I believe very few women have impants 'because men like big boobs' - all the girls/woman I know that have had it done - most of the women I know - and they all say it was so they had more choice of clothes; they though they looked silly in many dressy clothes because of lack of cleavage and because ther cheats would not hold up some dreses etc - that is, they did it because it made them feel more confident with how they look CLOTHED.

Only one of the girls went to another doctor/hospital - she actuially paid more, got larger breasts than she should have been advised to and now - 3 years on - has hard numb breasts that look like torpedos!

Its not the cost that makes the difference - its the quality of the surgeon. Always go with good referals/references from other people rather than their adverts or the cost!

Agreed, if you see my first post, I think a made all those points. I did a massive amount of research of my wifes doctor and the hospital before we went. Frankly I didn't want her to get BA done, but she was really self conscious about it. I have seen the horror of botched BA's and other procedures first hand when I was still working as an RN.

There is a perception out there with some that plastic surgery is about the same as going to the dentist. There is a reason it is called surgery. No one should have any work done without lots of research and some soul searching. If some hack doctor screws up a procedure they don't have to live with it, you do.



Try a search (Google) for Plastic Surgery Clinics in Thailand. There are quite a few apparently, and for certain reasons, Thailand is known for having some of the best plastic surgeons anywhere (outside of Hollywood anyways).

There are a couple in Pattaya as well. I know a couple of girls that have had work done (Nose, Breasts, Bums, etc). One girl got the nickname "52K", not for the size of her new rack, but for the price (26,000 baht per breast and they were/are awesome !).

Another friend of mine did the BA thing as well. She was ecstatic about the results. Not sure where she went in Pattaya, but I seem to recall what she said it cost her was about 80k (I may have misunderstood what she said though, as she seemed intent on using her newfound assets to keep my ears warm. Quite embarassing, as her sister was sitting beside me at the time). :o

Best idea I guess is to shop around, unless price isn't a problem, in which case I think you've already received some great advice.


OK found the caพd at last (Its in Thai)


Dr. Panya Sundarathai MD (Plastic Surgeon)

Tel. (662) 5870136-55 Mob: 01-6846789 EMail: [email protected]

โรงพยาบาลบางโพ (ใกล้ Lotus ประชาชื่น)

95 ถ. ประชาราษฏร์ 2

เขตบางชื่อ กทม. 10800


This is exactly what I do.


Most will tell you that the quality at Yanhee is comparable to that of Bumrungrad. After working with both hospitals for quite some time now, I consider Yanhee International Hospital to be superior.

For more details, contact me directly.


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