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Newbie In Town

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Hi folks,

I have just stumbled accross this forum and hope that someone with good experience can guide me in the right direction.

I have just arrived on a Non Imm O - based on mariage to a Thai. I am Australian and 39 years old. I will live with my wife in Pattaya.

This visa lasts for 3 months, but I have been told that I can extend it for 12 months after that time.

1) How long before the expiration of the visa should I go to pattaya immigration for the extention?

2) I also read somewhere that someone here avoids pattaya immigration and instead goes to bangkok, do others have the same feelings or conrtadictory feelings?

3) I would like to bring in a small amount of personel belongings (currently in Perth). Much smaller than a container, maybe about 30 cubic metres. Which shipping port should I have them sent to? Does anyone recommend any particular shipper?

4) What happens to my visa if I decide to visit another country befor the 12 months has elapsed? Do I have to start the process again from outside of Thailand does the visa continue to be valid until the expiration date?

Thanks in advance for any helpful hints. If I have further advice that I can provide after the experience I will post here for others to read.


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1. Within the last 30 days of your current allowed stay. You are aware of requirements?

2. Don't believe you will receive anything in Bangkok that you can not get in Pattaya but there will always be those with a preference - you need to know the reasons. I would use the local office myself.

3. Will let other recommend on this as did not and would not get involved with customs.

4. You will have an extension of stay stamp, not a visa. If you leave Thailand it will expire unless you first obtain a re-entry permit from immigration. This permit can be obtained in multi version at 3,800 baht so those that believe they will travel often usually get one at the same time they receive final permission to stay stamp.

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Thanks for the advice.

Chok de krup

As for 3) someone yesterday told me that I should use Lamchabang Port as it is only about 10 Klm from Pattaya.

Have you opened a bank account in Thailand showing a credit of 400,000 baht ? Until you do that, and extend your O visa at Immigration, you cannot bring a thing into Thailand and avoid taxes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have already opened the account and deposited over 400,000 Baht.

I have since read somewhere that I may have to prove this money came from abroad, (as opposed to from a broad :o )

This might be difficult as I just deposited cash.

Hopefully I wont need to bring in another 400K.

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What sort of cash?

If it was foreign currency then you should have some record from the bank when they converted it to baht, and that will suffice.

If it was baht, then I am not sure I want to know where it came from.

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What sort of cash?

If it was foreign currency then you should have some record from the bank when they converted it to baht, and that will suffice.

If it was baht, then I am not sure I want to know where it came from.

why not?

weez all anonymouse here, aint we?


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What sort of cash?

If it was foreign currency then you should have some record from the bank when they converted it to baht, and that will suffice.

If it was baht, then I am not sure I want to know where it came from.

It was baht. Transferred from my wife's account. Originally it was wired into her account from abroad. In the past I have never needed "my own" account, so I have just used hers.

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What sort of cash?

If it was foreign currency then you should have some record from the bank when they converted it to baht, and that will suffice.

If it was baht, then I am not sure I want to know where it came from.

It was baht. Transferred from my wife's account. Originally it was wired into her account from abroad. In the past I have never needed "my own" account, so I have just used hers.

It should not be hard to prove in that case - take both passbooks when you go to immigration. I would also get copies of the foreign transfer receipts from her bank to back it up if asked.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I have now visited the nice folk at Immigration. The first trip I took to find out which forms to fill in and get the "official" list of required documents.

The following day I arrived with everything in order..... I thought.

They then told me that I had to have duplicate copies of everything, so back to the photo copier and then back to Immigration.

No tuxedo, no "tea money", passed over the correct cash and forms. Got an new stamp in my passport and will now wait for a month to pass to see if I'm approved.

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Good show. Don't be surprised if approval is not ready in one month as it takes 45 days here in Bangkok each time. If not ready you will just get another extension until it is. One thing to be careful about is to keep the bank account money above the minimum until approval as it could be checked at any time.

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I shipped 500Kilos of crap when a newbie 5 yrs ago and got whacked 22000b on personal stuff that was up to 10 yrs old, mostly books and old music cassettes etc.

Never again...... They saw me coming.... ! :o

If you bring your personal stuff by air, get Thai aircargo to clear it, it might save you a lot of muhlah. b

Don't use the scruffy pricks who hang about outside the customs shed shuffling papers.

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I shipped 500Kilos of crap when a newbie 5 yrs ago and got whacked 22000b on personal stuff that was up to 10 yrs old, mostly books and old music cassettes etc.

Never again...... They saw me coming.... ! :o

If you bring your personal stuff by air, get Thai aircargo to clear it, it might save you a lot of muhlah. b

Don't use the scruffy pricks who hang about outside the customs shed shuffling papers.

Udon. Did you hold a one year extended non-immigrant visa when you brought the goods in ?

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"Udon. Did you hold a one year extended non-immigrant visa when you brought the goods in ? "

No, I was on a multi (4) entry tourist visa from Birmingham (UK)

I did not know about Type O's then, I was as green as grass..... still am I guess.. :o

The airfrt charge, (unaccompanied baggage), was over 1200 squid.

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"Udon. Did you hold a one year extended non-immigrant visa when you brought the goods in ? "

No, I was on a multi (4) entry tourist visa from Birmingham (UK)

I did not know about Type O's then, I was as green as grass..... still am I guess.. :o

The airfrt charge, (unaccompanied baggage), was over 1200 squid.

Experience is a great teacher. Having any one year extended non-immigrant is required to enable duty/tax free importation of personal effects.

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"Udon. Did you hold a one year extended non-immigrant visa when you brought the goods in ? "

No, I was on a multi (4) entry tourist visa from Birmingham (UK)

I did not know about Type O's then, I was as green as grass..... still am I guess.. :o

The airfrt charge, (unaccompanied baggage), was over 1200 squid.

And. old mate, you are a man of great mystery. A Sydney Westy, and moving to the LOS from the wilds od Birmingham in Soapdodgerland

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:D yes........ 28 years wasted except maybe the final 5 yrs making a shedload off the internet until........ I left the UK for LoS and got shafted by my Pohmmy associate..... back in the UK, I went from 2000 squid a week to zero overnight!

B4 leaving for the UK I was a N.Shore lad, Milson's Point. Never a real Westy, I hated it then and hate it even more now. It is not the Australia I loved so much.

Thank you Goff, you bastard!

Geez, I hate this garden shed :o and Oz is still a beautiful country... rant over :D

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:D yes........ 28 years wasted except maybe the final 5 yrs making a shedload off the internet until........ I left the UK for LoS and got shafted by my Pohmmy associate..... back in the UK, I went from 2000 squid a week to zero overnight!

B4 leaving for the UK I was a N.Shore lad, Milson's Point. Never a real Westy, I hated it then and hate it even more now. It is not the Australia I loved so much.

Thank you Goff, you bastard!

Geez, I hate this garden shed  :o and Oz is still a beautiful country... rant over :D

Jai yen yen na. All will be well. :D

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:D yes........ 28 years wasted except maybe the final 5 yrs making a shedload off the internet until........ I left the UK for LoS and got shafted by my Pohmmy associate..... back in the UK, I went from 2000 squid a week to zero overnight!

B4 leaving for the UK I was a N.Shore lad, Milson's Point. Never a real Westy, I hated it then and hate it even more now. It is not the Australia I loved so much.

Thank you Goff, you bastard!

Geez, I hate this garden shed  :D and Oz is still a beautiful country... rant over :D

Jai yen yen na. All will be well. :D

and next time. hide yer money under the soap when dealing with those ensconsed in Soapdodgerland. :o

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  • 3 weeks later...


We got a phone call that they now want to see some wedding photos...

When we took the photos down to immigration we were also asked if would like to donate some cash to help underprivileged school students.

The missus slipped a couple of hundred baht into the envelope and handed it back to the officer.

Now we have to wait another 3 weeks for approval.

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Hi Patya Dan,

I applied for my married-to-a-Thai extended stamp from Pattaya immigration office in February this year. Whilst the application was under consideration we received a home visit from the immigration chap. He just wanted to confirm that we did, in fact, live together and we needed to get a non-related Thai to certify that I'm a decent type. I eventually got the stamp in May.

When you have yours authorised don't forget that the initial 1 year runs from the date you last entered Thailand. For example I arrived in Thailand on a non-imm. O on 28/1/04 so my extended stamp, although not issued until May, is valid until 27/1/05. When you get your endorsement you may as well apply for a re-entry permit at the same time; either single or multiple depending upon how often you expect to be travelling. The validity of such a permit is in line with your 1-year stamp.



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We got a phone call that they now want to see some wedding photos...

When we took the photos down to immigration we were also asked if would like to donate some cash to help underprivileged school students.

The missus slipped a couple of hundred baht into the envelope and handed it back to the officer.

Now we have to wait another 3 weeks for approval.

Pattaya does have a reputation at the moment for such requests.

You did the right thing letting your wife handle the matter, rather than getting involved yourself.

Now you are on the right path, don't forget you need to report your address to the Immigration every 90 days, counting from the day you arrived.

There should not be a fee or donation for this matter.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I shipped 500Kilos of crap when a newbie 5 yrs ago and got whacked 22000b on personal stuff that was up to 10 yrs old, mostly books and old music cassettes etc.

Never again...... They saw me coming.... ! :o

If you bring your personal stuff by air, get Thai aircargo to clear it, it might save you a lot of muhlah. b

Don't use the scruffy pricks who hang about outside the customs shed shuffling papers.

I shipped 300kg of crap from the UK, cost 500 GBP, another 5000 baht this end with port fees, unloading fee, handling fee AND duty.

I had a Technics HiFi (bloody expensive at home) and a PC. They asked approx value, I lied, I think 3000 baht duty!!!!!

I shipped ex southampton by sea (get insurance) took 28 days from leaving there to me collecting in Lat Krabang, BKK.

I was quoted 750 quid to ship a jeep here (then worked out the duty!!!) didn't bother.

If you do decide to ship stuff here be sure to do an inventory including serial numbers, make and model of stuff and original reciepts if you have them!! As usual in LOS the more paper you have the better!

It did take nearly all day to get the stuff but if you use a company in Oz they will have an agent here that can "take care" of things, at a price!!

Good luck

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