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I am English and my parents didnt love me when i was a kid - infact nobody loves me :o:D:D

I am sure you can find a BG to tell you "Handsome Man, I love you" as long as you have the cash :D

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I think too many people forget that not so many years ago many of us in the West 'abandoned' our children to be looked after by grandparents, aunts, uncles and other family. It was the only way to try and feed everyone. Also that many of our families lived in small houses and often slept 'top to tail' in one bed. So I do not see that we should be so morally high and mighty.

Agree with earlier posts too that we in the West have many families now who have umpteen kids to various fathers out of wedlock and parents who dump their kids in foster homes.

We also had children working down the mines and in factories doing very dangerous jobs to help the family economy until the practices were outlawed.

Seems to me that the Thai's do manage in a similar way that some of our parents (or grandparents) used to do. I see nothing wrong in that basicallyas it works for them but feel it is viewed badly by so called 'superior' Farangs who forget or are not even aware of their heritage.

It seems your knowledge of Thai girls is mainly made up of girls who work in bars. Widen your social circles and you might stop asking stupid questions about whether or not women love their children.


Spot on burman.

Say no more.

Poor people are less intelligent than rich people. Babies are nurtured into adults. If they are not raised correctly, they become lousy adults. Then the cycle repeats. Lets face it, much of the complaints made about Thais are really just complaints about poor/unintelligent people.

The rich, educated, well nurtured Thais love their children I am sure.

There is a socioeconomic basis for this, especially in a near near third world country where education beyond the age of 18 is generally substandard as a rule and education below that age is often very poor - this is compounded by a lack of career opportunities for a majority of females.

<br />
Poor people are less intelligent than rich people. Babies are nurtured into adults. If they are not raised correctly, they become lousy adults. Then the cycle repeats. Lets face it, much of the complaints made about Thais are really just complaints about poor/unintelligent people. <br /><br />The rich, educated, well nurtured Thais love their children I am sure.
<br /><br />There is a socioeconomic basis for this, especially in a near near third world country where education beyond the age of 18 is generally substandard as a rule and education below that age is often very poor - this is compounded by a lack of career opportunities for a majority of females.<br />

I disagree with you and think that you are mixing up intelligence with educational opportunity. Two different things in my mind.


I can only speak from personal experience ,though have heard some horror stories also , we have been married some 20 odd years and when I was working in the maritime industry I would come home and my wife would tell little o fwhat occured whilst I was away however since I have retired I have seen how women married to foreigners are denigrated as whores and something less than ideal . whether it is jealousy of them having a better lifestyle or what I don't know,but the worst offenders are the close members of the family if wer efuse to lend them money for instance then my wife is denigrated and I am only here for cheap sex etc, or a cheap skate (kii niaw). All in all you have to take as it comes though they all suffer more than they should .I would like to know if Foreign women married to Thai men suffer the same denigration somehow I think the same denigration is there though may not be uttered.



if you took the baby born to poor parents at birth and moved him into a wealthy family, then he would have a higher chance to grow up and become an intelligent adult. if you leave him with his poor parents, he will probably grow up to be a moron. what you are suggesting is that a child's upbringing has no association for the adult he turns into. thats a pretty ridiculous assertion, imho.


^ That's the most ridiculous thing I have read on this forum, and believe me there's a lot of competition.

Intelligence has nothing to do with wealth. And if it did, you couldn't afford the computer you are using. :o

I think you mean a baby has a better chance of education with a wealthy family.


How very sad that this is being debated. Mother's everywhere love their kids (with some rare exceptions, usually based on medical conditions). This is a genetic trait and has nothing to do with some political boundary. Mother's like wives, tend to vary in the degree of 'goodness'; which tends to be subjective.


if you took the baby born to poor parents at birth and moved him into a wealthy family, then he would have a higher chance to grow up and become an intelligent adult. if you leave him with his poor parents, he will probably grow up to be a moron. what you are suggesting is that a child's upbringing has no association for the adult he turns into. thats a pretty ridiculous assertion, imho.


I think you should change your name try "ReallyMisinformed25"

The ridiculous assertion is that Intelligence (IQ) and Education are as closely related as you think. "He will probably grow up to be a moron" ... oye vey! If you leave him with his poor parents he would likely grow up less well educated but not less intelligent.

There are a few exceptions to this ... in extreme cases of poverty. These cases revolve around nutrition. The presence of iodine in the diet of young children helps with IQ as does good overall nutrition in the formative years. However this as all offtopic to a topic that is blatantly a troll


if you took the baby born to poor parents at birth and moved him into a wealthy family, then he would have a higher chance to grow up and become an intelligent adult. if you leave him with his poor parents, he will probably grow up to be a moron. what you are suggesting is that a child's upbringing has no association for the adult he turns into. thats a pretty ridiculous assertion, imho.

As I said in my last post, educational opportunity is not the same as intelligence in my view. And what you are putting forward as fact is the 'nature versus nurture argument' which, as far as I know, hasn't been resolved despite some of the greatest minds arguing over this. Most people now agree that it is a mixture of both so to say that a somebody is not intelligent because they are poor is a very simplistic argument. Some children grow up in privileged backgrounds yet are complete dullards and some grow up in poor backgrounds, but their innate intelligence allows them to become academic giants.

Also it is important to not confuse intelligence with purely academic achievement.


if you took the baby born to poor parents at birth and moved him into a wealthy family, then he would have a higher chance to grow up and become an intelligent adult. if you leave him with his poor parents, he will probably grow up to be a moron. what you are suggesting is that a child's upbringing has no association for the adult he turns into. thats a pretty ridiculous assertion, imho.

It is also a ridiculous and ignorant assumption on your part to assume that most poor people are morons.


It is easy for someone to say they love anything or anyone as it is a conditioned response (Of course I love my kids - for example) but the real truth of their affection is in their actions and it is these actions which are questionable in many cases.

A father walking out on his family and perhaps forcing the monther into prostitution because he wants another woman or does not want the responsibility to provide for his children can say whatever he wants but a realistic interpretation is that he does not love his kids, whatever he says.

A mother who says she has to sell herself to feed her family but sends only a small fraction of what she earns home and visits only a couple of times a year is also guilty of a lack of love towards her children. It does not matter what she says as she could perhaps work for one month or perhaps two and then do village based work for the remainder of the year, her side trip income supplementing what she could otherwise earn.

Does a fascination for plasma tvs, the latest mobile phones, motorbikes and then cars when the kids don't have shoes or clean clothes or perhaps even sufficient food to eat coupled with a lack of medical care, no innoculations and no arthodontic provision mean that they still love their kids ? I state that they love themselves far more whilst kids having to "make do" when money has been wasted on rubbish is a dereliction of care and shows a lack of love.

Families selling their daughters via outrageous sinsot, largely to gullible westerners shows how much love ? not a lot, only greed.

As for the economic argument well it is certainly proven by the circle of deprivation whereby poor education leads to a poor job which results in poor housing which leads us back around to poor education and so the pattern is set. This is not connected with love, it is merely a trap which certain populations find themselves in and in which those at the top like to keep those at the bottom.


if you took the baby born to poor parents at birth and moved him into a wealthy family, then he would have a higher chance to grow up and become an intelligent adult. if you leave him with his poor parents, he will probably grow up to be a moron. what you are suggesting is that a child's upbringing has no association for the adult he turns into. thats a pretty ridiculous assertion, imho.


There are a few exceptions to this ... in extreme cases of poverty. These cases revolve around nutrition. The presence of iodine in the diet of young children helps with IQ as does good overall nutrition in the formative years. However this as all offtopic to a topic that is blatantly a troll

Yes, and I wanted to add that both relative and absolute poverty have serious external environmental conditions as well, such as the contamination of lead and toxins that impact a child's early cognitive development, in addition to the well-recognized exclusion of decent and consistent education and the cumulative social/educational capital of the family.



BTW, I am from a family of relative poverty in the West, and I would very much enjoy you trying to prove me a moron.


if you took the baby born to poor parents at birth and moved him into a wealthy family, then he would have a higher chance to grow up and become an intelligent adult. if you leave him with his poor parents, he will probably grow up to be a moron. what you are suggesting is that a child's upbringing has no association for the adult he turns into. thats a pretty ridiculous assertion, imho.

Didn't Australia try something like this in the 70s?


if you took the baby born to poor parents at birth and moved him into a wealthy family, then he would have a higher chance to grow up and become an intelligent adult. if you leave him with his poor parents, he will probably grow up to be a moron. what you are suggesting is that a child's upbringing has no association for the adult he turns into. thats a pretty ridiculous assertion, imho.

It is also a ridiculous and ignorant assumption on your part to assume that most poor people are morons.

lol, okay. poor people are brilliant. they just choose to spend all their money on alcohol and the lottery and remain in minimum wage jobs because thats how they like to roll.

In the Philippines there is a cottage industry of nursing schools for the purpose of working overseas. There are signs on the schools basically stating that if you get your degree here you can go to the US, Canada, GB, OZ, and many others western countries. I haven't seen signs like that in BKK.

Yes, and what is fascinating about the Philippine's development of migrant labor is that they made a decision in the 1970s to educate their female migrants according to Western nursing standards. As a result, they have a population of skilled migrant health care professionals, as opposed to a legion of transnational prostitutes and hired brides. They invested in the skills of their labor to produce this effect, it wasn't random. Of course, now they have issues with staffing their own local hospitals, but that is off topic.


"If you leave him with his poor parents he would likely grow up less well educated but not less intelligent."

at the end of the day, your level of intelligence is your level of education. all your wasted potential amounts to nothing.

thus, poor people end up uneducated and play the lottery (even though by your account, they are just as smart as the educated thais who sell them the lotto tickets).


if you took the baby born to poor parents at birth and moved him into a wealthy family, then he would have a higher chance to grow up and become an intelligent adult. if you leave him with his poor parents, he will probably grow up to be a moron. what you are suggesting is that a child's upbringing has no association for the adult he turns into. thats a pretty ridiculous assertion, imho.

It is also a ridiculous and ignorant assumption on your part to assume that most poor people are morons.

lol, okay. poor people are brilliant. they just choose to spend all their money on alcohol and the lottery and remain in minimum wage jobs because thats how they like to roll.

Well, if you are an example of superior intelligence based on a full-range of choices and access, there is no need to argue further.

"If you leave him with his poor parents he would likely grow up less well educated but not less intelligent."

at the end of the day, your level of intelligence is your level of education. all your wasted potential amounts to nothing.

thus, poor people end up uneducated and play the lottery (even though by your account, they are just as smart as the educated thais who sell them the lotto tickets).

You leep getting funnier and funnier as you get further and further off the mark! By your accounts .. Einstien was a Moron and Paris Hilton a genius :o

at the end of the day, your level of intelligence is your level of education. all your wasted potential amounts to nothing.

No, no, no, at the end of the day your intelligence level is different to your level of education.

You put two kids in the same school, same class, one can do the school work, one can't. Why is that? Because one kid is more intelligent than the other.

Do Thai Girls Really Love Their Kids?
:D Please tell me that the OP was drinking when he thought of this title.

Thai women aren't considered to be "dumping" their kids when they leave them with other family members! Thais often live in extended families in the same house or the same area and are very used to having many people take care of their children. Living as a nuclear family is more popular now but that's a fairly recent development. Some Thais work to earn money in Bangkok and it makes more sense to leave the children with the grandparents instead of having a maid or daycare raise the kids. One Thai woman I know has her daughter outside of Bangkok with her parents and is now having to fight her parents to have the daughter move to Bangkok for schooling.

And as far as the rich are concerned... a lot of kids are being raised by maids because the parents work long hours to provide quality educations for them. It's a shame because these kids often have next to no discipline and feel abandoned by their parents, but the parents are really trying hard to do what they consider is right.

So yes, generally speaking mothers love their children, even if they happen to be Thai. :o


Dunno can give many examples of poor people pulling themselves up and making smth of themselves. Its called drive and determination. Growing up in Poverty has nought to do with how well someone does in life or how rich they are.

Edited for clarification for my mate jdinasia!!!! :o

at the end of the day, your level of intelligence is your level of education. all your wasted potential amounts to nothing.

You put two kids in the same school, same class, one can do the school work, one can't. Why is that? Because one kid is more intelligent than the other.

No sorry, that is not quite it either. You cannot sum up intelligence by one fixed example or point in time. Your example doesn't account for the extra resources, preparation, and family educational/social capital at one's disposal which accounts for class and socio-economic factors. Again, the example of Einstein is relevant, because he had an early speech impediment, dropped out of high school and failed his first entrance exam to university. According to your measure, he could've been deemed an idiot to more conventional people. However, he his talents were also nurtured from very early on in his life, and he was surrounded by educated people. Hardly impoverished in the sense of a complete deficit of educational and social capital.

The education and support of your family is the biggest predictor of academic success, not necessarily intelligence.

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